11 research outputs found

    An adiponectin-like molecule with antidiabetic properties

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    Adiponectin increases glucose transport, reduces inflammation, and controls vascular functions. Hence, we propose that treatment with a recombinant globular domain of adiponectin (rgAd110-244) has significant therapeutic potential to treat insulin resistance. Mice were fed for 3 months on a high-fat diet (HFD) to induce insulin resistance, diabetes, and moderate weight gain. The mice were first infused iv with different doses of rgAd110-244 (0.12, 0.4, and 1.2 microg/kg x min) for 5 h. Basal and insulin-sensitive glucose use rates were assessed by the use of a submaximal rate of insulin in the awake free-moving mouse. rgAd110-244 reduced, with dose dependence, epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia and HFD-induced insulin resistance by increasing whole-body glucose use (35% at the highest dose) and glycolysis rates. Similarly, the reduction of plasma free fatty acid concentrations by insulin was dramatically improved. Basal hepatic glucose production was unchanged by rgAd110-244 infusion. This acute rgAd110-244 treatment improved glucose homeostasis and was associated with an increased content of muscle phospho-Akt, glycogen synthase kinase-3beta, and AMP-activated kinase. Second, HFD mice were chronically treated with sc rgAd110-244 injections (10, 30, and 100 microg/kg). Fasting glycemia and insulin-sensitive glucose use were improved by rgAd110-244 at the highest dose at completion of the treatment, with concomitant reduction in body weight gain. We here show for the first time that a recombinant adiponectin fragment (110-244 amino acids called rgAd110-244) is able to treat insulin-resistant diabetes. Our results strongly suggest further pharmacological investigation of rgAd110-244 with the objective of developing a new treatment of insulin-resistant diabetes

    Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids contribute with altered nitric oxide and endothelin-1 pathways to conduit artery endothelial dysfunction in essential hypertension.: EETs, Vascular Function, and Hypertension

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: We sought to clarify, using functional and biological approaches, the role of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids, nitric oxide (NO)/reactive oxygen species balance, and endothelin-1 in conduit artery endothelial dysfunction during essential hypertension. METHODS AND RESULTS: Radial artery diameter and mean wall shear stress were determined in 28 untreated patients with essential hypertension and 30 normotensive control subjects during endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilatation induced by hand skin heating. The role of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids and NO was assessed with the brachial infusion of inhibitors of cytochrome P450 epoxygenases (fluconazole) and NO synthase (N(G)-monomethyl-l-arginine [L-NMMA]). Compared with controls, hypertensive patients exhibited a decreased flow-mediated dilatation in response to postischemic hyperemia as well as to heating, as shown by the lesser slope of their diameter-shear stress relationship. In controls, heating-induced flow-mediated dilatation was reduced by fluconazole, L-NMMA, and, to a larger extent, by L-NMMA+fluconazole. In patients, flow-mediated dilatation was not affected by fluconazole and was reduced by L-NMMA and L-NMMA+fluconazole to a lesser extent than in controls. Furthermore, local plasma epoxyeicosatrienoic acids increased during heating in controls (an effect diminished by fluconazole) but not in patients. Plasma nitrite, an indicator of NO availability, increased during heating in controls (an effect abolished by L-NMMA) and, to a lesser extent, in patients, whereas, inversely, reactive oxygen species increased more in patients (an effect diminished by L-NMMA). Plasma endothelin-1 decreased during heating in controls but not in patients. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that an impaired role of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids contributes, together with an alteration in NO/reactive oxygen species balance and endothelin-1 pathway, to conduit artery endothelial dysfunction in essential hypertension. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: https://www.eudract.ema.europa.eu. Unique identifier: RCB2007-A001-10-53

    Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. PremiĂšre partie : le risque de mortalitĂ© virale du naissain d’huĂźtre creuse Crassostra gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013

