2,338 research outputs found

    VUV photochemistry of the H2O center dot center dot center dot CO complex in noble-gas matrices : formation of the OH center dot center dot center dot CO complex and the HOCO radical

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    Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV, 130-170 nm) photochemistry of the H2O center dot center dot center dot CO complex is studied by matrix-isolation infrared spectroscopy. The H2O center dot center dot center dot CO complexes in Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe matrices are generated by ultraviolet (UV, 193 and 250 nm) photolysis of formic acid (HCOOH). VUV photolysis of the H2O center dot center dot center dot CO complexes is found to lead to the formation of the OH center dot center dot center dot CO radical-molecule complexes and trans-HOCO radicals. It is shown that the matrix material, local matrix morphology, and possibly the H2O center dot center dot center dot CO complex geometry strongly affect the VUV photolysis pathways. The intrinsic reactivity of the matrix-isolated OH center dot center dot center dot CO complex resulting in the formation of trans-HOCO is directly demonstrated for the first time. This reaction occurs in Ar, Kr, and Xe matrices upon annealing above 25 K and may proceed over the barrier. The case of a Ne matrix is very special because the formation of trans-HOCO from the OH center dot center dot center dot CO complex is observed even at the lowest experimental temperature (4.5 K), which is in sharp contrast to the other matrices. It follows that quantum tunneling is probably involved in this process in the Ne matrix at such a low temperature. Infrared light also promotes this reaction in the Ne matrix at 4.5 K, which is not the case in the other matrices. The last findings show the effect of the environment on the tunneling and infrared-induced rates of this fundamental chemical reaction.Peer reviewe

    Litostratigrafia do Jurássico Inferior da região de S. Pedro de Moel (Bacia Lusitânica, Portugal)

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    O Jurássico da região de S. Pedro de Moel constitui uma importante referência no estudo da Bacia Lusitânica. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma caracterização litostratigráfica das unidades carbonatadas do Jurássico Inferior aflorantes neste sector da bacia, apoiada num novo esboço cartográfico. Em S. Pedro de Moel definem-se as Formações de Coimbra, Água de Madeiros, Vale das Fontes, Lemede e S. Gião, totalizando o intervalo compreendido entre o Sinemuriano Inferior e o Toarciano Médio. As três primeiras unidades mostram um registo estratigráfico muito completo, enquanto as duas mais recentes afloram de forma limitada, em consequência da intensa fracturação existente na região. [ABSTRACT]: The Jurassic in S. Pedro de Moel area is an important reference for the study of the Lusitanian Basin. In this work a lithostratigraphic characterization of the Lower Jurassic carbonate units that crop out in this sector of the basin is presented. This is supported by a new cartographic framework. In S. Pedro de Moel, the Coimbra, Água de Madeiros, Vale das Fontes, Lemede and S. Gião Formations are defined, comprising the Lower Sinemurian to Middle Toarcian interval. Whereas the first three formations show a very complete stratigraphical record, the latter two units are very poorly exposed, as a consequence of the intense tectonic activity in this area


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    Artigo Rede CEDES - UFSC publicado V CSBCEEsse texto apresenta os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa financiada pela Rede CEDES, sobre o agendamento da Copa do Mundo da FIFA 2014 no evento de 2010, realizada pelo LaboMídia/UFSC. Foram acompanhados 4 blogs, nos quais foram analisadas as postagens dos autores e os comentários dos internautas que acompanham esses espaços. Os blogs geraram discussão a respeito da Copa de 2014 em suas postagens e nos comentários de seus leitores. Percebemos a partir da analise dos blogs a grande importância deste veículo como fonte de informação e de discussão entre os internautas.Rede CEDE

    Cardiovascular responses to passive static flexibility exercises are influenced by the stretched muscle mass and the Valsalva maneuver

