663 research outputs found

    "Świat idealny" - systemowa koncepcja pracy z dzieckiem niepłnosprawnym intelektualnie

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    The first part of text is concentrated on intellectual disability in the theoretical aspect. In the second part the author is concentrated on description of “Ideal World” proj­ect. This project is being carried out through the staff of Special School No. 4 in Sosnowiec. An equalization of practical disproportions between fully abled and disabled persons and a holistic approach are their purpose for the keeping of the disabled person from the birth for the rest of their life

    Verificaçăo das boas práticas de fabricaçăo em indústrias de leite e derivados, registradas no Serviço de Inspeçăo Federal - SIF /

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    Orientadora: Lys Mary B. CandidoDissertaçăo (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Cięncias Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduaçăo em Ciencias Veterinárias. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografi

    Reflexão sobre as fraudes fiscais nas contribuições previdenciárias

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    Orientador: Blenio Cesar Severo PeixeMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Auditoria IntegralResumo: Reflexão sobre as Fraudes fiscais nas Contribuições Previdenciárias. Esta reflexão pretende contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das ações desenvolvidas e no estudo bem como na busca de estratégias para o combate à sonegação e às fraudes previdenciárias, cujos resultados serão envolvidos no tema da matéria tratada para que seja possível encontrar uma fórmula capaz de minorar os efeitos de um mal tido como incurável. Observa-se que poucos estão pagando muito porque muitos sonegam e fraudam os tributos. Em decorrência deste trabalho, espera-se colaborar com as áreas fiscais, com os dirigentes públicos no sentido de dar informações para combater os sonegadores/fraudadores e demonstrar que uma boa legislação e um bom planejamento de atuação pode possibilitar a recuperação de valores fraudados, e conseqüente ação punitiva aos aplicadores desta "arte" de enganar o fisco. Dados preliminares divulgados indicam que a sonegação de contribuições previdenciárias ultrapassa a cifra de bilhões, sendo um fator de deslealdade na concorrência entre as empresas. Muitos contribuintes não pagam contribuições previdenciárias porque os seus concorrentes não pagam. A sonegação e a fraude fiscal são problemas culturais. Pelo menos, é isto o que se propaga nas campanhas de combate à sonegação e à fraude pelas entidades fiscalizadoras, federal, estadual e municipal, no entanto, é necessário enfrentar o problema e envidar esforços no sentido de mudar esta cultura através de esclarecimentos, orientações e demonstrações dos procedimentos obrigatórios nas áreas administrativas, contábeis e judiciais na tentativa de evitar práticas erradas ou fraudulenta

    Inhibition or Stimulation of Ochratoxin A Synthesis on Inoculated Barley Triggered by Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge Plasma

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) is one of the most abundant food-contaminating mycotoxins. Besides their high toxicity, mycotoxins are highly stable to physical, chemical or biological detoxification. Therefore, the treatment with cold atmospheric plasma could be one approach to reduce the amount of mycotoxins in different products. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of cold atmospheric plasma on the inactivation of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium verrucosum inoculated on barley and their production of OTA. Inoculated barley was treated with plasma generated by dry air, CO2 or CO2 + O2 for 1 or 3 min and stored for up to two weeks at 9, 25, or 37°C. Three minutes of air plasma treatment effectively significantly reduced the total mold count of both microorganisms by 2.5–3 log cycles. The production of OTA from A. niger was only low, therefore the treatment effect was indistinguishable. The treatment of P. verrucosum on barley after an incubation of five days using a CO2 + O2 plasma resulted in a reduction of the OTA content from 49.0 (untreated) to 27.5 (1 min) and 23.8 ng/g (3 min), respectively. In contrast, CO2 plasma caused an increase of the OTA amount from 49.0 (untreated) to 55.8 (1 min) and 72.9 ng/g (3 min). Finally, the use of air plasma resulted likewise in a decrease of the OTA concentration from 56.9 (untreated) to 25.7 (1 min) and 20.2 ng/g (3 min), respectively. Reducing the incubation time before the treatment to 24 h caused in contrast an increase of the OTA content from 3.1 (untreated) to 29.1 (1 min) and 20.7 ng/g (3 min). Due to the high standard deviation, these changes were not significant, but the tendencies were clearly visible, showing the strong impact of the plasma gas on the OTA production. The results show, that even if the total mold count was reduced, under certain conditions the OTA amount was yet enhanced, probably due to a stress reaction of the mold. Concluding, the plasma gas and incubation conditions have to be considered to allow a successful inactivation of molds and in particular their toxic metabolites