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    This study (“Risco”), implicating both industry, socio-economic experts and biologists, was funded by the Regional Council of Brittany, for 3 years (2010-2013), to investigate upon the origin of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) mortalities in the bay of Quiberon (South Brittany, France). Specific mortalities of adult oysters were recorded in this bay in 2006, whereas mortalities of one year old spat were observed since in 2008 in this bay as at a national scale. The experimental protocol in 2010, including a monthly survey of oyster batches at 15 experimental stations, allowed to assess the risk for one-year oysters, due to viral disease. A clear spatial distribution of this risk was evidenced, with a western area spared from contamination and mortality, and a central and north-east sector strongly affected. The virus analysis clearly demonstrate the responsibility of the OsHV-1 virus in the mortalities. The oysters on the bottom with a lower growth appear less sensitive to the viral disease than the surelevated ones. In order to interpret this spatial distribution, an epidemiological model has been tested : it is based on emission of virus from the stock of spat in surrounding farming areas, dispersion by the hydrodynamic conditions, and inactivation of the virus by solar radiation. The resulting simulations suggest that the contamination would be endogenous to the bay (from contaminated stocks of spat seeded nearby). A decrease of densities for rearing spat, as well as the seeding of non contaminated spat may be recommended.L’étude « Risco », labellisĂ©e PĂŽle Mer et financĂ©e par la RĂ©gion Bretagne, mobilise Ă  la fois des socio-Ă©conomistes, des biologistes et des professionnels. Elle vise Ă  comprendre et gĂ©rer les facteurs de mortalitĂ©s massives d’huĂźtres creuses (Crassostrea gigas) enregistrĂ©es par les concessionnaires de baie de Quiberon (France, 56), Ă  partir de 2006 sur les huĂźtres adultes et 2008 sur le naissain. Le protocole engagĂ© en 2010, avec un volet expĂ©rimental basĂ© sur le suivi mensuel de lots d’huĂźtres en 15 stations et des analyses pathologiques, a permis d’éclairer notamment le risque Ă©pizootique sur le naissain. Une spatialisation trĂšs marquĂ©e de ce risque a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence, avec une zone Ă  l’ouest relativement Ă©pargnĂ©e et une zone au centre et Ă  l’est trĂšs affectĂ©e. Les analyses virales mettent clairement en Ă©vidence la responsabilitĂ© du virus OsHV-1 dans ces mortalitĂ©s. Les huĂźtres Ă©levĂ©es au sol, moins poussantes, seraient aussi moins sensibles Ă  la mortalitĂ© virale que les huĂźtres Ă©levĂ©es en surĂ©lĂ©vation. L’existence d’une zone quasi-indemne de contamination et de mortalitĂ© Ă  cette Ă©chelle est inĂ©dite parmi les secteurs ostrĂ©icoles français, depuis 2008. Pour interprĂ©ter cette distribution spatiale de la contamination et des mortalitĂ©s, un modĂšle Ă©pidĂ©miologique a Ă©tĂ© testĂ© : il s’appuie sur une Ă©mission de virus Ă  partir des stocks de naissain estimĂ©s en 2010 (estran et eau profonde), une dispersion par les courants, et une inactivation du virus en fonction du rayonnement solaire. Avec le taux d’abattement viral retenu, les simulations suggĂšrent que la contamination serait majoritairement endogĂšne Ă  la baie (Ă  partir de semis de naissain en place, contaminĂ©s). Les recommandations qui en dĂ©coulent sont notamment d’introduire en baie du naissain non contaminĂ© et de diminuer les densitĂ©s de naissain

    Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Troisiùme partie : le risque d’hypoxie pour l’huütre creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013

