76 research outputs found

    Análisis de comunicación estratégica a la empresa Soluciones Médico Hospitalarias S.A.S

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    116 Páginas.El fin de una organización, sin importar su tamaño, es alcanzar sus objetivos y metas propuestas ante los diversos retos que tiene en el sector o mercado que atiende. Uno de estos desafíos es el obtener reconocimiento entre sus grupos de interés tanto internos como externos. Situación que enfrenta actualmente la empresa Soluciones Médico Hospitalarias S.A.S. Por lo anterior, se expone en el siguiente trabajo aplicar un plan de comunicaciones estratégico orientado a las Comunicaciones Integradas de Marketing (CIM), en la empresa caso de estudio. La idea principal es generar un conocimiento de los servicios y productos que brinda la empresa por parte de los clientes, proveedores y empleados de la empresa, así mismo responder a las necesidades de los mismos. Por eso, es importante la integración de los mensajes bajo los elementos que nos provee la Comunicación Integrada de Marketing. En el estudio se analizan y evalúan componentes comunicativos por medio de diversas técnicas investigativas, como la observación de su entorno junto con encuestas a clientes y proveedores. Los resultados obtenidos dan como origen un plan estratégico de Comunicación Integrada de Marketing que al aplicar busca generar una mayor productividad y reconocimiento entre sus públicos. Para el estudio, se partió de la teoría de las comunicaciones integradas de Marketing, al mismo tiempo analizar la empresa sobre la teoría e involucrar a los públicos de la empresa para llegar al plan de comunicaciones estratégico orientado a las comunicaciones integradas de Marketing. ​

    A componente de apoio à família no jardim-de-infância de Alcabideche

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Ciclo de Estudos conducente ao Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008O presente Relatório de Estágio de Natureza Profissional é focalizado na Componente de Apoio à Família no Ensino Pré-escolar, tem como principal característica o facto de ter proporcionado a oportunidade de estar presente na gestão da mesma (CAF), complementando a minha formação com uma vertente prática. O projecto de estágio teve ainda uma componente investigativa, pois pretendia também que fossem aprofundados procedimentos científicos (identificação de problemas, contextualização dos mesmos, procura de teorias e estudos que pudessem contribuir para o alargamento do nosso quadro teórico e para a resolução dos problemas identificados). Surge o Jardim-de-Infância de Alcabideche, do Agrupamento de Escolas de Alcabideche, onde foram aplicados questionários a Crianças, Pais e Monitoras com o intuito de conhecer e caracterizar a CAF e seu funcionamento, verificar qual a receptividade destas actividades, por parte das crianças e respectivas e quais os seus benefícios reais, detectar problemas e obstáculos à realização das actividades e tentar encontrar soluções para resolver e ultrapassar os mesmos. Claramente, com uma amostra tão pouco significativa não se podem tirar conclusões gerais, no entanto pela experiência que adquiri ao longo deste ano lectivo e principalmente com as observações que fiz no decorrer deste projecto de investigação, afirmo com convicção que uma das peças centrais para a concretização eficiente e eficaz desta nova medida de apoio às famílias são as monitoras responsáveis pela sua organização e animação. De facto, este tempo e espaço de animação sócio-educativa funciona bem em termos da vontade e das intenções de quem está no campo a pôr em prática as actividades, no entanto passa a ideia de que os recursos são escassos e nem sempre as crianças da CAF do Jardim-de-Infância de Alcabideche são vistas como uma prioridade.The present document is a report of a trainee project; it is focused on the support to the family pre-school component . One of its main characteristic is the fact that it gave me the opportunity to complement my education with a practical component, as I was able to participate and observe how the management of this support to the family pre-school component works. This trainee project also had an investigative purpose, as it was intended that the trainees acquired scientific procedures (problem identification, research of theories and studies that could bring more information about this thematic, and could help find solutions for the identified problems). This project was developed at Alcabideche's Pre-School (Kindergarden), where questionnaires where applied to the children, parent's and the support to the family pre-school component teachers. The main objectives were to fin out what this new component is, and what are the positive or negative effects it can have on these children, identify possible problems and try to find solutions. It is clear that with a small sample like this one, we can't take general conclusions, but with the experience I acquired with this project I can firmly say that the main pieces for this new component to work properly are the teachers responsible for it's organization and animation. It's a fact that at this pre-school this component works relatively well thanks to these young women that have good intentions and try very hard to do the best they can. Even though the idea that remains is that there are not enough supports, and that these activities are not seen as a priority

    Post-Concussion and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Shared Vulnerability Factors?

