26 research outputs found

    Tradiciones alfareras del valle de Cajamarca y cuenca alta del Jequetepeque, Perú

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    Este artículo presenta las tradiciones alfareras de dos regiones del departamento de Cajamarca: el valle de Cajamarca y la región de San Pablo en la cuenca alta del Jequetepeque. Este estudio etnoarqueológico enfoca las materias primas utilizadas, las fuentes y el proceso de producción, y ofrece un cuadro interpretativo para los datos cerámicos del sitio Formativo de Kuntur Wasi. Los resultados permiten evaluar las posibilidades y áreas de producción alrededor de Kuntur Wasi, proponiendo una posible zona de adquisición y producción hasta unos 15 kilómetros al nor/noreste del sitio y posiblemente en el área de Sangal, cerca de Kuntur Wasi.Cet article présente des données ethnoarchéologiques sur la production céramique traditionnelle dans deux régions du département de Cajamarca, dans les Andes nord péruviennes: la vallée de Cajamarca et la région de San Pablo, dans le haut bassin du Jequetepeque. Cette étude se concentre sur l’aspect technologique du processus de production, sur les matières premières et les sources d’approvisionnement. Elle offre un cadre d’interprétation des données céramiques pour le site Formatif de Kuntur Wasi. Les résultats permettent d’évaluer les possibilités et aires de production autour du site, avec une possible zone d’acquisition et de production jusqu’à 15 kilomètres au nord/nord-est de Kuntur Wasi, ainsi que dans la région de Sangal, proche du site.This article presents the traditional ceramic production of two regions in the department of Cajamarca: the valley of Cajamarca and the region of San Pablo in the high river basin of the Jequetepeque. This ethnoarchaeological study focuses on raw materials, catchment areas and production processes, and offers an interpretative framework for the ceramic data of the Formative site of Kuntur Wasi. The results help us evaluate the possibilities of pottery production around the archaeological site, and allow us to propose a possible production area 15 kilometers to the north/north-east of Kuntur Wasi, and possibly also close to Sangal near Kuntur Wasi

    Tradiciones alfareras, identidad social y el concepto de etnias tardías en Conchucos, Ancash, Perú

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    Este artículo trata de identificar los grupos humanos vinculados históricamente con las tradiciones cerámicas observadas en Conchucos. La discusión enfoca al grupo Huari, la noción de grupo étnico, las parcialidades y lo que estas divisiones sociopolíticas representan mediante el análisis de las prácticas cerámicas. El examen de las tecnologías cerámicas, de la división del trabajo por categorías sexuales y del reparto geográfico de estas tradiciones revelan una nueva imagen de la composición de los grupos sociopolíticos en el Intermedio Tardío en Conchucos sur y central.Cet article tente d’identifier les groupes humains qui, historiquement, sont reliés aux traditions céramiques observées dans le Conchucos. La discussion porte sur le groupe Huari, la notion de groupe ethnique, de parcialités et sur ce que ces divisions socio-politiques représentent en fonction de l’analyse des pratiques céramiques. L’examen des technologies céramiques, de la division sexuelle du travail et de la distribution géographique de ces traditions donne une image nouvelle de la composition des groupes socio-politiques à l’Intermédiaire Récent au Conchucos sud et central.This article explores the issues of social identity, Late Intermediate Period ethnic groups and sociopolitical divisions in relation to the ceramic traditions observed in southern and central Conchucos. Based on differences in ceramic technology, gendered production and distribution of the ceramic traditions, two sociocultural groups are identified and associated with different factions of the Huari group

    La cerámica tardía de Marcajirca, Conchucos, Áncash: lo que nos enseñan los estudios petrográficos

