330 research outputs found

    Tunneling of a few strongly repulsive hard-sphere bosons in an optical lattice with tight external harmonic confinement: A quantum Monte Carlo investigation in continuous space

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    The effect of strongly repulsive interactions on the tunneling amplitude of hard-sphere (HS) bosons confined in a simple cubic (sc) optical lattice plus tight external harmonic confinement in continuous space is investigated. The quantum variational Monte Carlo (VMC) and the variational path integral Monte Carlo (VPI) techniques are used at zero temperature. The effects of the lattice spacing π/k\pi/k on the tunneling amplitude is also considered. The occupancies of the lattice sites as a function of the repulsion between the bosons are further revealed. Our chief result is, that for a small number of bosons (N=8) the overlap of the wave functions in neighboring wells does not change with an increase of the repulsive interactions and changes only minimally for a larger number of particles (N=40). The tunneling amplitude rises with a reduction in the lattice spacing. In addition, the occupancy of the center of the trap decreases in favor of a rise in the occupancy of the lattice sites at the edges of the trap with increasing HS repulsion. Further, it was found that the energy per particle at certain optical depths is insensitive to the number of particles and variations in the HS diameter of the bosons. In order to support our results, we compare the VMC results with corresponding VPI results.Comment: 16 pages, 24 figures. This is an improvement of the previous version in which we consider the presence of pair-tunneling in the strongly interacting regime. The tunneling amplitude is measured in terms of the overlap of wave functions in neighboring well

    Simulating noise on a quantum processor: interactions between a qubit and resonant two-level system bath

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    Material defects fundamentally limit the coherence times of superconducting qubits, and manufacturing completely defect-free devices is not yet possible. Therefore, understanding the interactions between defects and a qubit in a real quantum processor design is essential. We build a model that incorporates the standard tunneling model, the electric field distributions in the qubit, and open quantum system dynamics, and draws from the current understanding of two-level system (TLS) theory. Specifically, we start with one million TLSs distributed on the surface of a qubit and pick the 200 systems that are most strongly coupled to the qubit. We then perform a full Lindbladian simulation that explicitly includes the coherent coupling between the qubit and the TLS bath to model the time dependent density matrix of resonant TLS defects and the qubit. We find that the 200 most strongly coupled TLSs can accurately describe the qubit energy relaxation time. This work confirms that resonant TLSs located in areas where the electric field is strong can significantly affect the qubit relaxation time, even if they are located far from the Josephson junction. Similarly, a strongly-coupled resonant TLS located in the Josephson junction does not guarantee a reduced qubit relaxation time if a more strongly coupled TLS is far from the Josephson junction. In addition to the coupling strengths between TLSs and the qubit, the model predicts that the geometry of the device and the TLS relaxation time play a significant role in qubit dynamics. Our work can provide guidance for future quantum processor designs with improved qubit coherence times.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Modeling Vesicle Traffic Reveals Unexpected Consequences for Cdc42p-Mediated Polarity Establishment

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    SummaryBackgroundPolarization in yeast has been proposed to involve a positive feedback loop whereby the polarity regulator Cdc42p orients actin cables, which deliver vesicles carrying Cdc42p to the polarization site. Previous mathematical models treating Cdc42p traffic as a membrane-free flux suggested that directed traffic would polarize Cdc42p, but it remained unclear whether Cdc42p would become polarized without the membrane-free simplifying assumption.ResultsWe present mathematical models that explicitly consider stochastic vesicle traffic via exocytosis and endocytosis, providing several new insights. Our findings suggest that endocytic cargo influences the timing of vesicle internalization in yeast. Moreover, our models provide quantitative support for the view that integral membrane cargo proteins would become polarized by directed vesicle traffic given the experimentally determined rates of vesicle traffic and diffusion. However, such traffic cannot effectively polarize the more rapidly diffusing Cdc42p in the model without making additional assumptions that seem implausible and lack experimental support.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that actin-directed vesicle traffic would perturb, rather than reinforce, polarization in yeast

