277 research outputs found

    Kureyş kabilesi islam öncesi etnik, siyasi ve ekonomik yapı

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    tırmacının , kendini , İslam’ın tarihini yazmak gibi geniş bir zaman dilimini kapsayacak bir çalışma alanı içinde bulması kaçınılmazdır. İslam Dininin “ilk inananı” ve Allah’ın insanları doğru yola eriştirmesi için gönderdiği “son peygamberi” olan Hz. Muhammed’in ve ona inanan kurucu neslin mensubu olduğu bu kabile, her zaman İslam tarihinde merkezi bir konuma sahip olmuştur. Çünkü İslam’a inanan ilk neslin hemen hemen büyük çoğunluğu bu kabileden olmakla birlikte, Hz. Muhammed sonrası, yaklaşık otuz yıl süren Dört Halife Dönemi ile Emevi, Abbasi ve Fatımi Devletleri de bu kabileye mensup kişilerin kurduğu devletler arasındadır. Ayrıca İslam’ın tüm kurumları ile teşekkül ettiği bu dönemlerin temelinde de bu kabile yer almaktadır. Bu sebeple İslam öncesi Kureyş kabilesinin siyasi ve ekonomik organizasyonunu ele aldığımız bu çalışma Kureyş’in tarihine bir giriş olarak kabul edilmelidir

    Political and Economic Implications of Hayekian Criticism of ‘Regulation’

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    F. A. Hayek’s basic philosophical arguments based on the criticism of the constructivist rationalism are still generating a framework which has been reserving its popularity in debates related with the problems of contemporary politics and economics. Broadly speaking, Hayek’s that criticism of regulation based on philosophical foundations is a direct result of arguments which are related with the nature of human being and epistemology. This paper claims that Hayek’s criticism on the constructivist rationalism could shed a light the issue of regulation with respect to current discussion about the matter. In this context this work concentrates on the connections and the implications of Hayekian criticism of regulation with regard to the contemporary political and economic discussions which have emerged in the framework of the concepts like state, market, civil society, human rights, rule of law, freedoms and etc. The first main section of the paper introduces Hayek’s main philosophical arguments based on the criticism of the constructivist rationalism. The second section handles the concept of spontaneously generated order with respect to the relation between state/government and competitive market order. The last section includes the criticism of regulation in the context of Hayekian arguments. The paper ends with a conclusio

    Keban Baraj Gölü ova bölgesi halkının balık tüketim alışkanlıklarının araştırılması

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    Bu çalışmada, Keban Baraj Gölü’ne kıyısı bulunan İçme, Şeyhhacı, Uzunova, Koçkale, Güzelyalı, Yolüstü, Örencik köylerinde balık eti tüketim alışkanlıklarını belirlemek amacıyla Ağustos-Eylül (2011) ayları arasında 139 kişi üzerinde gönüllülük esasına göre anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; katılımcıların %61,15’i balık etini, %7,19’u kırmızı eti, %2,88’i tavuk eti ve %28,78’inin ise hepsini severek tükettikleri belirlenmiştir. Balığı tercih etmelerindeki en büyük nedeninin %59,71 ile lezzetli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcıların %80,58’inin tatlı su balıklarını, %3,60’nın da deniz balıklarını tercih ettiği saptanmıştır. Balık tüketenlerin öncelikle tatlı su balıklarından aynalı sazan (%71,22), deniz balıklarından ise hamsi olduğu (%72,66) belirlenmiştir. Katılımcıların %96,40’ının balığı taze olarak tükettiği, tüketim şekli olarak da %66,19’un kızartmayı tercih ettiği saptanmıştır. Ailenin %27,34’ünün ayda 4-6 kg arasında balık tükettikleri belirlenmiştir. Erkek katılımcıların %61,90’ı, bayan katılımcıların ise %58,82’sinin balıketini severek tükettikleri saptanmıştır (p˃0,05). Fakat aylık gelir ve eğitim düzeyleri dikkate alındığında et tercihinde istatistiksel olarak önemli derecede farklılık olduğu belirlenmiştir (p˂0,05).The Investigation of Fish Consumption of People in the Ova Region of Keban Dam Lake In this study, a survey has been held on 139 willing people from August 2011 to September 2011 in order to find out fish consumption habits in the İçme, Şeyhhacı, Uzunova, Koçkale, Güzelyalı, Yolüstü and Örencik villages, which are near to the coast of Keban Dam Lake. According to the results it has been determined that 61.15% of the participants like eating fish, 7.19% red meat, 2.88% chicken and 28.78%all kinds of meat. It has been seen that taste of the fish is the main reason why 59.7% of them like fish. It has also been found out that 80.58% like fresh water fish and 3.60% sea fish of them. Fish-lovers prefer fresh water fish, carp with 71.22% and anchovy with 72.6%. It has been learnt that 96.40% of them like eating fish fresh and 66.19 of them prefer fried fish. It has been determined that most of the families (27.34%) consume 4-6 kg fish in a month. It has been found out that 61.90% of men and 58.82% of women enjoy eating fish. When income and education level are taken into account, a difference at preferring meat has been determined

