992 research outputs found

    Prozercon banazensis sp. Nov. (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae), a new species of zerconid mite from Turkey, with a new record

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    In this study, Prozercon banazensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated from female and deutonymph specimens collected in Kütahya and Uşak provinces (Turkey). Morphological features of P. morazae Ujvári, 2011, which is a new record for the Turkish fauna, are also given with drawings. Information on habitat and distribution for each species is also provided. © TÜBİTAK

    Degenerate Poisson Distribution

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    The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and investigate degenerate Poisson distribution which is a new extension of the Poisson distribution including the degenerate exponential function. We then provide several properties of the degenerate Poisson distribution such as the …rst and the second raw moments and di¤erence operator property. Moreover, we acquired the skewness and the kurtosis for the degenerate Poisson distribution. We also derive its moment generating function by which we de…ne the degenerate Bell polynomials and give a connection for these polynomials related to the unsigned Stirling numbers of the …rst kind

    Usporedba učinkovitosti fleksibilne laringealne maske i endotrahealne intubacije kod adenotonzilektomije

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    This study compared the effectiveness of flexible laryngeal mask (F-LMA) insertion and endotracheal intubation in pediatric patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy surgery. A total of 60 patients aged 2-12 years were included in the study. Patients were divided into the F-LMA group (n=30) and endotracheal tube (ETT) group (n=30). The groups were compared according to intubation time, heart rate, SpO2, EtCO2, airway pressure, surgical field of view, and recovery time. Both the insertion time and recovery time were shorter in the F-LMA group than in the ETT group (16.93±4.84 s vs. 23.93±8.74 s; and 10±2 min vs. 14.5±3 min; p<0.001 both). The airway pressure measurements at 5-min intervals were significantly lower in the F-LMA group than in the ETT group (p<0.001). F-LMA may be a useful alternative to ETT for adenotonsillectomy surgery because it is safe, provides shorter induction and recovery times, reduces intraoperative airway pressure, and provides an adequate operative field of view.U ovom istraživanju usporedili smo učinkovitost postavljanja fleksibilne laringealne maske (F-LMA) i endotrahealne intubacije (ETT) u pedijatrijskih bolesnika podvrgnutih adenotonzilektomiji. U studiju je bilo uključeno ukupno 60 bolesnika u dobi od 2-12 godina. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine, F-LMA i ETT, od po 30 bolesnika. Ove dvije skupine uspoređene su prema sljedećim parametrima: trajanje intubacije, srčani ritam, SpO2, EtCO2, tlak dišnih putova, kirurško vidno polje i vrijeme oporavka. Vrijeme postavljanja kao i vrijeme oporavka bili su kraći u skupini F-LMA nego u skupini ETT (16,93±4,84 s prema 23,93±8,74 s, p=0,001; 10±2 min prema 14,5±3 min, p<0,001). Tlak dišnih putova mjeren u 5-minutnim razmacima bio je značajno niži u skupini F-LMA u usporedbi sa skupinom ETT (p<0,001). F-LMA mogla bi biti korisna alternativa za ETT kod adenotonzilektomije, jer je sigurna, omogućava kraće vrijeme indukcije i oporavka, snižava intraoperacijski tlak u dišnim putovima te osigurava odgovarajuće operativno vidno polje

    Comparação de traqueotomia percutânea precoce e tardia em unidade de terapia intensiva para adultos