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    BACKGROUND: The respiratory pattern is often modified or even blocked during flexibility exercises, but little is known about the cardiovascular response to concomitant stretching and the Valsalva maneuver (VM) in healthy subjects. OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and rate-pressure product (RPP) during and after large and small muscle group flexibility exercises performed simultaneously with the VM. METHODS: Asymptomatic volunteers (N = 22) with the following characteristics were recruited: age, 22 ± 3 years; weight, 73 ± 6 kg; height, 175 ± 5 cm; HR at rest, 66 ± 9 BPM; and SBP at rest, 113 ± 10 mmHg. They performed two exercises: four sets of passive static stretching for 30 s of the dorsi-flexion (DF) of the gastrocnemius and the hip flexion (HF) of the ischio-tibialis. The exercises were performed with (V+) or without (V-) the VM in a counterbalanced order. The SBP and HR were measured, and the RPP was calculated before the exercise session, at the end of each set, and during a 30-min post-exercise recovery period. RESULTS: The within-group comparisons showed that only the SBP and RPP increased throughout the sets (p<0.05), but no post-exercise hypotension was detected. The between-group comparisons showed that greater SBP increases were related to the VM and to a larger stretched muscle mass. Differences for a given set were identified for the HR (the HFV+ and HFV- values were higher than the DFV+ and DFV- values by approximately 12 BPM), SBP (the HFV+ value was higher than the DFV+ and DFV- values by approximately 12 to 15 mmHg), and RPP (the HFV+ value was higher than the HFV- value by approximately 2000 mmHGxBPM, and the HFV+ value was higher than the DFV+ and DFV- values by approximately 4000 mmHGxBPM). CONCLUSION: Both the stretched muscle mass and the VM influence acute cardiovascular responses to multiple-set passive stretching exercise sessions


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    Artico decorrente de pesquisa coletiva relizada pelo LABOMIDIA/UFSC, integrandes da rede CEDES.Esse texto é parte integrante de uma pesquisa maior realizada pelo grupo de estudos Observatório da Mídia Esportiva do LaboMídia/UFSC, com apoio da Rede CEDES, que apresentou como objetivo identificar e analisar o agendamento da Copa do Mundo da FIFA 2014, durante o período que antecedeu e em que se realizou a Copa de 2010 na África do Sul em quatro blogs brasileiros, que foram selecionados de acordo seus respectivos potenciais críticos e de veiculação de informações esportivas de interesse público. O conteúdo dos blogs foi descrito e posteriormente analisado a partir de eixos temáticos de discussão denominados: economia, política, infraestrutura e legados da copa 2014. Percebemos a importância do blog como fonte de informação e de discussão entre os internautas.Rede CEDE

    Immunoreactivity of brazilian HIV isolates with different V3 motifs

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    California Department of Health Services Viral and Rickettsial Disease LaboratoryInstituto Oswaldo Cruz Departamento de ImmunologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Laboratório de Immunogenética e Transplante ExperimentalInstituto Adolfo Lutz Serviço de Virologia Laboratório de RetrovirusEscola Paulista de Medicina DIPAFIOCRUZ Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz Laboratório Avançado de Saúde PúblicaUNIFESP, EPM, DIPASciEL

    Phase-Space Volume of Regions of Trapped Motion: Multiple Ring Components and Arcs

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    The phase--space volume of regions of regular or trapped motion, for bounded or scattering systems with two degrees of freedom respectively, displays universal properties. In particular, sudden reductions in the phase-space volume or gaps are observed at specific values of the parameter which tunes the dynamics; these locations are approximated by the stability resonances. The latter are defined by a resonant condition on the stability exponents of a central linearly stable periodic orbit. We show that, for more than two degrees of freedom, these resonances can be excited opening up gaps, which effectively separate and reduce the regions of trapped motion in phase space. Using the scattering approach to narrow rings and a billiard system as example, we demonstrate that this mechanism yields rings with two or more components. Arcs are also obtained, specifically when an additional (mean-motion) resonance condition is met. We obtain a complete representation of the phase-space volume occupied by the regions of trapped motion.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figure

