373 research outputs found

    In California : Where It\u27s Summer-time

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    Reflection and Self-Regulation Using Monitoring Tools in Learning - Critical Design Exploration on Self-Monitoring During Independent Study

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    This doctoral dissertation used a research-based design approach to explore the opportunities and challenges of using monitoring tools in learning. Although the practice of monitoring is considered key in the acquisition of important learning skills, such as self-regulation, monitoring tools are still an emerging technology in teaching and learning. While researchers and practitioners have started exploring how to use monitoring tools for teaching and learning, little attention has been dedicated to critical issues regarding the adoption of techno-monitoring practices in learning contexts, like the nature of data and the inferences that are made based on them, the role of students in learning, and the conception of learning and technology. This dissertation aims to address this research gap and provide an understanding of the issues related to the design of monitoring tools and the adoption of techno-monitoring practices in learning through a critical exploration of self-monitoring during independent study. To this end, the articles included in this dissertation elaborate on the values and socio-economic discourses that are embedded in the design of monitoring tools, on the issues related to the design process, and on the implications that monitoring tools have for learning. The research contributions of this dissertation include the introduction of a functional prototype (Feeler) that uses self-monitoring of brain activity in independent study situations, as well as the identification of several implications to take into consideration in the adoption and design of monitoring tools. The design of the prototype was informed by the participatory design and human-centered design traditions and allows students experience a hypothetical solution regarding the use of self-monitoring tools during independent study. This research builds on the analyses of students' reactions to the prototype, as well as on the findings from the research actions performed throughout the study to identify several implications for the design of monitoring tools. These implications are organised around a set of key themes, which consist in self-knowledge, agency-oriented technology, reflection and self-regulation, and are expected to guide the design of monitoring tools, as well as the adoption of techno-monitoring practices. This research points at data-privacy and design for autonomy in learning as sensitizing concepts in TEL design and research. The design principles presented in this dissertation are exemplified by the Feeler prototype in order to help practitioners and researchers understand how the empirical findings can be translated into actionable ideas when designing monitoring tools. Finally, this research should be regarded as an effort to introduce a humanistic perspective to the design of monitoring tools and the adoption of techno-monitoring practices in learning and a call for taking into consideration ethical aspects when analyzing the opportunities and challenges that monitoring tools pose to teaching and learning

    Revisión de catorce hernias diafragmáticas en el perro

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    Se describen los resultados de catorce hernias diafragmáticas, diagnosticadas en nuestra clínica, durante un periodo de siete años. Comentamos la fisiopatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico. Excluímos del presente trabajo aquellas hernias de origen congénito.We describe the results of fourteen diaphragmatic hernias, diagnosed in our clinic, in a seuen years time. We include the pathophysiology, diagnose and treatment. We exclude in this article the congenital diaphragmatic hernias

    Cirugía de cabeza, cuello y garganta. Parte I

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    Hemos dividido la cirugía de la cabeza, cuello y garganta en dos apartados (I y II) debido a su extensión. En la primera parte incluimos los mucoceles, hendidura del paladar, otitis externa y media, abordando la etiología, técnica quirúrgica y resultados.We divided the surgery of the head, neck and throat in two articles (I and II) due to the extension. In the first one we enclose mucoceles, cleft palate, external and media otitis, discusing tbe etiologu, surgical techniques and results

    Eficacia clínica y tolerancia de Meloxicam en perros con alteraciones del aparato locomotor

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    Ciento once casos relacionados con el aparato locomotor fueron tratados, durante un periodo de hasta 21 días, con un nuevo antiinflamatorio no esteroideo (meloxicam) en diez clínicas veterinarias privadas y en el Hospital de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Los resultados del estudio demuestran una respuesta excelente en un 57,7 % de los casos, buena en un 27,9 %, moderada en un 9 % e insuficiente en un 5,4 %. Se observaron efectos secundarios en un 13,5 % de los casos, principalmente relacionados con el tracto gastrointestinal.One hundred eleven clinical cases related to the locomotor system were treated over a period up to 21 days with a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (meloxicam) in ten veterinary prived practices and in the Veterinary Hospital at the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona. Results of the study show an excellent respond in 57.7 % of cases, good in 27.9 %, mild in 9 % and fair in 5.4 %. Secondary effects were observed in 13.5% of cases, mainly related with the gastrointestinal tract

    La reforma de los procedimientos especiales del Consejo de Derechos Humanos: ¿una mejora de los mecanismos extra convencionales?

