70 research outputs found

    Integrating Statistical Evidence and Legal Theory to Challenge the Selection of Grand and Petit Jurors

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    The increasing allergy prevalence in affluent countries may be caused by reduced microbial stimulation and a decreased dietary ω-3/ω-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) ratio, resulting in an abnormal postnatal immune maturation. The timing of allergy-preventive probiotic and ω-3 LCPUFA interventions is critical, as early-life events occurring during critical windows of immune vulnerability can have long-term impact on immune development. The maternal dietary and microbial environment during pregnancy may programme the immune development of the child. Prenatal environmental exposures may alter gene expression via epigenetic mechanisms, aiming to induce physiological adaptations to the anticipated postnatal environment, but potentially also increasing disease susceptibility in the offspring if exposures are mismatched. Although the importance of fetal programming mostly has been studied in cardiovascular and metabolic disease, this hypothesis is also very attractive in the context of environmentally influenced immune-mediated diseases. This review focuses on how prenatal, perinatal or postnatal ω-3 LCPUFA interventions regulate childhood immune and allergy development, and if synergistic effects may be obtained by simultaneous probiotic supplementation. We propose that combined pre- and postnatal preventive measures may be most efficacious. Increasing knowledge on the immunomodulatory effects of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal interventions will help to direct future strategies to combat the allergy epidemic.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council||Ekhaga Foundation||Research Council for the South-East Sweden||Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association||Olle Engkvist Foundation||Vardal Foundation - for Health Care Sciences and Allergy Research||</p

    Modeling the demographic history of Drosophila melanogaster using Approximate Bayesian Computation and Next Generation Sequencing Data

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    The main goal of this thesis was to develop demographic models of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster using Approximate Bayesian Computation and Next Generation Sequencing Data. These models were used to reconstruct the history of African, European, and North American populations. Chapter 1 deals with the demographic history of North American D. melanogaster. This project was motivated by the release of full-genome sequences of a North American population, which showed greater diversity than European D. melanogaster although the introduction of the fruit fly to North America dates back to only �200 years ago. Here, we tested di�erent demographic models involving populations of Zimbabwe, The Netherlands, and North Carolina (North America). Among the tested models we included variants with and without migration, as well as a model involving admixture between the population of Africa and Europe that generated the population of North America. We found that the admixture model �ts best the observed data and we estimated the proportion of European and African admixture in the North American population. This population has 85% European and 15% African ancestry. We also estimated other population parameters including population sizes (current and ancestral) and divergence times. Con�cerning previous studies we also estimated the divergence between African and European populations to be around 19,000 years ago. Chapter 2 deals with gene flow of D. melanogaster between African and European populations. Gene flow in D. melanogaster is well acknowledged but has not been quanti�ed using DNA sequence data. Previous studies from the late 80's based on allozymes found that the number of migrants per generation (Nm) was around 2 between several populations distributed worldwide. Here we used ABC methods and full-genome sequences to estimate the rate of migration between a population from Rwanda in Africa and a population from France. We found that Nm is around 10, which may imply there was a signi�cant increase of gene flow in the last few decades. Our estimates show that the migration rate between these two populations is not necessarily symmetrical, with migration from Europe to Africa being higher than the opposite, although the di�erence does not seem to be significant. The study of gene flow is relevant because it constitutes an important force in population genetics. Theoretical studies have shown that, under neutrality, it is enough to have one migrant per generation to stop two populations from diverging and speciating, and if migration is strong enough it can also overcome the e�ect of selection. Chapter 3 focuses on the sequencing of 130 full genomes of D. melanogaster from Africa and 9 from France. This project made use of haploid embryos, a new technique introduced in 2011 that allows the development of haploid D. melanogaster, which is then used for sequencing. The main goal of this project was to characterize these populations in terms of their diversity, admixture, and di�erentiation. We found that the most diverse population comes from Zambia, which is now thought to be much closer to D. melanogaster 's center of origin. We also found a signi�cant amount of non-cosmopolitan admixture in several African populations, meaning that there exists a signi�cant amount of back migration from Europe to Africa (corroborating the fi�ndings of chapter 2). In order to identify admixture tracts a new method was developed for this purpose, which uses a hidden Markov model to locate admixed regions along the genome. Admixed regions, as well as regions showing high levels of identity by descent were masked for downstream population genetics analyses. These full genomes constitute the second e�ort of the Drosophila Population Genomics Project (DPGP 2) and are now available for the scienti�c community

    Модернизация электропривода главного движения горизонтально-расточного станка модели 2656 на ОАО «СтанкоГомель»

