1,029 research outputs found

    Dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain networks during working memory training

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    Increasing the electrolyte capacity of alkaline Zn-air fuel cells by scavenging zincate with Ca(OH)2

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    The use of calcium hydroxide for scavenging zincate species is demonstrated to be a highly effective approach for increasing the electrolyte capacity and improving the performance of the zinc-air fuel cell system. A fundamental approach is established in this study to quantify the formation of calcium zincate as the product of scavenging and the amount of water compensation necessary for optimal performance. The good agreement between predicted and experimental results proves the validity of the proposed theoretical approach. By applying the results of theoretical predictions, both the electrolyte capacity and the cell longevity have been increased by more than 40%. It is also found that, using Ca(OH)2 to scavenge zincate species in concentrated KOH solutions, affects mostly the removal of zincate, rather than ZnO, from the electrolyte, whereas the presence of excess, free, mobile H2O plays a key role in dissolving ZnO and forming zincate. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the proposed approach can widely and effectively be applied to all zinc-air cell systems during their discharge cycle

    Impact of region-of-interest delineation methods, reconstruction algorithms, and intra- and inter-operator variability on internal dosimetry estimates using PET

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    Purpose Human dosimetry studies play a central role in radioligand development for positron emission tomography (PET). Drawing regions of interest (ROIs) on the PET images is used to measure the dose in each organ. In the study aspects related to ROI delineation methods were evaluated for two radioligands of different biodistribution (intestinal vs urinary). Procedures PET images were simulated from a human voxel-based phantom. Several ROI delineation methods were tested: antero-posterior projections (AP), 3D sub-samples of the organs (S), and a 3D volume covering the whole-organ (W). Inter- and intra-operator variability ROI drawing was evaluated by using human data. Results The effective dose estimates using S and W methods were comparable to the true values. AP methods overestimated (49 %) the dose for the radioligand with intestinal biodistribution. Moreover, the AP method showed the highest inter-operator variability: 11 ± 1 %. Conclusions The sub-sampled organ method showed the best balance between quantitative accuracy and inter- and intra-operator variability.Postprint (author's final draft

    Community Structure of the Physical Review Citation Network

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    We investigate the community structure of physics subfields in the citation network of all Physical Review publications between 1893 and August 2007. We focus on well-cited publications (those receiving more than 100 citations), and apply modularity maximization to uncover major communities that correspond to clearly-identifiable subfields of physics. While most of the links between communities connect those with obvious intellectual overlap, there sometimes exist unexpected connections between disparate fields due to the development of a widely-applicable theoretical technique or by cross fertilization between theory and experiment. We also examine communities decade by decade and also uncover a small number of significant links between communities that are widely separated in time.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 8 tables. Version 2: various small additions in response to referee comment

    Systematic influences on the areas of peaks in gamma-ray spectra that have a large statistical uncertainty

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    A method is presented for calculating the expected number of counts in peaks that have a large relative peak-area uncertainty and appear in measured gamma-ray spectra. The method was applied to calculations of the correction factors for peaks occurring in the spectra of radon daughters. It was shown that the factors used for correcting the calculated peak areas to their expected values decrease with an increasing relative peak-area uncertainty. The accuracy of taking the systematic influence inducing the correction factors into account is given by the dispersion of the correction factors corresponding to specific peaks. It was shown that the highest accuracy is obtained in the peak analyses with the GammaVision and Gamma-W software.Postprint (author's final draft

    Enhance the Efficiency of Heuristic Algorithm for Maximizing Modularity Q

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    Modularity Q is an important function for identifying community structure in complex networks. In this paper, we prove that the modularity maximization problem is equivalent to a nonconvex quadratic programming problem. This result provide us a simple way to improve the efficiency of heuristic algorithms for maximizing modularity Q. Many numerical results demonstrate that it is very effective.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Underviseres didaktiske transformation af forsknings- og udviklingsarbejde til undervisning

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    Relationer mellem forskning og uddannelse på videregående uddannelser har været genstand for stigende forskningsmæssig opmærksomhed op gennem 00-erne. Den karakteriseres ofte som ”nexus-forskningen” og refererer til teorier og begreber med henblik på at kunne kategorisere forskellige forbindelsestyper (nexus) mellem forskning og uddannelse. Imidlertid synes underviseres didaktiske transformationsprocesser mellem de to felter at være relativt underbelyste. Empiriske studier fra et University College viser, at underviseres professionelle selvforståelse, deres dispositioner og positioneringer har stor indflydelse på den enkeltes måde at forbinde forskning med undervisning. Artiklens ambition er derfor at udvide det analytiske spekter i nexus-forskningen med et særligt blik på disse aspekters betydning for underviseres didaktiske transformationsprocesser. Med afsæt i aktuel teori fra nexus-forskningen samt uddannelsessociologiske og didaktiske teorier argumenteres for en udvidet analytisk ramme, der kan synliggøre og integrere flere dimensioner, der har betydning for didaktisk fortolkning og transformation fra forskning til undervisning. Nøgleord: Didaktisk transformation, nexus mellem forskning og uddannelse, rekontekstualisering, didaktisering
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