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    El análisis petrográfico de cerámicas de Marcajirca, sitio de altura del Intermedio Tardío (1000-1474 d. C.) en Conchucos, Áncash, muestra una variabilidad de composición mineral que sugiere múltiples productores, el uso de varias fuentes y al menos dos procedencias distintas. Las pastas tienen un temperante de pizarra molida que se asemeja al material utilizado en la producción local tradicional. Una muestra presenta una pasta de origen distinto, regional o exógeno. Se postula una continuidad tecnológica de uso de las materias primas. Los datos etnográficos, arqueológicos y la situación geográfica de Marcajirca permiten proponer un escenario de adquisición de las vasijas posiblemente producidas en la zona de Yacya/Acopalca cerca de Huari, que hubiera podido abastecer a la región hasta el valle del Puccha.L’analyse pétrographique de céramiques de Marcajirca, un site de l’Intermédiaire récent (1000-1474 ap. J.-C.) au Conchucos, département d’Ancash, dans les Andes nord-centrales du Pérou, nous a permis d’identifier différents groupes de production et aires d’approvisionnement. La plupart des céramiques présentent un dégraissant d’ardoise pilée et sont d’origine locale, sauf une céramique probablement d’origine exogène à la vallée. La comparaison avec du matériel de référence de production locale traditionnelle suggère une continuité technologique dans le choix du dégraissant. Les données archéologiques et ethnographiques permettent de proposer un scénario d’acquisition des pots plutôt qu’une production sur place. La région de Yacya/Acopalca, proche de Huari à 8 km du site de Marcajirca a probablement fourni en poterie la région, jusqu’à la rivière Puccha.The petrographic analysis of ceramic materials from Marcajirca, a Late Intermediate Period site (1000-1474 A.D.) in Conchucos, highland Ancash, north-central Peru, allowed us to identify different production groups and resource areas. Most of the ceramics are tempered with crushed slate and are of local origin, except one that is probably exogenous to the valley. Comparison with reference material from traditional local production centers suggests a technological continuity in the choice of temper. Archaeological and ethnographic data allow us to propose an acquisition scenario for the pots rather than on-site production. The area of Yacya/Acopalca, near the town of Huari and located only 8 km away from Marcajirca was probably supplying the region up to the Puccha River with pottery

    ¿Shashal o no shashal? Esa es la cuestiónEtnoarqueología cerámica en la zona de Huari, Ancash

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    La producción cerámica en la zona de Huari, Ancash, se particulariza por el uso de shashal, un temperante de piedra pizarra molida, agregado a una tierra arcillosa amarilla. Dos de los tres pueblos productores intercambian materias primas. Más al norte, en la región de San Luis- Chacas, otros pueblos utilizan el shashal. ¿Cuáles son las diferencias de composición de este material? ¿Cómo identificar los centros de producción cuando las estrategias de adquisición son similares? ¿Qué es realmente el shashal? Se ve que el contenido en carbón del shashal varía según la mina y la región. El porcentaje de carbón determina si se trata de lutita negra, antracita o grafito. También se necesita extender el estudio de la zona de producción para incluir a los pueblos aprovisionándose de las mismas canteras. El estudio etnoarqueológico y los análisis de pastas presentados en este artículo ofrecen un modelo para la interpretación de los datos arqueológicos y los estudios de procedencia.La production céramique dans la région de Huari, Ancash, se singularise par l’usage d’un dégraissant de pierre broyée, appelé shashal. Deux des trois villages producteurs autour de Huari échangent leurs matières premières. Plus au nord, dans la région de San Luis-Chacas, d’autres villages utilisent aussi le shashal. Quelles sont les différences de composition de ce matériel ? Comment identifier des centres de production quand les stratégies d’approvisionnement sont identiques ? Qu’est ce que le shashal ? Les analyses montrent que le contenu en carbone du shashal varie selon la mine et la région et que le pourcentage de carbone détermine s’il s’agit de shale, d’anthracite ou de graphite. Enfin, il faut étendre l'étude de la zone de production pour inclure les villages qui utilisent les mêmes ressources. Cette étude ethnoarchéologique offre de nouveaux scénarios pour l’interprétation des données archéologiques et des études de provenance.Ceramic production in the Huari region, Ancash, is characterized by the use of ground slate, a temper called shashal, mixed to a yellow clay. Two of the three villages producing around Huari exchange their materials. Further north, in the San Luis-Chacas region, other villages use also shashal. What are the compositional differences of this material? How can we distinguish one producing village from the other? What is shashal? The content of carbon varies from one mine and one region to the other, and determines if it is shale, anthracite or graphite. Also, the production zone must be extended to include the villages exploiting the same resources. This ethnoarchaeological study offers a model for interpreting archaeological data and provenance studies

