41 research outputs found

    Učitelj i specifičnosti njegovog rada na izvođenju inkluzivne nastave iz predmeta prirode i društva u redovnim odeljenjima

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    The main aim of this paper is to point out the specifics of teachers' work in teaching the subject Nature and Society, using different forms of teaching, learning and assessment, which ensure equal access to education for all children in accordance with developmental and personal educational affinities, and age. The paper focuses on a teachers' need for education, expertise, knowledge and the skills necessary for inclusive teaching of the subject Nature and Society in regular classes with students with disabilities. The importance of the teachers' role in the teaching process with students with disabilities has been emphasized, in relation to their integration and inclusion into normal life. The success of an education system is reflected in attracting, and choosing the right candidates, capable people for work in the classroom, which contributes to greater and better student achievement.Cilj rada je da se ukaže na specifičnosti rada učitelja u nastavi prirode i društva, primenom različitih oblika nastave, učenja i ocenjivanja, što obezbeđuje jednako pravo i dostupnost obrazovanju i vaspitanju za svu decu, a u skladu sa razvojnim, ličnim obrazovnim i starosnim afinitetima. Rad se bavi potrebom učitelja za obrazovanjem, stručnošću, posedovanjem znanja i sposobnostima za izvođenje inkluzivne nastave kroz predmet prirode i društva u redovnim odeljenjima sa učenicima sa posebnim potrebama. Istaknut je značaj uloge učitelja u nastavnom procesu sa učenicima sa posebnim potrebama, u odnosu na njihovu integraciju i inkluziju i normalan život. Uspešnost jednog obrazovnog sistema ogleda u privlačenju i u odabiru pravih kandidata, sposobnih ljudi za rad u nastavi, koji će doprineti većim i boljim postignućima učenika

    Sensory processing features in children with cochlear implants

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    Sensory processing represents a neurological process that involves sensory perception, organisation, and reaction to sensory stimuli. It is a broad mechanism that refers to how our central and peripheral nervous systems regulate sensory information from our seven (peripheral) sensory systems. The aim of this paper was to examine the sensory processing features in children with cochlear implants and to determine the correlation between the processing of sensory information with emotional and social responses, as well as behavioural outcomes. Parents of 24 children with cochlear implants, ranging in age from 1 to 10 years old, completed the Sensory Profile questionnaire. The results show that children with cochlear implants had lower sensory processing performance in several domains of the Sensory Profile. Pearson’s r correlation revealed that there were significant relationships between social/ emotional responses and behavioural outcomes with almost all sensory inputs, except the vestibular. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the respondents from this convenient sample had significant difficulties in adjusting their levels of activity to the requirements of everyday life and daily tasks. These research findings can contribute to improving the effective implementation of sensory integration therapy, as well as highlighting the need to adjust a child’s environment based on their profile of sensory needs.10th International Conference: Research in Education and Rehabilitation Sciences: ERFCON 2023 May 5 - 7, 2023 Zagreb, Croati

    Parents’ perception about the role of personal assistants for children with developmental disabilities

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    Introduction: By exercising the right to a personal assistant, direct support is provided to the child, enabling him or her to be as autonomous as possible in fulfilling his or her personal needs, activities, and obligations. Aim: The aim of this descriptive study was to examine parents’ perception on the role of personal assistants, the areas in which the service of personal assistants is most prevalent, as well as areas that are important for the development of children with disabilities, for which there is no support in our educational system. Method: The sample consisted of parents of 104 elementary and high school pupils aged 7 to 15 from the territory of southeastern Serbia. The adapted questionnaire consisted of 28 questions related to the satisfaction of parents of children with developmental disabilities with the participation of personal assistants was used. Results: The results of this study showed that the support of a personal assistant is most prevalent in the area of movement, 88.4%, maintaining personal hygiene, 58.7%, while 52.9% of pupils needed support in communicating with the teacher and peers. According to the parents’ perception, the largest number of pupils with developmental disabilities with the support of personal assistants achieved better socialization, 76.9%. Furthermore, they corrected undesirable forms of behavior, 40.4%. All the parents stated that support is necessary in learning and solving everyday tasks in class, as well as help with homework. In addition, 82,7% of the parents stated that they need daily help in studying after classes and help in learning at home. Conclusion: Parents expressed their satisfaction with the support of personal assistants, however, they also indicate the need to expand the competences of personal assistants, so therefore, attention should be focused on their education and permanent engagement in the school.Zbornik rezimea: 12. međunarodni naučni skup Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas, Beograd, Srbija, 27–28. oktobar 2023. godin

