185 research outputs found

    321W average power, 1GHz, 20ps 1060nm pulsed fiber MOPA source

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    Pulses from a gain-switched laser diode were amplified in a fiber MOPA system to produce in excess of 320W of average power in 20ps pulses at 1GHz repetition rate at 1060nm

    Advances in high power short pulse fiber laser systems and technology

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    We review recent advances in Yb fiber lasers and amplifiers for high power short pulse systems. We go on to describe associated recent developments in fiber components for use in such systems. Examples include microstructured optical fibers for pulse compression and supercontinuum generation, and advanced fiber grating technology for chirped-pulse amplifier systems

    Pre-hospital management protocols and perceived difficulty in diagnosing acute heart failure

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    Aim To illustrate the pre-hospital management arsenals and protocols in different EMS units, and to estimate the perceived difficulty of diagnosing suspected acute heart failure (AHF) compared with other common pre-hospital conditions. Methods and results A multinational survey included 104 emergency medical service (EMS) regions from 18 countries. Diagnostic and therapeutic arsenals related to AHF management were reported for each type of EMS unit. The prevalence and contents of management protocols for common medical conditions treated pre-hospitally was collected. The perceived difficulty of diagnosing AHF and other medical conditions by emergency medical dispatchers and EMS personnel was interrogated. Ultrasound devices and point-of-care testing were available in advanced life support and helicopter EMS units in fewer than 25% of EMS regions. AHF protocols were present in 80.8% of regions. Protocols for ST-elevation myocardial infarction, chest pain, and dyspnoea were present in 95.2, 80.8, and 76.0% of EMS regions, respectively. Protocolized diagnostic actions for AHF management included 12-lead electrocardiogram (92.1% of regions), ultrasound examination (16.0%), and point-of-care testings for troponin and BNP (6.0 and 3.5%). Therapeutic actions included supplementary oxygen (93.2%), non-invasive ventilation (80.7%), intravenous furosemide, opiates, nitroglycerine (69.0, 68.6, and 57.0%), and intubation 71.5%. Diagnosing suspected AHF was considered easy to moderate by EMS personnel and moderate to difficult by emergency medical dispatchers (without significant differences between de novo and decompensated heart failure). In both settings, diagnosis of suspected AHF was considered easier than pulmonary embolism and more difficult than ST-elevation myocardial infarction, asthma, and stroke. Conclusions The prevalence of AHF protocols is rather high but the contents seem to vary. Difficulty of diagnosing suspected AHF seems to be moderate compared with other pre-hospital conditions

    Blast phase myeloproliferative neoplasm: Mayo-AGIMM study of 410 patients from two separate cohorts

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    A total of 410 patients with blast phase myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN-BP) were retrospectively reviewed: 248 from the Mayo Clinic and 162 from Italy. Median survival was 3.6 months, with no improvement over the last 15 years. Multivariable analysis performed on the Mayo cohort identified high risk karyotype, platelet count < 100 × 109 /L, age > 65 years and transfusion need as independent risk factors for survival. Also in the Mayo cohort, intensive chemotherapy resulted in complete remission (CR) or CR with incomplete count recovery (CRi) rates of 35 and 24%, respectively; treatment-specified 3-year/5-year survival rates were 32/10% for patients receiving allogeneic stem cell transplant (AlloSCT) (n = 24), 19/13% for patients achieving CR/CRi but were not transplanted (n = 24), and 1/1% in the absence of both AlloSCT and CR/CRi (n = 200) (p < 0.01). The survival impact of AlloSCT (HR 0.2, 95% CI 0.1–0.3), CR/CRi without AlloSCT (HR 0.3, 95% CI 0.2–0.5), high risk karyotype (HR 1.6, 95% CI 1.1–2.2) and platelet count < 100 × 109 /L (HR 1.6, 95% CI 1.1–2.2) were confirmed to be interindependent. Similar observations were made in the Italian cohort. The current study identifies the setting for improved short-term survival in MPN-BP, but also highlights the limited value of current therapy, including AlloSCT, in securing long-term survival

    Chapter 7 : Use of Assessments to Inform Educational Policies in French-Speaking Belgium

