483 research outputs found


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    Peepshow est un bref essai de Christian Besson, publié et diffusé à l’occasion d’une exposition de documentation céline duval (Les Choses voient, centre d’art La Chapelle Jeanne d’Arc, 2014). Bien que le travail de l’artiste n’y soit pas commenté, sa dimension scopique entre en résonance avec l’objet de ce texte. S’appuyant sur le sens initial du mot peepshow, qui désignait en anglais les « boîtes d’optique » du XVIIIe siècle, Christian Besson embrasse ici « toutes sortes de spectacles qui on..


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    Peepshow est un bref essai de Christian Besson, publié et diffusé à l’occasion d’une exposition de documentation céline duval (Les Choses voient, centre d’art La Chapelle Jeanne d’Arc, 2014). Bien que le travail de l’artiste n’y soit pas commenté, sa dimension scopique entre en résonance avec l’objet de ce texte. S’appuyant sur le sens initial du mot peepshow, qui désignait en anglais les « boîtes d’optique » du XVIIIe siècle, Christian Besson embrasse ici « toutes sortes de spectacles qui on..

    documentation céline duval

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    The archivist and the iconographer are two major figures in present-day art, as has been attested to over the past ten years or so by publications and exhibitions. The work of documentation céline duval is part of this phenomenon. Since 1998, the artist has been putting together a collection of photographic images made up of her own snapshots, amateur photographs, post cards and magazine illustrations. Thinking about, classifying, and using the plastic dimension of these images is what occupi..

    Eric Watier, Plus c’est facile, plus c’est beau : prolégomènes à la plus belle exposition du monde

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    « Fixer une patère au sol pour faire Trébuchet, c’est facile. Marcel Duchamp l’a fait et tout le monde peut le refaire ». « Laisser une erreur, c’est facile. André Cadere l’a fait et tout le monde peut le refaire ». Voici le premier et le dernier des 89 énoncés réunis par l’artiste Eric Watier dans une publication intitulée Plus c’est facile, plus c’est beau : prolégomènes à la plus belle exposition du monde. Entre ces deux propositions, se répète systématiquement la description technique d’œ..

    The Territories of Artists’ Periodicals

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    Cet ouvrage collectif restitue les interventions proposées lors d’un symposium organisé en juin 2014 à l’University of Wisconsin-Green Bay par deux spécialistes, respectivement français et américain, des revues et périodiques d’artistes, Marie Boivent et Stephan Perkins. Les périodiques d’artistes sont définis ici comme des publications qui cessent d’être de simples sites pour la reproduction de textes et d’images (revues d’art) et deviennent au contraire des sites primaires (primary sites, p..

    Do Pacífico ao Atlântico: : A presença chilena no Brasil, no contexto migratório intrarregional sul-americano

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    No presente artigo, objetivamos apresentar os contornos da comunidade diaspórica chilena no Brasil. Primeiro, projetamos situar esse fenômeno social transnacional dentro do contexto geral das migrações Sul-Sul, intrarregionais, próprias ao subcontinente sul-americano e, mais especificamente ainda, com relação aos fluxos migratórios chilenos no Cone Sul. Daí a pertinência de trazer dados comparativos dessa mesma realidade migratória intrarregional em outros países da região, para destacar a pouca expressividade quantitativa da presença chilena no Brasil, e o reflexo dessa inferioridade numérica nas pesquisas e nos estudos reservados ao fenômeno. Enfim, no afã de restituir os mapas sociais e culturais dessa comunidade, abordamos e analisamos seus modos de organização, suas redes associativas e suas práticas culturais e midiáticas.En este artículo, nuestro objetivo es presentar los contornos de la comunidad diaspórica chilena en Brasil. En primer lugar, pretendemos situar este fenómeno social transnacional en el contexto general de las migraciones intrarregionales Sur-Sur propias del subcontinente sudamericano y, específicamente, en relación con los flujos migratorios chilenos en el Cono Sur. De ahí la relevancia de traer datos comparativos de esta misma realidad migratoria intrarregional en otros países de la región, destacando la poca expresión cuantitativa de la presencia chilena en Brasil y el reflejo de esta inferioridad numérica en las investigaciones y estudios dedicados al fenómeno. Finalmente, en un esfuerzo por restaurar los mapas sociales y culturales de esta comunidad, abordamos y analizamos sus modos de organización, sus redes asociativas y sus prácticas culturales y mediáticas.No presente artigo, objetivamos apresentar os contornos da comunidade diaspórica chilena no Brasil. Primeiro, projetamos situar esse fenômeno social transnacional dentro do contexto geral das migrações Sul-Sul, intrarregionais, próprias ao subcontinente sul-americano e, mais especificamente ainda, com relação aos fluxos migratórios chilenos no Cone Sul. Daí a pertinência de trazer dados comparativos dessa mesma realidade migratória intrarregional em outros países da região, para destacar a pouca expressividade quantitativa da presença chilena no Brasil, e o reflexo dessa inferioridade numérica nas pesquisas e nos estudos reservados ao fenômeno. Enfim, no afã de restituir os mapas sociais e culturais dessa comunidade, abordamos e analisamos seus modos de organização, suas redes associativas e suas práticas culturais e midiáticas