    Reseña del libro “Ceramics and Society. A technological approach to archaeological assemblages” de Valentine Roux

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    Reseña de libro: Ceramics and Society. A Technological Approach to Archaeological Assemblages (Springer, Switzerland, año 2019), de la autora Valentine Roux en colaboración con Marie-Agnès Courty

    Looking for the right outcrop: Ceramic petrography in the Peruvian Andes

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    Looking for the Right Outcrop Ceramic Petrography in the Peruvian Andes Isabelle C. Druc, Kinya Inokuchi, Victor Carlotto, and Pedro Navarro. In 2010 a series of compositional analysis was initiated to study the production and provenance of the ceramics found at the archaeological site of Kuntur Wasi, in the department of Cajamarca, Peru. Kuntur Wasi is a ceremonial site of the Formative Period occupied during most of the first millennium BC. The site is located at 2,300 m above sea level, 35 km west of the city of Cajamarca in the north-­ central Peruvian highlands (fig. 10.1). Excavations were carried out from 1988 to 2002 by the Kuntur Wasi archaeological project and a Japanese-­ led team. The site acquired much fame when eight intact tombs were excavated, bearing many gold objects, crowns, pendants, beads, and beautiful ceramics (Onuki et al. 1995; Onuki and Inokuchi 2011). In addition to the burials, the four occupation levels (spanning some 900 years) yielded a very large quantity of ceramic fragments. The major architectural and stylistic changes at the beginning of the second archaeological phase point to a strong foreign influence or a nonlocal origin of some of the people responsible for many of the changes observed (Onuki et al. 1995; Inokuchi 2010). Stylistic analysis also suggests the presence of local styles as well as foreign styles related to the coast and to the northern highlands. Paste analysis involved petrography, X-­ ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of archaeological and comparative samples, in conjunction with the ethnoarchaeological study of the modern local ceramic tradition. The first step was to investigate the availability of potting materials around the archaeological site, the local geology, and the type of clay, temper, and practices of traditional potters in the region (Druc 2011; Druc et al. 2013). The analysis of the archaeological ceramics showed the existence of several paste groups, one of which was characterized by the presence of intrusive materials. The absence of intrusive bodies at the local level prompted the search for the provenance of the intrusive temper seen in the Kuntur Wasi ceramics. This search for the right outcrop is also an inquiry into understanding whether the wares manufactured with intrusive temper were produced on site with foreign material or brought to the site. This query was dictated by questions of interregional sociocultural or economic relationships in view of the architectural and stylistic changes observed at Kuntur Wasi. We first briefly present the archaeological and ethnographic background of the research and then describe the local and regional geology. Later we turn to the compositional analysis of the archaeological and comparative samples related to this aspect of the study. The analysis results are discussed in light of the recent studies of the archaeological ceramics. We conclude with a tentative interpretation of ceramic production at or for the ceremonial site of Kuntur Wasi. Looking for the Right Outcrop 145 Research Background The Archaeological Data The ceremonial center of Kuntur Wasi (fig. 10.2) was occupied during the first millennium BC (Inokuchi 2010). The study of the construction phases, tombs, ceramics, and other cultural materials suggested a local initial occupation period (Idolo phase, 950–800 BC), followed by an important transformation in the ceremonial center and a population input of possible coastal provenance (Kuntur Wasi phase, 800–550 BC). New constructions and expansion of the site mark the third major occupation phase (Copa phase, 550–250 BC), while the last phase is characterized by drastic construction changes and quasi abandonment of the site as a major ceremonial center (Sotera phase, 250–50 BC). Apart from these four phases is the “Sangal complex” within the Kuntur Wasi phase, identified on the basis of a set of ceramics displaying similar stylistic characteristics (Inokuchi 2010; Onuki et al. 1995). In terms of ceramic production, so far no evidence was found suggesting on-­ site production . But excavations have targeted the cere­mon­ ial area, where ceramic production was probably not taking place. Sixty-­one different ceramic stylistic types have been identified (Ino­kuchi 2010). Several stylistic ceramic types display local characteristics, with a paste matching resources available within a 7–9 km range, as petrographic analysis showed. Albeit fitting chronologically within the stylistic and cultural Chavín Horizon, Kuntur Wasi does not appear to have received direct impact from the ceremonial center of Chavín de Huántar in the north-­ central Andes (Inokuchi 1998). Rather, stylistic analysis suggests influences..

