425 research outputs found

    Fourth order indirect integration method for black hole perturbations: even modes

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    On the basis of a recently proposed strategy of finite element integration in time domain for partial differential equations with a singular source term, we present a fourth order algorithm for non-rotating black hole perturbations in the Regge-Wheeler gauge. Herein, we address even perturbations induced by a particle plunging in. The forward time value at the upper node of the (r,t)(r^*,t) grid cell is obtained by an algebraic sum of i) the preceding node values of the same cell, ii) analytic expressions, related to the jump conditions on the wave function and its derivatives, iii) the values of the wave function at adjacent cells. In this approach, the numerical integration does not deal with the source and potential terms directly, for cells crossed by the particle world line. This scheme has also been applied to circular and eccentric orbits and it will be object of a forthcoming publication.Comment: This series of papers deals with EMRI for LISA. With the respect to the v1 version, the algorithm has been improved; convergence tests and references have been added; v2 is composed by 23 pages, and 6 figures. Paper accepted by Class. Quantum Gravity for the special issue on Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios (Capra and NRDA) at Perimeier Institute in June 201

    Основні закономірності зародження і росту втомних тріщин в алюмінієвих пластинах із зміцненими отворами

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    The method of modeling stress-strain state for holes burnishing using FEM has been analyzed. A series of fatigue tests were carried out using plates containing plain holes and cold expanded holes in aluminium For various diameters of holes and cold expansion degree there exists a certain correlation between the stress range or maximum stress on the edge of hole on the entrance face of plate and lifetime of fatigue crack initiation

    Post-Newtonian approximation for isolated systems calculated by matched asymptotic expansions

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    Two long-standing problems with the post-Newtonian approximation for isolated slowly-moving systems in general relativity are: (i) the appearance at high post-Newtonian orders of divergent Poisson integrals, casting a doubt on the soundness of the post-Newtonian series; (ii) the domain of validity of the approximation which is limited to the near-zone of the source, and prevents one, a priori, from incorporating the condition of no-incoming radiation, to be imposed at past null infinity. In this article, we resolve the problem (i) by iterating the post-Newtonian hierarchy of equations by means of a new (Poisson-type) integral operator that is free of divergencies, and the problem (ii) by matching the post-Newtonian near-zone field to the exterior field of the source, known from previous work as a multipolar-post-Minkowskian expansion satisfying the relevant boundary conditions at infinity. As a result, we obtain an algorithm for iterating the post-Newtonian series up to any order, and we determine the terms, present in the post-Newtonian field, that are associated with the gravitational-radiation reaction onto an isolated slowly-moving matter system.Comment: 61 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Serotonin and corticosterone rhythms in mice exposed to cigarette smoke and in patients with COPD:implication for COPD-associated neuropathogenesis

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    The circadian timing system controls daily rhythms of physiology and behavior, and disruption of clock function can trigger stressful life events. Daily exposure to cigarette smoke (CS) can lead to alteration in diverse biological and physiological processes. Smoking is associated with mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have abnormal circadian rhythms, reflected by daily changes in respiratory symptoms and lung function. Corticosterone (CORT) is an adrenal steroid that plays a considerable role in stress and anti-inflammatory responses. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5HT) is a neurohormone, which plays a role in sleep/wake regulation and affective disorders. Secretion of stress hormones (CORT and 5HT) is under the control of the circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Since smoking is a contributing factor in the development of COPD, we hypothesize that CS can affect circadian rhythms of CORT and 5HT secretion leading to sleep and mood disorders in smokers and patients with COPD. We measured the daily rhythms of plasma CORT and 5HT in mice following acute (3 d), sub-chronic (10 d) or chronic (6 mo) CS exposure and in plasma from non-smokers, smokers and patients with COPD. Acute and chronic CS exposure affected both the timing (peak phase) and amplitude of the daily rhythm of plasma CORT and 5HT in mice. Acute CS appeared to have subtle time-dependent effects on CORT levels but more pronounced effects on 5HT. As compared with CORT, plasma 5HT was slightly elevated in smokers but was reduced in patients with COPD. Thus, the effects of CS on plasma 5HT were consistent between mice and patients with COPD. Together, these data reveal a significant impact of CS exposure on rhythms of stress hormone secretion and subsequent detrimental effects on cognitive function, depression-like behavior, mood/anxiety and sleep quality in smokers and patients with COPD

    Relativistic Celestial Mechanics with PPN Parameters

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    Starting from the global parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) reference system with two PPN parameters γ\gamma and β\beta we consider a space-bounded subsystem of matter and construct a local reference system for that subsystem in which the influence of external masses reduces to tidal effects. Both the metric tensor of the local PPN reference system in the first post-Newtonian approximation as well as the coordinate transformations between the global PPN reference system and the local one are constructed in explicit form. The terms proportional to η=4βγ3\eta=4\beta-\gamma-3 reflecting a violation of the equivalence principle are discussed in detail. We suggest an empirical definition of multipole moments which are intended to play the same role in PPN celestial mechanics as the Blanchet-Damour moments in General Relativity. Starting with the metric tensor in the local PPN reference system we derive translational equations of motion of a test particle in that system. The translational and rotational equations of motion for center of mass and spin of each of NN extended massive bodies possessing arbitrary multipole structure are derived. As an application of the general equations of motion a monopole-spin dipole model is considered and the known PPN equations of motion of mass monopoles with spins are rederived.Comment: 71 page

