5,232 research outputs found

    Elements of Design for Containers and Solutions in the LinBox Library

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    We describe in this paper new design techniques used in the \cpp exact linear algebra library \linbox, intended to make the library safer and easier to use, while keeping it generic and efficient. First, we review the new simplified structure for containers, based on our \emph{founding scope allocation} model. We explain design choices and their impact on coding: unification of our matrix classes, clearer model for matrices and submatrices, \etc Then we present a variation of the \emph{strategy} design pattern that is comprised of a controller--plugin system: the controller (solution) chooses among plug-ins (algorithms) that always call back the controllers for subtasks. We give examples using the solution \mul. Finally we present a benchmark architecture that serves two purposes: Providing the user with easier ways to produce graphs; Creating a framework for automatically tuning the library and supporting regression testing.Comment: 8 pages, 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software, Seoul : Korea, Republic Of (2014

    Hilbert-Post completeness for the state and the exception effects

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    In this paper, we present a novel framework for studying the syntactic completeness of computational effects and we apply it to the exception effect. When applied to the states effect, our framework can be seen as a generalization of Pretnar's work on this subject. We first introduce a relative notion of Hilbert-Post completeness, well-suited to the composition of effects. Then we prove that the exception effect is relatively Hilbert-Post complete, as well as the "core" language which may be used for implementing it; these proofs have been formalized and checked with the proof assistant Coq.Comment: Siegfried Rump (Hamburg University of Technology), Chee Yap (Courant Institute, NYU). Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences , Nov 2015, Berlin, Germany. 2015, LNC

    Electrical and Structural Characterization of Web Dendrite Crystals

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    Minority carrier lifetime distributions in silicon web dendrites are measured. Emphasis is placed on measuring areal homogeneity of lifetime, show its dependency on structural defects, and its unique change during hot processing. The internal gettering action of defect layers present in web crystals and their relation to minority carrier lifetime distributions is discussed. Minority carrier lifetime maps of web dendrites obtained before and after high temperature heat treatment are compared to similar maps obtained from 100 mm diameter Czochralski silicon wafers. Such maps indicate similar or superior areal homogeneity of minority carrier lifetime in webs

    The Local Radio-IR Relation in M51

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    We observed M51 at three frequencies, 1.4 GHz (20 cm), 4.9 GHz (6 cm), and 8.4 GHz (3.6 cm), with the Very Large Array and the Effelsberg 100 m telescope to obtain the highest quality radio continuum images of a nearby spiral galaxy. These radio data were combined with deconvolved Spitzer IRAC 8 μm and MIPS 24 μm images to search for and investigate local changes in the radio-IR correlation. Utilizing wavelet decomposition, we compare the distribution of the radio and IR emission on spatial scales between 200 pc and 30 kpc. We show that the radio-IR correlation is not uniform across the galactic disk. It presents a complex behavior with local extrema corresponding to various galactic structures, such as complexes of H II regions, spiral arms, and interarm filaments, indicating that the contribution of the thermal and non-thermal radio emission is a strong function of environment. In particular, the relation of the 24 μm and 20 cm emission presents a linear relation within the spiral arms and globally over the galaxy, while it deviates from linearity in the interarm and outer regions as well in the inner region, with two different behaviors: it is sublinear in the interarm and outer region and overlinear in the central 3.5 kpc. Our analysis suggests that the changes in the radio/IR correlation reflect variations of interstellar medium properties between spiral arms and interarm region. The good correlation in the spiral arms implies that 24 μm and 20 cm are tracing recent star formation, while a change in the dust opacity, "Cirrus" contribution to the IR emission and/or the relation between the magnetic field strength and the gas density can explain the different relations found in the interarm, outer, and inner regions

    Multiple forms of metaplasticity at a single hippocampal synapse during late postnatal development

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    ABSTRACTMetaplasticity refers to adjustment in the requirements for induction of synaptic plasticity based on the prior history of activity. Numerous forms of developmental metaplasticity are observed at Schaffer collateral synapses in the rat hippocampus at the end of the third postnatal week. Emergence of spatial learning and memory at this developmental stage suggests possible involvement of metaplasticity in the final maturation of the hippocampus. Three distinct metaplastic phenomena are apparent. (1) As transmitter release probability increases with increasing age, presynaptic potentiation is reduced. (2) Alterations in the composition and channel conductance properties of AMPARs facilitate the induction of postsynaptic potentiation with increasing age. (3) Low frequency stimulation inhibits subsequent induction of potentiation in animals older but not younger than 3 weeks of age. Thus, many forms of plasticity expressed at SC-CA1 synapses are different in rats younger and older than 3 weeks of age, illustrating the complex orchestration of physiological modifications that underlie the maturation of hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission. This review paper describes three late postnatal modifications to synaptic plasticity induction in the hippocampus and attempts to relate these metaplastic changes to developmental alterations in hippocampal network activity and the maturation of contextual learning

