666 research outputs found

    The Impact of Sensitive Research on the Researcher: Preparedness and Positionality

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    There is currently limited research exploring the impact of undertaking sensitive or challenging research on the researcher, although some textbooks explore researcher preparedness. This article presents a discussion of the findings from a research project which engaged with the seldom heard voices of researchers themselves. The aim was to explore researchers’ experiences of undertaking research on sensitive topics, or with marginalized groups, as this can expose researchers to emotionally disturbing situations throughout data collection and analysis, which can be psychologically challenging. Although ethical codes of practice include discussion around protection of both the researcher and the participant, in practice, the ethics approval process rarely considers the impact of the proposed research on the researcher. Their experiences are therefore seldom acknowledged or heard, resulting in potential distress for the researcher. Semistructured interviews were undertaken with social science researchers from a range of discipline backgrounds and at different points in their research careers (n = 10). This article explores two themes emerging from the data: preparedness and positionality. It considers what these themes mean in terms of supporting researchers who encounter challenging research data, and issues related to supporting researcher reflexivity and the requirements for institutional support offered to researchers will also be considered

    Revisit relic gravitational waves based on the latest CMB observations

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    According to the CMB observations, Mielczarek (\cite{Mielczarek}) evaluated the reheating temperature, which could help to determine the history of the Universe. In this paper, we recalculate the reheating temperature using the new data from WMAP 7 observations. Based on that, we list the approximate solutions of relic gravitational waves (RGWs) for various frequency bands. With the combination of the quantum normalization of RGWs when they are produced and the CMB observations, we obtain the relation between the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr and the inflation index β\beta for a given scalar spectral index nsn_s. As a comparison, the diagram rβr-\beta in the slow-roll inflation model is also given. Thus, the observational limits of rr from CMB lead to the constraints on the value of β\beta. Then, we illustrate the energy density spectrum of RGWs with the quantum normalization for different values of rr and the corresponding β\beta. For comparison, the energy density spectra of RGWs with parameters based on slow-roll inflation are also discussed. We find that the values of nsn_s affect the spectra of RGWs sensitively in the very high frequencies. Based on the current and planed gravitational wave detectors, we discuss the detectabilities of RGWs.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    Perfectionism and self-conscious emotions in British and Japanese students: Predicting pride and embarrassment after success and failure

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    Regarding self-conscious emotions, studies have shown that different forms of perfectionism show different relationships with pride, shame, and embarrassment depending on success and failure. What is unknown is whether these relationships also show cultural variations. Therefore, we conducted a study investigating how self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism predicted pride and embarrassment after success and failure comparing 363 British and 352 Japanese students. Students were asked to respond to a set of scenarios where they imagined achieving either perfect (success) or flawed results (failure). In both British and Japanese students, self-oriented perfectionism positively predicted pride after success and embarrassment after failure whereas socially prescribed perfectionism predicted embarrassment after success and failure. Moreover, in Japanese students, socially prescribed perfectionism positively predicted pride after success and self-oriented perfectionism negatively predicted pride after failure. The findings have implications for our understanding of perfectionism indicating that the perfectionism–pride relationship not only varies between perfectionism dimensions, but may also show cultural variations

    Prospects in Constraining the Dark Energy Potential

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    We generalize to non-flat geometries the formalism of Simon et al. (2005) to reconstruct the dark energy potential. This formalism makes use of quantities similar to the Horizon-flow parameters in inflation, can, in principle, be made non-parametric and is general enough to be applied outside the simple, single scalar field quintessence. Since presently available and forthcoming data do not allow a non-parametric and exact reconstruction of the potential, we consider a general parametric description in term of Chebyshev polynomials. We then consider present and future measurements of H(z), Baryon Acoustic Oscillations surveys and Supernovae type 1A surveys, and investigate their constraints on the dark energy potential. We find that, relaxing the flatness assumption increases the errors on the reconstructed dark energy evolution but does not open up significant degeneracies, provided that a modest prior on geometry is imposed. Direct measurements of H(z), such as those provided by BAO surveys, are crucially important to constrain the evolution of the dark energy potential and the dark energy equation of state, especially for non-trivial deviations from the standard LambdaCDM model.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. 2 references correcte

    Probing for cosmological parameters with LAMOST measurement

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    In this paper we study the sensitivity of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) project to the determination of cosmological parameters, employing the Monte Carlo Markov Chains (MCMC) method. For comparison, we first analyze the constraints on cosmological parameters from current observational data, including WMAP, SDSS and SN Ia. We then simulate the 3D matter power spectrum data expected from LAMOST, together with the simulated CMB data for PLANCK and the SN Ia from 5-year Supernovae Legacy Survey (SNLS). With the simulated data, we investigate the future improvement on cosmological parameter constraints, emphasizing the role of LAMOST. Our results show the potential of LAMOST in probing for the cosmological parameters, especially in constraining the equation-of-state (EoS) of the dark energy and the neutrino mass.Comment: 7 pages and 3 figures. Replaced with version accepted for publication in JCA

