185 research outputs found

    Length scale dependence of dynamical heterogeneity in a colloidal fractal gel

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    We use time-resolved dynamic light scattering to investigate the slow dynamics of a colloidal gel. The final decay of the average intensity autocorrelation function is well described by g_2(q,τ)1exp[(τ/τ_f)p]g\_2(q,\tau)-1 \sim \exp[-(\tau/\tau\_\mathrm{f})^p], with τ_fq1\tau\_\mathrm{f} \sim q^{-1} and pp decreasing from 1.5 to 1 with increasing qq. We show that the dynamics is not due to a continuous ballistic process, as proposed in previous works, but rather to rare, intermittent rearrangements. We quantify the dynamical fluctuations resulting from intermittency by means of the variance χ(τ,q)\chi(\tau,q) of the instantaneous autocorrelation function, the analogous of the dynamical susceptibility χ_4\chi\_4 studied in glass formers. The amplitude of χ\chi is found to grow linearly with qq. We propose a simple --yet general-- model of intermittent dynamics that accounts for the qq dependence of both the average correlation functions and χ\chi.Comment: Revised and improved, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Unexpected spatial distribution of bubble rearrangements in coarsening foams

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    Foams are ideal model systems to study stress-driven dynamics, as stress-imbalances within the system are continuously generated by the coarsening process, which unlike thermal fluctuations, can be conveniently quantified by optical means. However, the high turbidity of foams generally hinders the detailed study of the temporal and spatial distribution of rearrangement events, such that definite assessments regarding their contribution to the overall dynamics could not be made so far. In this paper, we use novel light scattering techniques to measure the frequency and position of events within a large sample volume. As recently reported (A. S. Gittings and D. J. Durian, Phys. Rev. E, 2008, 78, 066313), we find that the foam dynamics is determined by two distinct processes: intermittent bubble rearrangements of finite duration and a spatially homogeneous quasicontinuous process. Our experiments show that the convolution of these two processes determines the age-dependence of the mean dynamics, such that relations between intermittent rearrangements and coarsening process can not be established by considering means. By contrast the use of the recently introduced photon correlation imaging technique (A. Duri, D. A. Sessoms, V. Trappe, and L. Cipelletti, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2009, 102, 085702) enables us to assess that the event frequency is directly determined by the strain-rate imposed by the coarsening process. Surprisingly, we also find that, although the distribution of successive events in time is consistent with a random process, the spatial distribution of successive events is not random: rearrangements are more likely to occur within a recently rearranged zone. This implies that a topological rearrangement is likely to lead to an unstable configuration, such that a small amount of coarsening-induced strain is sufficient to trigger another event

    Analisis Rasio untuk Pengukuran Kinerja Keuangan dan Evaluasi Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah (Studi Kasus Pemerintah Kota Jayapura)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan Pemerintah Kota Jayapura pada tahun 2011 s/d 2017 untuk mengevaluasi kinerja keuangan Pemerintah Kota Jayapura yang dapat menjadi evaluasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja keuangan Pemerintah Kota Jayapura.Berdasarkan hasil Analisis ratio keuangan diperoleh Kontribusi PAD terhadap Penerimaan daerah Kota Jayapura menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi kontribusi PAD rata-rata ratio derajat desentralisasi dari tahun 2011s/d 2017 adalah sebesar 11,56 persen. Namun masih dalam kategori rendah sekali. Rasio ketergantungan Pemerintah Kota Jayapura terhadap Pemerintah Pusat semakin menurun tetapi masih dalam kategori tinggi karena masih dominannya pendapatan transfer pusat dalam pendapatan daerah . Rasio kemandirian daerah maka menunjukkan bahwa rasio kemandirian masih rendah sekali dan perlu ada upaya yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Jayapura untuk meningkatkan kemandiriannya terhadap penerimaan transfer pusat..Rasio Efektifitas menunjukkan realisasi PAD Kota Jayapura pada tahun 2011 s/d 2017 menunjukkan hasil sangat efektif karena pencapaian realisasi PAD diatas target yang ditetapkan. Rasio efisiensi pemerintah Kota Jayapura masuk dalam kriteria Efisien karena perbandingan antara biaya pemungutan PAD dan realisasi penerimaan PAD tahun 2011 s/d 2017 sebesar 3,21 persen yang masuk dalam kategori Efisien. Kontribusi yang diperoleh dari penerimaan BUMD masih tergolong kecil terhadap Total Penerimaan daerah. Penelitian ini diharapkan Sebagai bahan evaluasi kinerja keuangan bagi Pemerintah Kota Jayapura untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja keuangannya antara lain mengurangi ketergantungan pada transfer pusat dan meningkatkan kemandirian daerah terhadap pemerintah pusat