    Biosynthesis , Characterization and Removal Efficiency for Petroleum Leakage of the Cofe2o4 Nanoparticles

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    Magnetic nanoparticles are widely used in areas such as biosensors, data storage devices, waste water treatment and biomedicine due to their biocompatibility and low toxicity. In this study, biosynthesis of the CoFe2O4 nanoparticle (NP) was carried out using the bark extract of Aesculus hippocastanum plant as a reducing and capping agent. Synthesized NPs were char-acterized by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (Uv-Vis.), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), zeta load, X-Ray Dust Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Scanning Electron Microscopy, Raman, BET, and Thermogravimetric Thermal Analysis (TGA). The Lethal dose value (LD50) and the crude oil removal efficiency were examined. The characteristic light absorption of the CoFe2O4NP has been measured at 330 nm, surface charge of +14.4 mV, mean size of 75 nm and effective diameter of 432 nm. The XRD analy-sis revealed that the particle structure was in the cubic spinel structure with functional groups bound by FT-IR analysis and Raman data. It has been noted that the CoFe2O4NP, which was synthesized by biological method, can remove a 78.5% of the crude oil from the contaminat-ed water. It has been determined that the NP’s have a low toxic effect on D. magna (LD50= 728.267 ppm). In this study, it has been suggested that the CoFe2O4 NP with A. hippocasta-num bark extract could be synthesized by a cheap, relatively easy and environmentally friendly method which used for purification of contaminated water bodies


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    Background: In previous studies, the relationship between career choice and psychological factors has been discussed many times. On the other hand, we have less information about interaction between early maladaptive schemas and career choice. Subjects and methods: We planned to evaluate the specialty preferences of doctors in the perspective of schema theory. Doctors from the 2 to 10 years of their careers were included in the study. A Sociodemographic data form and Young Schema Questionnaire - Short Form 3 was applied to 275 participants; 167 clinical specialties and 108 surgical specialties. Results: According to our results surgeons scored higher in emotional deprivation, mistrust / abuse, social isolation / alienation, defectiveness / shame, and emotional inhibition. As schema domains, surgeons scored higher disconnection and rejection and excessive responsibility and standards. Conclusions: Early maladaptive schemas can affect the choice of profession and the ability to adapt. Understanding early maladaptive schemas can play a role both in orientation towards the right career choice and in resolving negative factors related to the work environment

    Relation of apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism with the severity of coronary artery disease in patients with stable ischemic heart diseas

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    Aim: Atherosclerosis begins from an early age and manifests in later years as Coronary artery disease (CAD). This inflammatory process is aggravated by age, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and genetic factors. We aimed to investigate which isoform of APOE is related to extensive coronary lesions in patients with stable coronary heart disease. Materials and Methods: This study was carried on single center. One hundred and ten patients diagnosed with stable coronary artery disease by coronary angiogram were enrolled consecutively. Syntax score was calculated by a tool of website calculator (www. syntax.com). According to the Syntax score, patients were split into three groups. APOE genotyping was performed through blood samples. Patients split into three groups according to the APOE genotypes: E4 (3/4 and 4/4 genotypes), E3(3/3 genotype), E2 (2/2 and 2/3 genotypes). APOE groups were compared according to baseline characteristics and syntax scores. (%82.6) değil (82.6%) olacak. Lütfen İngilizce kurala göre düzeltiniz. Tüm sayısal değerlerde virgülleri de nokta yapmayı unutmayınız. Results: Coronary angiography and APOE genotypes of 98 patients were analyzed. 81 of patients (%82.6) had E3E3 allele; 6 of patients (%6.1) had E2E3 allele; 10 patients (%10.2) had E3E4 allele and 1 patient (%1) had E2E4 allele. Due to the contrast effect of E2 and E4 on CAD, we excluded patients with E2E4 allele from the study. Firstly, we assessed distribution of APOE genotype E2 (E2E3), E3 (E3E3 and E3E4), E4 (E3E4) within 3 groups of syntax scores. Total of 6 patients of E2 allele was at low syntax score group. 83 patients of E3 allele were at the low-risk group of syntax score. 10 patients of E3 allele were at the mid group and 4 patients were at the high-risk group of syntax score. 7 patients of E4 allele subjects were at the low-risk and 1 patient was at the high-risk group of syntax score. Compared to syntax score groups and APOE genotypes, E2 alleles were in lower syntax score group versus E3 (P=0.046) and E4 (P=0.003) alleles. However E4 alleles were in higher syntax score group versus E3 alleles (P= 0.034). The Syntax score was seemed to be lower in the E2 allele group versus E4 and E2 groups (P=0.013). Conclusion: we reported the first study that E2 allele was related with less and E4 allele was more extensity and severity of CAD in patients with stable ischemic coronary diseas


