61 research outputs found

    Le rapport à la santé des travailleurs : contextes et stratégies

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    International audienceThe purpose of this paper is to report, from a qualitative study, the individual and organizational factors and processes that lead an employee to build a unique relationship to is health. We discuss these processes in relation to the construction of health among a sample of 34 „workers” selected in diverse contexts, considering health as a dynamic and co-constructed object. From biographical interviews and records of interactions between workers and professionals who support them, we analyze we analyze the transactions made between work and health. These transactions, which are defined in dynamic and combined processes (psychological, cognitive, interactive and organizational), contribute to define the orientation of the relationship to work, the professional route, and determine the evolution of more objective health status and how it can be seen, lived and managed individually. This article examines three different contexts: small business employees, employees of a large firm, and job seekers. These three contexts are related with different types of strategies implemented by individuals on their health in relation to their position in the world of work

    Psychiatric trainees as second victims after exposure to patient suicide: a French qualitative study

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    BackgroundThe exposure to patient suicide (PS) has been identified as one of the most frequent and troubling professional experience for psychiatric trainees. Further studies are needed to better understand how residents cope with these experiences and the association between perceived support and the impacts of PS.MethodIn this qualitative study, we aimed to assess the impact of exposure to PS during psychiatric residency on trainees’ professional career and practical experience. A total of 19 French psychiatric residents participated in 4 focus-groups performed between November 2017 and May 2019.ResultsA total of 4 thematic clusters were identified through a five-step content analysis, namely: (a) reactions to the exposure; (b) coping strategies; (c) professional impact; and (d) prevention and postvention proposals. All participants described the critical impact of the support provided after PS, especially by their senior staff. Those who felt supported by their superior reported less negative impact, both in emotional and professional dimensions. Participants also shared proposals to improve the prevention and postvention issues related to the exposure to PS.ConclusionWe performed the first qualitative study based on focus groups on the impact of PS on psychiatric residents, which allowed for an in-depth understanding of the participants’ lived experiences of the exposure to PS. The narratives inform the need and means to implement prevention and postvention strategies designed to buffer the negative impact of the exposure to PS in psychiatric trainees

    Open Access Follow-up Care for Early Breast Cancer: A Randomised Controlled Quality of Life Analysis

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    This study evaluated the acceptability of a supportive model of follow-up. One hundred and twelve women recovering from breast cancer were randomised to receive standard breast clinic aftercare (Control n=56) or on demand by open access aftercare by breast care nurses (Intervention n=56). Participants attended a support-based psycho-educational program delivered in four half day group sessions. Three quality of life questionnaires (EORTC QLQ-C30, QLQ-BR23, HADS) were administered at baseline and 6-monthly intervals for two years. Multilevel linear regression modelling methods were used for evaluation. Age was found to be a statistically significant predictor of quality of life in several sub-scales. Increasing age was negatively associated with sexual functioning, systematic therapy side effects and physical functioning, and positively associated with future perspective. Aftercare assignment was not found to be a statistically significant predictor. Women treated for early breast cancer were not disadvantaged by allocation to the open access supportive care model in terms of quality of life experienced. The model for follow-up was demonstrated to be a feasible alternative to routinized hospital based follow-up and adds to the evidence for stratified follow-up for low risk cancer patients, incorporating self-management education. Stratified follow-up pathways are viewed as a preferable approach

    Perceptions about the sexuality of women with fibromyalgia syndrome: a phenomenological study

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to explore and understand the perceptions and experiences of women with fibromyalgia syndrome regarding their sexuality. Background: Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic pathology, which compromises a woman’s physical, mental and emotional health. Although concerns related to sexuality are commonly reported, research has tended to focus on the physical symptoms. Design: An interpretive qualitative research methodology using Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics was carried out. Methods: This qualitative study explores the sexuality of women with fibromyalgia syndrome. A focus group and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 women with fibromyalgia syndrome. Data were collected between April - June 2014. Participants were recruited until findings reached saturation. Findings: Three themes define the perception of sexuality for these women: (i) Physical impact: don’t touch, don’t look; (ii) Sexuality and identity: fighting against their loss; (iii) Impact on the relationship: sexuality as a way of connecting the couple. Conclusion: Despite limitations, sexuality is important for the identity and quality of life of women with fibromyalgia syndrome. Together with the physical symptomology, guilt, fear and a lack of understanding compromise the coping process. Women need the support of their partner, their socio-family environment and health professionals. Nurses can aid the successful adjustment to sexual problems related to fibromyalgia syndrome