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    Background: Overweight among children and adolescents related to social inequality, as well as age and gender differences, may contribute to poor self-image, thereby raising important public health concerns. This study explores social inequality in relation to overweight and perception of overweight among 263 boys and girls, age 7 to 17, in Vaxjo, Sweden. Methods: Data were obtained through a questionnaire and from physical measurements of height, weight and waist circumference [WC]. To assess social, age and gender differences in relation to overweight, the independent sample t- and chi-square tests were used, while logistic regression modeling was used to study determinants for perception of overweight. Results: Social inequality and gender differences as they relate to high ISO-BMI [Body Mass Index for children] and WC were associated with low maternal socioeconomic status [SES] among boys less than 13 years [mean age = 10.4; n = 65] and with low paternal education level among boys = 13 years [mean age = 15.0; n = 39] [p less than 0.05]. One suggested explanation for this finding is maternal impact on boys during childhood and the influence of the father as a role model for adolescent boys. The only association found among girls was between high ISO-BMI in girls = 13 years [mean age = 15.0; n = 74] and low paternal occupational status. Concerning perception of overweight, age and gender differences were found, but social inequality was not the case. Among boys and girls less than 13 years, perception of overweight increased only when overweight was actually present according to BMI or WC [p less than 0.01]. Girls = 13 years [mean age = 15.0] were more likely to unrealistically perceive themselves as overweight or "too fat," despite factual measurements to the contrary, than boys [p less than 0.05] and girls less than 13 years [mean age = 10.4; n = 83] [p less than 0.001]. Conclusions: The association between social inequality and overweight in adolescence in this study is age-and gender-specific. Gender differences, especially in perception of overweight, tend to increase with age, indicating that adolescence is a crucial period. When planning interventions to prevent overweight and obesity among children and adolescents, parental SES as well as age and gender-specific differences in social norms and perception of body weight status should be taken into account.Funding Agencies|Erik Johan Ljungberg Educational Fund; County Council of Ostergotland; Medical Research Council of Southeast Sweden [FORSS-233111]</p

    Development of Key Performance Indicators of Logistic Services : A Study at Foria

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    The purpose of this thesis is to identify and define Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) and value adding services which are used to describe the quality of Forias logistics services from different aspects. The KPIs should be attractive to both Foria and their customers, with the aim to strengthen the interaction between both parties. The basis for this work is a research in which a literature review and a survey of the market for Swedish logistic service providers were carried out. An analysis of the present situation of Foria was carried out, where a number of people in the company were interviewed. These elements were used together with definitions of KPIs to perform the analysis of the work. The result of the work is ten KPIs that have been created and developed for Foria and which are considered to be attractive to both Foria and the selected customers. The KPIs are:   · ECO-driving (binary) – the company has ECO-driving-educated drivers · ECO-driving (comparison figure) – all drivers individual driving and its resulting exhaust emissions are compared · The environmental impact – a total of exhaust emissions from all vehicles belonging to a single business, measured in tonne-kilometres · Complete order – portion of fields with accurate information (in an order), with the possibility of error categorization · Delivery reliability – time difference between expected and actual delivery, average for all orders · On-time – the number of days and hours of difference between the expected and the actual time, for all activities of the order · On-time (activity) – the number of hours and minutes of difference between the expected and the actual time, for each individual activity of the order · Divergence – a categorization of all causes of divergence and its responsible department · Level of integration – the level of cooperation between the logistic service provider and the customer · Customer satisfaction – how well an order will meet the expectations of the customer   The KPIs are described in detail with definitions, how they can be used and what is required to implement them in the service process of Foria. These KPIs are the basis of four value adding services: Tracking of goods, Environmental Information, Presentation of the KPIs as a Whole, and Improvement of the Service Process. The work shows that it is possible to identify, define and develop KPIs of interest to both Foria and their customers, but to be used most of the KPIs require adaptation to a large degree. It also shows that it is the reasons behind the measured values of the KPIs that makes them interesting to customers. The literature describing the KPIs and the development of these are not comprehensive in terms of the relationship between a third party logistic service provider and its customer, and therefore this report describes a work from scratch to create KPIs for this purpose.  Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera och utforma nyckeltal och mervärdestjänster för vilka ska beskriva kvaliteten på Forias logistiktjänst utifrån olika aspekter. Nyckeltalen ska vara intressanta för både Foria och deras kunder, med förhoppningen att stärka samarbetet mellan båda parter. Till grund för arbetet ligger en förstudie, där en litteraturstudie och en undersökning av marknaden för svenska logistikföretag utfördes. En nulägesanalys av Foria genomfördes genom att ett flertal personer på företaget intervjuades. Tillsammans med nyckeltalsteori användes dessa delar för att utföra analysen i arbetet. Resultatet av arbetet är tio nyckeltal som skapats och utvecklats för Forias verksamhet och som anses vara intressanta för både Foria och de för arbetet utvalda kunderna. Nyckeltalen är:   · ECO-driving (binärt) – företaget har ECO-driving-utbildade chaufförer · ECO-driving (jämförelsetal) – chaufförers individuella körstil och medförande avgasutsläpp jämförs · Miljöpåverkan – totalt avgasutsläpp från ett företags alla fordon, mätt i tonkilometer · Ifylld order – andel fält ifyllda (i en order) med korrekt information, med möjlighet för kategorisering av felorsaker · Leveranspålitlighet – tidsskillnad mellan förväntad och faktisk leverans, i medeltal för alla order · On-time – antal dagar och timmar som skiljer mellan den förväntade och den faktiska tidpunkten, för samtliga aktiviteter i orderledet · On-time (aktivitet) – antal timmar och minuter som skiljer mellan den förväntade och den faktiska tidpunkten, för varje enskild aktivitet i orderledet · Avvikelse – kategorisering av alla orsaker till avvikelse, och ansvarande avdelning · Integrationsgrad – nivån av samarbete mellan logistikföretaget och kunden · Kundnöjdhet – hur väl en order kommer att motsvara kundens förväntningar   Nyckeltalen beskrivs ingående med definitioner, hur de kan användas och vad som krävs vid en implementering i Forias verksamhet. Dessa nyckeltal ligger sedan till grund för fyra mervärdestjänster som utformats i arbetet: Godsspårning, Miljöinformation, Presentation av nyckeltalen som helhet, och Verksamhetsutveckling. Arbetet visar att det är möjligt att hitta, utforma och utveckla nyckeltal som är intressanta för både Foria och deras kunder, men de flesta av nyckeltalen kräver anpassning i hög grad för att kunna användas. Det visar också att det är orsakerna bakom nyckeltalens uppmätta värden som gör ett nyckeltal intressant för kunden. Den litteratur som beskriver nyckeltal och utveckling av dessa är inte heltäckande när det gäller relationen mellan ett tredjepartslogistikföretag och dess kund, och därför beskrivs i denna rapport ett arbete från grunden med att skapa nyckeltal för detta ändamål.

