1,365 research outputs found

    From: Dub McClish

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    Current views on the use of information technologies in physical rehabilitation for obese female students and those at risk of metabolic syndrome

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    Relevance. Today, information and communication technologies are an important part of the process of using information resources of society in various areas of life. Today experts raise the question of the need for development and implementation of multimedia aids in the process of physical rehabilitation. It is noted in the literature that multimedia aids will help to change the lifestyle paradigm of obese people and those at risk of developing metabolic syndrome, to open and develop individual capabilities of a human, and to form a theoretical basis for a healthy lifestyle. The objective of the study was to develop a multimedia information program “MS” for use in physical rehabilitation for obese female students and those at risk of metabolic syndrome. Results. The present state of health of the Ukrainian population as a whole, and health status of student youth in particular, is a significant challenge to society and to government, and, without exaggeration, is a real risk to humanitarian security. Based on the study, it was found that a large number of female students are overweight and obese, and moreover, a high risk of developing metabolic syndrome is revealed. Considering the significant influence of eating behavior on weight gain of the involved females, it is advisable to use in the programs of physical rehabilitation the multimedia information programs, which will contain the data regarding the typical diet rules, modern dietary recommendations, which can reduce the risk of alimentary diseases, along with information about a healthy lifestyle and the use of modern forms of physical activity. Conclusions. Information-methodological program “MS” was developed, which is adapted to the principles of Web 2.0 educational technologies, such as interactivity, web-syndication, and socialization. The information-methodological program “MS” is aimed at enhancing theoretical knowledge and practical skills of female students in the process of physical rehabilitation. Further research will focus on the development and substantiation of the structure and content of programs built on the basis physical rehabilitation aids for obese female students and those at risk of developing metabolic syndrome

    From: Dub McClish

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Sistemul gastrointestinal este cel mai frecvent loc pentru Limfoamele Non-Hodgkin (LNH) extranodal, iar riscul neprevăzut de complicații care pun viața în pericol sunt indicații pentru tratamentul chirurgical. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea datelor din literatura mondială, privind rolul chirurgiei în tratamentul complex al LNH digestive. Material și Metode. A fost realizată o revizuire sistematică, din ultimii ani, pentru a evalua practicile și rezultatele tratamentului LNH digestive. Rezultate. Principalele indicații ale tratamentului chirurgical, conform cercetărilor, includ dificultatea diagnosticului patologic preoperator, pericolul neprevăzut de consecințe care pun viața în pericol, cum ar fi ocluzia, hemoragia, perforația și necroza tumorală rapidă secundară chimio/radioterapiei. În limfoamele gastrice localizate, este preferat tratamentul conservator intervenției chirurgicale, însă nu este cazul limfoamelor intestinale, deoarece tratamentul chirurgical asociat cu chimioterapie s-a dovedit superior oricărei alte combinații de tratament. Concluzii. Utilizarea tratamentului chirurgical, împreună cu chimio/radioterapia, pot crește semnificativ șansele de supraviețuire în LNH digestive. Tratamentul chirurgical este limitat la indicații foarte selectate, iar utilitatea intervenției chirurgicale preventive nu poate fi ignorată.Background. The gastrointestinal tract is the most common site for extra-nodal Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) and the unforeseen risk of life-threatening complications are indications for surgical treatment. Objective of the study. Presentation of data from the world literature on the role of surgery in the complex treatment of digestive NHL. Material and Methods. A systematic review has been conducted in recent years to evaluate the practices and outcomes of digestive NHL treatment. Results. The main indications for surgical treatment, according to research, include the difficulty of preoperative pathological diagnosis, the unforeseen danger of life-threatening complications such as occlusion, hemorrhage, perforation, and rapid tumor necrosis secondary to chemo/radiotherapy. In localized gastric lymphomas, conservative treatment is preferred to surgery, but not to intestinal lymphomas, because surgical treatment combined with chemotherapy has been shown to be superior to any other combination of treatments. Conclusions. The use of surgical treatment, together with chemo/radiotherapy, can significantly increase the chances of survival in digestive NHL. Surgical treatment is limited to much selected indications, and the usefulness of preventive surgery cannot be ignored

    Rolul chirurgiei în diagnosticul și tratamentul complex al limfoamelor Non-Hodgkin digestive

