991 research outputs found

    Genome-wide association studies and genetic architecture of common human diseases

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    Genome-wide association scans provide the first successful method to identify genetic variation contributing to risk for common complex disease. Progress in identifying genes associated with melanoma show complex relationships between genes for pigmentation and the development of melanoma. Novel risk loci account for only a small fraction of the genetic variation contributing to this and many other diseases. Large meta-analyses find additional variants, but there is current debate about the contribution of common polymorphisms, rare polymorphisms or mutations to disease risk

    Intranasal administration of oxytocin promotes social play in domestic dogs

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    In a recent paper, we examined whether oxytocin in the domestic dog modulates the maintenance of close social bonds in non-reproductive contexts. We found that exogenous oxytocin promotes positive social behaviors not only toward conspecifics, but also toward human partners. Here we examined in further detail the effect that oxytocin manipulation has on social play. When sprayed with oxytocin, subjects initiated play sessions more often and played for longer periods of time than when sprayed with saline. Furthermore, after oxytocin nasal intake dogs displayed play signals more often than after saline administration, suggesting that oxytocin enhances dogs' play motivation. To our knowledge, this study provides the first evidence that oxytocin promotes social play in the domestic dog. We use these results to hypothesize on the potential therapeutic use of oxytocin for promoting social behaviors and treating social deficits in the domestic dog

    Identification of type III secretion inhibitors for plant disease management

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    Bacterial plant pathogens are among the most devastating threats to agriculture. To date, there are no effective means to control bacterial plant diseases due to the restrictions in the use of antibiotics in agriculture. A novel strategy under study is the use of chemical compounds that inhibit the expression of key bacterial virulence determinants. The type III secretion system is essential for virulence of many Gram-negative bacteria because it injects into the plant host cells bacterial proteins that interfere with their immune system. Here, we describe the methodology to identify bacterial type III secretion inhibitors, including a series of protocols that combine in planta and in vitro experiments. We use Ralstonia solanacearum as a model because of the number of genetic tools available in this organism and because it causes bacterial wilt, one of the most threatening plant diseases worldwide. The procedures presented can be used to evaluate the effect of different chemical compounds on bacterial growth and virulence

    Association and interaction analyses of eight genes under asthma linkage peaks

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    Background: Linkage studies have implicated the 2q33, 9p21, 11q13 and 20q13 regions in the regulation of allergic disease. The aim of this study was to test genetic variants in candidate genes from these regions for association with specific asthma traits. Methods: Ninety-five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located in eight genes (CD28, CTLA4, ICOS, ADAM23, ADAMTSL1, MS4A2, CDH26 and HRH3) were genotyped in >5000 individuals from Australian (n = 1162), Dutch (n = 99) and Danish (n = 303) families. Traits tested included doctor-diagnosed asthma, atopy, airway obstruction, total serum immunoglobulin (Ig) E levels and eosinophilia. Association was tested using both multivariate and univariate methods, with gene-wide thresholds for significance determined through simulation. Gene-by-gene and gene-by-environment analyses were also performed. Results: There was no overall evidence for association with seven of the eight genes tested when considering all genetic variation assayed in each gene. The exception was MS4A2 on chromosome 11q13, which showed weak evidence for association with IgE (gene-wide P < 0.05, rs502581). There were no significant gene-by-gene or gene-by-environment interaction effects after accounting for the number of tests performed. Conclusions: The individual variants genotyped in the 2q33, 9p21 and 20q13 regions do not explain a large fraction of the variation in the quantitative traits tested or have a major impact on asthma or atopy risk. Our results are consistent with a weak effect of MS4A2 polymorphisms on the variation of total IgE levels. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S

    Intrapreneurial self-capital training: a case study of an Italian university student

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    This chapter presents a case study which describes the application of the Intrapreneurial Self-Capital Training with a final-year postgraduate female biology student, Erica. The chapter presents an overview of theory that is relevant to the world of work and the conceptual dimensions of intrapreneurial self capital (ISC). Training for ISC aims to assist young people to identify their personal strengths in terms of intrapreneurship and career adaptability. A qualitative instrument, the Life Adaptability Qualitative Assessment (LAQuA) was administered before and after the training to detect meaningful changes in the participant’s narratives about career adaptability and enhanced reflexivity. The LAQuA coding system revealed enhancements to the participant’s awareness about her personal intrapreneurial resources and career adaptability. The relevance of ISC to employability and career services in education contexts is discussed along with recommendations for research into ISC training

    Screen-detected vs symptomatic breast cancer: is improved survival due to stage migration alone?

