928 research outputs found

    Text-informed audio source separation. Example-based approach using non-negative matrix partial co-factorization

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    International audienceThe so-called informed audio source separation, where the separation process is guided by some auxiliary information, has recently attracted a lot of research interest since classical blind or non-informed approaches often do not lead to satisfactory performances in many practical applications. In this paper we present a novel text-informed framework in which a target speech source can be separated from the background in the mixture using the corresponding textual information. First, given the text, we propose to produce a speech example via either a speech synthesizer or a human. We then use this example to guide source separation and, for that purpose, we introduce a new variant of the non-negative matrix partial co-factorization (NMPCF) model based on a so-called excitation-filter-channel speech model. Such a modeling allows sharing the linguistic information between the speech example and the speech in the mixture. The corresponding multiplicative update (MU) rules are eventually derived for the parameters estimation and several extensions of the model are proposed and investigated. We perform extensive experiments to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of source separation and alignment performance

    Safety of atmospheric storage tanks during accidental explosions

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    International audienceThe occurrence of a chain reaction from blast on atmospheric storage tanks in oil and chemical facilities is hard to predict. The current French practice for SEVESO facilities ignores projectiles and assumes a critical peak overpressure value observed from accident data. This method could lead to conservative or dangerous assessments. This study presents various simple mechanical models to facilitate quick effective assessment of risk analysis, the results of which are compared with the current practice. The damage modes are based on experience of the most recent accidents in France. Uncertainty propagation methods are used in order to evaluate the sensitivity and the failure probability of global tank models for a selection of overpressure signatures. The current work makes use of these evaluations to demonstrate the importance of a dynamic analysis to study domino effects in accidents.L'occurrence de réaction en chaîne, dite réaction par effets dominos, sur les réservoirs de stockage atmosphérique suite à une explosion accidentelle dans les installations pétrochimiques est difficile à prévoir. La pratique actuelle française pour les installations SEVESO consiste à ignorer les projectiles et à assumer une valeur de surpression maximale admissible pour les effets de souffle. Cette méthode est susceptible de conduire à des évaluations conservatrices ou dangereuses. Cette étude présente divers modèles mécaniques simples pouvant permettre une évaluation efficace et rapide des risques d'effet dominos. Les modes de comportement des réservoirs sont basées sur l'expérience des plus récents accidents en France. Plusieurs méthodes de propagation des incertitudes sont utilisées afin d'évaluer les sensibilités et la probabilité de défaillance des modèles de réservoir pour une sélection de signaux de surpression. L'étude aboutie sur la sélection de paramètres et de modèles dynamiques pertinents pour l'étude des effets dominos

    Synthesis and redetermination of the crystal structure of salicyl-aldehyde <i>N</i>(4)-morpholino-thio-semi-carbazone.

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    The structure of the title compound (systematic name: N-{[(2-hy-droxy-phen-yl)methyl-idene]amino}-morpholine-4-carbo-thio-amide), C12H15N3O2S, was prev-iously determined (Koo et al., 1977 ▸) using multiple-film equi-inclination Weissenberg data, but has been redetermined with higher precision to explore its conformation and the hydrogen-bonding patterns and supra-molecular inter-actions. The mol-ecular structure shows intra-molecular O-H⋯N and C-H⋯S inter-actions. The configuration of the C=N bond is E. The mol-ecule is slightly twisted about the central N-N bond. The best planes through the phenyl ring and the morpholino ring make an angle of 43.44 (17)°. In the crystal, the mol-ecules are connected into chains by N-H⋯O and C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which combine to generate sheets lying parallel to (002). The most prominent contribution to the surface contacts are H⋯H contacts (51.6%), as concluded from a Hirshfeld surface analysis

    Etude des effets d'une explosion externe sur des réservoirs cylindriques : caractérisation du chargement

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    Ce travail vise à fournir des données de référence pour l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité de réservoirs métalliques soumis à une explosion externe. Des expérimentations ont été réalisées à échelle réduite satisfaisant des conditions de similitudes énergétiques et mécaniques. Des essais sur réservoirs rigides et déformables permettent de caractériser : le chargement issu d'une détonation (répartition spatio-temporelle de la surpression et de l'impulsion), la réponse au chargement des réservoirs (flambement). Des modélisations simplifiées sont confrontées aux résultats expérimentaux

    Synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 4-[3-(4-hy-droxy-phen-yl)-4,5-di-hydro-1H-pyrazol-5-yl]-2-meth-oxy-phenol monohydrate.