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    The project “Risco”, supported by the “PĂŽle Mer” and funded by the Regional Council of Brittany, deals with specific risks of mortality of oysters, Crassostrea gigas, cultivated on the bottom, in a subtidal bay of South Brittany : the bay of Quiberon (56, France). Massive mortalities of oysters were reported in summer 2006 in this bay, exclusively located in the deep muddy area with a positive gradient eastward. A validated biogeochemical model was applied in order to simulate the dissolved oxygen over 2000-2006 : it revealed several episodes of hypoxia, more or less intense according to years, but with the same spatial distribution. This approach proved 2006 to be the most hypoxic year since 2000. The hypoxia was due to a rare conjunction of 3 factors : (a) a local upwelling generated by north-west winds, during a neap tide; (b) an abnormal high temperature of coastal waters; (c) probably an intense phytoplankton bloom in summertime. Due to the stratification induced, oxygen consumption near the bottom exceeded its renewal. The hydrodynamism of Mor Bras, at a larger scale, excludes any import of hypoxic water from the nearby “Baie de Vilaine”, whatever the wind or tide regime. The simulated hypoxia area fitted fairly well to the 2006 mortalities. In 2010, experimental oysters deployed at 15 stations and monitored monthly, exhibited also a lower growth rate in the same area, in spite of higher chlorophyll concentration. The application of a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model to growth data confirmed the responsibility of hypoxia in abnormally slow growth rates. So hypoxia may be considered as a stressful factor limiting growth prior to mortalities. It may be concluded from our study that hydro-climatic and trophic conditions have the capacity to deplete oxygen in bottom coastal zones with possible consequences on biotopes and cultivated species: farm yields may be severely affected. This study will allow to manage more closely the commercial risk of shellfish farming at spatial and temporal scale.L’étude « Risco », labellisĂ©e par le PĂŽle Mer et financĂ©e par la rĂ©gion Bretagne, a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© un facteur insoupçonnĂ© d’altĂ©ration des rĂ©sultats d’élevage ostrĂ©icole en baie de Quiberon (France, 56): l’hypoxie. Elle a ainsi fourni une explication convaincante des mortalitĂ©s anormales observĂ©es sur les huĂźtres adultes l’étĂ© 2006. Le modĂšle biogĂ©ochimique appliquĂ© sur la pĂ©riode 2000-2006 a mis en Ă©vidence plusieurs Ă©pisodes d’hypoxie d’intensitĂ© variable selon les annĂ©es, mais trĂšs gĂ©olocalisĂ©s. Parmi eux, celui de 2006 s’est avĂ©rĂ© exceptionnel, tant par son emprise spatiale que par son intensitĂ©. L’hypoxie de 2006 rĂ©sulte de la conjonction rare de plusieurs phĂ©nomĂšnes : (a) un upwelling local gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par des vents de nord-ouest en pĂ©riode de morte-eau ; (b) des eaux cĂŽtiĂšres anormalement chaudes ; (c) probablement un fort bloom estival de phytoplancton. Du fait de la stratification induite, la consommation d’oxygĂšne au niveau du fond excĂšde alors son renouvellement. Le secteur profond et envasĂ©, Ă  l’est de la zone concĂ©dĂ©e, est particuliĂšrement affectĂ© en raison de la gĂ©omorphologie de la baie de Quiberon. L’analyse du fonctionnement hydrodynamique Ă  l’échelle du Mor Bras montre par ailleurs qu’il n’y a pas d’importation d’eau hypoxique depuis la baie de Vilaine, ceci quel que soit le rĂ©gime de vent et de marĂ©e. La diminution de la teneur en oxygĂšne dissous apparaĂźt responsable de ralentissements de croissance des huĂźtres mĂȘme en annĂ©e peu hypoxique (comme 2010). C’est probablement le facteur explicatif des dĂ©ficits de croissance marquĂ©s chez les huĂźtres au sol (par rapport aux huĂźtres en surĂ©lĂ©vation). En situation d’hypoxie extrĂȘme (annĂ©e 2006), les huĂźtres des deux classes d’ñge subissent des mortalitĂ©s. Les huĂźtres d’un an paraissent plus affectĂ©es par le dĂ©ficit d’oxygĂšne, tant en croissance qu’en mortalitĂ© (Ă©tude 2010). Cette Ă©tude permet d’évaluer le risque d’hypoxie (sa probabilitĂ© d’occurrence, sa rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique) et d’orienter les mesures prĂ©ventives applicables en conchyliculture telles que la rĂ©partition des stocks en Ă©levage ou l’entretien des parcs. L’incidence sur les peuplements naturels et les ressources exploitĂ©es, peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre mieux prise en compte, Ă  l’échelle du Mor Bras. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, une meilleure connaissance des effets de l’hypoxie fournit des arguments en faveur du contrĂŽle de l’eutrophisation (limitation des apports en nutriments par les bassins versants

    Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon: DeuxiĂšme partie : le risque de prĂ©dation sur l’huĂźtre creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013