    Assessing the Digital Maturity Level of Higher Education Institutions

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    The primary focus of this paper is to propose a methodology for prioritizing the elements in the Digital Maturity Framework for Higher Education Institutions (DMFHEI) and assessing the digital maturity level (ML) of HEIs in Croatia. Developing the DMFHEI requires the application of a sophisticated methodology, which includes a set of methods, techniques, and instruments. Some of the analyses performed are qualitative, such as the comparison of similar frameworks and strategic documents, while others are quantitative, such as the Q-sorting method, focus groups, and multi-criteria decision-making methods. In the framework development phase, the well-known multi-criteria decision-making method the analytic hierarchy process/analytic network process (AHP/ANP) was implemented to prioritize the main areas and elements identified in the framework. The results of prioritization are shown in this paper, as well as the influence of the area and element priorities on the general digital ML of the institution

    Characterisation of Nav types endogenously expressed in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells

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    The human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y is a potentially useful model for the identification and characterisation of Na(v) modulators, but little is known about the pharmacology of their endogenously expressed Na(v)s. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of endogenous Na(v) α and β subunits in SH-SY5Y cells using PCR and immunohistochemical approaches, and pharmacologically characterise the Na(v) isoforms endogenously expressed in this cell line using electrophysiological and fluorescence approaches. SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells were found to endogenously express several Na(v) isoforms including Na(v)1.2 and Na(v)1.7. Activation of endogenously expressed Na(v)s with veratridine or the scorpion toxin OD1 caused membrane depolarisation and subsequent Ca(2+) influx through voltage-gated L- and N-type calcium channels, allowing Na(v) activation to be detected with membrane potential and fluorescent Ca(2) dyes. μ-Conotoxin TIIIA and ProTxII identified Na(v)1.2 and Na(v)1.7 as the major contributors of this response. The Na(v)1.7-selective scorpion toxin OD1 in combination with veratridine produced a Na(v)1.7-selective response, confirming that endogenously expressed human Na(v)1.7 in SH-SY5Y cells is functional and can be synergistically activated, providing a new assay format for ligand screening.NHMRC Program Grant: 056992


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    Considerando a introdução de cafés denominados exóticos no mercado nacional, e sua potencialidade de crescimento do consumo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o perfil sensorial, físico-químico e aceitação de bebidas de cafés exóticos (Jacu e Civeta) e de categorias brasileiras (Tradicional, Premium e Gourmet). Foram determinados o pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, perfil sensorial e a aceitação. Os dados foram tratados por Análise de Variância (ANOVA), teste de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais. O pH variou de 4,86 (Gourmet) a 5,34 (Tradicional), acidez titulável de 116,28 mL (Civeta) a 175,22 de NaOH 0,1N/100g amostra (Gourmet) e sólidos solúveis de 1,62 (Jacu) a 2,23°Brix (Tradicional). O perfil sensorial foi determinado pela Análise Descritiva Quantitativa por 13 julgadores selecionados e treinados. Nove atributos foram avaliados; cor marrom, aparência oleosa, translúcida, aroma de queimado, sabor de queimado, gosto doce, ácido e amargo e sensação adstringente. Destes, o gosto ácido não foi importante para discriminação dos cafés. A bebida de café Jacu se distinguiu das demais por apresentar características sensorias menos intensas, exceto para doçura. O café Civeta apresentou intensidades intermediarias nos atributos sensoriais e apresentou maior aceitação (6,5) que o café Gourmet (6,0) quando avaliado por 75 consumidores e escala hedônica de nove pontos