969 research outputs found

    Listen to the Story: Banksy, Tyler the Creator, and the Growing Nihilistic Mindset

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    Art, as an expression of feelings, worldviews, and personal beliefs, is a reflection of our environment and how we interact with it. In this way, urban art such as rap music and graffiti can serve as a lens through which we are able to examine the state of the urban environment. Building on community literature that addresses the presence of nihilism in rap music, this work will establish that nihilism is a prevalent theme in the work of two artists: Tyler the Creator\u27s rap music and BANKSY\u27s graffiti art. By examining the growing subculture and appeal of urban art in relation to these two artists, this paper will argue that BANKSY and Tyler the Creator belong to a new wave of urban art, one that appeals to and originates from people of all races and classes. The current work will then examine these artists\u27 motives in including nihilism within their art in order to argue that the disillusionment and nihilism once found primarily within inner cities is now spreading to new frontiers. Using this analysis, the current work will raise questions as to the possible causes and consequences of this spreading nihilistic mindset

    Supramolecular Composite Materials from Cellulose, Chitosan, and Cyclodextrin: Facile Preparation and Their Selective Inclusion Complex Formation with Endocrine Disruptors

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    We have successfully developed a simple one-step method of preparing high-performance supramolecular polysaccharide composites from cellulose (CEL), chitosan (CS), and (2,3,6-tri-O-acetyl)-α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrin (α-, β-, and γ-TCD). In this method, [BMIm+Cl–], an ionic liquid (IL), was used as a solvent to dissolve and prepare the composites. Because a majority (\u3e88%) of the IL used was recovered for reuse, the method is recyclable. XRD, FT-IR, NIR, and SEM were used to monitor the dissolution process and to confirm that the polysaccharides were regenerated without any chemical modifications. It was found that unique properties of each component including superior mechanical properties (from CEL), excellent adsorption for pollutants and toxins (from CS), and size/structure selectivity through inclusion complex formation (from TCDs) remain intact in the composites. Specifically, the results from kinetics and adsorption isotherms show that whereas CS-based composites can effectively adsorb the endocrine disruptors (polychlrophenols, bisphenol A), their adsorption is independent of the size and structure of the analytes. Conversely, the adsorption by γ-TCD-based composites exhibits a strong dependence on the size and structure of the analytes. For example, whereas all three TCD-based composites (i.e., α-, β-, and γ-TCD) can effectively adsorb 2-, 3-, and 4-chlorophenol, only the γ-TCD-based composite can adsorb analytes with bulky groups including 3,4-dichloro- and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. Furthermore, the equilibrium sorption capacities for the analytes with bulky groups by the γ-TCD-based composite are much higher than those by CS-based composites. Together, these results indicate that the γ-TCD-based composite with its relatively larger cavity size can readily form inclusion complexes with analytes with bulky groups, and through inclusion complex formation, it can strongly adsorb many more analytes and has a size/structure selectivity compared to that of CS-based composites that can adsorb the analyte only by surface adsorption

    Recyclable Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan-based Polysaccharide Composite Materials

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    We have successfully developed a simple and totally recyclable method to synthesize novel, biocompatible, and biodegradable composite materials from cellulose (CEL) and chitosan (CS). In this method, [BMIm+Cl−], an ionic liquid (IL), was used as a green solvent to dissolve and synthesize the [CEL+CS] composites. Since, the IL can be removed from the composites by washing them with water, and recovered by distilling the washed solution, the method is totally recyclable. Spectroscopic and imaging techniques including XRD, FTIR, NIR, and SEM were used to monitor the dissolution, to characterize and to confirm that CEL and CS were successfully regenerated. More importantly, we have successfully demonstrated that [CEL+CS] composite is particularly suited for many applications including antimicrobial property. This is because the composites have combined advantages of their components, namely superior chemical and mechanical stability (from CEL) and bactericide (from CS). Results of tensile strength measurements clearly indicate that adding CEL into CS substantially increase its tensile strength. Up to 5× increase in tensile strength can be achieved by adding 80% of CEL into CS. Results of in vitro antibacterial assays confirm that CS retains its antibacterial property in the composite. More importantly, the composites reported here can inhibit growth of wider range of bacteria than other CS-based materials prepared by conventional methods; that is over 24 h period, the composites substantially inhibited growth of bacteria such as MRSA, VRE, S. aureus, E. coli. These are bacteria that are often found to have the highest morbidity and mortality associated with wound infections. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2013

