381 research outputs found

    Conducting neuropsychological tests with a humanoid robot: design and evaluation

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    International audience— Socially assistive robot with interactive behavioral capability have been improving quality of life for a wide range of users by taking care of elderlies, training individuals with cognitive disabilities or physical rehabilitation, etc. While the interactive behavioral policies of most systems are scripted, we discuss here key features of a new methodology that enables professional caregivers to teach a socially assistive robot (SAR) how to perform the assistive tasks while giving proper instructions, demonstrations and feedbacks. We describe here how socio-communicative gesture controllers – which actually control the speech, the facial displays and hand gestures of our iCub robot – are driven by multimodal events captured on a professional human demonstrator performing a neuropsychological interview. Furthermore, we propose an original online evaluation method for rating the multimodal interactive behaviors of the SAR and show how such a method can help designers to identify the faulty events

    Demonstrating to a humanoid robot how to conduct neuropsychological tests

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    National audienceSeveral socially assistive robot (SAR) systems have been proposed and designed to engage people into various interactive exercises such as physical training [1], neuropsychological rehabilitation [2] or cognitive assistance [3]. While the interactive behavioral policies of most systems are scripted, we discuss here key features of a new methodology we developed in the framework of the SOMBRERO project 1 that enables professional caregivers to demonstrate a SAR how to perform the assistive tasks while giving proper instructions, demonstrations and feedbacks

    Analyse des configurations d'usinage en 5 axes à la fraise hémisphérique.

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    Le fraisage de finition en 5 axes continus utilise souvent des fraises hĂ©misphĂ©riques qui sont inclinĂ©es suivant deux angles par rapport Ă  la surface usinĂ©e. Il en rĂ©sulte des configurations gĂ©omĂ©triques variĂ©es et donc un choix dĂ©licat des paramĂštres. L'Ă©tude aborde deux points. Le premier repose sur une analyse gĂ©omĂ©trique dĂ©terminant les conditions d'engagement et de travail de l'arĂȘte de coupe. Le second, basĂ© sur une analyse cinĂ©matique, traite du mode d'usinage. L'Ă©tude propose donc des critĂšres permettant l'analyse de configurations d'usinage 5 axes afin de maitriser cette technique

    Modeling and Analysis of Five-Axis Milling Configurations and Titanium Alloy Surface Topography

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    Five-axis milling with a ball-end cutter is commonly used to generate a good surface finish on complex parts, such as blades or impellers made of titanium alloy. The five-axis milling cutting process is not straight forward; local cutting conditions depend a lot on the geometrical configuration relating to lead and tilt angles. Furthermore, the surface quality is greatly affected by the cutting conditions that define the milling configuration. This study presents a geometrical model of five-axis milling in order to determine the effective cutting conditions, the milling mode, and the cutter location point. Subsequently, an analysis of surface topography is proposed by using the geometrical model, local criteria, and a principle component analysis of experimental data. The results show the effects of local parameters on the surface roughness, in relation to the lead and tilt angles

    Zanemarene gajene mahunarke Srbije - bob (Vicia faba)

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    Faba bean is cultivated locally in Serbia with no available official data. The collection at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad contains 141 accessions of food and feed faba bean. Forage yields in faba bean may surpass 40 t ha-1 of green forage and 8 t ha-1 of forage dry matter, while grain yields are often higher than 5 t ha-1. Faba bean may produce more than 1,500 kg ha-1 of forage crude protein and about 2,000 kg ha-1 of grain crude protein, as well as more than 250 kg ha-1 of above-ground biomass nitrogen. The first Serbian feed faba bean breeding programme, carried out at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, resulted in registration of two cultivars in 2007, Gema and Ć arac, with more than 4,500 kg ha-1 of grain and more than 45 t ha-1 of green forage.Bob se u Srbiji gaji lokalno i bez zvaničnih podataka. Zbirka Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu sadrĆŸi 141 akcesiju povrtarskog i stočnog boba. Prinosi krme boba mogu da premaĆĄe 40 t ha-1 zelene krme i 8 t ha-1 suve materije krme, dok su prinosi zrna često veći od 5 t ha-1. Bob moĆŸe da proizvede viĆĄe od 1.500 kg ha-1 sirovih proteina krme i oko 2.000 kg ha-1 sirovih proteina zrna, kao i viĆĄe od 250 kg ha-1 azota nadzemne biomase. U okviru prvog srpskog programa oplemenjivanja boba, koji se odvija u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, tokom 2007. stvorene su i priznate dve sorte, Gema i Ć arac, sa prinosima od viĆĄe od 4.500 kg ha-1 zrna i viĆĄe od 45 t ha-1 zelene krme

