138 research outputs found

    Radio emission of extensive air shower at CODALEMA: Polarization of the radio emission along the v*B vector

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    Cosmic rays extensive air showers (EAS) are associated with transient radio emission, which could provide an efficient new detection method of high energy cosmic rays, combining a calorimetric measurement with a high duty cycle. The CODALEMA experiment, installed at the Radio Observatory in Nancay, France, is investigating this phenomenon in the 10^17 eV region. One challenging point is the understanding of the radio emission mechanism. A first observation indicating a linear relation between the electric field produced and the cross product of the shower axis with the geomagnetic field direction has been presented (B. Revenu, this conference). We will present here other strong evidences for this linear relationship, and some hints on its physical origin.Comment: Contribution to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009. 4 pages, 8 figures. v2: Typo fixed, arxiv references adde

    A phase I study of a new polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor, SAM486A, in cancer patients with solid tumours

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    Because tumour cell proliferation is highly dependent upon up-regulation of de-novo polyamine synthesis, inhibition of the polyamine synthesis pathway represents a potential target for anticancer therapy. SAM486A (CGP 48664) is a new inhibitor of the polyamine biosynthetic enzyme S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC), more potent and specific than the first-generation SAMDC inhibitor methylglyoxal (bis) guanylhydrazone (MGBG). Preclinical testing confirmed promising antiproliferative activity. In this phase I study, SAM486A was given 4-weekly as a 120 h infusion. 39 adult cancer patients were enrolled with advanced/refractory disease not amenable to established treatments, PS ≤ 2, adequate marrow, liver, renal and cardiac function. Doses were escalated in 100% increments without toxicity in 24 pts from 3 mg m–2cycle–1up to 400 mg m–2cycle–1. At 550 and 700 mg m–2cycle–1reversible dose-limiting neutropenia occurred. Other toxicities included mild fatigue, nausea and vomiting. No objective remission was seen. Pharmakokinetic analysis showed a terminal half-life of approximately 2 days. AUC and Cmax were related to dose; neutropenia correlated with AUC. The recommended dose for further phase II studies on this schedule is 400 mg m–2cycle–1. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    A phase I study with MAG-camptothecin intravenously administered weekly for 3 weeks in a 4-week cycle in adult patients with solid tumours

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    In MAG-camptothecin (MAG-CPT), the topoisomerase inhibitor camptothecin is linked to a water-soluble polymer. Preclinical experiments showed enhanced antitumour efficacy and limited toxicity compared to camptothecin alone. Prior phase I trials guided the regimen used in this study. The objectives were to determine the maximum tolerated dose, dose-limiting toxicities, safety profile, and pharmacokinetics of weekly MAG-CPT. Patients with solid tumours received MAG-CPT intravenously administered weekly for 3 weeks in 4-week cycles. At the starting dose level ( 80 mg m(-2) week(-1)), no dose-limiting toxicities occurred during the first cycle (n = 3). Subsequently, three patients were enrolled at the second dose level ( 120 mg m(-2) week(-1)). Two of three patients at the 80 mg m(-2) week(-1) cohort developed haemorrhagic cystitis ( grade 1/3 dysuria and grade 2/3 haematuria) during the second and third cycles. Next, the 80 mg m(-2) week(-1) cohort was enlarged to a total of six patients. One other patient at this dose level experienced grade 1 haematuria. At 120 mg m(-2) week(-1), grade 1 bladder toxicity occurred in two of three patients. Dose escalation was stopped at 120 mg m(-2) week(-1). Cumulative bladder toxicity was dose-limiting toxicity at 80 mg m(-2) week(-1). Pharmacokinetics revealed highly variable urinary camptothecin excretion, associated with bladder toxicity. Due to cumulative bladder toxicity, weekly MAG-CPT is not a suitable regimen for treatment of patients with solid tumours

    Geomagnetic origin of the radio emission from cosmic ray induced air showers observed by CODALEMA

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    The new setup of the CODALEMA experiment installed at the Radio Observatory in Nancay, France, is described. It includes broadband active dipole antennas and an extended and upgraded particle detector array. The latter gives access to the air shower energy, allowing us to compute the efficiency of the radio array as a function of energy. We also observe a large asymmetry in counting rates between showers coming from the North and the South in spite of the symmetry of the detector. The observed asymmetry can be interpreted as a signature of the geomagnetic origin of the air shower radio emission. A simple linear dependence of the electric field with respect to vxB is used which reproduces the angular dependencies of the number of radio events and their electric polarity.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    Fungal diversity notes 1512-1610: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa

