145 research outputs found

    HAGRID -- High Accuracy GRB Rapid Inference with Deep learning

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    Since their discoveries in 1967, Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) continue to be one of the most researched objects in astrophysics. Multi-messenger observations are key to gaining a deeper understanding of these events. In order to facilitate such measurements, fast and accurate localization of the gamma-ray prompt emission is required. As traditional localization techniques are often time consuming or prone to significant systematic errors, here we present a novel method which can be applied on the POLAR-2 observatory. POLAR-2 is a dedicated GRB polarimeter, which will be launched towards the China Space Station (CSS) in 2025. The CSS provides POLAR-2 access to a GPU, which makes it possible and advantageous to run a Deep Learning model on it. In this work, we explore the possibility to identify GRBs in real time and to infer their location and spectra with deep learning models. Using POLAR simulations and data, a feasibility experiment was performed to implement this method on POLAR-2. Our results indicate that using this method, in combination with real time data downlinking capabilities, POLAR-2 will be able to provide accurate localization alerts within 2 minutes of the GRB onset.Comment: Proceeding from the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023), 8 page

    Beliefs and practices in the assessment of workplace pollutants

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    Summary.: Objectives: A survey was undertaken among Swiss occupational hygienists and other professionals to identify the different exposure assessment methods used, the contextual parameters observed and the uses, difficulties and possible developments of exposure models for field application. Methods: A questionnaire was mailed to 121 occupational hygienists, all members of the Swiss Occupational Hygiene Society. A shorter questionnaire was also sent to registered occupational physicians and selected safety specialists. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses were performed. Results: The response rate for occupational hygienists was 60%. The so-called expert judgement appeared to be the most widely used method, but its efficiency and reliability were both judged with very low scores. Long-term sampling was perceived as the most efficient and reliable method. Various determinants of exposure, such as emission rate and work activity, were often considered important, even though they were not included in the exposure assessment processes. Near field local phenomena determinants were also judged important for operator exposure estimation. Conclusion: Exposure models should be improved to integrate factors which are more easily accessible to practitioners. Descriptors of emission and local phenomena should also be include

    Lost in Intensity

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    Contrary to the emotions we feel in everyday contexts, the emotions we feel for fictional characters do not seem to require a belief in the existence of their object. This observation has given birth to a famous philosophical paradox (the ‘paradox of fiction’), and has led some philosophers to claim that the emotions we feel for fictional characters are not genuine emotions but rather “quasi-emotions”. Since then, the existence of quasi-emotions has been a hotly debated issue. Recently, philosophers and psychologists have proposed to solve this debate by using empirical methods and experimentally studying differences between ‘real’ and ‘fictional’ emotions. In this paper, our goal is to assess the success of these attempts. We begin by surveying the existing empirical literature and stressing the methodological problems that plague most studies that might seem relevant to the debate, before focusing on recent studies that avoid this pitfall. We then argue that, due to conceptual problems, these studies fail to be relevant to the philosophical debate and emphasise new directions for future empirical research on the topic