    Fine-tuning implications for complementary dark matter and LHC SUSY searches

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    The requirement that SUSY should solve the hierarchy problem without undue fine-tuning imposes severe constraints on the new supersymmetric states. With the MSSM spectrum and soft SUSY breaking originating from universal scalar and gaugino masses at the Grand Unification scale, we show that the low-fine-tuned regions fall into two classes that will require complementary collider and dark matter searches to explore in the near future. The first class has relatively light gluinos or squarks which should be found by the LHC in its first run. We identify the multijet plus E_T^miss signal as the optimal channel and determine the discovery potential in the first run. The second class has heavier gluinos and squarks but the LSP has a significant Higgsino component and should be seen by the next generation of direct dark matter detection experiments. The combined information from the 7 TeV LHC run and the next generation of direct detection experiments can test almost all of the CMSSM parameter space consistent with dark matter and EW constraints, corresponding to a fine-tuning not worse than 1:100. To cover the complete low-fine-tuned region by SUSY searches at the LHC will require running at the full 14 TeV CM energy; in addition it may be tested indirectly by Higgs searches covering the mass range below 120 GeV.Comment: References added. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Probing the IGM/Galaxy Connection IV: The LCO/WFCCD Galaxy Survey of 20 Fields Surrounding UV Bright Quasars

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    We publish the survey for galaxies in 20 fields containing ultraviolet bright quasars (with z_em 0.1 to 0.5) that can be used to study the association between galaxies and absorption systems from the low-z intergalactic medium (IGM). The survey is magnitude limited (R~19.5 mag) and highly complete out to 10' from the quasar in each field. It was designed to detect dwarf galaxies (L ~ 0.1 L*) at an impact parameter rho 1Mpc (z=0.1) from a quasar. The complete sample (all 20 fields) includes R-band photometry for 84718 sources and confirmed redshifts for 2800 sources. This includes 1198 galaxies with 0.005 < z < (z_em - 0.01) at a median redshift of 0.18, which may associated with IGM absorption lines. All of the imaging was acquired with cameras on the Swope 40" telescope and the spectra were obtained via slitmask observations using the WFCCD spectrograph on the Dupont 100" telescope at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO). This paper describes the data reduction, imaging analysis, photometry, and spectral analysis of the survey. We tabulate the principal measurements for all sources in each field and provide the spectroscopic dataset online.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal Supplements; 20 pages, only 6 figures shown in this version. See http://www.ucolick.org/~xavier/WFCCDOVI/index.html for a full-length manuscript and other supportive materia

    Primordial Black Holes, Eternal Inflation, and the Inflationary Parameter Space after WMAP5

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    We consider constraints on inflation driven by a single, minimally coupled scalar field in the light of the WMAP5 dataset, as well as ACBAR and the SuperNova Legacy Survey. We use the Slow Roll Reconstruction algorithm to derive optimal constraints on the inflationary parameter space. The scale dependence in the slope of the scalar spectrum permitted by WMAP5 is large enough to lead to viable models where the small scale perturbations have a substantial amplitude when extrapolated to the end of inflation. We find that excluding parameter values which would cause the overproduction of primordial black holes or even the onset of eternal inflation leads to potentially significant constraints on the slow roll parameters. Finally, we present a more sophisticated approach to including priors based on the total duration of inflation, and discuss the resulting restrictions on the inflationary parameter space.Comment: v2: version published in JCAP. Minor clarifications and references adde

    High Redshift Metals I.: The Decline of C IV at z > 5.3

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    We present the results from our search for C IV in the intergalactic medium at redshifts z=5.3-6.0. We have observed four z~6 QSOs with Keck/NIRSPEC in echelle mode. The data are the most sensitive yet taken to search for C IV at these redshifts, being 50% complete at column densities log(N_{CIV})=13.4. We find no C IV systems in any of the four sightlines. Taking into account our completeness, this translates into a decline in the number density of C IV absorbers in the range 13.0 < log(N_{CIV}) < 15.0 of at least a factor 4.4 (95% confidence) from z~2-4.5, where the number density is relatively constant. We use our lack of detections to set limits on the slope and normalization of the column density distribution at z=5.3-6.0. The rapid evolution of C IV at these redshifts suggests that the decrease in the number density may largely be due to ionization effects, in which case many of the metals in the z~4.5 IGM could already be in place at z~5.3, but in a lower ionization state. The lack of weak systems in our data, combined with the presence of strong C IV absorbers along at least one other sightline, further suggests that there may be large-scale variations in the enrichment and/or ionization state of the z~6 IGM, or that C IV absorbers at these redshifts are associated with rare, UV-bright star-forming galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Little Review on Leptogenesis

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    This is a brief review on the scenario of baryogenesis through leptogenesis. Leptogenesis is an appealing scenario that may relate the observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe to the low-energy neutrino data. In this review talk, particular emphasis is put on recent developments on the field, such as the flavourdynamics of leptogenesis and resonant leptogenesis near the electroweak phase transition. It is illustrated how these recent developments enable the modelling of phenomenologically predictive scenarios that can directly be tested at the LHC and indirectly in low-energy experiments of lepton-number and lepton-flavour violation.Comment: 15 pages, based on a plenary presentation given at the DISCRETE'08 Symposium, 11-16 December 2008, Valencia, Spai