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    In the title pyrazoline derivative, C16H16N2O3·H2O, the pyrazoline ring has an envelope conformation with the substituted sp 2 C atom on the flap. The pyrazoline ring makes angles of 86.73 (12) and 13.44 (12)° with the tris-ubstituted and disubstituted benzene rings, respectively. In the crystal structure, the mol-ecules are connected into chains running in the b-axis direction by O-H⋯N hydrogen bonding. Parallel chains inter-act through N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking of the tris-ubstituted phenyl rings. The major contribution to the surface contacts are H⋯H contacts (44.3%) as concluded from a Hirshfeld surface analysis

    Green synthesis and crystal structure of 3-(benzo-thia-zol-2-yl)thio-phene.

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    The title compound, C11H7NS2, was prepared in high yield (87%) using a solvent-free microwave-assisted synthesis. The structure shows whole-mol-ecule disorder with occupancies for two orientations (A and B) of 0.4884 (10) and 0.5116 (10), respectively. The thio-phene and benzo-thia-zole rings are almost planar and make dihedral angles of 10.02 (18) and 12.54 (19)° for orientations A and B, respectively. Slipped π-π stacking between the aromatic rings, together with C-H⋯π, C-H⋯S and C-H⋯N inter-actions, result in a herringbone motif in the crystal packing

    Crystal structure of 4-amino-3-(thio-phen-3-ylmeth-yl)-1<i>H</i>-1,2,4-triazole-5(4<i>H</i>)-thione.

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    In the title compound, C7H8N4S2, the thio-phene ring shows rotational disorder over two orientations in a 0.6957 (15):0.3043 (15) ratio. The plane of the 1,2,4-triazole ring makes a dihedral angle of 75.02 (17)° with the major-disorder component of the thiophene ring. In the crystal, two types of inversion dimers, described by the graph-set motifs R22(8) and R22(10), are formed by N-H⋯S inter-actions. Chains of mol-ecules running in the [101] direction are linked by weaker N-H⋯N inter-actions. The thio-phene ring is involved in π-π and C-H⋯π inter-actions

    Some chalcones derived from thio-phene-3-carbaldehyde: synthesis and crystal structures.

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    The synthesis, spectroscopic data and crystal and mol-ecular structures of four 3-(3-phenyl-prop-1-ene-3-one-1-yl)thio-phene derivatives, namely 1-(4-hydroxy-phen-yl)-3-(thio-phen-3-yl)prop-1-en-3-one, C13H10O2S, (1), 1-(4-meth-oxy-phen-yl)-3-(thio-phen-3-yl)prop-1-en-3-one, C14H12O2S, (2), 1-(4-eth-oxy-phen-yl)-3-(thio-phen-3-yl)prop-1-en-3-one, C15H14O2S, (3), and 1-(4--bromophen-yl)-3-(thio-phen-3-yl)prop-1-en-3-one, C13H9BrOS, (4), are described. The four chalcones have been synthesized by reaction of thio-phene-3-carbaldehyde with an aceto-phenone derivative in an absolute ethanol solution containing potassium hydroxide, and differ in the substituent at the para position of the phenyl ring: -OH for 1, -OCH3 for 2, -OCH2CH3 for 3 and -Br for 4. The thio-phene ring in 4 was found to be disordered over two orientations with occupancies 0.702 (4) and 0.298 (4). The configuration about the C=C bond is E. The thio-phene and phenyl rings are inclined by 4.73 (12) for 1, 12.36 (11) for 2, 17.44 (11) for 3 and 46.1 (6) and 48.6 (6)° for 4, indicating that the -OH derivative is almost planar and the -Br derivative deviates the most from planarity. However, the substituent has no real influence on the bond distances in the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl moiety. The mol-ecular packing of 1 features chain formation in the a-axis direction by O-H⋯O contacts. In the case of 2 and 3, the packing is characterized by dimer formation through C-H⋯O inter-actions. In addition, C-H⋯π(thio-phene) inter-actions in 2 and C-H⋯S(thio-phene) inter-actions in 3 contribute to the three-dimensional architecture. The presence of C-H⋯π(thio-phene) contacts in the crystal of 4 results in chain formation in the c-axis direction. The Hirshfeld surface analysis shows that for all four derivatives, the highest contribution to surface contacts arises from contacts in which H atoms are involved
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