228 research outputs found

    The Toroid Moment of Majorana Neutrino

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    If neutrino is the Majorana particle it can possess only one electromagnetic characteristic, the toroid dipole moment (anapole) in the static limit and nothing else. We have calculated the diagonal toroid moment (form factor) of the Majorana neutrino by the dispersion method in the one-loop approximation of the Standard Model and found it to be different from zero in the case of massive as well as massless neutrinos. All external particles are on the mass shells and there are no problems with the physical interpretation of the final result. Some manifestations of the toroid interactions of Majorana neutrinos, induced by their toroid moments, are also remarked.Comment: 22 pages, 1 table and 3 EPS-figures included, uses prd.sty, preprint.sty, aps.sty and epsfig.sty (RevTeX is used), major conceptual changes of E2-96-53 are include

    Anomalous asymmetry of magnetoresistance in NbSe3_3 single crystals

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    A pronounced asymmetry of magnetoresistance with respect to the magnetic field direction is observed for NbSe3_3 crystals placed in a magnetic field perpendicular to their conducting planes. It is shown that the effect persists in a wide temperature range and manifests itself starting from a certain magnetic induction value B0B_0, which at T=4.2T=4.2 K corresponds to the transition to the quantum limit, i.to the state where the Landay level splitting exceeds the temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to be appeared in JETP Let

    Form Factors of Composite Systems by Generalized Wigner-Eckart Theorem for Poincar\'e group

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    The relativistic approach to electroweak properties of two-particle composite systems developed previously is generalized here to the case of nonzero spin. This approach is based on the instant form of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics. A special mathematical technique is used for the parametrization of matrix elements of electroweak current operators in terms of form factors. The parametrization is a realization of the generalized Wigner--Eckart theorem on the Poincar\'e group, form factors are corresponding reduced matrix elements and they have the sense of distributions (generalized functions). The electroweak current matrix element satisfies the relativistic covariance conditions and in the case of electromagnetic current it also automatically satisfies the conservation law.Comment: Submitted to Theor. Math. Phy

    Electroproduction, photoproduction, and inverse electroproduction of pions in the first resonance region

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    Methods are set forth for determining the hadron electromagnetic structure in the sub-NNˉN\bar{N}-threshold timelike region of the virtual-photon ``mass'' and for investigating the nucleon weak structure in the spacelike region from experimental data on the process πNe+eN\pi N\to e^+e^- N at low energies. These methods are formulated using the unified description of photoproduction, electroproduction, and inverse electroproduction of pions in the first resonance region in the framework of the dispersion-relation model and on the basis of the model-independent properties of inverse electroproduction. Applications of these methods are also shown.Comment: The revised published version; Revtex4, 18 pages, 6 figure

    Radioactive contamination of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators

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    The radioactive contamination of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators has been measured deep underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) of the INFN in Italy with a total exposure 3197 kg x h. Monte Carlo simulation, time-amplitude and pulse-shape analyses of the data have been applied to estimate the radioactive contamination of the ZnWO4 samples. One of the ZnWO4 crystals has also been tested by ultra-low background gamma spectrometry. The radioactive contaminations of the ZnWO4 samples do not exceed 0.002 -- 0.8 mBq/kg (depending on the radionuclide), the total alpha activity is in the range: 0.2 - 2 mBq/kg. Particular radioactivity, beta active 65Zn and alpha active 180W, has been detected. The effect of the re-crystallization on the radiopurity of the ZnWO4 crystal has been studied. The radioactive contamination of samples of the ceramic details of the set-ups used in the crystals growth has been checked by low background gamma spectrometry. A project scheme on further improvement of the radiopurity level of the ZnWO4 crystal scintillators is briefly addressed.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, submitted for publicatio


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    The analysis of the standards regulating measurement of calorific value for solid and liquid fuels is made, and problems of application of new documents are considered. The bomb isoperibolic calorimeter BIC 100 (Belarus) having metrological characteristics at level of the best foreign analogues is presented.Выполнен анализ технических нормативных правовых актов, регламентирующих определение теплоты сгорания твердых и жидких топлив, и рассмотрены проблемы применения новых стандартов. Представлено первое разработанное в Республике Беларусь средство измерения теплоты сгорания – бомбовый изопериболический калориметр БИК 100, имеющий метрологические характеристики на уровне лучших зарубежных аналогов

    Aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing based on measurements from the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network (CARSNET) in eastern China

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    Aerosol pollution in eastern China is an unfortunate consequence of the region's rapid economic and industrial growth. Here, sun photometer measurements from seven sites in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) from 2011 to 2015 were used to characterize the climatology of aerosol microphysical and optical properties, calculate direct aerosol radiative forcing (DARF) and classify the aerosols based on size and absorption. Bimodal size distributions were found throughout the year, but larger volumes and effective radii of fine-mode particles occurred in June and September due to hygroscopic growth and/or cloud processing. Increases in the fine-mode particles in June and September caused AOD440 nm > 1.00 at most sites, and annual mean AOD440 nm values of 0.71-0.76 were found at the urban sites and 0.68 at the rural site. Unlike northern China, the AOD440 nm was lower in July and August (∼ 0.40-0.60) than in January and February (0.71-0.89) due to particle dispersion associated with subtropical anticyclones in summer. Low volumes and large bandwidths of both fine-mode and coarse-mode aerosol size distributions occurred in July and August because of biomass burning. Single-scattering albedos at 440 nm (SSA440 nm) from 0.91 to 0.94 indicated particles with relatively strong to moderate absorption. Strongly absorbing particles from biomass burning with a significant SSA wavelength dependence were found in July and August at most sites, while coarse particles in March to May were mineral dust. Absorbing aerosols were distributed more or less homogeneously throughout the region with absorption aerosol optical depths at 440 nm ∼ 0.04-0.06, but inter-site differences in the absorption Angström exponent indicate a degree of spatial heterogeneity in particle composition. The annual mean DARF was −93 ± 44 to −79 ± 39 W m−2 at the Earth's surface and ∼ −40 W m−2 at the top of the atmosphere (for the solar zenith angle range of 50 to 80∘) under cloud-free conditions. The fine mode composed a major contribution of the absorbing particles in the classification scheme based on SSA, fine-mode fraction and extinction Angström exponent. This study contributes to our understanding of aerosols and regional climate/air quality, and the results will be useful for validating satellite retrievals and for improving climate models and remote sensing algorithms