6,069 research outputs found

    Think Again: Higher Elasticity of Substitution Increases Economic Resilience

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    This paper shows that, counter-intuitively, a higher elasticity of substitution in model production function can lead to reduced economic resilience and larger vulnerability to shocks in production factor prices. This result is due to the fact that assuming a higher elasticity of substitution requires a recalibration of the production function parameters to keep the model initial state unchanged. This result has consequences for economic analysis, e.g., on the economic vulnerability to climate change.Substitution, Calibration, Constant Elasticity of Substitution, Shock

    Hilbert-Post completeness for the state and the exception effects

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    In this paper, we present a novel framework for studying the syntactic completeness of computational effects and we apply it to the exception effect. When applied to the states effect, our framework can be seen as a generalization of Pretnar's work on this subject. We first introduce a relative notion of Hilbert-Post completeness, well-suited to the composition of effects. Then we prove that the exception effect is relatively Hilbert-Post complete, as well as the "core" language which may be used for implementing it; these proofs have been formalized and checked with the proof assistant Coq.Comment: Siegfried Rump (Hamburg University of Technology), Chee Yap (Courant Institute, NYU). Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences , Nov 2015, Berlin, Germany. 2015, LNC

    Impact of knee marker misplacement on gait kinematics of children with cerebral palsy using the Conventional Gait Model — a sensitivity study

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    Clinical gait analysis is widely used in clinical routine to assess the function of patients with motor disorders. The proper assessment of the patient’s function relies greatly on the repeatability between the measurements. Marker misplacement has been reported as the largest source of variability between measurements and its impact on kinematics is not fully understood. Thus, the purpose of this study was: 1) to evaluate the impact of the misplacement of the lateral femoral epicondyle marker on lower limb kinematics, and 2) evaluate if such impact can be predicted. The kinematic data of 10 children with cerebral palsy and 10 aged-match typical developing children were included. The lateral femoral epicondyle marker was virtually misplaced around its measured position at different magnitudes and directions. The outcome to represent the impact of each marker misplacement on the lower limb was the root mean square deviations between the resultant kinematics from each simulated misplacement and the originally calculated kinematics. Correlation and regression equations were estimated between the root mean square deviation and the magnitude of the misplacement expressed in percentage of leg length. Results indicated that the lower-limb kinematics is highly sensitive to the lateral femoral epicondyle marker misplacement in the anterior-posterior direction. The joint angles most impacted by the anterior-posterior misplacement were the hip internal-external rotation (5.3° per 10 mm), the ankle internal-external rotation (4.4° per 10 mm) and the knee flexion-extension (4.2° per 10 mm). Finally, it was observed that the lower the leg length, the higher the impact of misplacement on kinematics. This impact was predicted by regression equations using the magnitude of misplacement expressed in percentage of leg length. An error below 5° on all joints requires a marker placement repeatability under 1.2% of the leg length. In conclusion, the placement of the lateral femoral epicondyle marker in the antero-posterior direction plays a crucial role on the reliability of gait measurements with the Conventional Gait Model

    Lutte contre les cercosporioses du bananier aux Antilles françaises Banatrace, un système d'information géographique multi-acteurs pour la gestion et la traçabilité des épandages aériens

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Ecotechnologies [TR1_IRSTEA]INSPIREBanatrace est un système d'information intégrant les tâches de gestion des épandages aériens qui incombent aux opérateurs dans le cadre de la lutte contre la cercosporiose de la banane en Guadeloupe et en Martinique. Cet outil multi-acteurs est l'aboutissement d'un travail d'analyse-conception réalisé par le Cemagref. En combinant une base de données répartie et des fonctions d'information géographique, il répond aux différents besoins de traçabilité imposée par la réglementation récente sur les épandages aériens. Il assure l'interface entre le gestionnaire, les opérateurs aériens, les planteurs, les groupements de producteurs, et l'administration. Au-delà de l'efficacité obtenue dans les taches de gestion, il contribue à améliorer la sécurité des personnes et la protection des cours d'eau et de l'environnement. / " Banatrace " is an information system integrating the European rules and regulations relative to the aerial spraying of pesticide over the banana plantations. It helps to the fight against the cercosporia contamination in the French West Indies. This tool aims to fulfill the information needed by the different parties involved in this process: user manager, planters, aerial treatment companies, planters' cooperatives and administration. It includes DBMS and GIS functionalities in order to program the treatments and to record all events, leading to a better traceability. Moreover carrying out treatment management, it contributes to improve people security and environment protection

