1,058 research outputs found

    Fast Pyrolysis of Muconic Acid and Formic Acid Salts

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is emerging as a sustainable resource for the production of alternative liquid fuels. As the need to lessen dependence on petroleum sources grows, lignocellulosic feedstocks are being investigated as a renewable, abundant source of energy. Chemical pulping processes include a high-lignin by-product, black liquor, which is already used for fuel in industry. Black liquor is burned to generate steam and electricity and to recover pulping chemicals. Currently, the thermochemical conversion of black liquor to liquid fuel is being researched at The University of Maine. In this black liquor research, an intermediate lignin-derived acid, muconic acid, and formic acid are forming. Formic acid has been integral in thermal deoxygenation (TDO) and fast pyrolysis studies at The University of Maine. TDO is the pathway by which neutralized carboxylic acids, which can be derived from lignocellulosic feedstocks, have been observed to condense and deoxygenate to produce cyclic and aromatic molecules. Since alkaline pulping chemicals present in black liquor neutralize acids to form salts, the salts can be studied using TDO and fast pyrolysis. Thermal decomposition products of sodium muconate and a mixture of sodium muconate and sodium formate, were analyzed using Py-GC/MS. This technique provides a qualitative understanding of the volatiles present after fast pyrolysis of muconate and muconate/formate mixtures. In this study, the optimal fast pyrolysis conditions for salt volatilization and decreased carbonaceous residues were found to be approximately 500°C with formate present. Major products identified were aromatics (indene, cresol, phenol, toluene, and other substituted benzenes), unsaturated hydrocarbon chains (C6-C9), cyclopentanones and cyclopentenones

    Genetic predisposition for Multiple Myeloma. Identification and functional characterization of risk variants

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a blood malignancy originating from plasma cells. First-degree relatives of patients with MM have two- to four-fold higher risk of MM. However, the molecular basis remains largely unknown. This Ph.D. project aims to identify novel DNA sequence variants predisposing to MM through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and, subsequently, characterize identified variants functionally.Article I describes a systematic study where we screened for causal gene-regulatory variants at 21 MM risk loci. Article II describes a Nordic GWAS identifying the SOHLH2 (13q13.3) as a novel MM risk locus. Article III describes a novel international meta-analysis of GWAS data totalling 10 906 cases and 366 221 controls, identifying twelve new risk variants for MM accounted for by nine loci: 5q35.2 CPEB4, 6p22.2 BTN3A2, 9q21.33 DAPK1, 10q24.33 STN1, 10q25.2 MXI1, 19p13.3 NFIC, 21q11.2, SAMSN1 and a rare variant at 13q13.1 BRCA2. Finally, in Article IV, we explore the possibility of identifying transcription factors that mediate allele-specific gene-regulatory effects through combined use of CRISPR/Cas9 screening and epistasis analysis of gene expression data.The work presented in this thesis provides new insight into the mechanisms underlying genetic predisposition for multiple myeloma

    Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial Asociados al Maltrato Infantil

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    77 Páginas.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar los factores de riesgo psicosociales asociados al maltrato infantil en un grupo de niñas y adolescentes entre los 5 y 17 años, quienes se encuentran actualmente en un semi-internado de una fundación del municipio de Cajicá - Colombia. Para cumplir el objetivo anterior, se tuvo como base el modelo ecológico expuesto por Belsky (1980). Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo, la unidad de análisis estuvo conformada por 50 historias clínicas de las niñas y adolescentes. Entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial asociados al maltrato infantil se encontraron las familias de tipo monoparental, las madres adolescentes y la historia de malos tratos en los padres.Especialización en Psicología Clínica de la Niñez y Adolescencia Especialist

