80 research outputs found

    Climas organizacionais positivos, relação ótima em equipa e compromisso organizacional.

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    Este estudo foi desenvolvido considerando-se as teorias sobre o clima autentizótico nas organizações, a relação ótima em equipa e o comprometimento organizacional. Os pressupostos filosóficos dessa investigação estão pautados pela perspectiva da abordagem psicológica humanista e positiva, como o prazer de trabalhar, o bem estar dos profissionais envolvidos e, os resultados positivos da organização. Para isso, recorreu-se a: conceitos teóricos sobre o clima positivo nas organizações, suas influências nos empregados, especificamente o Clima Organizacional Autentizótico (COA); o Comprometimento Organizacional (CO) e a importância do comprometimento afectivo para os resultados das organizações, bem como para a saúde dos profissionais. Também é estudada a Relação Ótima em Equipa, seu impacto na saúde do trabalhador, incluídos os conceitos de flow (fluxo), de peak performance e de peak experience. A importância do conceito COA para as organizações é que o mesmo revela o quanto a saúde do trabalhador traz benefícios tanto para a obtenção dos resultados socioeconómicos quanto para o bem estar do trabalhador. Nesse mesmo raciocínio o COA também é importante para o CO, especificamente na dimensão afectiva, pois esta leva a melhorias organizacionais e individuais. Já existem estudos no Brasil que suportam a relação entre os dois conceitos acima citados. Ainda em relação ao COA, pode ser dito que a relação ótima em equipa (ROE) é beneficiada por ele, pois quanto mais uma organização é autentizótica melhor são as relações em equipa. As ROE, especificam a relação entre a pessoa, o trabalho e a equipa, e o COA é uma plataforma para criar condições para este tipo de relação. Pretendeu-se assim com esta tese contribuir das seguintes formas para o conhecimento científico: 1) Verificar se a Escala de Relação Ótima em Equipa (EROE) se comporta da mesma forma no Brasil e em Portugal; e 2) Se a Relação Ótima em Equipa (ROE) medeia de forma positiva a relação entre o Clima Organizacional Autentizótico (COA) e o Comprometimento Organizacional (CO). Os resultados do estudo 1 indicam que a EROE apresenta um bom ajuste na amostra brasileira, tendo sido obtidos os seguintes resultados: para os valores dos índices Holter .05 = 196 e Holter .01= 204, CFI = .87, NFI = .82, TLI = .84 e RMSEA = .06. Os resultados do estudo 2 suportam a hipótese de que existe de facto um efeito mediador da relação ótima em equipa entre o clima organizacional autentizótico e o comprometimento organizacional, com efeito estatisticamente significativo. O clima organizacional autentizótico explica 10% da variância do fluxo no trabalho em equipa (R 2 = .10) e o efeito combinado do clima organizacional autentizótico e do fluxo no trabalho em equipa explicam 18% da variância do comprometimento organizacional (R 2 = .18)

    Occupational Therapist Licensure Revocation by State Licensing Boards

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    Occupational therapists must abide by certain standards to maintain a license to practice. Despite the existence of various studies on licensure revocation in other health care professions, no prior research has been conducted regarding occupational therapist licensure revocations. The purpose of this study was to examine reasons for occupational therapy licensure revocations in the United States from 2005 to 2015. A retrospective descriptive study design was completed. Data were collected from public databases on state websites or through communication with state licensure board representatives. From 2005 to 2015, 65 occupational therapists had their licenses revoked in 40 states and the District of Columbia. Fraud and criminal conviction were the two most frequently cited reasons for licensure revocations in the majority female sample. The south region of the United States displayed the most license revocations when compared to other regions. The results of this study may enhance the education of occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and students about ethical decision-making in practice. A standardized protocol used by all states in determining licensure revocation is recommended. Additional research on all occupational therapy disciplinary actions could further benefit occupational therapy curricula

    Physical Intimate Partner Violence, Childhood Physical Abuse and Mental Health of U.S. Caribbean Women: The Interrelationship of Social, Contextual, and Migratory Influences