    The comparison of resiliency levels of deaf and hard of hearing adolescents and their typically developing peers

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    Deaf and hard of hearing children lag in communication skills, which may consequently result in a lower level of resilience. Determining resiliency levels in deaf and hard of hearing adolescents in comparison to the typical development of their peers is for this reason set as the objective of this research. The sample included 60 sixth, seventh and eighth grade primary school pupils, aged 12 to 14. The subjects were divided into two groups: Group A (30 deaf and hard of hearing subjects) and Group B (30 subjects with typical development). The Resiliency Scale for Children & Adolescents (RSCA) was used in this research. The results showed that deaf and hard of hearing students perceive their resiliency the same as their typical developing peers. Under conditions where more and more deaf and hard of hearing children are educated with peers of the typical population, the social integration of these children becomes a key concern. Programmes intended to promote the development of resiliency, which are drafted in accordance with the individual characteristics of deaf and hard of hearing children may contribute to their successful inclusion in mainstream educationApproaches and Models in Special Education and Rehabilitation -Thematic Collection of International Importance, Belgrade, 202

    Building a Web marketing experience: the Maltese case of Where's Everybody

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    L’attività di web marketing, concepita fino ad oggi come esclusiva dell’impresa, sta vivendo un’evoluzione in senso sociale e partecipativo che dipende dall’evoluzione stessa del Web. Quello che in particolare si modifica non è lo scopo, che rimane sempre la soddisfazione del cliente e la sua fidelizzazione, ma l’avere a disposizione di utilizzo una “cassetta degli strumenti” più ampia e malleabile. Partendo dalla considerazione di questo fatto, la scelta dell’argomento del presente lavoro di ricerca è avvenuta in seguito a un’esperienza lavorativa di tre mesi presso il Dipartimento di Marketing & Public Relation di Where’s Everybody, una delle maggiori aziende di produzione televisiva a Malta. Questa opportunità mi è stata offerta grazie a una borsa di studio del Progetto Leonardo. Alla luce di questa prospettiva, si è cercato innanzitutto di fornire un’accurata analisi delle variabili del macro-ambiente che rendono Malta un caso particolare in Europa, sia economico, politico che sociale e culturale. In seguito si è definito il micro-ambiente, ovvero il panorama televisivo locale e la concorrenza, con particolare attenzione alla descrizione e al target dei programmi di Where’s Everybody. Il capitolo successivo è dedicato a come il Web 2.0 sta modificando gli assi portanti dell’attività di marketing, e in generale al marketing 2.0. In particolare, saranno delineate le principali caratteristiche del web marketing, non tutte ma soltanto quelle relative al lavoro svolto e all’azienda presa in considerazione. Queste sono: lo spostamento di valore dalla transazione alla relazione; il paradigma di comunicazione many-to-many e i suoi elementi fondanti (comunità virtuale, user-generated content e passaparola); l’empowerment del consumatore e il cambiamento della definizione del marketing mix. Queste considerazioni vengono applicate nella seconda parte del lavoro, in cui vengono analizzati gli strumenti e le applicazioni di web marketing utilizzati dall’azienda maltese, prima, dopo e durante il mio periodo di lavoro. Essi sono analizzati per siti Internet, social networks e servizi streaming e on-demand. In particolare, l’analisi dei punti di forza e di debolezza dell’impiego di questi strumenti serve come spunto per presentare suggerimenti di miglioramento per la strategia complessiva, in accordo con i concetti chiave del Web 2.0, ovvero collaborazione e partecipazione degli utenti. Con ciò si dimostra che Where’s Everybody ha saputo cogliere le opportunità di evoluzione del marketing in un’ottica 2.0, comprovate dai dati forniti dall’Authority delle Comunicazioni e dalle indagini di mercato svolte dalla Media Warehouse di Malta. Lo scopo finale è quindi quello di fornire, in prima istanza, una mappatura generale dello scenario di cambiamento del Web 2.0 e conseguentemente dell’attività di marketing. In seconda istanza, preso il caso pratico di una casa di produzione televisiva non italiana, il presente lavoro si propone di offrire un esempio di azienda capace di sfruttare al meglio le effettive potenzialità dei nuovi strumenti di web marketing, sottolineando le strategie adottate e l’abilità di creare valore aggiunto per i suoi clienti