    Polysaccharide Ecocomposite Materials: Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Application for Removal of Pollutants and Bacteria

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    A novel, simple and totally recyclable method has been developed for the synthesis of nontoxic, biocompatible and biodegradable composite materials from cellulose and chitosan. In this method, [BMIm+Cl-], an ionic liquid (IL), was used as a solvent to dissolve and synthesize the [CEL+CS] composite materials. Since the IL can be removed from the materials by washing them with water, and recovered from the washed solution, the method is totally recyclable. XRD, FTIR, NIR and SEM were used to characterize the materials and to confirm that CEL and CS were successfully regenerated by the method without any chemical transformation. More importantly, we have successfully demonstrated that [CEL+CS] material can serve as an effective adsorbent for removal of various endocrine disruptors including polychlorophenols and bisphenol A. This is because the composites have combined advantages of their components, namely superior chemical stability and mechanical stability (from CEL) and excellent adsorption capability for pollutants (from CS)


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    Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Pada Pertunjukan Kesenian Gebane dalam Upacara Pernikahan di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Riau merupakan judul tesis yang menggali tentang nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terdapat pada pertunjukan kesenian gebane yang dihadirkan dalam upacara pernikahan di kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Riau. Permasalahan tersebut dilatar belakangi oleh masih kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang kesenian gebane sehingga kurang memperhatikan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terdapat pada kesenian gebane. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan pada pertunjukan kesenian gebane. Temuan penelitian ini adalah konsep pertunjukan kesenian gebane yang berawal dari perpaduan budaya Arab dan melayu Indragiri Hulu. Proses pertunjukan yang dimulai dari tahap awal yaitu latihan sebelum pertunjukan. Pada saat pertunjukan diawali dengan tahap persiapan, tahap inti dan tahap akhir dari pertunjukan. Jenis nilai-nilai pendidikan pada pertunjukan kesenian gebane dalam upacara pernikahan terdiri dari, nilai pendidikan religi, nilai pendidikan moral, nilai pendidikan sosial, nilai pendidikan budaya dan nilai pendidikan estetika. Nilai-nilai pendidikan ini bermanfaat dalam membentuk kepribadian masyarakat Indragiri hulu yang sesuai dengan syariat islam dan kebudayaan melayu Indragiri Hulu.;--The educational Values in Gebane Art Performances in a wedding Ceremony in the Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau is the title of a thesis that explores the values of education found in gebane art performances presented at the Indragiri Hulu regency, Riau. The problem was caused by the lack of public understanding of gebane art, so that they did not pay attention to the educational values found in gebane art. The method used is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach that aims to describe the values of education in gebane art performances. The findings of this study are the concept of gebane art pertaining to the combination of Arabic and Malay culture of Indragiri Hulu. The performance process that starts from the early stages of the practice before the show. At the show begins with the preparation stage of the core stage and the final stage. Gebane art in the wedding ceremony consists of the value of religious education, the value of moral education, the value of social eduation, the value of cultural education and the aesthetic value of education. The educational values are beneficial in shaping the personality of Indragiri Hulu community in accordance with Islamic laws and Indragiri Hulu Malay culture


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    Penelitian ini didasari dengan adanya ketidakmampuan siswa dalam mengontrol diri. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kontrol diri siswa di antaranya adalah perlakuan orang tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kontrol diri siswa ditinjau dari perlakuan orang tua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah ex post facto dengan desain faktorial. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 84 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah model skala Likert. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kontrol diri siswa ditinjau dari perlakuan orang tua yaitu perlakuan otoriter demokratis dan fermisif

    Surface geometry of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the southeastern Swiss Alps (Graubünden) and its paleoclimatological significance