    Papel de los antioxidantes en la prevención del cáncer

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    La naturaleza de la asociación entre radicales libres y cáncer es compleja y paradójica ya que parece que los radicales libres y el estrés oxidativo pueden inducir cáncer, pero al mismo tiempo las células transformadas, es decir las células cancerosas, generan más radicales libres que las células normales. Compuestos endógenos antioxidantes, entre ellos el glutatión y lisozima pueden limitar los efectos del estrés oxidativo, pero estos sistemas pueden ser rápidamente acaparados por elevadas cantidades de radicales libres. De ahí la importancia de incrementar los niveles de antioxidantes de la célula con tal de prevenir posibles agentes adversos que podrían llegar a provocar un cáncer. Una buena alimentación y conocer y emplear alimentos con propiedades antioxidantes puede ser de gran ayuda para la prevención del cáncer.La naturalesa de l'associació entre radicals lliures i càncer és complexa i paradoxal ja que sembla que els radicals lliures i l'estrès oxidatiu poden induir càncer, però al mateix temps les cèl·lules transformades, és a dir les cèl·lules canceroses, generen més radicals lliures que les cèl·lules normals. Compostos endògens antioxidants, entre ells el glutatió i lisozima poden limitar els efectes de l'estrès oxidatiu, però aquests sistemes poden ser ràpidament acaparats per elevades quantitats de radicals lliures. D'aquí la importància d'incrementar els nivells d'antioxidants de la cèl·lula per tal de prevenir possibles agents adversos que podrien arribar a provocar un càncer. Una bona alimentació i conèixer i emprar aliments amb propietats antioxidants pot ser de gran ajuda per a la prevenció del càncer

    Impact of using chemical dispersants on the microbial response and formation of marine oil snow (MOS) in northeast Atlantic waters

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    Oil spills are one of the most catastrophic anthropogenic pollution events in the marine environment. With a rapid rise in economic development and energy demand around the world, marine petroleum exploitation and transportation has increased steadily, and with it also the risk for oil spills which often cause detrimental impacts to marine ecosystems. In the last years, an increase in oil activity in the northeast Atlantic has spurred interest in studying hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in this region, particularly as these organisms are major actuators in the breakdown and ultimate fate of oil when it enters the sea. Of particular interest is the Faroe-Shetland Channel (FSC) where oil recovery is occurring and future exploration into its deep waters (beyond 500m depth) could increase the risk of major oil spills and that would be increasingly more challenging to combat. The FSC is notable for its predominance of the oil and gas sector, as well as being a unique hydrodynamic region defined by contrasting water mixing zones, variable physical conditions and large water masses that flow in opposite directions. It can thus be considered a region of interest to further research in trying to understand how autochthonous microbial populations would respond in the event of an oil spill in this region, identifying which oil-degrading species are most effective responders and degraders of the oil, and how certain factors, such as dispersant applications, might affect their response and activities. As reported during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010, the formation of marine oil snow (MOS), which was observed in unprecedented quantities floating on the sea surface within 2 weeks following the onset of the spill, predicting MOS formation in the event of a spill in the FSC is of significant interest. MOS formation, and its subsequent sedimentation, is one of the most important factors contributing to the vertical transportation of oil to the seafloor. To provide new insight into the fate of crude oil in the event of a spill in the FSC, this project firstly set to investigate the formation of MOS in waters of the FSC, the parameters influencing this process, and measure the oil biodegradation kinetics. Secondly, data collected from this first stage of investigation was then used and fed into models to understand the fate of oil entry in the FSC. This is an ongoing study in collaboration with a master student, so data won’t be presented in this thesis. Thirdly, the effect(s) of different dispersants on the biodegradation of the oil and its effect on the microbial response in the FSC was determined. The findings from this project are expected to provide a new level of understanding on the fate of oil in the FSC, the factors that might influence this, and information to help contingency efforts for combatting future spills in this regio

    Crimes involved in Russias Invasion of Ukraine

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    The current war in Ukraine began with Russia's invasion on February 24th, 2022. This act is widely regarded as violating the Ukrainian people's right to self-determination. It has also been regarded as an attempt to re-colonise Ukraine and to re-establish a Russian empire in Eastern Europe.This report will focus on Russia's alleged crimes in the war in Ukraine for the purposes of cohesion and to illustrate the multifaceted nature of the alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Russian forces. The invasion has already culminated in one of the harsher humanitarian crises of the century, where massive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law are at the core of the conflict. There have, however, also been reports of Ukraine's military violating the terms of the third Geneva Convention. Notably, a video emerged in which a Ukrainian soldier appears to kill a Russian soldier who had surrendered. The report will examine tactics reportedly used by Russia's military forces in its assault which violate Ukrainians' rights and are used to exert fear and submission. These include the targeting of civilian areas and infrastructure, the use of torture, rape, and the potential use of chemical weapons.