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    This article is the 14th in the Fungal Diversity Notes series, wherein we report 98 taxa distributed in two phyla, seven classes, 26 orders and 50 families which are described and illustrated. Taxa in this study were collected from Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, China, Cyprus, Egypt, France, French Guiana, India, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. There are 59 new taxa, 39 new hosts and new geographical distributions with one new combination. The 59 new species comprise Angustimassarina kunmingense, Asterina lopi, Asterina brigadeirensis, Bartalinia bidenticola, Bartalinia caryotae, Buellia pruinocalcarea, Coltricia insularis, Colletotrichum flexuosum, Colletotrichum thasutense, Coniochaeta caraganae, Coniothyrium yuccicola, Dematipyriforma aquatic, Dematipyriforma globispora, Dematipyriforma nilotica, Distoseptispora bambusicola, Fulvifomes jawadhuvensis, Fulvifomes malaiyanurensis, Fulvifomes thiruvannamalaiensis, Fusarium purpurea, Gerronema atrovirens, Gerronema flavum, Gerronema keralense, Gerronema kuruvense, Grammothele taiwanensis, Hongkongmyces changchunensis, Hypoxylon inaequale, Kirschsteiniothelia acutisporum, Kirschsteiniothelia crustaceum, Kirschsteiniothelia extensum, Kirschsteiniothelia septemseptatum, Kirschsteiniothelia spatiosum, Lecanora immersocalcarea, Lepiota subthailandica, Lindgomyces guizhouensis, Marthe asmius pallidoaurantiacus, Marasmius tangerinus, Neovaginatispora mangiferae, Pararamichloridium aquisubtropicum, Pestalotiopsis piraubensis, Phacidium chinaum, Phaeoisaria goiasensis, Phaeoseptum thailandicum, Pleurothecium aquisubtropicum, Pseudocercospora vernoniae, Pyrenophora verruculosa, Rhachomyces cruralis, Rhachomyces hyperommae, Rhachomyces magrinii, Rhachomyces platyprosophi, Rhizomarasmius cunninghamietorum, Skeletocutis cangshanensis, Skeletocutis subchrysella, Sporisorium anadelphiae-leptocomae, Tetraploa dashaoensis, Tomentella exiguelata, Tomentella fuscoaraneosa, Tricholomopsis lechatii, Vaginatispora flavispora and Wetmoreana blastidiocalcarea. The new combination is Torula sundara. The 39 new records on hosts and geographical distribution comprise Apiospora guiyangensis, Aplosporella artocarpi, Ascochyta medicaginicola, Astrocystis bambusicola, Athelia rolfsii, Bambusicola bambusae, Bipolaris luttrellii, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Chlorophyllum squamulosum, Colletotrichum aeschynomenes, Colletotrichum pandanicola, Coprinopsis cinerea, Corylicola italica, Curvularia alcornii, Curvularia senegalensis, Diaporthe foeniculina, Diaporthe longicolla, Diaporthe phaseolorum, Diatrypella quercina, Fusarium brachygibbosum, Helicoma aquaticum, Lepiota metulispora, Lepiota pongduadensis, Lepiota subvenenata, Melanconiella meridionalis, Monotosporella erecta, Nodulosphaeria digitalis, Palmiascoma gregariascomum, Periconia byssoides, Periconia cortaderiae, Pleopunctum ellipsoideum, Psilocybe keralensis, Scedosporium apiospermum, Scedosporium dehoogii, Scedosporium marina, Spegazzinia deightonii, Torula fici, Wiesneriomyces laurinus and Xylaria venosula. All these taxa are supported by morphological and multigene phylogenetic analyses. This article allows the researchers to publish fungal collections which are important for future studies. An updated, accurate and timely report of fungus-host and fungus-geography is important. We also provide an updated list of fungal taxa published in the previous fungal diversity notes. In this list, erroneous taxa and synonyms are marked and corrected accordingly

    SmCL3, a Gastrodermal Cysteine Protease of the Human Blood Fluke Schistosoma mansoni

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    Parasitic infection caused by blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma is a major global health problem. More than 200 million people are infected. Identifying and characterizing the constituent enzymes of the parasite's biochemical pathways should reveal opportunities for developing new therapies (i.e., vaccines, drugs). Schistosomes feed on host blood, and a number of proteolytic enzymes (proteases) contribute to this process. We have identified and characterized a new protease, SmCL3 (for Schistosoma mansoni cathepsin L3), that is found within the gut tissue of the parasite. We have employed various biochemical and molecular biological methods and sequence similarity analyses to characterize SmCL3 and obtain insights into its possible functions in the parasite, as well as its evolutionary position among cathepsin L proteases in general. SmCL3 hydrolyzes major host blood proteins (serum albumin and hemoglobin) and is expressed in parasite life stages infecting the mammalian host. Enzyme substrate specificity detected by positional scanning-synthetic combinatorial library was confirmed by molecular modeling. A sequence analysis placed SmCL3 to the cluster of other cathepsins L in accordance with previous phylogenetic analyses

    De Novo

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    The crystal structure of form 4 of the drug 4-[4-(2-adamantylcarbamoyl)-5-tert-butyl-pyrazol-1-yl]benzoic acid is determined using a protocol for NMR powder crystallography at natural isotopic abundance combining solid-state 1H NMR spectroscopy, crystal structure prediction, and density functional theory chemical shift calculations. This is the first example of NMR crystal structure determination for a molecular compound of previously unknown structure, and at 422 g/mol this is the largest compound to which this method has been applied so far