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    Anhand detaillierter Feldbefunde, wie z.B. Schliffgrenzen an ehemaligen Nunatakern, der Verteilung erratischer Blöcke und der Orientierung von Gletscherschrammen, wurde die Oberflächengeometrie des Akkumulationsgebietes des letzteiszeitlichen Maximums im Gebiet Südostschweiz und Norditalien rekonstruiert. Der Höhenverlauf der Schliffgrenzen, die aus den Striemungsdaten abgeleiteten Fließbewegungen des Eises, und die Morphologie des Felsuntergrundes entlang der Haupt- und Seitentäler deuten darauf hin, daß das ehemalige Akkumulationsgebiet aus einem Eisdom bestand. Die Eisscheide lag dabei über dem von Schlarignia, Cinuos-chel, Livigno und Piz Bernina eingeschlossenen Gebiet und erreichte eine minimale Höhe von ca. 3000 m. Diese Resultate konnten durch eine Modellierung der Topographie dieser Eisoberfläche mit Hilfe eines Geographischen Informationssystems (GIS) bestätigt werden. Das Klimasignal, welches in dieser Gletschergeometrie enthalten ist, wurde anschließend genutzt, um vorherrschende atmosphärische Zirkulationsmuster und die daraus resultierenden Hauptniederschlagsgebiete in den Alpen während des letzten Hochglazials zu bestimmen. Es läßt sich daraus folgern, daß für den Aufbau des Eisdomes vorwiegend Niederschläge von Südstaulagen verantwortlich waren. Die Dominanz der Südstaulagen ist eine direkte Folge der vorrückenden Meereisgrenze im Nordatlantik. Letztere bedingte eine Verlagerung der atmosphärischen Polarfront und der damit verbundenen Hauptzugbahn zyklonaler Störungen um bis zu 20° südwärts. Diese Ergebnisse korrespondieren gut mit (a) den Resultaten globaler Zirkulationsmodelle für das LGM; (b) Schätzungen der basalen Schubspannungen und der Fliessgeschwindigkeiten für die Eiszeitgletscher; und (c) mit der Interpretation von Paläowind-Indikatoren.researc

    Supramolecular Polysaccharide Composite Materials: Green And Recyclable Synthesis, Characterization, Analytical And Biomedical Applications

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    A simple novel recyclable synthetic method was successfully developed for the synthesis of polysaccharide composite materials. The method involves the use of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [BMIm+Cl-], a simple ionic liquid, as the sole solvent. Naturally abundant and renewable materials such as cellulose (CEL) and chitosan (CS) were used for the preparation of the composite materials. CEL is the most abundant compound on earth, while CS is a product of deacetylation of chitin, which is the second most abundant material on earth. [BMIm+Cl-] is relatively non toxic, non volatile and stable over a wide range of temperature eliminating one of the major pathways to environmental contamination, making the method developed here environmentally friendly. In addition, at least 88% of the [BMIm+Cl-] used can be recovered for re-use, making the method much cheaper and green compared to methods employing traditional organic solvents. CEL and CS are attractive materials for their natural abundance, biodegradability and biocompatibility. While CEL is known for its superior mechanical properties, CS has been widely investigated and applied in adsorption of both organic and inorganic pollutants, antimicrobial, hemostasis, wound dressings and drug delivery systems. Composite materials made from CEL and CS are therefore expected to have combined advantages and qualities of both of these materials. Dissolution of both CEL and CS and successful regeneration was followed by X-ray diffraction. FT-IR, NIR and 13C CP MAS NMR spectroscopy were used to characterize the chemical composition of the regenerated composite materials. The morphology of the regenerated materials was evaluated using SEM. Results of tensile strength measurements showed that indeed, addition of CEL, a material of superior mechanical strength, to CS leads to considerable improvement in the strength of the materials. Up to 5 times increase in tensile strength was achieved by adding 80% CEL to CS. Doping the materials with cyclodextrins was found to not only improve their pollutant adsorption capacity, but also impart some size selectivity to the materials. Results of antimicrobial studies showed activity against a number of both gram negative and gram positive bacteria, while the blood absorption properties of these materials are comparable to commercially available products