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    L’étude « Risco » s’attache aux causes possibles de mortalitĂ©s massives d’huĂźtres creuses, de toutesclasses d’ñge, enregistrĂ©es par les concessionnaires de baie de Quiberon (France, 56), Ă  partir de2006. Le protocole engagĂ© en 2010, avec son volet expĂ©rimental fondĂ© sur le suivi mensuel de 15lots d’huĂźtres et son volet d’imagerie in situ par sonar et vidĂ©o, permet d’éclairer en particulier lerisque liĂ© aux prĂ©dateurs. Une spatialisation trĂšs marquĂ©e de ce risque est mise en Ă©vidence, avec unezone Ă  l’ouest relativement Ă©pargnĂ©e, une zone Ă  l’est trĂšs affectĂ©e par les Ă©toiles de mer (A. rubens,M. glacialis) et une zone intermĂ©diaire Ă  forte prĂ©dation de bigorneaux perceurs (O. erinacea, P.inornata). Entre ces deux groupes, la prĂ©dation est rĂ©alisĂ©e pour les Ÿ par les Ă©toiles de mer et pourÂŒ par les bigorneaux. Les pertes maximales ont lieu au printemps (recrudescence d’étoiles de mer) eten Ă©tĂ© (efficacitĂ© maximale de prĂ©dation). La prĂ©dation par dorades, devenue trĂšs prĂ©occupante cesderniĂšres annĂ©es, n’a pas pu ĂȘtre estimĂ©e. L’analyse met aussi en Ă©vidence l’importance des mesuresd’entretien des parcs pour limiter l’incidence des prĂ©dateurs. Pour autant, la prĂ©dation n’est sansdoute pas le facteur principal des mortalitĂ©s de 2006, une piste environnementale basĂ©e sur le risqued’hypoxie Ă©tant explorĂ©e par ailleurs

    From First Base: The Sequence of the Tip of the X Chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster, a Comparison of Two Sequencing Strategies

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    We present the sequence of a contiguous 2.63 Mb of DNA extending from the tip of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Within this sequence, we predict 277 protein coding genes, of which 94 had been sequenced already in the course of studying the biology of their gene products, and examples of 12 different transposable elements. We show that an interval between bands 3A2 and 3C2, believed in the 1970s to show a correlation between the number of bands on the polytene chromosomes and the 20 genes identified by conventional genetics, is predicted to contain 45 genes from its DNA sequence. We have determined the insertion sites of P-elements from 111 mutant lines, about half of which are in a position likely to affect the expression of novel predicted genes, thus representing a resource for subsequent functional genomic analysis. We compare the European Drosophila Genome Project sequence with the corresponding part of the independently assembled and annotated Joint Sequence determined through “shotgun” sequencing. Discounting differences in the distribution of known transposable elements between the strains sequenced in the two projects, we detected three major sequence differences, two of which are probably explained by errors in assembly; the origin of the third major difference is unclear. In addition there are eight sequence gaps within the Joint Sequence. At least six of these eight gaps are likely to be sites of transposable elements; the other two are complex. Of the 275 genes in common to both projects, 60% are identical within 1% of their predicted amino-acid sequence and 31% show minor differences such as in choice of translation initiation or termination codons; the remaining 9% show major differences in interpretation. [All of the sequences analyzed in this paper have been deposited in the EMBL-Bank database under the following accession nos.: AL009146, AL009147, AL009171, AL009188–AL009196, AL021067, AL021086, AL021106–AL021108, AL021726, AL021728, AL022017, AL022018, AL022139, AL023873, AL023874, AL023893, AL024453, AL024455–AL024457, AL024485, AL030993, AL030994, AL031024–AL031028, AL031128, AL031173, AL031366, AL031367, AL031581–AL031583, AL031640, AL031765, AL031883, AL031884, AL034388, AL034544, AL035104, AL035105, AL035207, AL035245, AL035331, AL035632, AL049535, AL050231, AL050232, AL109630, AL121804, AL121806, AL132651, AL132792, AL132797, AL133503–AL133506, AL138678, AL138971, AL138972, and Z98269. A single file (FASTA format) of the 2.6-Mb contig is available from ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/edgp/contigs/contig_1.fa.

    Mapping and identification of essential gene functions on the X chromosome of Drosophila

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    The Drosophila melanogaster genome consists of four chromosomes that contain 165 Mb of DNA, 120 Mb of which are euchromatic. The two Drosophila Genome Projects, in collaboration with Celera Genomics Systems, have sequenced the genome, complementing the previously established physical and genetic maps. In addition, the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project has undertaken large-scale functional analysis based on mutagenesis by transposable P element insertions into autosomes. Here, we present a large-scale P element insertion screen for vital gene functions and a BAC tiling map for the X chromosome. A collection of 501 X-chromosomal P element insertion lines was used to map essential genes cytogenetically and to establish short sequence tags (STSs) linking the insertion sites to the genome. The distribution of the P element integration sites, the identified genes and transcription units as well as the expression patterns of the P-element-tagged enhancers is described and discussed