109 research outputs found

    Correlation of shear-wave velocities and cone resistance of quaternary glacial sandy soils defined by Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT)

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    The derivation of dynamic geotechnical parameters of soil are of primary importance in designing specific structures. Direct measurements are expensive and time-consuming. In this study the correlation between the seismic wave velocities and cone resistance was derived from seismic cone penetration testing (SCPT) of Quaternary glacial sandy soils in Lithuania. The close relationship was obtained for sandy soils indicating wide range of cone resistance and seismic wave velocities. The correlation is as high as R = 0.80. The derived regression equation could be reasonably used in assessing dynamic geotechnical and seismic parameters in Lithuania and other territories characterized by similar geological conditions using conventional cone penetration testing (CPT) method. It enables consistent geotechnical and seismic zoning of sandy soils

    Correlation between shear wave velocity and cone resistance of Quaternary glacial clayey soils defined by Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT), Lithuania

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    The correlation between the cone resistance and the shear wave velocities was derived for the Quaternary glacial clayey soil (moraine) using Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT) technique. The correlation obtained between two parameters is as high as +0.73. The derived regression equation has significant differences from those of clayey soils reported from other regions that are accounted to different genetic type of sediments and evolutionary history. Accordingly the obtained results can be applied in defining the dynamic geotechnical properties of glacial clayey soils of Lithuania and other regions that have similar geological conditions (i.e. formerly glaciated areas)

    Sensitivity of dynamic behaviour of the FE model: Case study for the ignalina NPP reactor building

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    The 3D thin‐walled finite element model of Ignalina NPP Unit 2 reactor building was developed aimed at the evaluation of the global dynamic behaviour with a focus on the seismic response. The model comprises description of the monolithic structures, while prefabricated frame structures are ignored and replaced by external masses. Sensitivity study of the selected dynamic characteristics of the model with respect to data uncertainties is considered. Uncertainty of the model is considered in terms of masses of removed structures and wall stiffness. Seismic input is represented by the site specific free‐field ground response acceleration spectra. The sensitivity study concerns variations of frequencies and acceleration of in‐structure horizontal response spectra at specified points. Maximal bending moments are also considered. It was obtained that the reactor level is not sensitive to the uncertainties considered, while discernable sensitivity was detected at the top level of the structure. Santrauka Pateikta Ignalinos atominės elektrinės pastato erdvinio baigtinių elementų dinaminio modelio kūrimo koncepcija, išnagrinėtas šio modelio jautrumas keičiamoms masėms ir sienų standumui. Parodyta, kaip šie keičiami dydžiai turi įtaką dažniams, horizontaliems tam tikrų nagrinėjamų taškų atsako spektrams, lenkimo momentų persiskirstymui ir jų didžiui. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ignalinos AE, baigtinių elementų modelis, savųjų dažnių ir seisminė analizė, plyno lauko spektras, atsako spektras

    INCEFA-PLUS Findings on Environmental Fatigue

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    INCEFA-PLUS is a five year project supported by the European Commission HORIZON2020 programme. The project concluded in October 2020. 16 organisations from across Europe have combined forces to deliver new experimental data which is being used to develop improved guidelines for assessment of environmental fatigue damage to ensure safe operation of nuclear power plants. Within INCEFA-PLUS, the effects of mean strain and stress, hold time, strain amplitude and surface finish on fatigue endurance of austenitic stainless steels in light water reactor environments have been studied experimentally. This document constitutes a Reference Book compiling the research developed within the INCEFA-PLUS Project. It provides a comprehensive overview of the tasks performed, and it also presents the background and the assumptions taken to develop the INCEFA-PLUS experimental and analytical works. It compiles and orders documents and contributions from INCEFA-PLUS partners.This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training program 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 662320

    Towards a new image processing system at Wendelstein 7-X: From spatial calibration to characterization of thermal events

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    Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is the most advanced fusion experiment in the stellarator line and is aimed at proving that the stellarator concept is suitable for a fusion reactor. One of the most important issues for fusion reactors is the monitoring of plasma facing components when exposed to very high heat loads, through the use of visible and infrared (IR) cameras. In this paper, a new image processing system for the analysis of the strike lines on the inboard limiters from the first W7-X experimental campaign is presented. This system builds a model of the IR cameras through the use of spatial calibration techniques, helping to characterize the strike lines by using the information given by real spatial coordinates of each pixel. The characterization of the strike lines is made in terms of position, size, and shape, after projecting the camera image in a 2D grid which tries to preserve the curvilinear surface distances between points. The description of the strike-line shape is made by means of the Fourier Descriptors

    Forward modeling of collective Thomson scattering for Wendelstein 7-X plasmas: Electrostatic approximation

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    In this paper, we present a method for numerical computation of collective Thomson scattering (CTS). We developed a forward model, eCTS, in the electrostatic approximation and benchmarked it against a full electromagnetic model. Differences between the electrostatic and the electromagnetic models are discussed. The sensitivity of the results to the ion temperature and the plasma composition is demonstrated. We integrated the model into the Bayesian data analysis framework Minerva and used it for the analysis of noisy synthetic data sets produced by a full electromagnetic model. It is shown that eCTS can be used for the inference of the bulk ion temperature. The model has been used to infer the bulk ion temperature from the first CTS measurements on Wendelstein 7-X

    Dedication to the science of history

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    In his memoirs the author, a scientist and historian, dwells upon the most memorable and peculiar experiencies of his, upon his native village, college, upon his studies in Kaunas and Paris universities, upon his work in the University of Vilnius, a hard period which lasted for half a century (1941—1992). Chapters: Homeland. At a college and at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas (1920—1933); — Going into the heart of history. Extending the knowledge of history at the Sorbone University in Paris, where he got a doctor degree (1934—1940); — Return to Lithuania. The first Soviet enslavement and German occupation. The starting work at Vil¬nius University (1941—1944); — Postwar Soviet period at the University of Vilnius (1944—1990). The teaching staff and the work of a lecturer. Public activities. Scientific work; — After restoration of Lithuania’s Independence (1990—1994)

    Napoleon's reforms in Lithuania

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    On July 7, 1807 Napoleon and Czar Alexander I concluded a peace and alliance treaty in Tilsit. By this treaty the Warsaw Duchy was created including the Polish and Lithuanian lands in conquered Prussia. The principality was represented by a small part of Lithuania on the left side of Nemunas - Užnemunė (southwestern part of Lithuania). The new small state was politically and military closely linked with France. After Napoleon's war with Austria in 1809 Cracow and part of Galicia were annexed to it. In the Warsaw Duchy Napoleon abolished the inequality of estates, i.e., emancipated the peasants-serfs. Some time later the local administration announced that the land used by peasants was the property of landowners. After the fall of the Napoleon empire great arguments arose in the Vienna Congress (1814-1815) as to the fate of the Warsaw Duchy. After its "trimming" in favour of Prussia and Austria the remaining lands (including Warsaw) comprised a new small state - an autonomous Kingdom of Poland within the Russian empire. It also included Užnemunė. Napoleon's social reforms appeared to be more stead¬fast and some of them even irreversible. Alexander I had to conform with the new trends of social development and accept the changes made by Napoleon. In the new autonomous Kingdom of Poland (concomitantly in Užnemunė) the code of Napoleon and the emancipation of serfs remained in force. In this part of Lithuania the progress of life was more obvious. The gentry merged with the rich peasants thus creating the basis for a national intelligentsia. This region played an important role in the further development of Lithuania