10 research outputs found

    Same/Different Concept Learning by Capuchin Monkeys in Matching-to-Sample Tasks

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    The ability to understand similarities and analogies is a fundamental aspect of human advanced cognition. Although subject of considerable research in comparative cognition, the extent to which nonhuman species are capable of analogical reasoning is still debated. This study examined the conditions under which tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) acquire a same/different concept in a matching-to-sample task on the basis of relational similarity among multi-item stimuli. We evaluated (i) the ability of five capuchin monkeys to learn the same/different concept on the basis of the number of items composing the stimuli and (ii) the ability to match novel stimuli after training with both several small stimulus sets and a large stimulus set. We found the first evidence of same/different relational matching-to-sample abilities in a New World monkey and demonstrated that the ability to match novel stimuli is within the capacity of this species. Therefore, analogical reasoning can emerge in monkeys under specific training conditions

    Neanderthal cognitive equivalence: Epistemological problems and a critical analysis from radical embodiment

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    The current project consists of three interconnected components. First, it aims to establish an epistemological framework for selecting alternative theories in the cognitive archaeology domain. Second, it purposes to eliminate the conditions of necessity that are considered to connect the production and use of early body ornaments to abstract shared concepts and theory of mind. Third, it aims to argue that material engagement with non-symbolic material scaffolds is necessary to the emergence of symbolism and meta-representational abilities. A combination of notions from radical embodied cognitive science and situated concepts it is used to support this eliminativist attempt. Overall, this analysis aims to advance some doubts on the idea that the presence of early body ornaments in the archaeological record of Middle Palaeolithic populations constrains the existence of mental capabilities that are considered as signature of modern human cognition. If embodied strategies could be in principle implemented by primitive mental architectures to produce early body ornaments, then these artefacts would not suffice to prove the thesis of cognitive equivalence between ornament-makers and modern populations

    Epistemological problems in Cognitive Archaeology: an anti-relativistic proposal towards methodological uniformity

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    The objective of this article is to enlighten and emancipate accounting education basic assumption and concept that match to the objective of national education. The objective of national education is based on balanced values of spirituality, mentality, morality, intellectuality and skill. Emancipation and enlightenments are conducted by utilizing purification (tazkiyah) methodology with fully love values.The result of tazkiyah accounting education is enlightenment and emancipation of accounting education based on self interest and secularism towards accounting education based on God interest with fully love. There are consequences of tazkiyah. First, is to free education from corporate hegemony towards education that is more corporate-responsible that extends its accountability (stakeholders, nature, and God) and empowering oriented. Second, it produces synergy of learning conception based on reproductive view learning and constructive view of learning, and beyond (hyper view of learning)