    Vaskularni stentovi - najznačajnije vrste i osobine

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    Vascular stents are general medical devices of class III or IIb, which are placed along the walls of the constricted coronary and peripheral blood vessels thus keeping them viable. According to the mechanism of expansion, stents may be balloon-expandable or self-expanding. Depending on the geometry they can be classified into: coil stents, open-cell modular stents and multi-cell closed cell stents. The most important characteristic of vascular stents is their flexibility, but a number of additional requirements must also be met: high radial strength, low elastic deformation, small diameter, the possibility of monitoring through the bloodstream, minimum subsequent shortening, minimum elastic longitudinal deformation, and the optimal retention at target site. Materials for production of stents must be biologically inert, visible by radiological techniques, biocompatible, corrosion-resistant and resistant to stress due to blood flow. The most significant adverse event after stent implantation is the occurrence of restenosis, which is most efficiently overcome by the application of drug releasing stents. These stents are composed of three parts: stent platform, drug carrier and a drug that inhibits neointimal hyperplasia - paclitaxel and limuses (sirolimus, everolimus, zotarolimus, tacrolimus, pimecrolimus, etc.). In recent years, stents with surfaces coated with substances that accelerate endothelialisation and thus reduce thrombosis have been developed. The latest approach is represented by a stent with the lumen coated with CD34 antibody, and the outer side coated with sirolimus. By using these devices a double effect is achieved: acceleration of endothelialisation and inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia.Vaskularni stentovi su opšta medicinska sredstva klase III ili IIb, koja se postavljaju uz zidove koronarnih i perifernih krvnih sudova kada postoji suženje i na taj način ih održavaju prohodnim. Prema mehanizmu ekspanzije, stentovi mogu biti balon-ekspandirajući ili samoekspandirajući, a u zavisnosti od geometrijskog oblika dele se na: stentove u obliku spirale, modularne stentove sa otvorenim ćelijama i multićelijske stentove sa zatvorenim ćelijama. Najznačajnija karakteristika vaskularnih stentova je fleksibilnost, ali moraju da ispunjavaju i čitav niz dodatnih zahteva, kao što su: velika radijalna snaga, nizak stepen elastične deformacije, mali prečnik, mogućnost praćenja kroz krvotok, minimalno naknadno skraćivanje, minimalna elastična longitudinalna deformacija i optimalno zadržavanje na ciljnom mestu. Materijali za proizvodnju stentova moraju biti biološki inertni, vidljivi radiološkim tehnikama, biokompatibilni, otporni na koroziju i otporni na stres zbog protoka krvi. Najznačajniji neželjeni događaj nakon ugradnje stentova je pojava restenoze, koja se najefikasnije prevazilazi primenom stentova koji oslobađaju lek. Ovi stentovi se sastoje iz tri dela: platforme stenta, nosača leka i leka koji inhibira neointimalnu hiperplaziju, paklitaksel i limusi (sirolimus, everolimus, zotarolimus, takrolimus, pimekrolimus i dr). Poslednjih godina razvijeni su i stentovi kod kojih se površine oblažu supstancama koje ubrzavaju endotelizaciju i tako smanjuju trombozu. Najnoviji pristup predstavlja stent kod koga se lumen stenta oblaže CD34 antitelom, a spoljašnja strana sirolimusom. Primenom ovih stentova postiže se dvostruki efekat: ubrzavanje endotelizacije i inhibicija neointimalne hiperplazije

    Edible wild plant Heracleum pyrenaicum subsp orsinii as a potential new source of bioactive essential oils