    Unexpected drop of dynamical heterogeneities in colloidal suspensions approaching the jamming transition

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    As the glass (in molecular fluids\cite{Donth}) or the jamming (in colloids and grains\cite{LiuNature1998}) transitions are approached, the dynamics slow down dramatically with no marked structural changes. Dynamical heterogeneity (DH) plays a crucial role: structural relaxation occurs through correlated rearrangements of particle ``blobs'' of size ξ\xi\cite{WeeksScience2000,DauchotPRL2005,Glotzer,Ediger}. On approaching these transitions, ξ\xi grows in glass-formers\cite{Glotzer,Ediger}, colloids\cite{WeeksScience2000,BerthierScience2005}, and driven granular materials\cite{KeysNaturePhys2007} alike, strengthening the analogies between the glass and the jamming transitions. However, little is known yet on the behavior of DH very close to dynamical arrest. Here, we measure in colloids the maximum of a ``dynamical susceptibility'', χ\chi^*, whose growth is usually associated to that of ξ\xi\cite{LacevicPRE}. χ\chi^* initially increases with volume fraction ϕ\phi, as in\cite{KeysNaturePhys2007}, but strikingly drops dramatically very close to jamming. We show that this unexpected behavior results from the competition between the growth of ξ\xi and the reduced particle displacements associated with rearrangements in very dense suspensions, unveiling a richer-than-expected scenario.Comment: 1st version originally submitted to Nature Physics. See the Nature Physics website fro the final, published versio

    Resolving long-range spatial correlations in jammed colloidal systems using photon correlation imaging

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    We introduce a new dynamic light scattering method, termed photon correlation imaging, which enables us to resolve the dynamics of soft matter in space and time. We demonstrate photon correlation imaging by investigating the slow dynamics of a quasi two-dimensional coarsening foam made of highly packed, deformable bubbles and a rigid gel network formed by dilute, attractive colloidal particles. We find the dynamics of both systems to be determined by intermittent rearrangement events. For the foam, the rearrangements extend over a few bubbles, but a small dynamical correlation is observed up to macroscopic length scales. For the gel, dynamical correlations extend up to the system size. These results indicate that dynamical correlations can be extremely long-ranged in jammed systems and point to the key role of mechanical properties in determining their nature.Comment: Published version (Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 085702 (2009)) The Dynamical Activity Mapsprovided as Supplementary Online Material are also available on http://w3.lcvn.univ-montp2.fr/~lucacip/dam/movies.ht

    Mars Regolith Simulant Ameliorated by Compost as In Situ Cultivation Substrate Improves Lettuce Growth and Nutritional Aspects

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    Heavy payloads in future shuttle journeys to Mars present limiting factors, making self-sustenance essential for future colonies. Therefore, in situ resources utilization (ISRU) is the path to successful and feasible space voyages. This research frames the concept of planting leafy vegetables on Mars regolith simulant, ameliorating this substrate’s fertility by the addition of organic residues produced in situ. For this purpose, two butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) cultivars (green and red Salanova®) were chosen to be cultivated in four dierent mixtures of MMS-1 Mojave Mars simulant:compost (0:100, 30:70, 70:30 and 100:0; v:v) in a phytotron open gas exchange growth chamber. The impact of compost rate on both crop performance and the nutritive value of green- and red-pigmented cultivars was assessed. The 30:70 mixture proved to be optimal in terms of crop performance, photosynthetic activity, intrinsic water use eciency and quality traits of lettuce. In particular, red Salanova® showed the best performance in terms of these quality traits, registering 32% more phenolic content in comparison to 100% simulant. Nonetheless, the 70:30 mixture represents a more realistic scenario when taking into consideration the sustainable use of compost as a limited resource in space farming, while still accepting a slight significant decline in yield and quality in comparison to the 30:70 mixture