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    The literature has shown an increased risk for mental health conditions among victims of domestic violence. Few studies have examined the relationship between mental health disorders and domestic violence among Caribbean women, and how the association might be influenced by migratory and contextual factors. This study addresses the mental well-being of U.S. Caribbean Black women victims of domestic violence, and the relationships between acculturation, discrimination, and demographic influences. An analysis of data from the 2001–2003 National Survey of American Life (NSAL) re-interview, the first and most complete study on U.S. Caribbean Blacks, was conducted. Bivariate analysis revealed an association between acts of physical domestic violence and mental health conditions, with generally higher risk among women who reported both severe physical intimate partner violence and childhood physical abuse. Multivariate logistic regression indicates an association between specific mental disorders and acts of domestic violence. Acculturation, length of residence in the United States, age, education, poverty, and country of origin were also associated with mental health. The study highlights future directions for exploration including additional investigation of the influence of acculturation on the physical health of victims of domestic violence

    Tooth Loss, Sociodemographic Conditions and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in the Elderly

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    Objective: To verify the association between impacts produced by tooth loss and sociodemographic variables in the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in the elderly. Material and Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study carried out in the municipality of Vitória/ES, Brazil, which sample was composed of 402 older adults. The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) was used to measure the individuals' OHRQoL. For data analysis, descriptive and bivariate analyses were performed using the Fisher's exact test and the Mantel-Haenzsel test to assess the effects of combined dimensions. The significance level adopted was 5%. To assess the strength of association between independent variables and dimensions, Odds-Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated. Results: The prevalence of negative impact on OHRQoL in the elderly was 32.6%. The greatest impact perception was found in individuals with up to 10 years of schooling (p=0.021 and OR=1.602), with need for removable partial dentures (p=0.000 and OR=2.873) and those who did not accept the loss of dental elements (p=0.000 and OR=3.064). Conclusion: Older female adults with socioeconomic class C/D-E, with up to 10 years of schooling, who lost 11 or more teeth, who declared the need for removable partial dentures, suffered greater impacts caused by tooth loss on OHRQoL

    O automóvel e seus simbolismos na cultura brasileira: uma análise de valor aplicada ao design

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    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo abordar características del análisis de valor agregado al diseño, utilizando como objeto de estudio el automóvil, sus valores y simbologías creadas a partir de el. Será presentado un panorama del uso del automóvil en las ciudades y su influencia cultural en los aspectos de consumo, diseño de los vehículos y las percepciones de los usuarios a partir de estos apuntes. Comprende también las observaciones de factores como el deseo y el lujo, que pueden contribuir en las actividades económicas y modificar el trayecto de la sociedad, hacia la sustentabilidad

    Occupational Therapist Licensure Revocation by State Licensing Boards

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    Occupational therapists must abide by certain standards to maintain a license to practice. Despite the existence of various studies on licensure revocation in other health care professions, no prior research has been conducted regarding occupational therapist licensure revocations. The purpose of this study was to examine reasons for occupational therapy licensure revocations in the United States from 2005 to 2015. A retrospective descriptive study design was completed. Data were collected from public databases on state websites or through communication with state licensure board representatives. From 2005 to 2015, 65 occupational therapists had their licenses revoked in 40 states and the District of Columbia. Fraud and criminal conviction were the two most frequently cited reasons for licensure revocations in the majority female sample. The south region of the United States displayed the most license revocations when compared to other regions. The results of this study may enhance the education of occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and students about ethical decision-making in practice. A standardized protocol used by all states in determining licensure revocation is recommended. Additional research on all occupational therapy disciplinary actions could further benefit occupational therapy curricula

    Phylogeny and Diversification Patterns among Vesicomyid Bivalves

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    Vesicomyid bivalves are among the most abundant and diverse symbiotic taxa in chemosynthetic-based ecosystems: more than 100 different vesicomyid species have been described so far. In the present study, we investigated the phylogenetic positioning of recently described vesicomyid species from the Gulf of Guinea and their western Atlantic and Pacific counterparts using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. The maximum-likelihood (ML) tree provided limited support for the recent taxonomic revision of vesicomyids based on morphological criteria; nevertheless, most of the newly sequenced specimens did not cluster with their morphological conspecifics. Moreover, the observed lack of geographic clustering suggests the occurrence of independent radiations followed by worldwide dispersal. Ancestral character state reconstruction showed a significant correlation between the characters “depth” and “habitat” and the reconstructed ML phylogeny suggesting possible recurrent events of ‘stepwise speciation’ from shallow to deep waters in different ocean basins. This is consistent with genus or species bathymetric segregation observed from recent taxonomic studies. Altogether, our results highlight the need for ongoing re-evaluation of the morphological characters used to identify vesicomyid bivalves