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    El Consejo de Derechos Humanos, creado en 2006, nace con el objetivo de subsanar algunos de los déficit y críticas de su antecesora, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos. Con este fin, incorpora varios elementos nuevos tanto en su posición dentro del organigrama de Naciones Unidas como en su composición y mecanismos de control, también conocidos como mecanismos extra convencionales. En este contexto sobresale la reforma de los procedimientos especiales, sobre todo, a partir de la adopción del Código de Conducta para los titulares de mandatos, relatores y expertos del Consejo de Derechos Humanos. Se trata de valorar estos últimos cambios a la luz de su efectividad e imparcialidadThe United Nations Human Rights Council, created in 2006, was established with the attempt to remedy some of the negative aspects and problems of its predecessor, the Human Rights Commission. Having this objective, it incorporates new elements not only in its position within the United Nations structure but also in its membership and control mechanisms, also known as "extra conventional mechanisms". In this context, it stands out the special procedures reform, specially, since the adoption of a Code of Conduct for the "special rapporteurs" and experts of the Human Rights Council. This reform process has to be evaluated under the criteria of improving the effectiveness and impartiality of the special proceduresDer UNO-Menschenrechtsrat, der 2006 seine Arbeit aufgenommen hat, hat das Ziel, einige Defizite und Kritiken seiner Vorgängerin, der Menschenrechtskommission, zu beheben. Zu diesem Zweck werden einige neue Aspekte eingeführt, sowohl in seiner Position innerhalb des Organigramms der Vereinten Nationen, wie auch in seiner Zusammenstellung und seinen Überwachungsmechanismen, die auch außervertragliche Mechanismen genannt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang zeichnet sich die Reform der speziellen Verfahren aus, insbesondere ab der Verabschiedung des Verhaltenskodex für die Mandatseigner, Berichterstatter und Experten des Menschenrechtsrats. Es geht hier darum, die letzten Änderungen im Hinblick auf ihre Wirksamkeit und Unparteilichkeit zu durchleuchten und zu bewerte

    Incorporación de la lengua Inglesa en un módulo del CFGM de Instalaciones de Telecomunicaciones

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    El presente trabajo final de máster lleva a cabo el estudio, análisis y diseño de la incorporación de actividades en lengua inglesa dentro de un módulo del CFGM de Instalaciones de Telecomunicaciones, utilizando el enfoque AICLE

    Tumores del tracto urinario

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    Se revisa un total de 12 tumores del tracto urinario, diagnosticados en un periodo de 8 años. Se expone el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los casos que no fueron sacrificados.The author shows a total number of twelve urinary tract tumors diagnosed in an eight years time. We notice the diagnose, treatment and follow-up of cases that were not euthanasied

    Diagenesis and porosity development of the Mission Canyon and Charles Formations (Mississippian), Treetop and Whiskey Joe Fields, North Dakota

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    Rocks of the upper Mission Canyon and lower Charles Formations (Mississippian) in central Billings County, North Dakota consist of interbedded limestones, dolostones, and anhydrites which were deposited in a shallow epeiric sea. This study was limited to the upper Mission Canyon and lower Charles Formations of Treetop and Whiskey Joe fields, located along the Billings anticline in central Billings County, North Dakota. Close examination of ap~roximately 260 metres (850 feet) of upper Mission Canyon and lower Charles Formations core in the study area resulted in the separation of rocks into six lithotypes: 1) echinoderm wackestone, 2) dolomudstone, 3) neomorphic wackestone, 4) intraclast bioclast wackestone packstone, 5) laminated mudstone, and 6) anhydrite which represent sublittoral, littoral, and supralittoral depositional environments. Numerous diagenetic processes were active in the upper Mission Canyon and lower Charles Formation rocks. Processes include micritization, compaction, dolomitization, cementation, replacement, fracturing, neomorphism, and pressure solution. Pore types present within rocks of the upper Mission Canyon and lower Charles Formations include two primary pore types: interparticle and intraparticle, and four secondary pore types: intercrystalline, moldic, vuggy, and fracture. Intercrystalline pores were examined in detail to determine the geometry of pores and pore throats. The three pore shapes found were polyhedral, tetrahedral, and interboundary-sheet. Polyhedral-shaped pores are the most common pore shape in the study area. In the study area rocks of the upper Mission Canyon Formation were separated stratigraphically into lower, middle, and upper porosity zones. A comparison of porosity isopach maps of each porosity zone indicates that toward the north-northwest, porous zones tend to parallel the overlying anhydrite, and that the thickest accumulations of porous rock are developed progressively higher stratigraphically within each porosity zone. Progradation of littoral and supralittoral environments and early dolomitization may have been responsible for the dist ribution of porosity in the study area. The diagenetic history of rocks of the upper Mission Canyon and lower Charles Formations represents a complex system of post-depositional processes. Pore fluids present during eogenetic diagenesis reflect near-surface water conditions and include hypersaline, marine and meteoric waters. Eogenetic diagenetic zones include hypersaline vadose and phreatic, sublittoral stagnant and agitated, meteoric, and meteoric and marine mixing diagenetic zones. Mesogenetic diagenesis resulted from a combination of local connate pore waters, fluids released during pressure solution, and an influx of fresher water

    Development of an optical-resolution photoacoustic microscope

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2023, Tutor: Martí Duocastella SolàHigh-resolution, non-invasive, deep imaging in highly dispersive media is a key challenge in modern microscopy, as it would lead to many biomedical advancements. A potential solution is to use the photoacoustic effect, which allows to retrieve optical information through acoustic waves. These waves are generated by the local temperature rise at the sample points irradiated with pulsed light and then propagate though the medium, experiencing much less dispersion than light. In this study, we present the development process of a custom-made optical-resolution photoacoustic microscope. To this end, we first characterized the used laser beam and optical system and found the beam width at the focus to be w0 ∼ 40 μm. Then, we processed and analyzed the photoacoustic signal, detected with a transducer, using the Hilbert transform. Finally, we show that images can be retrieved successfully from a sample using the designed and assembled microscope. We anticipate that the proposed OR-PAM microscope is a first step toward the use of the photoacoustic effect for deep imaging at micrometric resolution, and could be further improved and optimized by using a lower pulse energy and a higher sampling frequenc