    The Local Radio-IR Relation in M51

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    We observed M51 at three frequencies, 1.4 GHz (20 cm), 4.9 GHz (6 cm), and 8.4 GHz (3.6 cm), with the Very Large Array and the Effelsberg 100 m telescope to obtain the highest quality radio continuum images of a nearby spiral galaxy. These radio data were combined with deconvolved Spitzer IRAC 8 μm and MIPS 24 μm images to search for and investigate local changes in the radio-IR correlation. Utilizing wavelet decomposition, we compare the distribution of the radio and IR emission on spatial scales between 200 pc and 30 kpc. We show that the radio-IR correlation is not uniform across the galactic disk. It presents a complex behavior with local extrema corresponding to various galactic structures, such as complexes of H II regions, spiral arms, and interarm filaments, indicating that the contribution of the thermal and non-thermal radio emission is a strong function of environment. In particular, the relation of the 24 μm and 20 cm emission presents a linear relation within the spiral arms and globally over the galaxy, while it deviates from linearity in the interarm and outer regions as well in the inner region, with two different behaviors: it is sublinear in the interarm and outer region and overlinear in the central 3.5 kpc. Our analysis suggests that the changes in the radio/IR correlation reflect variations of interstellar medium properties between spiral arms and interarm region. The good correlation in the spiral arms implies that 24 μm and 20 cm are tracing recent star formation, while a change in the dust opacity, "Cirrus" contribution to the IR emission and/or the relation between the magnetic field strength and the gas density can explain the different relations found in the interarm, outer, and inner regions

    A rabbit reticulocyte ubiquitin carrier protein that supports ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis (E214k) is homologous to the yeast DNA repair gene RAD6.

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    The two isoforms of the 14-kDa ubiquitin carrier protein (E2(14k)) are unique among rabbit E2s in efficiently supporting ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3)-mediated ubiquitination of proteins destined for degradation. To begin determining the structural basis for this property, we have isolated a cDNA encoding the predominant reticulocyte isoform of the E2 from a rabbit skeletal muscle library. The sequence predicts a protein of 152 amino acids with a molecular weight of 17,293. Expression of the cDNA in Escherichia coli and purification of the recombinant protein revealed an E2 with high affinity for E3 and ubiquitin activating enzyme (E1). The latter high affinity interaction appears to be between the ubiquitin charged form of E1 and the uncharged form of E2 and does not result in a stable complex between these two enzymes. The predicted sequence shows regions of strong homology with other sequenced E2s, suggesting that these regions may be involved in binding to E1 and/or in ubiquitin transfer from E1, functions common to all E2s. Surprisingly, the E2(14k)) sequence is markedly more similar to Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD6 (69% identity) than to its proposed homologs UBC4/UBC5 (38% identity). The sequence is identical to that recently reported for a human 17-kDa E2 which can complement rad6 mutants thereby identifying rabbit E2(14k) as a RAD6 homologue. The biochemical properties of this previously uncharacterized human 17-kDa E2 are now defined and its misassignment as a homologue of rabbit E2(17k) is corrected. Our findings resolve current confusion regarding relationships among E2s and define yeast RAD6, rabbit E2(14k), and the human 17-kDa E2 as a subclass of E2s which biochemically support E3-mediated conjugation and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis and physiologically play a role in DNA repair

    A review of mathematical functions for the analysis of growth in poultry

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    Poultry industries face various decisions in the production cycle that affect the profitability of an operation. Predictions of growth when the birds are ready for sale are important factors that contribute to the economy of poultry operations. Mathematical functions called ‘growth functions’ have been used to relate body weight (W) to age or cumulative feed intake. These can also be used as response functions to predict daily energy and protein dietary requirements for maintenance and growth (France et al., 1989). When describing growth versus age in poultry, a fixed point of inflexion can be a limitation with equations such as the Gompertz and logistic. Inflexion points vary depending on age, sex, breed and type of animal, so equations such as the Richards and López are generally recommended. For describing retention rate against daily intake, which generally does not exhibit an inflexion point, the monomolecular would appear the function of choice
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