    Modèle d'exposition au CO

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    Introduction/Objectif L'évaluation de l'exposition aux nuisances professionnelles représente une étape importante des études de santé au travail. La mesure directe est la manière la plus fiable et la plus objective d'évaluer une exposition, mais la validité de ces résultats est souvent limitée à la seule période de mesure. Les ressources requises pour une telle approche sont, en outre, souvent insuffisantes dans le contexte actuel d'une évaluation systématique des postes à risques. L'utilisation de modèles prédictifs d'exposition constitue une alternative aux mesures. L'intégration des déterminants d'exposition les plus significatifs, tels que des caractéristiques de ventilation, le taux de génération de polluant, et les mécanismes de transport de masse dans des modèles empiriques ou physiques permettent aussi une approche systématique et cohérente de l'exposition. Des modèles prédictifs ont été utilisés dans le contexte de l'exposition au monoxyde de carbone. L'objectif étant de tester la flexibilité et la précision des modèles classiques d'exposition dans des situations d'exposition concrètes. Méthode Différents situation d'expositions professionnelles au monoxyde de carbone ont été choisis: garage automobile, centre de karting et utilisation de tronçonneuses en extérieur. Pour chaque situation, différentes scénarios d'émission et de ventilation ont été imaginées et intégrées dans des modèles d'exposition différents, adaptés en fonction de la situation. Les profils de concentration calculés avec les modèles ont ensuite étés comparés aux niveaux d'exposition reportés dans la littérature pour des situations similaires. Résultats En ce que concerne les scénarios en intérieur (garage et centre de karting), les profils de concentration obtenus avec la simulation présentent une bonne cohérence vis à vis des valeurs de concentration rapportées dans la littérature. Les ordres de grandeurs obtenus sont similaires, tant pour les valeurs moyennes que pour l'intensité des pics (maximas). Une forte disparité entre la prédiction et les valeurs de la littérature est en revanche observable dans le cas des tronçonneuses. Dans ce cas, les expositions prédites sont supérieures aux situations mesurées d'un ordre de grandeur environ. Conclusion Les modèles représentent un outil intéressant de prévision de l'exposition lorsque l'estimation des facteurs d'émission et des paramètres de ventilation est réalisable. Bien qu'ils soient sensiblement mois précis que les mesures pour évaluer l'exposition sur une période donnée, il présentent des avantages importants en termes d' analyse de sensibilité, gamme de scénarios accessibles et de possibilités d'évaluation rétrospectives. En ce sens, ils présentent une excellente complémentarité avec la métrologie

    A Scalable Correlator Architecture Based on Modular FPGA Hardware, Reuseable Gateware, and Data Packetization

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    A new generation of radio telescopes is achieving unprecedented levels of sensitivity and resolution, as well as increased agility and field-of-view, by employing high-performance digital signal processing hardware to phase and correlate large numbers of antennas. The computational demands of these imaging systems scale in proportion to BMN^2, where B is the signal bandwidth, M is the number of independent beams, and N is the number of antennas. The specifications of many new arrays lead to demands in excess of tens of PetaOps per second. To meet this challenge, we have developed a general purpose correlator architecture using standard 10-Gbit Ethernet switches to pass data between flexible hardware modules containing Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips. These chips are programmed using open-source signal processing libraries we have developed to be flexible, scalable, and chip-independent. This work reduces the time and cost of implementing a wide range of signal processing systems, with correlators foremost among them,and facilitates upgrading to new generations of processing technology. We present several correlator deployments, including a 16-antenna, 200-MHz bandwidth, 4-bit, full Stokes parameter application deployed on the Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization.Comment: Accepted to Publications of the Astronomy Society of the Pacific. 31 pages. v2: corrected typo, v3: corrected Fig. 1

    Green Criminological Dialogues: Voices from Asia.

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    Many different languages and disciplines are involved in Asian research on environmental conflicts. Linguistic diversity combined with the varied economic, legal, political and social contexts of the Asian continent gives birth to myriad debates about environmental crime and harm. Borders between disciplines are blurred and take different shapes depending on the linguistic and academic contexts. As a result of this situation, the many resources, knowledge and debates developed in various ‘bubbles’ hardly cross disciplinary and linguistic borders. With this special issue, we hope to contribute to unlocking doors and building bridges between the myriad Asian knowledge traditions about environmental conflict, crime and harm. Also, we aim to open the door for readers (be they scholars or practitioners) to engage with the debates and collaborate in addressing instances of environmental degradation in Asia. Finally, we want to remove the obstacles that separate the multi-disciplinary Asian scholars working on environmental crime from the green criminologists around the world