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    Background. The gastrointestinal tract is the most common site for extra-nodal Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) and the unforeseen risk of life-threatening complications are indications for surgical treatment. Objective of the study. Presentation of data from the world literature on the role of surgery in the complex treatment of digestive NHL. Material and Methods. A systematic review has been conducted in recent years to evaluate the practices and outcomes of digestive NHL treatment. Results. The main indications for surgical treatment, according to research, include the difficulty of preoperative pathological diagnosis, the unforeseen danger of life-threatening complications such as occlusion, hemorrhage, perforation, and rapid tumor necrosis secondary to chemo/radiotherapy. In localized gastric lymphomas, conservative treatment is preferred to surgery, but not to intestinal lymphomas, because surgical treatment combined with chemotherapy has been shown to be superior to any other combination of treatments. Conclusions. The use of surgical treatment, together with chemo/radiotherapy, can significantly increase the chances of survival in digestive NHL. Surgical treatment is limited to much selected indications, and the usefulness of preventive surgery cannot be ignored.Introducere. Sistemul gastrointestinal este cel mai frecvent loc pentru Limfoamele Non-Hodgkin (LNH) extranodal, iar riscul neprevăzut de complicații care pun viața în pericol sunt indicații pentru tratamentul chirurgical. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea datelor din literatura mondială, privind rolul chirurgiei în tratamentul complex al LNH digestive. Material și Metode. A fost realizată o revizuire sistematică, din ultimii ani, pentru a evalua practicile și rezultatele tratamentului LNH digestive. Rezultate. Principalele indicații ale tratamentului chirurgical, conform cercetărilor, includ dificultatea diagnosticului patologic preoperator, pericolul neprevăzut de consecințe care pun viața în pericol, cum ar fi ocluzia, hemoragia, perforația și necroza tumorală rapidă secundară chimio/radioterapiei. În limfoamele gastrice localizate, este preferat tratamentul conservator intervenției chirurgicale, însă nu este cazul limfoamelor intestinale, deoarece tratamentul chirurgical asociat cu chimioterapie s-a dovedit superior oricărei alte combinații de tratament. Concluzii. Utilizarea tratamentului chirurgical, împreună cu chimio/radioterapia, pot crește semnificativ șansele de supraviețuire în LNH digestive. Tratamentul chirurgical este limitat la indicații foarte selectate, iar utilitatea intervenției chirurgicale preventive nu poate fi ignorată

    Songs of the Spirit : attending to Aboriginal students' emotional and spiritual needs through a Native American flute curriculum

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    This narrative inquiry explores how the �Songs of the Spirit� Native American Flute curriculum, a culturally-responsive curriculum which involves learning to make and play a PVC version of the Native American Flute while learning the cultures and histories of this First Nations instrument, impacted spiritual and emotional aspects of the learning and lives of Aboriginal students, their families, their parents, and their school community. My research took place at an urban Aboriginal high school in Saskatchewan from January to March, 2006. I conducted recorded conversations with three students, two parents, two teachers, two administrators, two Elders, a former principal, a former school caretaker, an artistic director, and the young woman who inspired the Heart of the City Piano Program, a volunteer driven community piano program, in the fall of 1995. Aboriginal individuals, who have too often been silenced in education and in society (Giroux, 1997; Freire, 1989; Fine, 1987; Greene, 1995 & 1998; Grumet, 1999), were provided with a voice in this research.Because of the voices of my research participants, I chose to use the Medicine Wheel and Tipi Teachings (Lee, 2006; Kind, Irwin, Grauer, & de Cosson, 2005) as a lens (Greene, 1995) rather than situating my research in a traditional Eurocentric body of literature. Along this journey, I reflected inwards and outwards, backwards and forwards on how my past storied experiences (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000) shaped my teaching practices and way of being in the world today. To better understand the hurt I observed and which was described by research participants as present in the lived lives and circumstances of many Aboriginal people, I moved backward in time as I reviewed the literature on the Residential School experience and gained a deeper sense of the impact of colonialism on generations of Aboriginal people. This inquiry foregrounded how hearing and playing the Northern Spirit Flute impacted the emotional and spiritual aspects of students� being, and contributed to a process of healing. When participants heard the music, �it [sounded] so eloquent and so spiritual. It [was] almost like the flute [was] weeping,� (Onawa Gaho, Recorded conversation, March 17, 2006, p. 5) bringing about �a calmness to the anger that some [Aboriginal students] have� (Sakima Qaletaqa, Recorded conversation, March 15, 2006, pp. 25-26). The research findings indicate that the �Songs of the Spirit� curriculum, in honoring the holistic nature of traditional First Nations cultures and teachings, invites Aboriginal students functioning in �vigilance mode� to attend to their emotional and spiritual needs. They speak to a need for rethinking curricula in culturally-responsive ways, for attending to the importance of the arts in education, and for reforming teacher education. Sound files of the Northern Spirit Flute and selected research conversations have been embedded within the electronic version of this thesis to allow the reader to walk alongside me and share in my research journey