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    ResumoJustificativa e objetivosA traqueotomia percutânea tornou‐se uma boa alternativa para os pacientes com previsão de intubação prolongada em unidades de terapia intensiva. Os benefícios mais importantes da traqueotomia são alta precoce da unidade de terapia intensiva e menos tempo de permanência no hospital. As complicações da intubação intratraqueal prolongada são: lesão da laringe, paralisia das pregas vocais, estenose glótica e subglótica, infecção e lesão traqueal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as potenciais vantagens da traqueotomia percutânea precoce versus traqueotomia percutânea tardia em unidade de terapia intensiva.MétodosTraqueotomias percutâneas foram realizadas em 158 pacientes em unidade de terapia intensiva para adultos e analisadas retrospectivamente. Os pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos para traqueotomia precoce e tardia, de acordo com o tempo de intubação intratraqueal antes da traqueotomia percutânea. As traqueotomias consideradas precoces foram realizadas nos dias 0‐7 de intubação intratraqueal e as tardias realizadas após o sétimo dia de intubação intratraqueal. Os pacientes com infecção no local da traqueotomia, intubação difícil ou potencialmente difícil, idade inferior a 18 anos, pressão positiva ao final da expiração acima de 10cmH2O e aqueles com diátese hemorrágica ou contagem de plaquetas em 50.000dL−1 foram excluídos do estudo. Os tempos de ventilação mecânica e internação em UTI foram registrados.ResultadosNão houve diferença estatística entre os dados demográficos dos pacientes. Os tempos de ventilação mecânica e de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva do grupo traqueotomia precoce foram menores e a diferença foi estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05).ConclusãoTraqueotomia precoce reduz o tempo de ventilação mecânica e de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. Portanto, sugerimos a traqueotomia precoce em pacientes com suspeita de intubação prolongada.AbstractBackground and objectivesPercutaneous tracheotomy has become a good alternative for patients thought to have prolonged intubation in intensive care units. The most important benefits of tracheotomy are early discharge of the patient from the intensive care unit and shortening of the time spent in the hospital. Prolonged endotracheal intubation has complications such as laryngeal damage, vocal cord paralysis, glottic and subglottic stenosis, infection and tracheal damage. The objective of our study was to evaluate potential advantages of early percutaneous tracheotomy over late percutaneous tracheotomy in intensive care unit.MethodsPercutaneous tracheotomies applied to 158 patients in adult intensive care unit have been analyzed retrospectively. Patients were divided into two groups as early and late tracheotomy according to their endotracheal intubation time before percutaneous tracheotomy. Tracheotomies at the 0–7th days of endotracheal intubation were grouped as early and after the 7th day of endotracheal intubation as late tracheotomies. Patients having infection at the site of tracheotomy, patients with difficult or potential difficult intubation, those under 18 years old, patients with positive end‐expiratory pressure above 10cmH2O and those with bleeding diathesis or platelet count under 50,000dL‐1 were not included in the study. Durations of mechanical ventilation and intensive care stay were noted.ResultsThere was no statistical difference among the demographic data of the patients. Mechanical ventilation time and time spent in intensive care unit in the group with early tracheotomy was shorter and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).ConclusionEarly tracheotomy shortens mechanical ventilation duration and intensive care unit stay. For that reason we suggest early tracheotomy in patients thought to have prolonged intubation

    Total completion time scheduling problem with temperature considerations

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    Bu çalışmanın odağı tek makineli çizelgeleme problemlerinde iş ortam sıcaklığının analiz edilmesidir. Klasik çizelgeleme problemlerinde çoğunlukla işlem zamanları iş ortamının sıcaklık etkisi olmadan düşünülür. Fakat birçok gerçek çizelgeleme ortamında, iş ortamı sıcaklığı işin doğasından dolayı işlem zamanını etkileyebilir. Bu makalede toplam tamamlanma zamanı (ve tamamlanma zamanlarının karesi toplamı) problemleri için iş ortamı sıcaklığına bağlı işlerin işlem zamanları sunulmuştur. Her iki amaç için de polinom zamanlı çözümler elde edilmiştir.The focus of this work is to analyze working environment temperature in single-machine scheduling problems. In classical scheduling problems, the processing times are considered usually without the effect of working environment temperature. However, in many real scheduling environments, working environment temperature may affect processing time due to the nature of work. In this paper, we present job processing times based on the working environment temperature for total completion time (square) problem. We derive solutions with polynomial-time for both objectives

    Retracted article: Islamophobia and Perception Management

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    Makale, yazarının isteği üzerine yayın kurulunun aldığı kararla geri çekilmiştir

    The Relationship Between Digit Ratio (2D: 4D) and Cardiovascular Capacity in Young Adults