    Mid- and Far-Infrared Marker Bands of the Metal Coordination Sites of the Histidine Side Chains in the Protein Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase

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    International audienceVibrational spectroscopy gives important information on the properties of ligand and metal–ligand bonds in metalloenzymes. Infrared spectroscopy is appealing for the study of metal active sites that are not amenable to Raman spectroscopy. We present a combined experimental and theoretical approach to analyze the mid- and far-IR spectra of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) as a probe of the histidine ligands. This metalloenzyme provides a unique model to identify specific IR signatures of metal–histidine coordination and to study their alterations as a function of the metal (copper/zinc), the copper valence state (+I/+II), the histidine coordination mode (Nτ and Nπ) and the histidine protonation state. DFT calculations combined with normal mode descriptions from potential energy distribution calculations were performed on two slightly different cluster models. Differences in the constraints at the side chain of one histidine Cu ligand sensibly modify the geometric parameters and vibrational properties. Electrochemically induced FTIR difference spectroscopy provided mid- and far-IR fingerprint spectra of the Cu protein in aqueous media that are sensitive to the redox state of the Cu centre at the active site. Comparisons of the DFT predictions with the experimental IR modes of the histidine ligands at the Cu,Zn-SOD active site showed that useful mid-IR markers of histidine Nτ and Nπ coordination were predicted with good accuracy. The DFT analysis further demonstrated a link between the ν(C4–C5) mode frequency of His46 and the specific properties of the His46–Cu bond in Cu,Zn-SOD. A combined theoretical and experimental approach on samples in H2O and 2H2O or 15N-labelled samples identified the contributions from the histidine side chain modes in the 669–629 cm–1 region

    Texture in ITO films deposited at oblique incidence by ion beam sputtering

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    Texture of crystalline In2O3:Sn (ITO) thin films prepared by combining ion beam sputtering (IBS) at room temperature and oblique angle deposition (OAD) has been studied depending on the vapor incidence on Si substrates (alpha, ranging from 50 degrees to 85 degrees) and the ions used to sputter the target (argon or xenon accelerated at 1.2 keV). Films obtained using Xe ions show an unusual evolution depending on the deposition angle alpha, with the development of a dual biaxial (1 1 1) off-axis texture for alpha 70 degrees that leads to a biaxial (0 0 1) texture at highest deposition angles. These behaviors are well described by mechanisms involving a maximization of the direct capture of the adatoms on {1 1 1} planes, which can however be hindered when mobilities are exalted such as in the case of Ar deposition. The tuning of adatoms mobilities through the IBS process mixed with the control of the deposition angle offered by the OAD geometry appears as an efficient route to achieve an upgraded texture engineering in nanostructured ITO thin films

    Low-temperature reactions: Tunnelling in space.

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    International audienceChemical reactions with activation barriers generally slow to a halt in the extreme cold of dense interstellar clouds. Low-temperature experiments on the reaction of OH with methanol have now shown that below 200 K there is a major acceleration in the rate that can only be explained by enhanced quantum mechanical tunnelling through the barrier
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