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    In French-speaking Belgium, the national assessments developed only lately, and there are not yet national assessments developed by professionals that can be used to evaluate trends. Therefore, the only tools available to rigorously evaluate trends are international assessments. French-speaking Belgium has participated in international assessments since the early 1970s and their results are highly valued by policy-makers. Their level of awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the education system can be considered as good. However, until recently, the impact of international assessments on education policies has been limited. Only scattered initiatives have been taken. From 2014, an extremely ambitious plan called Pacte pour un enseignement d’excellence has been launched. The Pact tackles most of the systemic weaknesses of the education system in FS Belgium and addresses at the same time structural change (lowering grade repetition, moving to a comprehensive lower secondary education), curricular changes and governance in a long-term perspective. A significant reform of the system of national assessments is currently under discussion

    How to manage the transplant question in myelofibrosis

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    Allogeneic stem cell transplantation remains the only curative therapy for myelofibrosis. Despite advances in transplant, the morbidity and the mortality of the procedure necessitate careful patient selection. In this manuscript, we describe the new prognostic scoring system to help select appropriate patients for transplant and less aggressive therapies. We explore the advances in non-transplant therapy, such as with investigational agents. We review the blossoming literature on results of myeloablative, reduced intensity and alternative donor transplantation. Finally, we make recommendations for which patients are most likely to benefit from transplantation

    La estrategia Educativa 2020 o las limitaciones del Banco Mundial para promover el "aprendizaje para todos"

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    La nueva Estrategia Educativa 2020 del Banco Mundial establece las prioridades de reforma educativa en paises en vias de desarrollo para la decada siguiente. El titulo explicito de la estrategia, Aprendizaje para Todos, es un claro reconocimiento de que, mas alla de politicas centradas en el acceso, se debe hacer algo mas para asegurar que la educacion derive en experiencias positivas de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, como este articulo sostiene, las opciones de politicas explicitas y latentes en la Estrategia 2020 no son las mas adecuadas para lograr el Aprendizaje para Todos. El articulo desarrolla tres tipos de argumentos al respecto. El primero se refiere al fuerte apego del Banco a un conocimiento disciplinario y un enfoque metodológico que es insufi ciente para entender lo que aprenden los niños en la escuela y por que. El segundo argumento se refiere al sesgo pro-mercado de la Estrategia por lo que respecta a la reforma del sector publico y a nuevas formas de oferta educativa. En tercer lugar, el articulo senala las principales ausencias de la Estrategia, con especial atencion a las omisiones relacionadas con la compleja relación entre educación y pobreza.The World Bank's 2020 Education Strategy establishes the new education priorities in developing countries for the next decade. Its title, Learning for All, clearly recognizes that, beyond policies focusing on access, something else must be done to ensure that schooling involves positive learning experiences. However, as this paper argues, the 2020 Strategy explicit and latent policy options might not be adequate to achieve Learning for All. This paper develops three arguments on that matter. The fi rst one refers to the Bank's strong attachment to a disciplinary knowledge and a methodological approach that do not suffi ce to understand what children learn at school and why. The second one addresses its pro-market bias when it approaches the public sector reforms and the new forms of providing education. The last argument points out the main omissions of this Strategy, especially in what regards the complex relation between education and poverty

    Establishment of a New Cell-Based Assay To Measure the Activity of Sweeteners in Fluorescent Food Extracts

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    Taste receptors have been defined at the molecular level in the past decade, and cell-based assays have been developed using cultured cells heterologously expressing these receptors. The most popular approach to detecting the cellular response to a tastant is to measure changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration using Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dyes. However, this method cannot be applied to food-derived samples that contain fluorescent substances. To establish an assay system that would be applicable to fluorescent samples, we tested the use of Ca2+-sensitive photoproteins, such as aequorin and mitochondrial clytin-II, as Ca2+ indicators in a human sweet taste receptor assay. Using these systems, we successfully detected receptor activation in response to sweetener, even when fluorescent compounds coexisted. This luminescence-based assay will be a powerful tool to objectively evaluate the sweetness of food-derived samples even at an industry level