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    Background: In previous studies, the relationship between career choice and psychological factors has been discussed many times. On the other hand, we have less information about interaction between early maladaptive schemas and career choice. Subjects and methods: We planned to evaluate the specialty preferences of doctors in the perspective of schema theory. Doctors from the 2 to 10 years of their careers were included in the study. A Sociodemographic data form and Young Schema Questionnaire - Short Form 3 was applied to 275 participants; 167 clinical specialties and 108 surgical specialties. Results: According to our results surgeons scored higher in emotional deprivation, mistrust / abuse, social isolation / alienation, defectiveness / shame, and emotional inhibition. As schema domains, surgeons scored higher disconnection and rejection and excessive responsibility and standards. Conclusions: Early maladaptive schemas can affect the choice of profession and the ability to adapt. Understanding early maladaptive schemas can play a role both in orientation towards the right career choice and in resolving negative factors related to the work environment

    Cytocompatibility of Novel Algae-PLA Membranes For Guided Bone Regeneration At The Level of Types I, III And V Collagen Expression

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    Statement of the problem: In recent years, the development of innovative and increasingly optimized barrier membranes has focused on marine algae, which as a biopolymer can form a membrane composite together with polylactic acid, thus a combination could show numerous advantages such as antioxidant, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral as well as antiallergic properties. Furthermore, algae can be produced in an ecologically sustainable way and offer an alternative for patients who refuse treatment with bovine or porcine derived membranes due to ethical or religious reasons.Objective: In this study, four different algal membranes were evaluated for their cytocompatibility with cultured human fibroblasts and osteoblasts.Materials & Methods: Mem-Lok® (Collagen Matrix, New Jersey, USA) as a resorbable collagen membrane and ArgonautTM (Botiss Biomaterials, Zossen, Germany) as a native pericardium GBR/GTR membrane served as reference membranes (RMs). As the negative control cells incubated with normal culture medium only were used. In addition to the cell viability and proliferation assays water soluble tetrazolium (WST), MTT and BrdU, a real time semiquantitative real time PCR (RT-PCR) was developed to investigate in vitro cytocompatibility at the level of types I, III and V collagen expression. A sandblasted- large grid-acid ached titanium surface (Dentcon® Dental Implant Systems, Ankara, Turkey) served as a positive inactive control group for osteoblastic cytocompatibility.Results: For human osteoblasts, the algal membranes showed very good proliferation levels in WST-1, MTT as well as BrdU, indicating cytocompatibility. Examination of the expression behavior of type I, type III, and type V collagen genes showed no evaluable results. However, the RT-PCR should be repeated with the incorporated optimizations to be able to make a statement regarding the success of bone, skin, and connective tissue regeneration after a possible application of the membrane in maxillofacial injury treatment.Conclusion: The investigated collagen types are essential for a proper healing of defects in both soft and bone tissue, as they have fundamental functions such as stability and structural integrity of the tissues

    The evaluation of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity: Comparison of Doppler and tissue Doppler-derived myocardial performance index

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    Background: Doxorubicin is a chemotherapeutic agent used in a wide spectrum of cancers. However, cardiotoxic effects have limited its clinical use. The early detection of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity is crucial. The purpose of our study was to assess values of Doppler and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI)-derived myocardial performance index (MPI) in adult cancer patients receiving doxorubicin treatment. Methods: A total of 45 patients underwent echocardiographic examinations before any doxorubicin had been administered and then after doxorubicin. Doppler and TDI-derived MPI of left ventricular (LV) were determined in the evaluation of cardiotoxicity. Additionally, TDI-derived MPI of right ventricular (RV) was determined. Results: All patients underwent control echocardiographic examination after mean 5 ± 1.7 months. The LV MPI obtained by both Doppler and TDI were increased after doxorubicin treatment (0.56 ± 0.11, 0.61 ± 0.10, p = 0,005 vs 0.51 ± 0.09, 0.59 ± 0.09, p = 0.001, respectively). There was no correlation between Doppler-derived MPI and cumulative doxorubicin dose (coefficient of correlation 0.11, p = 0.6). TDI-derived MPI was correlated with cumulative doxorubicin dose (coefficient of correlation 0.35, p = 0.015), but this correlation is weak (r = 0.38). The study population was divided into two groups according to doxorubicin dose (below and above 300 mg level). There was a moderate correlation between TDI-derived MPI and less than 300 mg of doxorubicin dose (coefficient of correlation 0.51, p = 0.028). However, Doppler-derived MPI was not correlated with less than 300 mg of doxorubicin dose (coefficient of correlation 0.38, p = 0.123). Also, there was no significant change in the TDI-derived RV-MPI (0.49 ± 0.14, 0.50 ± 0.12, p = 0.56). Conclusions: TDI-derived MPI is a useful parameter and an early indicator compared with Doppler-derived MPI in the detection of cardiotoxicity during the early stages. Also, doxorubicin administration does not affect RV function