    A library of near-infrared integral field spectra of young M-L dwarfs

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    We present a library of near-infrared (1.1-2.45 microns) medium-resolution (R~1500-2000) integral field spectra of 15 young M6-L0 dwarfs, composed of companions with known ages and of isolated objects. We use it to (re)derive the NIR spectral types, luminosities and physical parameters of the targets, and to test (BT-SETTL, DRIFT-PHOENIX) atmospheric models. We derive infrared spectral types L0+-1, L0+-1, M9.5+-0.5, M9.5+-0.5, M9.25+-0.25, M8+0.5-0.75, and M8.5+-0.5 for AB Pic b, Cha J110913-773444, USco CTIO 108B, GSC 08047-00232 B, DH Tau B, CT Cha b, and HR7329B, respectively. BT-SETTL and DRIFT-PHOENIX models yield close Teff and log g estimates for each sources. The models seem to evidence a 600-300+600 K drop of the effective temperature at the M-L transition. Assuming the former temperatures are correct, we derive new mass estimates which confirm that DH Tau B, USco CTIO 108B, AB Pic b, KPNO Tau 4, OTS 44, and Cha1109 lay inside or at the boundary of the planetary mass range. We combine the empirical luminosities of the M9.5-L0 sources to the Teff to derive semi-empirical radii estimates that do not match "hot-start" evolutionary models predictions at 1-3 Myr. We use complementary data to demonstrate that atmospheric models are able to reproduce the combined optical and infrared spectral energy distribution, together with the near-infrared spectra of these sources simultaneously. But the models still fail to represent the dominant features in the optical. This issue casts doubts on the ability of these models to predict correct effective temperatures from near-infrared spectra alone. We advocate the use of photometric and spectroscopic data covering a broad range of wavelengths to study the properties of very low mass young companions to be detected with the planet imagers (Subaru/SCExAO, LBT/LMIRCam, Gemini/GPI, VLT/SPHERE).Comment: 27 pages, 14 tables, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Numerical Simulations of Dynamos Generated in Spherical Couette Flows

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    We numerically investigate the efficiency of a spherical Couette flow at generating a self-sustained magnetic field. No dynamo action occurs for axisymmetric flow while we always found a dynamo when non-axisymmetric hydrodynamical instabilities are excited. Without rotation of the outer sphere, typical critical magnetic Reynolds numbers RmcRm_c are of the order of a few thousands. They increase as the mechanical forcing imposed by the inner core on the flow increases (Reynolds number ReRe). Namely, no dynamo is found if the magnetic Prandtl number Pm=Rm/RePm=Rm/Re is less than a critical value Pmc1Pm_c\sim 1. Oscillating quadrupolar dynamos are present in the vicinity of the dynamo onset. Saturated magnetic fields obtained in supercritical regimes (either Re>2RecRe>2 Re_c or Pm>2PmcPm>2Pm_c) correspond to the equipartition between magnetic and kinetic energies. A global rotation of the system (Ekman numbers E=103,104E=10^{-3}, 10^{-4}) yields to a slight decrease (factor 2) of the critical magnetic Prandtl number, but we find a peculiar regime where dynamo action may be obtained for relatively low magnetic Reynolds numbers (Rmc300Rm_c\sim 300). In this dynamical regime (Rossby number Ro1Ro\sim -1, spheres in opposite direction) at a moderate Ekman number (E=103E=10^{-3}), a enhanced shear layer around the inner core might explain the decrease of the dynamo threshold. For lower EE (E=104E=10^{-4}) this internal shear layer becomes unstable, leading to small scales fluctuations, and the favorable dynamo regime is lost. We also model the effect of ferromagnetic boundary conditions. Their presence have only a small impact on the dynamo onset but clearly enhance the saturated magnetic field in the ferromagnetic parts. Implications for experimental studies are discussed

    Combined quantum state preparation and laser cooling of a continuous beam of cold atoms

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    We use two-laser optical pumping on a continuous atomic fountain in order to prepare cold cesium atoms in the same quantum ground state. A first laser excites the F=4 ground state to pump the atoms toward F=3 while a second pi-polarized laser excites the F=3 -> F'=3 transition of the D2 line to produce Zeeman pumping toward m=0. To avoid trap states, we implement the first laser in a 2D optical lattice geometry, thereby creating polarization gradients. This configuration has the advantage of simultaneously producing Sisyphus cooling when the optical lattice laser is tuned between the F=4 -> F'=4 and F=4 -> F'=5 transitions of the D2 line, which is important to remove the heat produced by optical pumping. Detuning the frequency of the second pi-polarized laser reveals the action of a new mechanism improving both laser cooling and state preparation efficiency. A physical interpretation of this mechanism is discussed.Comment: Minor changes according to the recommendations of the referee: - Corrected Fig.1. - Split the graph of Fig.6 for clarity. - Added one reference. - Added two remarks in the conclusion. - Results unchange