    Seasonal and inter-seasonal RSV activity in the European Region during the COVID-19 pandemic from autumn 2020 to summer 2022

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    © 2023 The Authors. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Background: The emergence of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in early 2020 and subsequent implementation of public health and social measures (PHSM) disrupted the epidemiology of respiratory viruses. This work describes the epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) observed during two winter seasons (weeks 40–20) and inter-seasonal periods (weeks 21–39) during the pandemic between October 2020 and September 2022. Methods: Using data submitted to The European Surveillance System (TESSy) by countries or territories in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region between weeks 40/2020 and 39/2022, we aggregated country-specific weekly RSV counts of sentinel, non-sentinel and Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) surveillance specimens and calculated percentage positivity. Results for both 2020/21 and 2021/22 seasons and inter-seasons were compared with pre-pandemic 2016/17 to 2019/20 seasons and inter-seasons. Results: Although more specimens were tested than in pre-COVID-19 pandemic seasons, very few RSV detections were reported during the 2020/21 season in all surveillance systems. During the 2021 inter-season, a gradual increase in detections was observed in all systems. In 2021/22, all systems saw early peaks of RSV infection, and during the 2022 inter-seasonal period, patterns of detections were closer to those seen before the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: RSV surveillance continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with an initial reduction in transmission, followed by very high and out-of-season RSV circulation (summer 2021) and then an early start of the 2021/22 season. As of the 2022/23 season, RSV circulation had not yet normalised.Peer reviewe

    Production et distribution de céramiques dans la sphère d'influence Chavin (Pérou) : résultats des analyses chimiques et pétrographiques

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    Characterization and provenance studies by petrography and X-ray fluorescence of ceramics from six sites in the Chavin sphere of influence show that the majority of the production was local, produced in different workshops. The paste of the bottles usually presents a fine granulometry, indicative of the special care given to bottle production. Most exchanged wares are decorated bowls and bottles. Ceramic exchange is attested between the ceremonial center of Chavin de Huântar and the sites of Pallka, Huaricoto and the central coast.L'analyse pétrographique et par fluorescence de rayons X de près de 300 céramiques de six sites dans la sphère d'influence Chavin (premier millénaire av. J.-C.), montre que la plupart des céramiques sont de production locale, produites dans différents ateliers utilisant des sources ou des modes de préparation distincts. Les bouteilles présentent en général une pâte avec une granulométrie fine, témoignant d'une préparation particulière accordée à leur production. On remarque également que ce sont en majorité des bols décorés et des bouteilles qui font l'objet d'échanges. Des échanges sont attestés, notamment entre le centre cérémoniel de Chavin de Huântar et les sites de Pallka, Huaricoto et la côte.Druc Isabelle Clara. Production et distribution de céramiques dans la sphère d'influence Chavin (Pérou) : résultats des analyses chimiques et pétrographiques. In: Revue d'Archéométrie, n°22, 1998. pp. 57-64