    Le dispositif de recherche-action comme espace psychosocial d’un dĂ©bat critique sur les enjeux de la prĂ©vention

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    International audienceCet article fait ressortir, dans la perspective de la psychologie sociale, l'intĂ©rĂȘt du dispositif de recherche-action : d'une part, comme espace d'un dĂ©bat comprĂ©hensif et critique sur les enjeux de la prĂ©vention, d'autre part, comme processus de changements individuels et sociaux. AprĂšs avoir soulignĂ© le fait que la prĂ©vention gagne en efficacitĂ© et en validitĂ© Ă©thique quand elle est ancrĂ©e dans la rĂ©alitĂ© vĂ©cue par une population donnĂ©e et/ou par les professionnels de santĂ©, nous analysons dans un second temps, au travers de la notion de restitution, deux dimensions mĂ©thodologiques essentielles : la dĂ©finition d'un espace commun Ă  l'ensemble des acteurs engagĂ©s, et la validitĂ© de la connaissance produite collectivement par le travail de la rĂ©flexivitĂ©

    Microbiote intestinal et émergence de nouvelles représentations du corps

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    Étant donnĂ© l’importance croissante accordĂ©e au microbiote intestinal quant Ă  la prĂ©vention et aux soins, il semble essentiel d’identifier et d’analyser les modalitĂ©s de sa mise en reprĂ©sentation dans une dĂ©marche psychosociale. Nous proposons en premiĂšre partie de cet article d’aborder le renouvellement des reprĂ©sentations de la sphĂšre digestive qu’occasionne le discours scientifique sur le microbiote intestinal, essentiellement en ce qui concerne le statut des intestins. Puis, en deuxiĂšme partie, nous nous intĂ©ressons aux modalitĂ©s d’appropriation du caractĂšre modulable du microbiote par les choix alimentaires mais aussi par les perspectives thĂ©rapeutiques de transplantations et de dĂ©privatisation des matiĂšres fĂ©cales (notion anthropologique de souillure

    Les reprĂ©sentations de l’eau et l’appropriation des notions de santĂ© et de plaisir dans le rapport aux boissons chez les enfants 9–11ans

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    International audienceRĂ©sumĂ©ObjectifsAnalyser dans une perspective psychosociale les prĂ©fĂ©rences et le choix de l’eau auprĂšs des enfants de la tranche d’ñge des 9–11ans et plus spĂ©cifiquement la place et le statut de l’eau parmi l’ensemble des boissons.MethodeÉtude qualitative. RĂ©alisation de 11 focus group et 65 entretiens individuels qui ont impliquĂ© au total 84 enfants entre 9 et 11ans.RĂ©sultats et discussionL’eau n’est pas immĂ©diatement pensĂ©e et conçue comme une boisson, mais elle est d’abord pensĂ©e comme matiĂšre premiĂšre de la vie, tant sur le plan environnemental que corporel. C’est prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur cette base primordiale de reprĂ©sentations qu’elle est appropriĂ©e secondairement en tant que boisson. Les enfants participants se positionnent entre la valorisation de l’eau en tant qu’élĂ©ment indispensable et un manque d’attirance pour celle-ci en raison de son absence de goĂ»t. Nous avons analysĂ© et discutĂ© cette position paradoxale d’une part au travers du rĂŽle central des influences familiales et d’autre part de la prise en compte des logiques de compromis entre expĂ©rience corporelle, santĂ© et plaisir Ă©laborĂ©es par les enfants dans une visĂ©e identitaire trĂšs explicite

    Expériences anorexiques. Récits de soi, récits de soins

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