    Ultra-long range correlations of the dynamics of jammed soft matter

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    We use Photon Correlation Imaging, a recently introduced space-resolved dynamic light scattering method, to investigate the spatial correlation of the dynamics of a variety of jammed and glassy soft materials. Strikingly, we find that in deeply jammed soft materials spatial correlations of the dynamics are quite generally ultra-long ranged, extending up to the system size, orders of magnitude larger than any relevant structural length scale, such as the particle size, or the mesh size for colloidal gel systems. This has to be contrasted with the case of molecular, colloidal and granular ``supercooled'' fluids, where spatial correlations of the dynamics extend over a few particles at most. Our findings suggest that ultra long range spatial correlations in the dynamics of a system are directly related to the origin of elasticity. While solid-like systems with entropic elasticity exhibit very moderate correlations, systems with enthalpic elasticity exhibit ultra-long range correlations due to the effective transmission of strains throughout the contact network.Comment: To appear in Soft Matte

    On the rigidity of a hard sphere glass near random close packing

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    We study theoretically and numerically the microscopic cause of the mechanical stability of hard sphere glasses near their maximum packing. We show that, after coarse-graining over time, the hard sphere interaction can be described by an effective potential which is exactly logarithmic at the random close packing ϕc\phi_c. This allows to define normal modes, and to apply recent results valid for elastic networks: mechanical stability is a non-local property of the packing geometry, and is characterized by some length scale ll^* which diverges at ϕc\phi_c [1, 2]. We compute the scaling of the bulk and shear moduli near ϕc\phi_c, and speculate on the possible implications of these results for the glass transition.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Figure 4 had a wrong unit in abscissa, which was correcte

    Dynamic heterogeneities in attractive colloids

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    We study the formation of a colloidal gel by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations of a model for colloidal suspensions. A slowing down with gel-like features is observed at low temperatures and low volume fractions, due to the formation of persistent structures. We show that at low volume fraction the dynamic susceptibility, which describes dynamic heterogeneities, exhibits a large plateau, dominated by clusters of long living bonds. At higher volume fraction, where the effect of the crowding of the particles starts to be present, it crosses over towards a regime characterized by a peak. We introduce a suitable mean cluster size of clusters of monomers connected by "persistent" bonds which well describes the dynamic susceptibility.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Heterogeneous Dynamics, Marginal Stability and Soft Modes in Hard Sphere Glasses

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    In a recent publication we established an analogy between the free energy of a hard sphere system and the energy of an elastic network [1]. This result enables one to study the free energy landscape of hard spheres, in particular to define normal modes. In this Letter we use these tools to analyze the activated transitions between meta-bassins, both in the aging regime deep in the glass phase and near the glass transition. We observe numerically that structural relaxation occurs mostly along a very small number of nearly-unstable extended modes. This number decays for denser packing and is significantly lowered as the system undergoes the glass transition. This observation supports that structural relaxation and marginal modes share common properties. In particular theoretical results [2, 3] show that these modes extend at least on some length scale l(ϕcϕ)1/2l^*\sim (\phi_c-\phi)^{-1/2} where ϕc\phi_c corresponds to the maximum packing fraction, i.e. the jamming transition. This prediction is consistent with very recent numerical observations of sheared systems near the jamming threshold [4], where a similar exponent is found, and with the commonly observed growth of the rearranging regions with compression near the glass transition.Comment: 6 pages, improved versio