3,758 research outputs found

    The Alaska Marriage Amendment: The People’s Choice on the Last Frontier

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    I Sverige beräknas 17 % av befolkningen ha en hörselnedsättning, vilket innebär att det är den vanligaste sensoriska funktionsnedsättningen. Idag finns det en mängd studier som visar att hörselnedsättning är relaterat till sämre psykisk hälsa. Acceptans av sin hörselnedsättning har visat sig vara positivt för hörselnedsatta och samvarierar med hjälpsökande. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) är en transdiagnostisk behandling där psykopatologi antas bero på en hög grad av upplevelsemässigt undvikande och fusion med tankar. Målet i ACT är att öka psykologisk flexibilitet där acceptans är en betydande komponent. Denna explorativa studie undersökte förändringsprocesser i ACT för personer med hörselnedsättning där utfallet var känslomässig och social anpassning för hörselnedsättningen (HHIE-S). De förändringsprocesser som prövades var acceptans (HAQ), som tidigare visat på medierande effekt för ACT, samt två alternativa förändringsprocesser; self-efficacy (HSE-4) och upplevd stress (PSS-4). Behandlingen bestod av åtta internetadministrerade moduler givna med behandlarstöd där veckovisa mätningar av förändringsprocesser och utfall användes. Studiens resultat visar att behandlingsgruppen upplevde marginellt signifikant mindre problem med känslomässig och social anpassning för hörselnedsättningen (HHIE-S). Studiens resultat pekar på att hörselrelaterad acceptans (HAQ) och self- efficacy (HSE-4) medierar behandlingens effekt på deltagarnas känslomässiga och sociala anpassning för hörselnedsättning (HHIE-S). Således tillför denna studie ytterligare belägg för acceptans som förändringsprocess i ACT. Även self-efficacy kan vara en intressant mediator att beakta i fortsatt forskning.

    The impacts of taxes on firm entry rates along state borders

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    This paper uses a regression discontinuity approach to estimate the impacts of taxes on firm entry rates between neighboring states. We utilize matched county pairs as an approximate bandwidth around the discontinuity in state policies imposed at their border. This estimation strategy controls for unobserved location specific determinants of firm entry, as well as policy responses to shocks shared across borders. We estimate this impact using a sample of 107 state-border pairs between 1999 and 2009. We add to the literature by using the large array of top marginal tax rates, including property, income, sales, corporate, capital gains, workers compensation, and unemployment insurance tax rates. This controls for joint changes in tax rates that governments may implement to accomplish policy goals. Our results indicate that property, sales, and income taxes have the largest negative effect on firm start up rates

    Bio-pharma's impact on California's state and local economy

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    In California, a leading state in biotech research & development, and bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing, more than 100 establishments in these two related industries employ about 65,000 workers whose average wage exceeds 100,000peryear.Onaverage,about2000constructionworkersbuildandrefurbishtheinfrastructureofthisindustryinCaliforniaannuallyputtinginplaceabout100,000 per year. On average, about 2000 construction workers build and refurbish the infrastructure of this industry in California annually putting in place about 1 billion of new and renovated buildings. The economic impact of this construction activity adds a total of more than 2billionannuallytotheCaliforniaeconomy.TheannualeconomiccontributionofthebiopharmaceuticalmanufacturingindustrytotheCaliforniaeconomyexceeds2 billion annually to the California economy. The annual economic contribution of the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry to the California economy exceeds 65 billion, creates almost 200,000 jobs directly and indirectly and generates more than 2.5 billion in state and local tax revenues. The annual economic contribution of the biotech R&D sector to the California economy exceeds 9 billion, creating more than 50,000 jobs and more than 450millioninstateandlocaltaxrevenues.Ananalysisofaprojectlaboragreement(PLA)inSolanoCountyshowsthatthelocalhireprovisionsofthisagreementgeneratedmorethan3timesasmuchlocalemploymentandlocaltaxrevenuescomparedtohadtheprojectnotbeendoneunderaPLA.Ananalysisofabio−pharmaceuticalmanufacturingplantbelongingtoaCaliforniabiotechfirmthatwasbuiltinOhioinsteadofCaliforniashowsthatnotbuildingthisfacilityinCaliforniameantthestatelostalmost4,000constructionandotherjobs,lostmorethan450 million in state and local tax revenues. An analysis of a project labor agreement (PLA) in Solano County shows that the local hire provisions of this agreement generated more than 3 times as much local employment and local tax revenues compared to had the project not been done under a PLA. An analysis of a bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing plant belonging to a California biotech firm that was built in Ohio instead of California shows that not building this facility in California meant the state lost almost 4,000 construction and other jobs, lost more than 900 million in economic activity associated with the construction of this plant and lost more than 9millioninlocalandstatetaxrevenuesassociatedwiththebuildingoftheplant.Californiafurtherlostannually2400jobsthatwouldhavebeencreateddirectlyorindirectlythroughtheoperationofthisplant,almost9 million in local and state tax revenues associated with the building of the plant. California further lost annually 2400 jobs that would have been created directly or indirectly through the operation of this plant, almost 850 million in statewide economic activity and $31 million in state and local taxes