    Differentiation of Symbiotic Cells and Endosymbionts in Medicago truncatula Nodulation Are Coupled to Two Transcriptome-Switches

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    The legume plant Medicago truncatula establishes a symbiosis with the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti which takes place in root nodules. The formation of nodules employs a complex developmental program involving organogenesis, specific cellular differentiation of the host cells and the endosymbiotic bacteria, called bacteroids, as well as the specific activation of a large number of plant genes. By using a collection of plant and bacterial mutants inducing non-functional, Fix− nodules, we studied the differentiation processes of the symbiotic partners together with the nodule transcriptome, with the aim of unravelling links between cell differentiation and transcriptome activation. Two waves of transcriptional reprogramming involving the repression and the massive induction of hundreds of genes were observed during wild-type nodule formation. The dominant features of this “nodule-specific transcriptome” were the repression of plant defense-related genes, the transient activation of cell cycle and protein synthesis genes at the early stage of nodule development and the activation of the secretory pathway along with a large number of transmembrane and secretory proteins or peptides throughout organogenesis. The fifteen plant and bacterial mutants that were analyzed fell into four major categories. Members of the first category of mutants formed non-functional nodules although they had differentiated nodule cells and bacteroids. This group passed the two transcriptome switch-points similarly to the wild type. The second category, which formed nodules in which the plant cells were differentiated and infected but the bacteroids did not differentiate, passed the first transcriptome switch but not the second one. Nodules in the third category contained infection threads but were devoid of differentiated symbiotic cells and displayed a root-like transcriptome. Nodules in the fourth category were free of bacteria, devoid of differentiated symbiotic cells and also displayed a root-like transcriptome. A correlation thus exists between the differentiation of symbiotic nodule cells and the first wave of nodule specific gene activation and between differentiation of rhizobia to bacteroids and the second transcriptome wave in nodules. The differentiation of symbiotic cells and of bacteroids may therefore constitute signals for the execution of these transcriptome-switches

    DiversitĂ© des agricultures – le cas des filiĂšres cĂ©rĂ©ales, olĂ©agineux et lĂ©gumineuses Ă  graines

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    L’objectif de cet article est de dĂ©crire, sans ĂȘtre exhaustif, la diversitĂ© des agricultures en mobilisant des exemples au niveau du systĂšme technique et des pratiques culturales, pour la France mĂ©tropolitaine et pour trois filiĂšres : les cĂ©rĂ©ales, les olĂ©agineux et les lĂ©gumineuses Ă  graines. L’analyse de la diversitĂ© des agricultures montre que des voies de diversification des systĂšmes techniques et des pratiques culturales existent, mais que celles-ci sont fortement dĂ©pendantes de la diversitĂ© des voies de valorisation dans les filiĂšres. Au sein de ces dispositifs de valorisation, hormis quelques dispositifs spĂ©cifiques, les recommandations sur les pratiques sont suffisamment vastes pour permettre une diversitĂ© de systĂšmes de culture et de production, dĂšs lors que les critĂšres technologiques d’accĂšs Ă  la filiĂšre sont atteints. Il convient alors de s’interroger sur le poids de ces critĂšres technologiques sur les choix techniques des agriculteurs. Il apparait Ă©galement nĂ©cessaire de questionner la valeur donnĂ©e Ă  la diversitĂ© par les diffĂ©rents acteurs des filiĂšres, de l’agriculteur au consommateur, en Ă©valuant notamment la performance Ă©conomique des systĂšmes agricoles les plus diversifiĂ©s ainsi que les leviers pour augmenter les performances d’une agriculture diversifiĂ©e. Il s’agit d’élargir le socle de connaissances sur lequel les acteurs pourront concevoir eux-mĂȘmes de nouvelles formes de diversitĂ© et d’ouvrir le dĂ©bat avec les acteurs des filiĂšres sur la prĂ©servation des formes de diversitĂ© des agricultures comme potentiel de rĂ©silience