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    Many Heracleum L. taxa (Apiaceae) are used as food and spices, and in traditional medicine. In this work, the chemical composition of Heracleum pyrenaicum subsp. orsinii (Guss.) F. Pedrotti and Pignatti root, leaf and fruit essential oils, their antimicrobial activity and cytotoxic effect on malignant and normal cells were investigated for the first time. The composition of the oils was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Monoterpenes prevailed in the root oil, with beta-pinene (38.6%) being dominant, while in the leaf oil, sesquiterpenes, mostly (E)-nerolidol (20.5%) and (E)-caryophyllene (17.0%), were the most abundant constituents. The fruit oil contained the majority of aliphatic esters, mainly octyl acetate (36.8%) and octyl hexanoate (22.1%). The antimicrobial activity was determined by microdilution method against eight bacteria and eight fungi (standard strains, clinical or food isolates). The best antibacterial activity, better than the activity of ampicillin, was shown by the root oil against Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The strongest antifungal activity, stronger than the activity of ketoconazole, was exhibited by the leaf and root oils against Trichoderma viride, and by the root oil against Aspergillus ochraceus. The cytotoxic effect of the oils, determined by MTT test, was prominent against malignant HeLa, LS174 and A549 cells (IC50 = 6.49-14.56 µg/mL). On the other hand, the oils did not show toxicity against normal MRC-5 cells at tested concentrations (IC50 > 200.00 µg/mL). It can be concluded that investigated H. pyrenaicum subsp. orsinii oils represent potential new raw materials for food and pharmaceutical industry

    Kako postupati u kriznim situacijama : preporuke za školsku zajednicu

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    Поштовани и драги наставници, стручни сарадници и директори школа, Поводом трагичног догађаја у основној школи „Владислав Рибникар“ у Београду, обраћамо вам се да бисмо вам показали да нисте сами. Ми, сарадници Института за педагошка истраживања, смо уз вас као што сте и ви увек уз нас, спремни да сарађујете и помогнете нам у нашим истраживачким активностима. Осим што утиче на појединце који су директно њиме погођени, овај трагични догађај може пореметити образовни процес у целини и утицати на све учеснике школског живота и ширу заједницу. Школе треба да буду позитивна средина за учење и поучавање која ученицима и запосленима пружа осећај континуитета, сигурности и припадности. У овом кризном периоду пред вас се постављају веома висока очекивања – да наставите одговорно да испуњавате своје свакодневне школске обавезе и да будете подршка и ослонац својим ученицима у превазилажењу трауматских искустава. Притом, лако се може изгубити из вида да сте и ви сведоци трагичног догађаја и да и вама треба додатна снага и подршка да бисте одговорили на овај изазов. Питате се какво понашање можете да очекујете од ученика и како да комуницирате са њима у околностима које су стресне и неуобичајене. Свесни смо да је ваше богато педагошко искуство ваш најснажнији ресурс, али нико не може бити потпуно спреман за изазове овог типа. Овај приручник вам пружа основне препоруке на које можете да се ослоните у кризним ситуацијама у раду са ученицима. Мај, 2023. годинеPoštovani i dragi nastavnici, stručni saradnici i direktori škola, Povodom tragičnog događaja u osnovnoj školi „Vladislav Ribnikar“ u Beogradu, obraćamo vam se da bismo vam pokazali da niste sami. Mi, saradnici Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, smo uz vas kao što ste i vi uvek uz nas, spremni da sarađujete i pomognete nam u našim istraživačkim aktivnostima. Osim što utiče na pojedince koji su direktno njime pogođeni, ovaj tragični događaj može poremetiti obrazovni proces u celini i uticati na sve učesnike školskog života i širu zajednicu. Škole treba da budu pozitivna sredina za učenje i poučavanje koja učenicima i zaposlenima pruža osećaj kontinuiteta, sigurnosti i pripadnosti. U ovom kriznom periodu pred vas se postavljaju veoma visoka očekivanja – da nastavite odgovorno da ispunjavate svoje svakodnevne školske obaveze i da budete podrška i oslonac svojim učenicima u prevazilaženju traumatskih iskustava. Pritom, lako se može izgubiti iz vida da ste i vi svedoci tragičnog događaja i da i vama treba dodatna snaga i podrška da biste odgovorili na ovaj izazov. Pitate se kakvo ponašanje možete da očekujete od učenika i kako da komunicirate sa njima u okolnostima koje su stresne i neuobičajene. Svesni smo da je vaše bogato pedagoško iskustvo vaš najsnažniji resurs, ali niko ne može biti potpuno spreman za izazove ovog tipa. Ovaj priručnik vam pruža osnovne preporuke na koje možete da se oslonite u kriznim situacijama u radu sa učenicima. Maj, 2023. godin

