12 research outputs found

    Electron spin resonance resolves intermediate triplet states in delayed fluorescence.

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    Molecular organic fluorophores are currently used in organic light-emitting diodes, though non-emissive triplet excitons generated in devices incorporating conventional fluorophores limit the efficiency. This limit can be overcome in materials that have intramolecular charge-transfer excitonic states and associated small singlet-triplet energy separations; triplets can then be converted to emissive singlet excitons resulting in efficient delayed fluorescence. However, the mechanistic details of the spin interconversion have not yet been fully resolved. We report transient electron spin resonance studies that allow direct probing of the spin conversion in a series of delayed fluorescence fluorophores with varying energy gaps between local excitation and charge-transfer triplet states. The observation of distinct triplet signals, unusual in transient electron spin resonance, suggests that multiple triplet states mediate the photophysics for efficient light emission in delayed fluorescence emitters. We reveal that as the energy separation between local excitation and charge-transfer triplet states decreases, spin interconversion changes from a direct, singlet-triplet mechanism to an indirect mechanism involving intermediate states

    Reversible spin-optical interface in luminescent organic radicals

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    Molecules present a versatile platform for quantum information science, and are candidates for sensing and computation applications. Robust spin-optical interfaces are key to harnessing the quantum resources of materials. To date, carbon-based candidates have been non-luminescent, which prevents optical read-out. Here we report the first organic molecules displaying both efficient luminescence and near-unity generation yield of high-spin multiplicity excited states. This is achieved by designing an energy resonance between emissive doublet and triplet levels, here on covalently coupled tris(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) methyl-carbazole radicals (TTM-1Cz) and anthracene. We observe the doublet photoexcitation delocalise onto the linked acene within a few picoseconds and subsequently evolve to a pure high spin state (quartet for monoradicals, quintet for biradical) of mixed radical-triplet character near 1.8 eV. These high-spin states are coherently addressable with microwaves even at 295 K, with optical read-out enabled by intersystem crossing to emissive states. Furthermore, for the biradical, on return to the ground state the previously uncorrelated radical spins either side of the anthracene show strong spin correlation. Our approach simultaneously supports a high efficiency of initialisation, spin manipulations and light-based read-out at room temperature. The integration of luminescence and high-spin states creates an organic materials platform for emerging quantum technologies

    Spontaneous exciton dissociation enables spin state interconversion in delayed fluorescence organic semiconductors.

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    Engineering a low singlet-triplet energy gap (ΔEST) is necessary for efficient reverse intersystem crossing (rISC) in delayed fluorescence (DF) organic semiconductors but results in a small radiative rate that limits performance in LEDs. Here, we study a model DF material, BF2, that exhibits a strong optical absorption (absorption coefficient = 3.8 × 105 cm-1) and a relatively large ΔEST of 0.2 eV. In isolated BF2 molecules, intramolecular rISC is slow (delayed lifetime = 260 μs), but in aggregated films, BF2 generates intermolecular charge transfer (inter-CT) states on picosecond timescales. In contrast to the microsecond intramolecular rISC that is promoted by spin-orbit interactions in most isolated DF molecules, photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance shows that these inter-CT states undergo rISC mediated by hyperfine interactions on a ~24 ns timescale and have an average electron-hole separation of ≥1.5 nm. Transfer back to the emissive singlet exciton then enables efficient DF and LED operation. Thus, access to these inter-CT states, which is possible even at low BF2 doping concentrations of 4 wt%, resolves the conflicting requirements of fast radiative emission and low ΔEST in organic DF emitters

    Suppressing aggregation induced quenching in anthracene based conjugated polymers

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    Anthracene is a highly valuable building block for luminescent conjugated polymers, particularly when a large singlet-triplet energy gap (Delta E-ST) is desired. Unfortunately, the extended pi system of anthracene imparts a strong tendency for polymer aggregation, resulting in detrimental effects on its solid state photophysics. A large decrease in photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY, phi(F)) on going from solution to the solid state is especially common, represented in terms of a low phi(R) (phi(R) = phi(F film)/phi(F sol.)). Significant and undesirable red-shifting of fluorescence in the solid state is also typical due to processes such as excimer formation. In this work a series of alkylene-encapsulated conjugated anthracene polymers is developed to overcome these challenging problems. We demonstrate a promising material which displays a good solid state PLQY that is effectively unchanged compared to solution measurements (phi(R) similar to 1, phi(F film) similar to 40%), alongside an identical PL 0-0 transition wavelength in solution and thin film. Such a direct transfer of luminescence properties from solution to the solid state is remarkable for a conjugated polymer and completely unprecedented for one based on anthracene

    Spatially Resolved Optical Efficiency Measurements of Luminescent Solar Concentrators

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    Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) are able to concentrate both direct and diffuse solar radiation, and this ability has led to great interest in using them to improve solar energy capture when coupled to traditional photovoltaics (PV). In principle, a large-area LSC could concentrate light onto a much smaller area of PV, thus reducing costs or enabling new architectures. However, LSCs suffer from various optical losses which are hard to quantify using simple measurements of power conversion efficiency. Here, we show that spatially resolved photoluminescence quantum efficiency measurements on large-area LSCs can be used to resolve various loss processes such as out-coupling, self-absorption via emitters, and self-absorption from the LSC matrix. Further, these measurements allow for the extrapolation of device performance to arbitrarily large LSCs. Our results provide insight into the optimization of optical properties and guide the design of future LSCs for improved solar energy capture

    Carbene metal amide photoemitters: tailoring conformationally flexible amides for full color range emissions including white-emitting OLED.

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    Conformationally flexible "Carbene-Metal-Amide" (CMA) complexes of copper and gold have been developed based on a combination of sterically hindered cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbene (CAAC) and 6- and 7-ring heterocyclic amide ligands. These complexes show photoemissions across the visible spectrum with PL quantum yields of up to 89% in solution and 83% in host-guest films. Single crystal X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence (PL) studies combined with DFT calculations indicate the important role of ring structure and conformational flexibility of the amide ligands. Time-resolved PL shows efficient delayed emission with sub-microsecond to microsecond excited state lifetimes at room temperature, with radiative rates exceeding 106 s-1. Yellow organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) based on a 7-ring gold amide were fabricated by thermal vapor deposition, while the sky-blue to warm-white mechanochromic behavior of the gold phenothiazine-5,5-dioxide complex enabled fabrication of the first CMA-based white light-emitting OLED

    Dielectric control of reverse intersystem crossing in thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters.

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    Thermally activated delayed fluorescence enables organic semiconductors with charge transfer-type excitons to convert dark triplet states into bright singlets via reverse intersystem crossing. However, thus far, the contribution from the dielectric environment has received insufficient attention. Here we study the role of the dielectric environment in a range of thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials with varying changes in dipole moment upon optical excitation. In dipolar emitters, we observe how environmental reorganization after excitation triggers the full charge transfer exciton formation, minimizing the singlet-triplet energy gap, with the emergence of two (reactant-inactive) modes acting as a vibrational fingerprint of the charge transfer product. In contrast, the dielectric environment plays a smaller role in less dipolar materials. The analysis of energy-time trajectories and their free-energy functions reveals that the dielectric environment substantially reduces the activation energy for reverse intersystem crossing in dipolar thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters, increasing the reverse intersystem crossing rate by three orders of magnitude versus the isolated molecule