    Timing of allergy-preventive and immunomodulatory dietary interventions : are prenatal, perinatal or postnatal strategies optimal?

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    The increasing allergy prevalence in affluent countries may be caused by reduced microbial stimulation and a decreased dietary ω-3/ω-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) ratio, resulting in an abnormal postnatal immune maturation. The timing of allergy-preventive probiotic and ω-3 LCPUFA interventions is critical, as early-life events occurring during critical windows of immune vulnerability can have long-term impact on immune development. The maternal dietary and microbial environment during pregnancy may programme the immune development of the child. Prenatal environmental exposures may alter gene expression via epigenetic mechanisms, aiming to induce physiological adaptations to the anticipated postnatal environment, but potentially also increasing disease susceptibility in the offspring if exposures are mismatched. Although the importance of fetal programming mostly has been studied in cardiovascular and metabolic disease, this hypothesis is also very attractive in the context of environmentally influenced immune-mediated diseases. This review focuses on how prenatal, perinatal or postnatal ω-3 LCPUFA interventions regulate childhood immune and allergy development, and if synergistic effects may be obtained by simultaneous probiotic supplementation. We propose that combined pre- and postnatal preventive measures may be most efficacious. Increasing knowledge on the immunomodulatory effects of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal interventions will help to direct future strategies to combat the allergy epidemic.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council||Ekhaga Foundation||Research Council for the South-East Sweden||Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association||Olle Engkvist Foundation||Vardal Foundation - for Health Care Sciences and Allergy Research||</p

    La Mesa de Juventud - A platform for active citizenship and community building among the Colombian youth?

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    The purpose of this thesis was to explore how a newly founded Youth Platform in Colombia, called La Mesa de Juventud, could affect the youth community in promoting and capacitating organizational skills, youth citizenship rights and youth influence in public policy making. The study emanates from the region of northern Cauca situated in the South Western part of Colombia which is an area where youth are especially exposed to social exclusion and marginalization. The central questions and theoretical framing of the investigation derive from the conceptual understanding of youth organizing looking at three levels of impact; the individual level, community level, and societal level. The methods used to realize this case-study have been of qualitative character including semi- structured interviews, field observations and participatory observations. Additionally, a comprehensive documentation review was conducted consulting both primary and secondary sources such as law and policy documents as well as theoretical literature concerning youth civic engagement, and youth organizing. The main results from the investigation highlighted the challenges of the Youth Platform to achieve the processes and outcomes of the three levels of youth organizing analyzed in the study. A main point concerning the specific context of the case illuminated the need of a broader inclusion and understanding of the youth culture, taking into consideration the different ethnic and cultural identities

