47 research outputs found

    Nucleocosmochronology of Dergaon Meteorite

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    The Rapid Neutron Capture Process in an Explosive Astrophysical Environment

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    Origin of X-rays in the low state of the FSRQ 3C 273: Evidence of inverse Compton emission

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    We analyze the 2.5--10 keV X-ray spectra of the luminous quasar 3C 273 and simultaneous observations in UV wavelengths from XMM--Newton between 2000 and 2015. The lowest flux level ever was observed in 2015. The continuum emission from 3C 273 is generally best described by an absorbed power-law but during extremely low states the addition of fluorescence from the K-shell iron line improves the fit. We study the spectral evolution of the source during its extended quiescent state and also examine connections between the X-ray and ultraviolet emissions, which have been seen in some, but not all, previous work. We detect a possible anti-correlation between these two bands during the low state that characterized 3C 273 for most of this period; however, this was not present during a flaring state. A harder-when-brighter trend for the X-ray spectrum was observed in these long-term observations of 3C 273 for the first time. We suggest that the X-ray emission in 3C 273 is the result of inverse Compton scattering of soft UV seed photons (emitted from the local environment of the AGN), most likely in a thermal corona. We can explain the significant temporal variation of the spectral continuum as an outcome of changing optical depth of the comptonizing medium, along the lines of the wind-shock model proposed by Courvoisier and Camenzind (1989).Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spectral energy distributions and age estimates of 40 massive young stellar objects

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    In this paper, we present the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 40 massive young stellar objects (YSOs), detected from the NIR imaging survey carried out by Varricatt et al. 2010 and estimated their ages and masses. The SEDs of YSOs in 40 massive star forming regions have been reconstructed using 2MASS, MSX, IRAS, IRAC & MIPS, SCUBA, WISE, SPIRE and IRAM data, partly available from previous works, using the on-line SED Fitting tool (SED Fitter) developed by Robitaille et al. 2006, 2007. Apart from IRAS catalogue fluxes, the fluxes in the Mid-IR and sub-mm/mm were derived directly from the images. With the help of the analysis of SEDs, we have extracted important physical and structural parameters for each of the massive young stellar objects, along with the associated circumstellar disk and envelope. The cumulative distribution of the stellar ages and masses of the massive YSOs lead to a scenario for the formation history of massive stars in their respective star forming regions

    Studies of Quasi Periodic Oscillations in the Black Hole Transient XTE J 1817-330

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    We have used archival RXTE PCA data to investigate timing and spectral characteristics of the transient XTE J1817-330. The data pertains to 160 PCA pointed observations made during the outburst period 2006, January 27 to August 2. A detailed analysis of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) in this black hole X-ray binary is carried out. Power density spectra were obtained using the light curves of the source. QPOs have been detected in the 2-8 keV band in 10 of the observations. In 8 of these observations, QPOs are present in the 8-14 keV and in 5 observations in the 15-25 keV band. XTE J1817-330 is the third black hole source from which the low frequency QPOs are clearly detected in hard X-rays. The QPO frequency lies in ~ 4-9 Hz and the rms amplitude in 1.7-13.3% range, the amplitude being higher at higher energies. We have fitted the PDS of the observations with Lorentzian and power law models. Energy spectra are derived for those observations in which the QPOs are detected to investigate any dependence of the QPO characteristic on the spectral parameters. These spectra are well fitted with a two component model that includes the disk black body component and a power law component. The QPO characteristics and their variations are discussed and its implication on the origin of the QPOs are examinedComment: 16 page, 9 figures and 2 tables. Accepted in MNRAS Journa

    A 3D Automated Classification Scheme for the TAUVEX data pipeline

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    In order to develop a pipeline for automated classification of stars to be observed by the TAUVEX ultraviolet space Telescope, we employ an artificial neural network (ANN) technique for classifying stars by using synthetic spectra in the UV region from 1250\AA to 3220\AA as the training set and International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) low resolution spectra as the test set. Both the data sets have been pre-processed to mimic the observations of the TAUVEX ultraviolet imager. We have successfully classified 229 stars from the IUE low resolution catalog to within 3-4 spectral sub-class using two different simulated training spectra, the TAUVEX spectra of 286 spectral types and UVBLUE spectra of 277 spectral types. Further, we have also been able to obtain the colour excess (i.e. E(B-V) in magnitude units) or the interstellar reddening for those IUE spectra which have known reddening to an accuracy of better than 0.1 magnitudes. It has been shown that even with the limitation of data from just photometric bands, ANNs have not only classified the stars, but also provided satisfactory estimates for interstellar extinction. The ANN based classification scheme has been successfully tested on the simulated TAUVEX data pipeline. It is expected that the same technique can be employed for data validation in the ultraviolet from the virtual observatories. Finally, the interstellar extinction estimated by applying the ANNs on the TAUVEX data base would provide an extensive extinction map for our galaxy and which could in turn be modeled for the dust distribution in the galaxy.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS; High resolution figures available from the authors on reques

    Physical Acceptability of Isolated, Static, Spherically Symmetric, Perfect Fluid Solutions of Einstein's Equations

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    We ask the following question: Of the exact solutions to Einstein's equations extant in the literature, how many could represent the field associated with an isolated static spherically symmetric perfect fluid source? The candidate solutions were subjected to the following elementary tests: i) isotropy of the pressure, ii) regularity at the origin, iii) positive definiteness of the energy density and pressure at the origin, iv) vanishing of the pressure at some finite radius, v) monotonic decrease of the energy density and pressure with increasing radius, and vi) subluminal sound speed. A total of 127 candidate solutions were found. Only 16 of these passed all the tests. Of these 16, only 9 have a sound speed which monotonically decreases with radius. The analysis was facilitated by use of the computer algebra system GRTensorII.Comment: 25 pages. To appear in Computer Physics Communications Thematic Issue on "Computer Algebra in Physics Research