    A Statistical Mechanical Problem in Schwarzschild Spacetime

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    We use Fermi coordinates to calculate the canonical partition function for an ideal gas in a circular geodesic orbit in Schwarzschild spacetime. To test the validity of the results we prove theorems for limiting cases. We recover the Newtonian gas law subject only to tidal forces in the Newtonian limit. Additionally we recover the special relativistic gas law as the radius of the orbit increases to infinity. We also discuss how the method can be extended to the non ideal gas case.Comment: Corrected an equation misprint, added four references, and brief comments on the system's center of mass and the thermodynamic limi

    On the termination of deep-sea fan channels: Examples from the Rhone Fan (Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    The termination of a deep-sea turbiditic channel represents the ultimate sink of terrigenous sediment in the oceans or lakes. Such environment is characterized by rapid slope decrease and by loss of confinement of turbidity currents. It results in the deposition of Channel-Mouth-Lobes that can be separated from the channel mouth by an erosional (scoured) or by-pass dominated Channel-Lobe Transition Zone. Several factors can control the occurrence, extent and morphologic expression of the area such as the slope break angle, the upslope and downslope angle and the mud/sand ratio in flows. Disentangling these factors remains challenging due to the scarcity of outcrops and to the usual faint morphologies and low thickness of deposits. With bathymetric and seismic data we calculated the morphometric parameters of 8 channel-levees and their Channel-Mouth Lobes from the deepest area of the Rhone fan, a mud-sand rich system, and among which the youngest one (called neofan) was deposited at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum between 21.5 and 18.3 ka cal. BP. Emplacement and shape (finger-shaped or pear-shaped bulges) of Channel-Mouth Lobes is controlled by the seabed morphology (adjacent channel-levees and salt diapirs). A less prominent morphology of the neofan is attributed to premature quiescence related to the post sea-level rise sediment starvation. We show that the occurrence and expression of a Channel-Lobe Transition Zone is controlled by the gradient upstream of the channel mouth slope break. The extended Channel-Lobe Transition Zone and detached lobe of the neofan are attributed to the high upslope gradient (0.26°) while the less detached or attached lobes of other channel-levees is attributed to lower upslope gradient (0.13°). We show that scouring and scours concatenation into flutes at the Channel-Lobe Transition Zone is a major driver for the inception of channels and further confinement of turbidity current. For the first time we show that concatenation of scours in shingled disposition developed an incipient channel sinuosity at this very early stage of channel development. The channel-levee can extend downslope nearly instantaneously by tens of kilometers when isolated nascent channels connect to the channel mouth

    Introduction à l'hygiène du travail : un support de formation

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    [Table des matières] A. Cadre et contexte général : Place et démarche de santé au travail ; Place de l'hygiène du travail dans la santé au travail ; Approche pluridisciplinaire et équipe de santé au travail ; Interface avec d'autres acteurs ; Gestion du risque ; Concept général ; Les outils du management ; La notion de risque acceptable. - B. Hygiène et sécurité du travail : Définition et historique de l'hygiène du travail ; Défis et perspectives ; Ethique professionnelle ; Démarche de l'hygiène du travail ; Méthode d'analyse des risques. - C. Identification des dangers : Méthodes ; Etiquetage des produits chimiques. - D. Evaluation des risques : Généralités ; Stratégie ; Normes ; Risques chimiques ; Toxicologie ; Gaz, vapeurs ; Aérosols ; Amiante ; Surveillance biologique ; Laboratoires ; Risques physiques ; Le Bruit ; Les vibrations ; Les radiations ionisantes ; Rayonnement optique et lasers ; Radiofréquence et rayonnements de basse fréquence ; Le stress thermique ; Environnements hypo- et hyperbares ; les risques biologiques ; Facteurs généraux liés à l'ambiance ; Aspects ergonomiques ; Généralités ; Charge physique ; Organisation du travail ; Instruments de mesure. - E. Maîtrise du risque : Organisation de la prévention ; Un nouveau concept de gestion du risque ; Prévention technique ; A la source - substitution ; A l'interface - ventilation ; Sur la cible. Equipements de protection individuelle ; Au niveau du travailleur - Prévention médicale ; Information et formation des travailleurs