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    Following pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-concussion symptoms (PCS) and post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) occur commonly; however, it is unknown to what degree they overlap. The study examined PCS and PTSS persisting 7 weeks after injury in children and adolescents ages 8-15 years with TBI (n = 89) or extracranial injury (EI; n = 40) after vehicle collisions. TBI was divided into mild, complicated-mild/moderate, and severe groups. Parents retrospectively rated children\u27s pre-injury symptoms and behavior problems, and children completed self-report measures after injury. PCS and PTSS total scores were significantly correlated in TBI and EI groups, respectively, for child (rs = 0.75; rs = 0.44), and adolescent (rs = 0.61; rs = 0.67) cohorts. Generalized linear models examined whether injury type and severity, age, sex, and pre-injury symptom ratings predicted PCS and PTSS total scores and factor scores. Specific PCS and PTSS factor scores were elevated in different TBI severity groups, with most frequent problems following mild or severe TBI. PCS did not differ by age; however, girls had more emotional symptoms than boys. Only PTSS were predicted by pre-injury externalizing behavior. Significant age by sex interactions indicated that adolescent girls had more total, avoidance, and hyperarousal PTSS symptoms than younger girls or all boys. PCS and PTSS significantly overlapped in both TBI and EI groups, highlighting shared persistent symptoms after injury. Shared vulnerability factors included female sex, milder TBI, and poorer pre-injury adjustment. Older age was a unique vulnerability factor for PTSS. Psychological health interventions after injury should be customized to address comorbid symptoms

    Plan de marketing “Yobailopogo”

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    "Yobailopogo” es una empresa del sector textil dedicada al diseño y estampado de camisetas, para hombre y mujer de la clase popular, dirigida a la tendencia animalista, contracultural y la igualdad de género, la cual en los últimos seis meses ha tenido una gran aceptación por parte de jóvenes y adultos. Esta idea de negocio comenzó como un proyecto de autogestión por Ingrid y Laura Salcedo, estudiantes de Diseño de Modas de la Universidad Pública Distrital Francisco José de Caldas y la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, considerando la idea de que temas como el animalismo, la contracultura y la igualdad de género están en auge en la comunidad juvenil, con edades entre 15 y 28 años, y una tendencia menor en personas con edades superiores a 30 años, gracias a la conciencia ambientalista y a la publicidad de ésta misma por parte de pequeños colectivos y grandes empresas.1 RESUMEN EJECUTIVO 2 ANÁLISIS DE LA SITUACIÓN ACTUAL 2.1 ANÁLISIS DE LA SITUACIÓN EXTERNA 2.1.1 Entorno general Entorno económico Entorno social 2.1.2 Entorno específico Clientes Competidores Proveedores 2.2 ANÁLISIS DE LA SITUACIÓN INTERNA 3 DIAGNÓSTICO DE LA SITUACIÓN 4 ESTABLECIMIENTO DE OBJETIVOS 4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 5 DEFINICIÓN DE LA ESTRATEGIA 5.1 ESTRATEGIA DE SEGMENTACIÓN Y POSICIONAMIENTO 5.2 ESTRATEGIA FUNCIONAL 5.2.1 Producto 5.2.2 Promoción 6 CONTROL DEL PLAN 7 CRONOGRAMA 8 BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna

    Impacto Social en la salud mental en los estudiantes del Centro Regional Aburrá sur de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, posterior a la Cuarentena establecida durante la Pandemia de Covid-19 en el año 2020