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    DergiPark: 379062tmsjAims: The ratio of the second-to-fourth finger length was first proposed as a prenatal testosterone biomarker. Studying this matter with a different point of view, the aim of this study is to find whether there is a positive relationship between digit ratio and cardiovascular capacity.Methods: The data of 82 students who were between the ages of 18 and 25 old from Trakya University Faculty of Medicine were analyzed by evaluating the results of the six-minute walking test and the results of their digit measurements. Independent Samples T-Test was used to determine the correlation between the prevalence of longer 4th digit and six-minute walking test results.Results: The data obtained from the test results of the students, that were grouped regarding digit ratio, were statistically evaluated. With the results of the six-minute walking test, students that have lower digit ratio walked 593.87 ± 73.2 meters while students with higher digit ratio walked 584.17 ± 71 meters showing us that there is not a significant relationship between cardiovascular capacity and digit ratio.Conclusion: With the gathered information and results, it is seen that there is not a positive relationship between digit ratio and cardiovascular capacity. In conclusion it can be said that digit ratio does not have a beneficial effect on a persons cardiovascular capacity. Usage of digit ratio as a prenatal hormone exposure has been increasing, and extensive studies in physiological and psychological conditions in humans have been correlated with digit ratio, including athletic ability, fertility, social behaviors, sex-biased diseases, and sexual orientatio

    The role of platelet-lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in early gestational week in predicting missed abortion

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    Background: The definition of abortion was made by the World Health Organization based on the weight of the pregnancy material or the duration of pregnancy. According to this expression, the expulsion of all or some of the pregnancy material weighing less than 500 grams or before the 20th week of pregnancy from the uterine cavity is called abortion. Platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), which are among the inflammation parameters likely to be increased in abortion, were compared in groups that resulted in abortion and did not result in abortion.Methods: The study included 120 patients who had a diagnosis of 0.05).


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    Bu çalışmada, üç serbestlik dereceli PUMA tipi robot kolunun uç elemanının PID yöntemi ile yörünge kontrolü yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, robota ait kinematik ve dinamik denklemler elde edilmiştir. Yörünge planlanması kartezyen koordinatlarda yapılmıştır. İstenen yörüngenin gerçeklenmesi için gerekli mafsal değişkenleri ters kinematik analizle hesaplanmıştır. Yörüngeyi izlemek üzere tasarlanan kontrolcüye, dinamik analiz sonucu elde edilen servo motor torkları sisteme dış bozucu etki şeklinde dahil edilmiştir. PID kontrol yöntemi uygulanan kontrol sistemine, sikloid, harmonik ve polinom yapılı üç farklı yol alma fonksiyonu giriş olarak kabul edilmiş ve elde edilen sistem cevapları istenen yörüngeye yakınsaması açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonucunda, harmonik yol alma fonksiyonun daha avantajlı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir

    The importance of the mean platelet volume in the diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia

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    This retrospective study aimed to investigate the diagnostic relation between the mean platelet volume (MPV) and supraventricular tachyarrhythmia (SVT) in patient with documented atrial tachyarrhythmia in the emergency department (ED). Two study groups were compared; a SVT group with arrive at the ED with documented SVT (n=122) and 100 healthy adult without any palpitation symptom, arrhythmic disease, and with normal physical examination results that were brought for checkups to the cardiology polyclinic were classified as control group. Blood samples were obtained from all patients for determining the hematologic counts and MPV during first hour in ED period. In terms of the focus of the study, hemoglobin, neutrophil count, mean cell volume (MCV), red cell distribution width (RDW), platelet, white blood cell (WBC), and lymphocyte counts were similar in both group (p &gt; 0.05). MPV in the SVT group was signifi cantly higher than in the control group (9.12±1.22 fl vs 8.64±0.89 fl , p &lt; 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that just MPV was independent predictor of SVT in patients with palpitation in ED (odds ratio [OR] 8.497, 95% confidence interval (6.181 to 12.325), p=0.012). The present study described that MPV is helpful parameter for the diagnosis of SVT in emergency department, for the first time in the literature.Keywords: mean platelet volume, inflammation, palpitation, supraventricular tachycardia, diagnosticAfrican Health sciences Vol 14 No. 1 March 201