    Senzorno procesuiranje i socijalne veštine kod gluve i nagluve dece

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    Увод. Сензорно процесуирање представља неуролошки процес који укључује перцепцију, организацију и реакцију на сензорни стимулус. То је свеобухватни процес који се односи на начин на који централни и периферни нервни систем управљају сензорним информацијама које долазе из наших седам периферних сензорних система. Информације које добијамо из наших чула треба да нам дају прецизну слику о свету. Када је у питању поремећај сензорног процесуирања, долази до неадекватне интеграције и организације сензорних стимулуса која пристижу до мозга. Такав поремеђај може стварати додатне тешкоће у свакодневним изазовима и социјалној партиципацији. Основно, бихевиорално, обележје овог поремећаја јесу атипични одговори на неутралне свакодневне стимулусе. Циљ. Општи циљ истраживања јесте утврдити да ли дисфункција сензорног процесуирања утиче на социјалне вештине и понашање глуве и наглуве деце. Такође, циљ истраживања био је утврдити да ли социо-демографске варијабле имају утицаја на социјалне вештине глуве и наглуве деце. Метод. Истраживање је спроведено у току 2020. године у онлајн форми, у групи родитеља деце са оштећењем слуха. Укупно 30 родитеља попунило је упитник, а истраживање је спроведено анонимно и на добровољној бази. Упитник који је коришћен у овом истраживању је Сензорни профил. Резултати. Дисфункција сензорног процесуирања може да утиче на социјалне вештине глуве и наглуве деце, с обзиром да је у три од шест домена утвђена повезаност. Социо- демографске варијабле, као што су пол, узраст, тип амплификације, степен оштећења слуха и присутство вишеструке ометености, нису се показали као фактори као утичу на социјалне вештине. Закључак. Код деце која имају дисфункцију сензорног процесуирања и сам развој социјалних вештина може бити угрожен. Потенцијално могу да се јаве проблеми у учењу и прикладном понашању. Терапија сензорне интеграције требало би да буде природна и организована кроз игру која има терапијску сврху.Introduction. Sensory processing is a neurological process which includes the perception, organization and a response to a sensory stimulus. It is a comprehensive process that refers to the way the central and peripheral nervous systems manage sensory information coming from our seven peripheral sensory systems. The information we receive from our senses should give us a precise sense of the world. Inadequate integration and organization of sensory stimuli reaching the brain lead to sensory processing disorders. Such a disorder can create additional difficulties in everyday challenges and social participation. The basic, behavioral, feature of this disorder is atypical responses to neutral everyday stimuli. Goal. The overall goal of the research is to determine whether sensory processing dysfunction affects the social skills and behavior of deaf and hard of hearing children. Also, the aim of the research was to determine whether socio-demographic variables have an impact on the social skills of deaf and hard of hearing children. Method. The research was conducted during 2020 in an online form in a group of parents of children with hearing impairment. A total of 30 parents completed the questionnaire. The survey was conducted anonymously and on a voluntary basis. The questionnaire used in this study is the Sensory Profile. Results. Sensory processing dysfunction can affect the social skills of deaf and hard of hearing children, since a connection has been established in three of the six domains. Socio-demographic variables, such as gender, age, type of amplification, degree of hearing impairment and the presence of multiple disabilities, have not been shown to affect social skills. Conclusion. In children who have dysfunction of sensory processing, the development of social skills can be endangered. Learning and appropriate behavior problems can potentially occur. Sensory integration therapy should be natural and organized through play that has a therapeutic purpose