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    Gjirokastra district lies to the south of Albania. In terms of organizing the administrative - territorial, Gjirokastra district consists of three districts of Gjirokaster, Permet and Tepelena with a total of six municipalities, 26 communes and 272 villages. By early 1990, Albania left the nearly 50-year-old system of self isolation communist centralized economy and included in a comprehensive period of political transition, economic and social development. One of the direct consequences in the context of the consequences of the transition was to lower economic growth and unemployment show officially open until the early 80s was announced nonexistent. In economic structure after 1980 years in the territory in the study observed a number of changes. Industry is no longer present (in structure and income distribution), as before. Agricultural economy ranked first, followed by construction and services sector. So, agro-industry and agribusiness are a priority for the present and future of the county. To achieve this strategy should consistently for agricultural and livestock development associated with effective agricultural policies. The solution eventually needs water, energy, facilitating the communication links between the villages, making the efficiency of agroindustry etc, will restrain the influx of refugees, in this region, a phenomenon evident in this circuit

    ANALISIS PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER ANAK DI LINGKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN KEGIATAN BERCERITA (Studi Kasus di Keluarga Cahaya di Perumahan Griya Wirokerten Indah, Wirokerten, Kecamatan Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana kegiatan bercerita di lingkungan keluarga dapat membentuk karakter anak. Hal ini di latar belakangi oleh realita di Indonesia yaitu banyak perilaku yang mencerminkan krisis karakter. Perilaku tersebut yaitu kebiasaan korupsi, lemahnya disiplin, menurunnya kemampuan untuk menerima dan menghargai perbedaan dan lain-lain. Karena krisis karakter tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan pembentukan karakter sejak kecil, salah satunya yaitu melalui kegiatan bercerita. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Pengumpulan data wawancara dilakukan dengan cara mewawancarai seorang anak, ibu, ayah dan guru dari anak yang menjadi subjek penelitian. Pengumpulan data studi dokumentasi berupa nilai afektif anak di sekolah dan video serta rekaman rutinitas kegiatan bercerita yang telah diunggah pada suatu channel youtube dan podcast. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seorang anak yang sudah memiliki rutinitas bercerita bersama keluarganya. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan bercerita merupakan kegiatan yang dapat bepengaruh terhadap pembentukan karakter anak. kegiatan bercerita dapat berlangsung di lingkungan keluarga. Orang tua memiliki peranan yang berarti untuk membentuk karakter anak, karena keluarga merupakan tempat pembentukan karakter bagi setiap anggotanya. Anak akan termotivasi untuk meneladani tokoh yang ada di dalam cerita dan menjadikannya contoh dalam kehidupan. Dari berbagai cerita yang diceritakan ada beberapa atau salah satu yang terekam di memori anak yang selanjutnya bisa menjadi panutan anak dalam menjalankan kehidupan. Sehingga pemilihan cerita harus bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan pesan positif emosi dan pikiran anak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Pembentukan karakter anak dibentuk oleh lingkungan terdekat yaitu keluarga melalui kegiatan bercerita. Kata kunci: karakter, bercerita, keluarga ABSTRACK This study aims to analyze the extent to which storytelling activities in the family environment can shape the character of children. This is against the background of reality in Indonesia, which is a lot of behavior that reflects the crisis of character. These behaviors are corrupt habits, weak discipline, decreased ability to accept and appreciate differences and others. Because of the character crisis, it is necessary to build character since childhood, one of which is through storytelling activities. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis with case studies. Data collection techniques through interviews and documentation study. Interview data collection is done by interviewing a child, mother, father and teacher of a child who is the subject of research. Documentation study data collection in the form of affective value of children in school and videos as well as recording of routine story activities that have been uploaded on a youtube channel and podcast. The subject of this research is a child who already has a routine of telling stories with his family. The analysis shows that storytelling activities are activities that can influence the formation of children's character. storytelling activities can take place in the family environment. Parents have a significant role to shape the character of children, because the family is a place for the formation of character for each member. Children will be motivated to emulate the characters in the story and make it an example in life. From the various stories told there are some or one recorded in the child's memory which can then be a role model for children in running life. So the selection of stories should aim to foster positive emotions and thoughts of children. The conclusion of this study is the formation of the character of children formed by the immediate environment that is family through storytelling activities. Keywords: character, storytelling, family