    Antithrombotic effect of repeated doses of the ethanolic extract of local olive (Olea europaea L.) leaves in rabbits

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    The incidence of thromboembolic diseases is increasing, and they are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Mediterranean diet is known for its high content of olive products, especially olive oil, which has known cardiovascular health benefits, including those on blood pressure, cholesterol level, and thrombogenesis. All previous animal and clinical studies investigating the beneficial antithrombotic effects of olives have focused on olive oil and a few on olive leaves (OLEs). In this study, the ethanolic extract of OLE was evaluated for its antithrombotic activity in the rabbit model of thrombosis induced by ligature of the vena cava and intravenous administration of tissue thromboplastin. Pre-treatment with 100 or 200 mg/kg per day of the ethanolic extract for 8 weeks significantly prolonged the prothrombin time (PT) in comparison to the control group (12.1090.35 sec and 14.3890.29 sec vs. 10.890.32 sec, pB0.05 and 0.001, respectively). In comparison to the control group, the same doses had no statistically significant effect on thrombus weight (16.8590.67 mg, 16.3290.35 mg, and 17.8190.75 mg; p0.18 and 0.06) or on activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) (19.1790.33 sec, 19.1290.73 sec, and 18.9790.41 sec; p0.36 and 0.43, respectively). One important finding in this study concerns thrombus morphology. In the extract treatmentgroups, the thrombus was filament-like and did not adhere to blood vessel walls, whereas in the control group the thrombus was thick and almost completely occluded the vein. Therefore, these results suggest that OLEethanolic extract can modify the extrinsic coagulation pathway as  evidenced by the prolongation of PT and changes in thrombus morphology, enough to justify further research to evaluate its possible antithrombotic effects.Keywords: antithrombotic; thrombosis; OLE; PT; APT

    A locally conservative variational multiscale method for the simulation of porous media flow with multiscale source term

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    We present a variational multiscale mixed finite element method for the solution of Darcy flow in porous media, in which both the permeability field and the source term display a multiscale character. The formulation is based on a multiscale split of the solution into coarse and subgrid scales. This decomposition is invoked in a variational setting that leads to a rigorous definition of a (global) coarse problem and a set of (local) subgrid problems. One of the key issues for the success of the method is the proper definition of the boundary conditions for the localization of the subgrid problems. We identify a weak compatibility condition that allows for subgrid communication across element interfaces, a feature that turns out to be essential for obtaining high-quality solutions. We also remove the singularities due to concentrated sources from the coarse-scale problem by introducing additional multiscale basis functions, based on a decomposition of fine-scale source terms into coarse and deviatoric components. The method is locally conservative and employs a low-order approximation of pressure and velocity at both scales. We illustrate the performance of the method on several synthetic cases and conclude that the method is able to capture the global and local flow patterns accurately

    Properties of nanostructured diamond-silicon carbide composites sintered by high pressure infiltration technique

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    A high-pressure silicon infiltration technique was applied to sinter diamond–SiC composites with different diamond crystal sizes. Composite samples were sintered at pressure 8 GPa and temperature 2170 K. The structure of composites was studied by evaluating x-ray diffraction peak profiles using Fourier coefficients of ab initio theoretical size and strain profiles. The composite samples have pronounced nanocrystalline structure: the volume-weighted mean crystallite size is 41–106 nm for the diamond phase and 17–37 nm for the SiC phase. The decrease of diamond crystal size leads to increased dislocation density in the diamond phase, lowers average crystallite sizes in both phases, decreases composite hardness, and improves fracture toughness

    Yellow Perch Population Assessment in Southwestern Lake Michigan July 1, 2014- June 30, 2015

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    To evaluate yellow perch population demographics and identify factors that continue to limit recruitment our objectives were to: 1) Monitor the age and size structure of adult yellow perch on a seasonal basis, 2) estimate the age and, if possible, sex composition of angler-harvested Dubet al.7yellow perch, 3)determine the relative abundance of demersal age-0 yellow perch and the availability of their macroinvertebrate and zooplankton prey, 4)monitor the abundance and diet of juvenile yellow perchon a seasonal basis, and 5) collect high resolution substrate data in the nearshore with focus on historical yellow perch spawning grounds.Results of this project will help strengthen management strategies for thisimportant sport fish species. These findings will be incorporated into yellow perch management decisionsthroughmulti-agency collaboration, which reflects a changing philosophy in the Great Lakes fisheries from jurisdictional to lake-wide management.Illinois Department of Natural Resources Division of Fisheries F-123-R-21unpublishednot peer reviewedOpe