    Exercise Improves Cognitive Responses to Psychological Stress through Enhancement of Epigenetic Mechanisms and Gene Expression in the Dentate Gyrus

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    Background We have shown previously that exercise benefits stress resistance and stress coping capabilities. Furthermore, we reported recently that epigenetic changes related to gene transcription are involved in memory formation of stressful events. In view of the enhanced coping capabilities in exercised subjects we investigated epigenetic, gene expression and behavioral changes in 4-weeks voluntarily exercised rats. Methodology/Principal Findings Exercised and control rats coped differently when exposed to a novel environment. Whereas the control rats explored the new cage for the complete 30-min period, exercised animals only did so during the first 15 min after which they returned to sleeping or resting behavior. Both groups of animals showed similar behavioral responses in the initial forced swim session. When re-tested 24 h later however the exercised rats showed significantly more immobility behavior and less struggling and swimming. If rats were killed at 2 h after novelty or the initial swim test, i.e. at the peak of histone H3 phospho-acetylation and c-Fos induction, then the exercised rats showed a significantly higher number of dentate granule neurons expressing the histone modifications and immediate-early gene induction. Conclusions/Significance Thus, irrespective of the behavioral response in the novel cage or initial forced swim session, the impact of the event at the dentate gyrus level was greater in exercised rats than in control animals. Furthermore, in view of our concept that the neuronal response in the dentate gyrus after forced swimming is involved in memory formation of the stressful event, the observations in exercised rats of enhanced neuronal responses as well as higher immobility responses in the re-test are consistent with the reportedly improved cognitive performance in these animals. Thus, improved stress coping in exercised subjects seems to involve enhanced cognitive capabilities possibly resulting from distinct epigenetic mechanisms in dentate gyrus neurons

    Avalanches in self-organized critical neural networks: A minimal model for the neural SOC universality class

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    The brain keeps its overall dynamics in a corridor of intermediate activity and it has been a long standing question what possible mechanism could achieve this task. Mechanisms from the field of statistical physics have long been suggesting that this homeostasis of brain activity could occur even without a central regulator, via self-organization on the level of neurons and their interactions, alone. Such physical mechanisms from the class of self-organized criticality exhibit characteristic dynamical signatures, similar to seismic activity related to earthquakes. Measurements of cortex rest activity showed first signs of dynamical signatures potentially pointing to self-organized critical dynamics in the brain. Indeed, recent more accurate measurements allowed for a detailed comparison with scaling theory of non-equilibrium critical phenomena, proving the existence of criticality in cortex dynamics. We here compare this new evaluation of cortex activity data to the predictions of the earliest physics spin model of self-organized critical neural networks. We find that the model matches with the recent experimental data and its interpretation in terms of dynamical signatures for criticality in the brain. The combination of signatures for criticality, power law distributions of avalanche sizes and durations, as well as a specific scaling relationship between anomalous exponents, defines a universality class characteristic of the particular critical phenomenon observed in the neural experiments. The spin model is a candidate for a minimal model of a self-organized critical adaptive network for the universality class of neural criticality. As a prototype model, it provides the background for models that include more biological details, yet share the same universality class characteristic of the homeostasis of activity in the brain.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    ESSVCS: an enriched secret sharing visual cryptography

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    Visual Cryptography (VC) is a powerful technique that combines the notions of perfect ciphers and secret sharing in cryptography with that of raster graphics. A binary image can be divided into shares that are able to be stacked together so as to approximately recover the original image. VC is a unique technique in the sense that the encrypted message can be decrypted directly by the Human Visual System (HVS). The distinguishing characteristic of VC is the ability of secret restoration without the use of computation. However because of restrictions of the HVS, pixel expansion and alignment problems, a VC scheme perhaps can only be applied to share a small size of secret image. In this paper, we present an Enriched Secret Sharing Visual Cryptography Scheme (ESSVCS) to let the VC shares carry more secrets, the technique is to use cypher output of private-key systems as the input random numbers of VC scheme, meanwhile the encryption key could be shared, the shared keys could be associated with the VC shares. After this operation, VC scheme and secret sharing scheme are merged with the private-key system. Under this design, we implement a (k; t; n)-VC scheme. Compared to those existing schemes, our scheme could greatly enhance the ability of current VC schemes and could cope with pretty rich secrets


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    The purpose of this research paper is to analyse the value-based management commitment of automotive enterprises and to examine the factors that explain the control parameters in automotive industry. There have been a few empirical studies published in the German’s automotive sector but most of the existing studies failed to provide evidence of utilisation of value-based management in the strategic management in the automotive sector. The German automotive industry’s development is closely related to global economic developments. Previous research work has considered control parameters of enterprises but there is little evidence on the factors that explain which control parameters are used in automotive industry. A survey based on annual reports from the year 2008 to 2011 is used. In total, 20 annual reports of automotive companies were analysed. The results show that automotive companies, especially Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and listed suppliers, have committed to value-oriented management and have implemented value-oriented approaches. However, not all of the suppliers are communicating this in their reports. The results also show that Economic Value Added (EVA) is the leading key indicator in the automotive industry