51 research outputs found

    Defining genes: a computational framework

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    The precise elucidation of the gene concept has become the subject of intense discussion in light of results from several, large high-throughput surveys of transcriptomes and proteomes. In previous work, we proposed an approach for constructing gene concepts that combines genomic heritability with elements of function. Here, we introduce a definition of the gene within a computational framework of cellular interactions. The definition seeks to satisfy the practical requirements imposed by annotation, capture logical aspects of regulation, and encompass the evolutionary property of homology

    The Sex-Specific Impact of Meiotic Recombination on Nucleotide Composition

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    Meiotic recombination is an important evolutionary force shaping the nucleotide landscape of genomes. For most vertebrates, the frequency of recombination varies slightly or considerably between the sexes (heterochiasmy). In humans, male, rather than female, recombination rate has been found to be more highly correlated with the guanine and cytosine (GC) content across the genome. In the present study, we review the results in human and extend the examination of the evolutionary impact of heterochiasmy beyond primates to include four additional eutherian mammals (mouse, dog, pig, and sheep), a metatherian mammal (opossum), and a bird (chicken). Specifically, we compared sex-specific recombination rates (RRs) with nucleotide substitution patterns evaluated in transposable elements. Our results, based on a comparative approach, reveal a great diversity in the relationship between heterochiasmy and nucleotide composition. We find that the stronger male impact on this relationship is a conserved feature of human, mouse, dog, and sheep. In contrast, variation in genomic GC content in pig and opossum is more strongly correlated with female, rather than male, RR. Moreover, we show that the sex-differential impact of recombination is mainly driven by the chromosomal localization of recombination events. Independent of sex, the higher the RR in a genomic region and the longer this recombination activity is conserved in time, the stronger the bias in nucleotide substitution pattern, through such mechanisms as biased gene conversion. Over time, this bias will increase the local GC content of the region

    FĂȘtes sportives et expression de la virilitĂ©

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    Das Sportfest unterscheidet sich von den anderen Jugendfesten durch sein Vorkommen nach (oder wĂ€hrend) einem Kampf, durch den Austritt aus der FamiliensphĂ€re, durch die Anwesenheit von Erwachsenen (manchmal Initiatoren) und durch ein hohes Mass an Unsicherheit, was die möglichen Begegnungen betrifft. Es ermöglicht den Jugendlichen, ihre IdentitĂ€t aufzubauen indem es sowohl das GenerationsverhĂ€ltnis sowie das VerhĂ€ltnis zum anderen Geschlecht hervorhebt. Das Ziel dieses Artikels besteht darin, auf ethnologischer Basis zwei Arten von anscheinend sehr entfernter festlicher Geselligkeit zu studieren, und zwar der «dritten Halbzeit» im Rugby und der «Sunset session» im Surfen. Über ihre Unterschiede hinaus zeigen diese Feste bei der Analyse starke Ähnlichkeiten.The sports fete is to distinguished from other youth fetes by its occurrence after (or during) a confrontation, ty its departure from the family environment, by the presence of adults (sometimes initiators) and by an important degree of uncertaintly with regard to possible meetings. It enables young people to build their identity whilst emphasizing both the generation link and the relationship with the opposite sex. The aim of this article is to make an ethnological study of two forms of festive sociability, apparently quite remote from are another, the «third half-time» of Rugby and the «Sunset Session» in surf. Beyond their apparent differences, theses fetes demonstrate, on analysis, considerable similarities.La fĂȘte sportive se distingue des autres fĂȘtes juvĂ©niles, par son occurrence aprĂšs (ou pendant) un affrontement, par la sortie de l’espace familial, par la prĂ©sence d’adultes (parfois initiateurs) et par un degrĂ© d’incertitude important quand aux rencontres possibles. Elle permet aux jeunes de construire leurs identitĂ©s en marquant tout Ă  la fois le rapport de gĂ©nĂ©rations et le rapport Ă  l’autre sexe. Le but de cet article est d’étudier sur un mode ethnologique, deux formes de sociabilitĂ© festive, en apparence trĂšs Ă©loignĂ©es, "la troisiĂšme mitemps" en Rugby, et la "Sunset session" en Surf. Par delĂ  leurs diffĂ©rences, ces fĂȘtes montrent, Ă  l’analyse, de fortes similitudes.La fiesta deportiva se diferencia de las demas fiestas juveniles porque ocurre despues (o durante) un enfrentamiento, porque implica la salida del espacio familiar, la presencia de adultos (a veces iniciadores) y un grado de incertidumbre importante en cuanto a los encuentros posibles. Permite a los jovenes construirse una identidad, revelando a la vez la relacion entre las generaciones y la relacion entre ambos sexos. El objetivo de este articulo es estudiar, de un punto de vista etnologico, dos formas de sociabilidad de la fiesta, aparentemente muy alejadas, «el tercer tiempo» en Rugby y la Sunset session en Surf. Analizandolas mas alla de sus diferencias, estas fiestas muestran fuertes semejanzas.Duret Pascal, Pociello Christian. FĂȘtes sportives et expression de la virilitĂ©. In: Agora dĂ©bats/jeunesses, 7, 1997. Les jeunes et les fĂȘtes. pp. 55-62

    Cimetidine interaction with carbamazepine

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    SCOPUS: le.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Patterns of selection against transposons inferred from the distribution of Tc1, Tc3 and Tc5 insertions in the mut-7 line of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    To identify the factors (selective or mutational) that affect the distribution of transposable elements (TEs) within a genome, it is necessary to compare the pattern of newly arising element insertions to the pattern of element insertions that have been fixed in a population. To do this, we analyzed the distribution of recent mutant insertions of the Tc1, Tc3, and Tc5 elements in a mut-7 background of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and compared it to the distribution of element insertions (presumably fixed) within the sequenced genome. Tc1 elements preferentially insert in regions with high recombination rates, whereas Tc3 and Tc5 do not. Although Tc1 and Tc3 both insert in TA dinucleotides, there is no clear relationship between the frequency of insertions and the TA dinucleotide density. There is a strong selection against TE insertions within coding regions: the probability that a TE will be fixed is at least 31 times lower in coding regions than in noncoding regions. Contrary to the prediction of theoretical models, we found that the selective pressure against TE insertions does not increase with the recombination rate. These findings indicate that the distribution of these three transposon families in the genome of C. elegans is determined essentially by just two factors: the pattern of insertions, which is a characteristic of each family, and the selection against insertions within coding regions
