20,818 research outputs found

    Envelope-driven recollisions triggered by an elliptically polarized laser pulse

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    Increasing ellipticity usually suppresses the recollision probability drastically. In contrast, we report on a recollision channel with large return energy and a substantial probability, regardless of the ellipticity. The laser envelope plays a dominant role in the energy gained by the electron, and in the conditions under which the electron comes back to the core. We show that this recollision channel eciently triggers multiple ionization with an elliptically polarized pulse

    N-complexes as functors, amplitude cohomology and fusion rules

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    We consider N-complexes as functors over an appropriate linear category in order to show first that the Krull-Schmidt Theorem holds, then to prove that amplitude cohomology only vanishes on injective functors providing a well defined functor on the stable category. For left truncated N-complexes, we show that amplitude cohomology discriminates the isomorphism class up to a projective functor summand. Moreover amplitude cohomology of positive N-complexes is proved to be isomorphic to an Ext functor of an indecomposable N-complex inside the abelian functor category. Finally we show that for the monoidal structure of N-complexes a Clebsch-Gordan formula holds, in other words the fusion rules for N-complexes can be determined.Comment: Final versio

    An unconditionally stable staggered algorithm for transient finite element analysis of coupled thermoelastic problems

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    An unconditionally stable second order accurate implicit-implicit staggered procedure for the finite element solution of fully coupled thermoelasticity transient problems is proposed. The procedure is stabilized with a semi-algebraic augmentation technique. A comparative cost analysis reveals the superiority of the proposed computational strategy to other conventional staggered procedures. Numerical examples of one and two-dimensional thermomechanical coupled problems demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed numerical solution algorithm

    Complex structures and the Elie Cartan approach to the theory of spinors

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    Each isometric complex structure on a 2â„“\ell-dimensional euclidean space EE corresponds to an identification of the Clifford algebra of EE with the canonical anticommutation relation algebra for â„“\ell ( fermionic) degrees of freedom. The simple spinors in the terminology of E.~Cartan or the pure spinors in the one of C. Chevalley are the associated vacua. The corresponding states are the Fock states (i.e. pure free states), therefore, none of the above terminologies is very good.Comment: 10

    Number squeezed and fragmented states of strongly interacting bosons in a double well

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    We present a systematic study of the phenomena of number squeezing and fragmentation for a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a three dimensional double well potential over a range of interaction strengths and barrier heights, including geometries that exhibit appreciable overlap in the one-body wavefunctions localized in the left and right wells. We compute the properties of the condensate with numerically exact, full dimensional path integral ground state (PIGS) Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and compare with results obtained from using two- and eight-mode truncated basis models. The truncated basis models are found to agree with the numerically exact PIGS simulations for weak interactions, but fail to correctly predict the amount of number squeezing and fragmentation exhibited by the PIGS simulations for strong interactions. We find that both number squeezing and fragmentation of the BEC show non-monotonic behavior at large values of interaction strength a. The number squeezing shows a universal scaling with the product of number of particles and interaction strength (Na) but no such universal behavior is found for fragmentation. Detailed analysis shows that the introduction of repulsive interactions not only suppresses number fluctuations to enhance number squeezing, but can also enhance delocalization across wells and tunneling between wells, each of which may suppress number squeezing. This results in a dynamical competition whose resolution shows a complex dependence on all three physical parameters defining the system: interaction strength, number of particles, and barrier height.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures. Submitted for publication in Physical Review
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