    How generic is cosmic string formation in SUSY GUTs

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    We study cosmic string formation within supersymmetric grand unified theories. We consider gauge groups having a rank between 4 and 8. We examine all possible spontaneous symmetry breaking patterns from the GUT down to the standard model gauge group. Assuming standard hybrid inflation, we select all the models which can solve the GUT monopole problem, lead to baryogenesis after inflation and are consistent with proton lifetime measurements. We conclude that in all acceptable spontaneous symmetry breaking schemes, cosmic string formation is unavoidable. The strings which form at the end of inflation have a mass which is proportional to the inflationary scale. Sometimes, a second network of strings form at a lower scale. Models based on gauge groups which have rank greater than 6 can lead to more than one inflationary era; they all end by cosmic string formation.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, submitted to PR

    Dietary Supplementation with Soluble Plantain Non-Starch Polysaccharides Inhibits Intestinal Invasion of Salmonella Typhimurium in the Chicken

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    Soluble fibres (non-starch polysaccharides, NSP) from edible plants but particularly plantain banana (Musa spp.), have been shown in vitro and ex vivo to prevent various enteric pathogens from adhering to, or translocating across, the human intestinal epithelium, a property that we have termed contrabiotic. Here we report that dietary plantain fibre prevents invasion of the chicken intestinal mucosa by Salmonella. In vivo experiments were performed with chicks fed from hatch on a pellet diet containing soluble plantain NSP (0 to 200 mg/d) and orally infected with S.Typhimurium 4/74 at 8 d of age. Birds were sacrificed 3, 6 and 10 d post-infection. Bacteria were enumerated from liver, spleen and caecal contents. In vitro studies were performed using chicken caecal crypts and porcine intestinal epithelial cells infected with Salmonella enterica serovars following pre-treatment separately with soluble plantain NSP and acidic or neutral polysaccharide fractions of plantain NSP, each compared with saline vehicle. Bacterial adherence and invasion were assessed by gentamicin protection assay. In vivo dietary supplementation with plantain NSP 50 mg/d reduced invasion by S.Typhimurium, as reflected by viable bacterial counts from splenic tissue, by 98.9% (95% CI, 98.1–99.7; P<0.0001). In vitro studies confirmed that plantain NSP (5–10 mg/ml) inhibited adhesion of S.Typhimurium 4/74 to a porcine epithelial cell-line (73% mean inhibition (95% CI, 64–81); P<0.001) and to primary chick caecal crypts (82% mean inhibition (95% CI, 75–90); P<0.001). Adherence inhibition was shown to be mediated via an effect on the epithelial cells and Ussing chamber experiments with ex-vivo human ileal mucosa showed that this effect was associated with increased short circuit current but no change in electrical resistance. The inhibitory activity of plantain NSP lay mainly within the acidic/pectic (homogalacturonan-rich) component. Supplementation of chick feed with plantain NSP was well tolerated and shows promise as a simple approach for reducing invasive salmonellosis

    The role of biophysical cohesion on subaqueous bed form size

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    Biologically active, fine-grained sediment forms abundant sedimentary deposits on Earth's surface, and mixed mud-sand dominates many coasts, deltas, and estuaries. Our predictions of sediment transport and bed roughness in these environments presently rely on empirically based bed form predictors that are based exclusively on biologically inactive cohesionless silt, sand, and gravel. This approach underpins many paleoenvironmental reconstructions of sedimentary successions, which rely on analysis of cross-stratification and bounding surfaces produced by migrating bed forms. Here we present controlled laboratory experiments that identify and quantify the influence of physical and biological cohesion on equilibrium bed form morphology. The results show the profound influence of biological cohesion on bed form size and identify how cohesive bonding mechanisms in different sediment mixtures govern the relationships. The findings highlight that existing bed form predictors require reformulation for combined biophysical cohesive effects in order to improve morphodynamic model predictions and to enhance the interpretations of these environments in the geological record

    Recall termination in free recall

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    Although much is known about the dynamics of memory search in the free recall task, relatively little is known about the factors related to recall termination. Reanalyzing individual trial data from 14 prior studies (1,079 participants in 28,015 trials) and defining termination as occurring when a final response is followed by a long nonresponse interval, we observed that termination probability increased throughout the recall period and that retrieval was more likely to terminate following an error than following a correct response. Among errors, termination probability was higher following prior-list intrusions and repetitions than following extralist intrusions. To verify that this pattern of results can be seen in a single study, we report a new experiment in which 80 participants contributed recall data from a total of 9,122 trials. This experiment replicated the pattern observed in the aggregate analysis of the prior studies