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    This paper examines whether screen-detected breast cancer confers additional prognostic benefit to the patient, over and above that expected by any shift in stage at presentation. In all, 5604 women (aged 50–70 years) diagnosed with invasive breast cancer between 1998 and 2003 were identified by the Eastern Cancer Registration and Information Centre (ECRIC) and mammographic screening status was determined. Using proportional hazards regression, we estimated the effect of screen detection compared with symptomatic diagnosis on 5-year survival unadjusted, then adjusted for age and Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI). A total of 72% of the survival benefit associated with screen-detected breast cancer can be accounted for by age and shift in NPI. Survival analysis by continuous NPI showed a small but systematic survival benefit for screen-detected cancers at each NPI value. These data show that although most of the screen-detected survival advantage is due to a shift in NPI, the mode of detection does impact on survival in patients with equivalent NPI scores. This residual survival benefit is small but significant, and is likely to be due to differences in tumour biology. Current prognostication tools may, therefore, overestimate the benefit of systemic treatments in screen-detected cancers and lead to overtreatment of these patients

    Assessing constancy of substitution rates in viruses over evolutionary time

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phylogenetic analyses reveal probable patterns of divergence of present day organisms from common ancestors. The points of divergence of lineages can be dated if a corresponding historical or fossil record exists. For many species, in particular viruses, such records are rare. Recently, Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using sequences from closely related organisms isolated at different times have been used to calibrate divergences. Phylogenetic analyses depend on the assumption that the average substitution rates that can be calculated from the data apply throughout the course of evolution. </p> <p>Results</p> <p>The present study tests this crucial assumption by charting the kinds of substitutions observed between pairs of sequences with different levels of total substitutions. Datasets of aligned sequences, both viral and non-viral, were assembled. For each pair of sequences in an aligned set, the distribution of nucleotide interchanges and the total number of changes were calculated. Data were binned according to total numbers of changes and plotted. The accumulation of the six possible interchange types in retroelements as a function of distance followed closely the expected hyperbolic relationship. For other datasets, however, significant deviations from this relationship were noted. A rapid initial accumulation of transition interchanges was frequent among the datasets and anomalous changes occurred at specific divergence levels. </p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The accumulation profiles suggested that substantial changes in frequencies of types of substitutions occur over the course of evolution and that such changes should be considered in evaluating and dating viral phylogenies.</p

    Sex-limited genome-wide linkage scan for body mass index in an unselected sample of 933 Australian twin families

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    Genes involved in pathways regulating body weight may operate differently in men and women. To determine whether sex-limited genes influence the obesity-related phenotype body mass index (BMI), we have conducted a general non-scalar sex-limited genome-wide linkage scan using variance components analysis in Mx (Neale, 2002). BMI measurements and genotypic data were available for 2053 Australian female and male adult twins and their siblings from 933 families. Clinical measures of BMI were available for 64.4% of these individuals, while only self-reported measures were available for the remaining participants. The mean age of participants was 39.0 years of age (SD 12.1 years). The use of a sex-limited linkage model identified areas on the genome where quantitative trait loci (QTL) effects differ between the sexes, particularly on chromosome 8 and 20, providing us with evidence that some of the genes responsible for BMI may have different effects in men and women. Our highest linkage peak was observed at 12q24 (-logp = 3.02), which was near the recommended threshold for suggestive linkage (-logp = 3.13). Previous studies have found evidence for a quantitative trait locus on 12q24 affecting BMI in a wide range of populations, and candidate genes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, a consequence of obesity, have also been mapped to this region. We also identified many peaks near a -log p of 2 (threshold for replicating an existing finding) in many areas across the genome that are within regions previously identified by other studies, as well as in locations that harbor genes known to influence weight regulation

    Invasions and Extinctions Reshape Coastal Marine Food Webs

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    The biodiversity of ecosystems worldwide is changing because of species loss due to human-caused extinctions and species gain through intentional and accidental introductions. Here we show that the combined effect of these two processes is altering the trophic structure of food webs in coastal marine systems. This is because most extinctions (∼70%) occur at high trophic levels (top predators and other carnivores), while most invasions are by species from lower trophic levels (70% macroplanktivores, deposit feeders, and detritivores). These opposing changes thus alter the shape of marine food webs from a trophic pyramid capped by a diverse array of predators and consumers to a shorter, squatter configuration dominated by filter feeders and scavengers. The consequences of the simultaneous loss of diversity at top trophic levels and gain at lower trophic levels is largely unknown. However, current research suggests that a better understanding of how such simultaneous changes in diversity can impact ecosystem function will be required to manage coastal ecosystems and forecast future changes

    Epidemiology of a Daphnia-Multiparasite System and Its Implications for the Red Queen

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    The Red Queen hypothesis can explain the maintenance of host and parasite diversity. However, the Red Queen requires genetic specificity for infection risk (i.e., that infection depends on the exact combination of host and parasite genotypes) and strongly virulent effects of infection on host fitness. A European crustacean (Daphnia magna) - bacterium (Pasteuria ramosa) system typifies such specificity and high virulence. We studied the North American host Daphnia dentifera and its natural parasite Pasteuria ramosa, and also found strong genetic specificity for infection success and high virulence. These results suggest that Pasteuria could promote Red Queen dynamics with D. dentifera populations as well. However, the Red Queen might be undermined in this system by selection from a more common yeast parasite (Metschnikowia bicuspidata). Resistance to the yeast did not correlate with resistance to Pasteuria among host genotypes, suggesting that selection by Metschnikowia should proceed relatively independently of selection by Pasteuria