111 research outputs found

    Hydrographic data from R/V endeavor cruise #90

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    The final cruise of the NSF sponsored Warm Core Rings Program studied a Warm Core Ring (WCR) in the Fall of 1982 as it formed from a large northward meander of the Gulf Stream. This ring, known as 82-H or the eighth ring identified in 1982, formed over the New England Seamounts near 39.5 deg N, 65 deg W. Surveys using Expendable Bathythermographs, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen stations and Doppler Current Profiling provide a look at the genesis of a WCR. These measurements reveal that WCR 82-H separated from the Gulf Stream sometime between October 2-5. This ring was a typical WCR with a diameter of about 200 km and speeds in the high velocity core of the 175 cm/sec. Satellite imagery of 82-H following the cruise showed that it drifted WSW in the Slope Water region at almost 9 km/day, had at least one interaction with the Gulf Stream and was last observed on February 8, 1983 at 39 deg N, 72 deg W

    THE DRIP CASTING OF ZIRCONIUM METAL. Work Completed: March 1951

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    A drip casting process initiated to obtain zirconium castings uncontaminated by the melting process and to remove volatile impurities from the zirconium feed rod is described. A feed rod of zirconium is held above the mold, and the bottom of the rod is melted rapidly off into a mold to produce the casting. The melting process is carried out under high vacuum, so that very little atmospheric contamination can result, and some removal of volatile impurities is possible. Since no crucible is used to contain the molten metal, no contamination can result from this source. (auth

    Cruise summaries of Oceanus cruises 205, leg 8, and 216

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    A study of the upper ocean thermal and density structure in the northwestern Atlantic in 1989 compared temperature and density measurements made with Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) and Conductivity-Temperature-Depth instruments with current data from an acoustic Doppler current profiler and satellite infrared imagery and altimetry. Two cruises were made in the spring and winter of 1989 with the goal of directly measuring the upper ocean currents and variabilty of the Gulf Stream. The XBT observations were used to extend the measured velocities geostrophically from the near-surface region to depths of 750 meters, thereby allowing transport estimates to be made for the upper ocean. In April the measurments were compared and used with the GEOSAT altimeter which, unfortunately, was not operating during the December cruise.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation through Grant No. OCE-SS-1769S

    Hydrographic data from R/V Endeavor cruise #143

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    Hydrographic data collected during R/V Endeavor cruise 143 is presented as a preliminary study of subduction in the northeast Atlantic south of the Azores Front. The front is clearly defined at the northern end of CTD section #1 which also shows a layer of 16-18°C water subducted to the south. Section #2, 280 km to the east, is dominated by a large cyclonic ring with characteristics similar to 'eastern' rings reported earlier . An anomalously salty parcel of Mediterranean water in this section is typical of highly saline lenses seen in the Canary Basin.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under grant Nos. OCE 85-15642 and OCE 85-18372

    Decoy Receptor CXCR7 Modulates Adrenomedullin-Mediated Cardiac and Lymphatic Vascular Development

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    Atypical 7-transmembrane receptors, often called decoy receptors, act promiscuously as molecular sinks to regulate ligand bioavailability and consequently temper the signaling of canonical G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) pathways. Loss of mammalian CXCR7, the most recently described decoy receptor, results in postnatal lethality due to aberrant cardiac development and myocyte hyperplasia. Here, we provide the molecular underpinning for this proliferative phenotype by demonstrating that the dosage and signaling of adrenomedullin (Adm = gene, AM = protein)—a mitogenic peptide-hormone required for normal cardiovascular development—is tightly controlled by CXCR7. To this end, Cxcr7−/− mice exhibit gain-of-function cardiac and lymphatic vascular phenotypes which can be reversed upon genetic depletion of adrenomedullin ligand. In addition to identifying a biological ligand accountable for the phenotypes of Cxcr7−/− mice, these results reveal a previously underappreciated role for decoy receptors as molecular rheostats in controlling the timing and extent of GPCR-mediated cardiac and vascular development

    HHEX is a transcriptional regulator of the VEGFC/FLT4/PROX1 signaling axis during vascular development.

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    Formation of the lymphatic system requires the coordinated expression of several key regulators: vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGFC), its receptor FLT4, and a key transcriptional effector, PROX1. Yet, how expression of these signaling components is regulated remains poorly understood. Here, using a combination of genetic and molecular approaches, we identify the transcription factor hematopoietically expressed homeobox (HHEX) as an upstream regulator of VEGFC, FLT4, and PROX1 during angiogenic sprouting and lymphatic formation in vertebrates. By analyzing zebrafish mutants, we found that hhex is necessary for sprouting angiogenesis from the posterior cardinal vein, a process required for lymphangiogenesis. Furthermore, studies of mammalian HHEX using tissue-specific genetic deletions in mouse and knockdowns in cultured human endothelial cells reveal its highly conserved function during vascular and lymphatic development. Our findings that HHEX is essential for the regulation of the VEGFC/FLT4/PROX1 axis provide insights into the molecular regulation of lymphangiogenesis

    Venous identity requires BMP signalling through ALK3

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    Venous endothelial cells are molecularly and functionally distinct from their arterial counterparts. Although veins are often considered the default endothelial state, genetic manipulations can modulate both acquisition and loss of venous fate, suggesting that venous identity is the result of active transcriptional regulation. However, little is known about this process. Here we show that BMP signalling controls venous identity via the ALK3/BMPR1A receptor and SMAD1/SMAD5. Perturbations to TGF-β and BMP signalling in mice and zebrafish result in aberrant vein formation and loss of expression of the venous-specific gene Ephb4, with no effect on arterial identity. Analysis of a venous endothelium-specific enhancer for Ephb4 shows enriched binding of SMAD1/5 and a requirement for SMAD binding motifs. Further, our results demonstrate that BMP/SMAD-mediated Ephb4 expression requires the venous-enriched BMP type I receptor ALK3/BMPR1A. Together, our analysis demonstrates a requirement for BMP signalling in the establishment of Ephb4 expression and the venous vasculature
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