937 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Real Option Approach to Patents and Optimal Renewal Fees

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    This article aims at estimating the optimal profile of renewal fees patent offices should implement. It is at the crossroad of two strands of literature. The first strand is the theoretical literature analysing renewal fees as an optimal revelation mechanism. The second strand is the econometric literature developing real option models of patent renewal decisions to assess the value of patents. Using data from the French patent office, we find that there is little room to lower the social cost of patents without affecting the monetary incentives to apply for a patent and innovate. We show that a menu of optimally defined profiles helps to further discriminate among patents.

    A Bayesian Real Option Approach to Patents and Optimal Renewal Fees

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    This article aims at estimating the optimal profile of renewal fees patent offices should implement. It is at the crossroad of two strands of literature. The first strand is the theoretical literature analysing renewal fees as an optimal revelation mechanism. The second strand is the econometric literature developing real option models of patent renewal decisions to assess the value of patents. Using data from the French patent office, we find that there is little room to lower the social cost of patents without affecting the monetary incentives to apply for a patent and innovate. We show that a menu of optimally defined profiles helps to further discriminate among patents

    Mises en scènes du "chez-soi" contemporain : les univers spatiaux du catalogue de vente par correspondance AM-PM. Vivre la maison. Meubles & Déco.

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    International audienceQuelle contribution une lecture de catalogues de vente par correspondance peut-elle apporter à une géographie de l'habiter ?La réponse paraîtrait bien improbable tant ce support semble plus à même de renseigner sur le contenu et les modalités de stratégies publicitaires, sa fonction première, que sur l'espace des sociétés et son organisation. Pourtant, pour peu qu'on la prenne au sérieux, la mise en scène des espaces intérieurs fait bien plus que ce qu'elle annonce elle-même : par les modèles et les références qu'elle actualise, par les manières d'organiser et de disposer les objets et les personnes qu'elle propose (voire impose), elle constitue un indice éclairant sur les logiques sociales à l’œuvre dans la production de l'habiter.Partant de ce postulat et après avoir clarifié le lien entre espace, imaginaire et pratique spatiale, cet article identifie différentes formes et figures spatiales dont la circulation peut être plus particulièrement saisie à travers deux corpus (AM-PM Vivre la maison) qui déclinent les compositions d’univers spatiaux du « chez-soi contemporain ».À travers ces propositions, c’est en fait un rapport au monde et aux autres, à la société comme à soi-même qui se joue, une pratique spatiale qui participe dès lors pleinement à la production des territoires de l'habiter

    Task-based adaptive multiresolution for time-space multi-scale reaction-diffusion systems on multi-core architectures

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    A new solver featuring time-space adaptation and error control has been recently introduced to tackle the numerical solution of stiff reaction-diffusion systems. Based on operator splitting, finite volume adaptive multiresolution and high order time integrators with specific stability properties for each operator, this strategy yields high computational efficiency for large multidimensional computations on standard architectures such as powerful workstations. However, the data structure of the original implementation, based on trees of pointers, provides limited opportunities for efficiency enhancements, while posing serious challenges in terms of parallel programming and load balancing. The present contribution proposes a new implementation of the whole set of numerical methods including Radau5 and ROCK4, relying on a fully different data structure together with the use of a specific library, TBB, for shared-memory, task-based parallelism with work-stealing. The performance of our implementation is assessed in a series of test-cases of increasing difficulty in two and three dimensions on multi-core and many-core architectures, demonstrating high scalability

    Spatial doctrines of urban development - persistence and change in the course of time

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    In the field of urban and regional planning, France and Germany have shown several analogies since the beginning of the modern age. However, there is still a difference between more centralised governance processes (France) and a stronger position of the municipalities (Germany). But the planning strategies of France and Germany have moved closer together. A comparison covering about 100 years must differentiate between German planning strategies in East and West Germany for a considerable period. Urban planning has been influenced by similar models like the Athens Charter or the Leipzig Charter. The latter, a European document, was renewed in 2020. Furthermore, in both countries, similar paths can be identified: the pursuit of a strong technical focus, the tendency towards sustainable development, more flexibility, the growing importance of integrated policies and the challenges of urban sprawl. Main doctrines like integration, participation and future orientation have accompanied urban and regional planning in Germany as well as in France

    Les micro-territoires dans l’aménagement urbain, objets spatiaux et sociaux paradoxaux

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    Si les différentes dimensions de la recomposition territoriale des villes européennes sont individuellement bien identifiées, en particulier en ce qui concerne leur extension matérielle et le renouvellement de leurs structures d’organisation, elles restent néanmoins difficiles à penser dans un même geste. Partant de cette idée, cet article fait le pari que l’analyse de l’aménagement d’un micro-territoire est à même de constituer un analyseur efficace des logiques urbaines plus vastes telles qu’elles s’expriment et peuvent être observées dans le cas d’une ville intermédiaire, Orléans.If various dimensions of the territorial recombining of the European cities individually are well identified, specially regarding their material extension and the renewal of their structures of organization, they remain nevertheless difficult to think on a single movement. On the basis of this idea, this article makes the bet that the analysis of the installation of a micro-territory can constitute an effective analyzer of larger urban logics such as they are expressed and observed in the case of an intermediate city, Orleans

    Activity and abundance of methane-oxidizing bacteria in secondary forest and manioc plantations of Amazonian Dark Earth and their adjacent soils

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    The oxidation of atmospheric CH4 in upland soils is mostly mediated by uncultivated groups of microorganisms that have been identified solely by molecular markers, such as the sequence of the pmoA gene encoding the ?-subunit of the particulate methane monooxygenase enzyme. The objective of this work was to compare the activity and diversity of methanotrophs in Amazonian Dark Earth soil (ADE, Hortic Anthrosol) and their adjacent non-anthropic soil. Secondly, the effect of land use in the form of manioc cultivation was examined by comparing secondary forest and plantation soils. CH4 oxidation potentials were measured and the structure of the methanotroph communities assessed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and amplicon pyrosequencing of pmoA genes. The oxidation potentials at low CH4 concentrations (10 ppm of volume) were relatively high in all the secondary forest sites of both ADE and adjacent soils. CH4 oxidation by the ADE soil only recently converted to a manioc plantation was also relatively high. In contrast, both the adjacent soils used for manioc cultivation and the ADE soil with a long history of agriculture displayed lower CH4 uptake rates. Amplicon pyrosequencing of pmoA genes indicated that USC?, Methylocystis and the tropical upland soil cluster (TUSC) were the dominant groups depending on the site. By qPCR analysis it was found that USC? pmoA genes, which are believed to belong to atmospheric CH4 oxidizers, were more abundant in ADE than adjacent soil. USC? pmoA genes were abundant in both forested and cultivated ADE soil, but were below the qPCR detection limit in manioc plantations of adjacent soil. The results indicate that ADE soils can harbor high abundances of atmospheric CH4 oxidizers and are potential CH4 sinks, but as in other upland soils this activity can be inhibited by the conversion of forest to agricultural plantations
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