    De lo espiritual en el orden literario: Traducción comentada de un ensayo de Charles Du Bos

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    Treball d'investigació/Fi de màsterTutora: Amalia Rodríguez MonroyEl presente trabajo constituye una traducción comentada, del francés al castellano, del ensayo titulado Milton, Shelley. Dicho ensayo es parte del libro Du spirituel dans l’ordre littéraire, cuyo autor fue Charles Du Bos, crítico y esteta francés que vivió entre 1882 y 1939. A pesar de tratarse de un autor sumamente culto, que analizaba en profundidad los textos y poseía un sentido de la crítica muy propio, siempre generoso, sincero y constructivo, Charles Du Bos no es un autor difundido en lengua castellana, salvo por algunos ejemplares de dos de sus obras que hoy en día están fuera de circulación, editados en Argentina a mediados del siglo XX, y por algunos artículos académicos más actuales donde se comenta su obra, publicados también en revistas universitarias argentinas. Así, con esta traducción, nuestra intención es dar a conocer un poco más la obra de un autor que merece el reconocimiento del público de habla hispana pues, desafortunadamente, textos de su hondura suelen pasar desapercibidos dentro de las políticas editoriales actuales. Tanto el pensamiento como la calidad poética de sus textos son dignos no sólo de conocimiento, sino de análisis y estudio en el ámbito académico literario, siendo además un excelente modelo de lectura para las mujeres y hombres contemporáneos, a menudo tan alejado de estos referentes culturales. En primer lugar, presentamos un contexto general de Du Bos y de su obra, seguido de un breve análisis del tema del ensayo aquí traducido y los rasgos que identifican al autor con Shelley, figura central del mismo. Luego se describen algunos detalles de la estrategia traductora y después de presentar la traducción propiamente dicha, se finaliza el trabajo con una conclusión personal, resaltando la importancia de mantener vigente a un autor cuyo principal legado es el de interiorizar y entender la literatura como “un lugar de encuentro entre dos almas”

    Pensar la Educación desde el cerebro

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    Debido a la importancia de conocer el proceso del aprendizaje, todos los que participan en la docencia deben tener al menos una aproximación a los saberes actuales que involucran el neuroaprandizaje. En este texto, haremos una aproximación a la neurociencia como base científica para el entendimiento concreto desde las diferentes disciplinas que componen el estudio del sistema nervioso central, buscando satisfacer las necesidades individuales que tienen los estudiantes. Esta obra fue posible gracias a la colaboración técnica editorial de: RADJHESUS Instituto de InvestigaciónEducativa. Chiapas, México. Comunicaciones: (52) 9612235919 Email: [email protected] Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, 202

    De lo espiritual en el orden literario: Traducción comentada de un ensayo de Charles Du Bos

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    Treball d'investigació/Fi de màsterTutora: Amalia Rodríguez MonroyEl presente trabajo constituye una traducción comentada, del francés al castellano, del ensayo titulado Milton, Shelley. Dicho ensayo es parte del libro Du spirituel dans l’ordre littéraire, cuyo autor fue Charles Du Bos, crítico y esteta francés que vivió entre 1882 y 1939. A pesar de tratarse de un autor sumamente culto, que analizaba en profundidad los textos y poseía un sentido de la crítica muy propio, siempre generoso, sincero y constructivo, Charles Du Bos no es un autor difundido en lengua castellana, salvo por algunos ejemplares de dos de sus obras que hoy en día están fuera de circulación, editados en Argentina a mediados del siglo XX, y por algunos artículos académicos más actuales donde se comenta su obra, publicados también en revistas universitarias argentinas. Así, con esta traducción, nuestra intención es dar a conocer un poco más la obra de un autor que merece el reconocimiento del público de habla hispana pues, desafortunadamente, textos de su hondura suelen pasar desapercibidos dentro de las políticas editoriales actuales. Tanto el pensamiento como la calidad poética de sus textos son dignos no sólo de conocimiento, sino de análisis y estudio en el ámbito académico literario, siendo además un excelente modelo de lectura para las mujeres y hombres contemporáneos, a menudo tan alejado de estos referentes culturales. En primer lugar, presentamos un contexto general de Du Bos y de su obra, seguido de un breve análisis del tema del ensayo aquí traducido y los rasgos que identifican al autor con Shelley, figura central del mismo. Luego se describen algunos detalles de la estrategia traductora y después de presentar la traducción propiamente dicha, se finaliza el trabajo con una conclusión personal, resaltando la importancia de mantener vigente a un autor cuyo principal legado es el de interiorizar y entender la literatura como “un lugar de encuentro entre dos almas”