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    Identificar el impacto social en la salud mental en los estudiantes del Centro Regional Aburrá sur de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, posterior a la cuarentena establecida durante la pandemia de covid-19 en el año 2020.Pasada la etapa del confinamiento preventivo durante la pandemia del covid-19en donde todo aquello que estaba prestablecido debió reajustarse, los estudiantes de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios volvieron a la presencialidad, luego de ser afectados sus hábitos de estudio y socialización; estas transformaciones empezaron a incidir en la comunidad y despertó el interés de las investigadoras sobre el tema, pues el confinamiento alteró la cotidianidad, afectó la economía y despertó emociones de carga negativa producto del encierro y las pérdidas, la razón de esta investigación es identificar el impacto social en la salud mental en los estudiantes del Centro Regional Aburrá sur de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, posterior a la Cuarentena establecida durante la Pandemia de Covid-19 en el año 2020 además de analizar cómo estos cambios incidieron en la transformación de la dinámica de la población estudiada, identificando convergencias y divergencias en las transformaciones que ocurren en el contexto.After the stage of preventive confinement during the covid-19 pandemic where everything that was pre-established had to be readjusted, the students of the Minuto de Dios University Corporation returned to face-to-face attendance, after their study and socialization habits were affected; These transformations began to affect the community and aroused the interest of researchers on the subject, since confinement altered daily life, affected the economy and aroused negatively charged emotions as a result of confinement and losses, the reason for this research is to identify the social impact on mental health in the students of the Aburrá South Regional Center of the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, after the quarantine established during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, in addition to analyzing how these changes affected the transformation of the dynamics of the studied population, identifying convergences and divergences in the transformations that occur in the context

    Superfluorinated extracellular vesicles for in vivo imaging by 19f-mri

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication and have great potential as efficient delivery vectors. However, a better understanding of EV in vivo behavior is hampered by the limitations of current imaging tools. In addition, chemical labels present the risk of altering the EV membrane features and, thus, in vivo behavior. 19F-MRI is a safe bioimaging technique providing selective images of exogenous probes. Here, we present the first example of fluorinated EVs containing PERFECTA, a branched molecule with 36 magnetically equivalent 19F atoms. A PERFECTA emulsion is given to the cells, and PERFECTA-containing EVs are naturally produced. PERFECTA-EVs maintain the physicochemical features, morphology, and biological fingerprint as native EVs but exhibit an intense 19F-NMR signal and excellent 19F relaxation times. In vivo 19F-MRI and tumor-targeting capabilities of stem cell-derived PERFECTA-EVs are also proved. We propose PERFECTA-EVs as promising biohybrids for imaging biodistribution and delivery of EVs throughout the body

    Genome-Wide Association Meta-analysis of Neuropathologic Features of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias are a major public health challenge and present a therapeutic imperative for which we need additional insight into molecular pathogenesis. We performed a genome-wide association study and analysis of known genetic risk loci for AD dementia using neuropathologic data from 4,914 brain autopsies. Neuropathologic data were used to define clinico-pathologic AD dementia or controls, assess core neuropathologic features of AD (neuritic plaques, NPs; neurofibrillary tangles, NFTs), and evaluate commonly co-morbid neuropathologic changes: cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), Lewy body disease (LBD), hippocampal sclerosis of the elderly (HS), and vascular brain injury (VBI). Genome-wide significance was observed for clinico-pathologic AD dementia, NPs, NFTs, CAA, and LBD with a number of variants in and around the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE). GalNAc transferase 7 (GALNT7), ATP-Binding Cassette, Sub-Family G (WHITE), Member 1 (ABCG1), and an intergenic region on chromosome 9 were associated with NP score; and Potassium Large Conductance Calcium-Activated Channel, Subfamily M, Beta Member 2 (KCNMB2) was strongly associated with HS. Twelve of the 21 non-APOE genetic risk loci for clinically-defined AD dementia were confirmed in our clinico-pathologic sample: CR1, BIN1, CLU, MS4A6A, PICALM, ABCA7, CD33, PTK2B, SORL1, MEF2C, ZCWPW1, and CASS4 with 9 of these 12 loci showing larger odds ratio in the clinico-pathologic sample. Correlation of effect sizes for risk of AD dementia with effect size for NFTs or NPs showed positive correlation, while those for risk of VBI showed a moderate negative correlation. The other co-morbid neuropathologic features showed only nominal association with the known AD loci. Our results discovered new genetic associations with specific neuropathologic features and aligned known genetic risk for AD dementia with specific neuropathologic changes in the largest brain autopsy study of AD and related dementias