    Interacting Frobenius algebras are Hopf

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    Theories featuring the interaction between a Frobenius algebra and a Hopf algebra have recently appeared in several areas in computer science: concurrent programming, control theory, and quantum computing, among others. Bonchi, Sobocinski, and Zanasi (2014) have shown that, given a suitable distributive law, a pair of Hopf algebras forms two Frobenius algebras. Here we take the opposite approach, and show that interacting Frobenius algebras form Hopf algebras. We generalise (BSZ 2014) by including non-trivial dynamics of the underlying object---the so-called phase group---and investigate the effects of finite dimensionality of the underlying model. We recover the system of Bonchi et al as a subtheory in the prime power dimensional case, but the more general theory does not arise from a distributive law

    Electrochemical Testing of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys 2050, 2195, and the Current Aerospace Industry Standard 7075 to Measure the Galvanic Corrosion Behavior with Ti-6Al-4V

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    This project aimed to characterize the electrochemical behavior of four different aluminum alloys, and determine how much galvanic corrosion would occur when each alloy was coupled to Ti-6Al-4V. The particular alloys tested were 2050-T3, 2050-T852, 2195-T852, and 7075-T7352. These alloys were tested to determine the effects of aging, and adding lithium, to the corrosion behavior of aluminum alloys. Potentiodynamic polarization curves were generated using the Parstat 2273 potentiostat in accordance with ASTM standard G5, and corrosion analysis software was used to produce Tafel fit lines, which determined the open circuit potential (Ecorr) of each sample. Nine tests were run on each alloy and proper statistical analysis was used to determine an Ecorr value. These potential values were used to develop a galvanic series in accordance with ASTM standard G82 to characterize the corrosion behavior of the aluminum alloys when coupled to Ti-6Al-4V. The differences between average Ecorr values of each aluminum alloy and Ti-6Al-4V were calculated to predict the extent of galvanic corrosion that would occur. The differences in Ecorr values were found to be 281.21 mV for 2050-T3, 319.02 mV for 2050-T852, 300.72 mV for 2195-T852, and 439.45 mV for 7075-T7352

    Results from Magnetic Gradient Surveys at the Walnut Branch (41CE47), Ross I (41CE485), and Ross II (41CE486) Sites in Cherokee County, Texas

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    The use of magnetic gradient surveys at Caddo sites located throughout the Caddo people’s ancestral lands within the current areas of East Texas, Southwest Arkansas, Northwest Louisiana, and eastern Oklahoma has been very successful in the elucidation and mapping of the distributional characteristics of buried cultural features. In March 2018, three Caddo sites in East Texas (41CE47, 41CE485, 41CE486) were surveyed and the results add to the growing corpus of remote sensing spatial data. The recent survey work was conducted in order to assess the nature of sub-surface preservation of archaeological deposits in different environmental and historical contexts and to map the distribution of geophysical anomalies attributed to the Caddo occupations. The following presents results and preliminary interpretations

    Consistency of pacing and metabolic responses during 2000-m rowing ergometry

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    PURPOSE: This study investigated the pacing strategy adopted and the consistency of performance and related physiological parameters across three 2000-m rowing-ergometer tests. METHODS: Fourteen male well-trained rowers took part in the study. Each participant performed three 2000-m rowing-ergometer tests interspersed by 3-7 d. Throughout the trials, respiratory exchange and heart rate were recorded and power output and stroke rate were analyzed over each 500 m of the test. At the completion of the trial, assessments of blood lactate and rating of perceived exertion were measured. RESULTS: Ergometer performance was unchanged across the 3 trials; however, pacing strategy changed from trial 1, which featured a higher starting power output and more progressive decrease in power, to trials 2 and 3, which were characterized by a more conservative start and an end spurt with increased power output during the final 500 m. Mean typical error (TE; %) across the three 2000-m trials was 2.4%, and variability was low to moderate for all assessed physiological variables (TE range = 1.4-5.1%) with the exception of peak lactate (TE = 11.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Performance and physiological responses during 2000-m rowing ergometry were found to be consistent over 3 trials. The variations observed in pacing strategy between trial 1 and trials 2 and 3 suggest that a habituation trial is required before an intervention study and that participants move from a positive to a reverse-J-shaped strategy, which may partly explain conflicting reports in the pacing strategy exhibited during 2000-m rowing-ergometer trials

    Development of a simulated round of golf

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to develop a laboratory-based treadmill simulation of the on-course physiological demands of an 18-hole round of golf and to identify the underlying physiological responses. Methods Eight amateur golfers completed a round of golf during which heart rate (HR), steps taken, and global positioning system (GPS) data were assessed. The GPS data were used to create a simulated discontinuous round on a treadmill. Steps taken and HR were recorded during the simulated round. Results During the on-course round, players covered a mean (±SD) of 8,251 ± 450 m, taking 12,766 ± 1,530 steps. The mean exercise intensity during the on-course round was 31.4 ± 9.3% of age-predicted heart rate reserve (%HRR) or 55.6 ± 4.4% of age-predicted maximum HR (%HRmax). There were no significant differences between the simulated round and the on-course round for %HRR (P = .537) or %HR max (P = .561) over the entire round or for each individual hole. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between the two rounds for steps taken. Typical error values for steps taken, HR, %HRmax, and %HRR were 1,083 steps, ±7.6 b·min?1, ±4.5%, and ±8.1%, respectively. Conclusion Overall, the simulated round of golf successfully recreated the demands of an on-course round. This simulated round could be used as a research tool to assess the extent of fatigue during a round of golf or the impact of various interventions on golfers
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