    Exploración de la conducta pro social en adultos entre los 21 y 28 años con diagnóstico de retraso mental leve y moderado

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    "En el presente estudio se realiza una exploración de la conducta pro social en un grupo de adultos con retraso mental leve y moderado. Se revisan los conceptos generales acerca de la conducta pro social, empatia, altruismo, cooperación y retraso mental. Asimismo, se aplica una tarea réplica del experimento ""comparte"" cuyo objetivo principal radica en la identificación de conductas pro sociales, todo esto con el fin de aportar teóricamente al vació investigative existente acerca de dicho tema en discapacidad cognitiva y en especiTico en el retraso mental, La muestra está conformada por 9 adultos, 2 de sexo femenino y 7 de sexo masculino, de nacionalidad Colombiana, entre las edades de 21 -28 anos, con diagnósticos clínicos de retraso mental leve y moderado, que se encuentran esoolarizadas en procesos de formación para el trabajo, se aplico la tarea replica documentada en medio audiovisual, en donde se encontró que este tipo de población manifiesta conductas pro sociales.""This study presents a pro social behavior exploration in a group of adults with mild to moderate mental retardation. General concepts about the pro social behavior, empathy, altruism, cooperation and mental retardation are reviewed. In addition, a replica task of the experiment ""Sharing"" whose main objective is the identification of pro-social behaviors. All this, in order to contribute to research theoretical vacuum on the cognitive impairment topic and specifically in mental retardation. The sampling consisted of 9 adults, 2 female and 2 male, Colombian nationals, between the ages of 21 and 23 years, with mild and moderate clinical diagnoses of mental retardation, who are educated in the process of training for work. The replica task was applied and documented in audiovisual media where it was found that this population manifest prosocial behavior."Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Medidas preventivas a riesgo de lesiones accidentales en el hogar en madres de familias con niños de 1 -3 años de edad de AA.HH San Pedro. Ventanilla Lima, Perú 2017

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    En la actualidad se ha observado el ingreso frecuente de niños a las salas de emergencia, debido a lesiones accidentales en el hogar. Esto es generado en ocasiones al déficit de medidas preventivas a riesgo de lesiones accidentales en el hogar en torno a esta problemática, los accidentes a los que están más expuestos los niños son las caídas, quemaduras e intoxicaciones. El Objetivo del presente estudio es determinar las medidas preventivas a riesgo de lesiones Accidentales en el hogar en Madres de familias con niños de 1 -3 años de edad de AA.HH San Pedro. Ventanilla Lima, Perú en el 2017. Para la Metodología. Se aplicó un cuestionario de 25 preguntas a 42 madres de familia. Resultados. Se obtuvo que el 61,9% (26) presentan medidas preventivas no seguras, seguido por un 38,1% (16) de madres que presentan medidas preventivas seguras en lesiones accidentales. Conclusiones. Según las dimensiones de la variable el riesgo de quemaduras en los niños es más elevado, seguido del riesgo de caídas accidentales en el hogar, cabe resaltar que el riesgo de intoxicación es menor ya presentan medidas preventivas no seguras con un diferencia mínima en las medidas preventivas seguras

    Is measurement of the gingival biotype reliable? Agreement among different assessment methods

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    To determine agreement among the most commonly used methods for assessing the gingival biotype. An electronic survey was sent to a sample of dentists practicing in Spain. The questionnaire was based on the evaluation of 5 cases involving different gingival biotype assessment methods. Dentists were required to classify the cases as having a ?thin?, ?thick? or ?not able to classify? biotype. Each case was assessed using a frontal intraoral photo of the anterior teeth; an enlarged photo of the buccal aspect of the tooth with a periodontal probe inserted inside the sulcus; and the real thickness measured in mm with a calibrated needle. Agreement among the classifications was assessed using Cohen?s kappa coefficient. A total of 104 surveys were analyzed. The most commonly used assessment method was visual evaluation of the morphology of the gingiva and the teeth (62.5%). Concordance among the three different methods was weak (kappa = 0.278). Agreement among the classification methods was greater in extreme cases (thinner and thicker gingival thickness). The most commonly used methods for assessing gingival biotype are not reliable. The three tested methods show poor to weak agreement, which leads to non-reliable estimation of the gingival biotype