    Saposins utilize two strategies for lipid transfer and CD1 antigen presentation

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    Funding: We are grateful to A.N. Odyniec, M. Brigl, G.F.M. Watts, and T.Y. Cheng for suggestions and excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants AI028973 and AI063428 (to M.B.B.), DK36729 and NS36681 (to G.A.G.), and AR048632 and AI049313 (to D.B.M. and A.K.); a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship (to L.L.); the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (D.B.M. and A.K.); a Personal Research Chair from Mr. James Bardrick (to V.B., N.V., and G.S.B.); a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (to V.B., N.V., and G.S.B.); the Medical Research Council (V.B., N.V., and G.S.B.); Wellcome Trust Grant 084923/B/08/Z (to V.B., N.V., and G.S.B.); and a Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Grant (to A.J.M.Transferring lipid antigens from membranes into CD1 antigen-presenting proteins represents a major molecular hurdle necessary for T-cell recognition. Saposins facilitate this process, but the mechanisms used are not well understood. We found that saposin B forms soluble saposin protein-lipid complexes detected by native gel electrophoresis that can directly load CD1 proteins. Because saposin B must bind lipids directly to function, we found it could not accommodate long acyl chain containing lipids. In contrast, saposin C facilitates CD1 lipid loading in a different way. It uses a stable, membrane-associated topology and was capable of loading lipid antigens without forming soluble saposin-lipid antigen complexes. These findings reveal how saposins use different strategies to facilitate transfer of structurally diverse lipid antigens.publishersversionpublishe

    Anais do V Congresso Sulbrasileiro de Ciências do Esporte. | UIVALI – Itajaí– SC 23 a 25 de setembro de 2010) Disponível em: http://www.rbceonline.org.br/congressos/index.php/vcsbce/vcsbce/schedConf/presentations 1 O BRASIL NA COPA, A COPA NO BRASIL: PERSONAGENS DA COPA NO JORNALISMO DIGITAL: BLOGS E BLOGUEIROS

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    Esse texto apresenta os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa financiada pela Rede CEDES, sobre o agendamento da Copa do Mundo da FIFA 2014 no evento de 2010, realizada pelo LaboMídia/UFSC. Foram acompanhados 4 blogs, nos quais foram analisadas as postagens dos autores e os comentários dos internautas que acompanham esses espaços. Os blogs geraram discussão a respeito da Copa de 2014 em suas postagens e nos comentários de seus leitores. Percebemos a partir da analise dos blogs a grande importância deste veículo como fonte de informação e de discussão entre os internautas


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    Objective: A substantial fraction of the population is intolerant or does not respond well to the recommended treatments for dyslipidemia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy ofgamma-oryzanol (γ-ORZ) treatment in acute and long-term mouse experimental models of dyslipidemia in comparison toGemfibrozil and Simvastatin. Methods: For the acute dyslipidemia-induced model, dyslipidemia was induced in 40 mice using a single intra-peritoneal administration of Triton WR-1339. For the long-termmodel, dyslipidemia was induced in 24 mice using a hypercholesterolemic diet over 14 days. Thereafter, animals were divided into different groups of treatment,and orally received treatments with gamma-oryzanol (5, 25, 50mg. kg-1), gemfibrozil or simvastatin. For biochemical analysis, glucose, total cholesterol and triacylglycerols were measured. Body weight and net food intake was registered weekly, and urea, creatinine, AST and ALT levels were evaluated. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls method,and p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Only the highest dose of γ-ORZ exhibited significant protective effects. Gamma-oryzanol andGemfibrozil treatments reduced total cholesterol and triacylglycerols levels in a similar manner in the acute model. In the second model, γ-ORZ and simvastatin treatments reduced glucose and total cholesterol levels in the same way. In addition, the administration ofγ-ORZ did not cause any adverse events, or significantly altered hepatic enzymes levels, plasmatic urea or creatinine concentrations. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that gamma-oryzanol acts as a potential lipid-lowering agent, reducing triglycerides and total cholesterol in dyslipidemia-induced models