377 research outputs found

    Differential Susceptibility of SD and CD Rats to a Novel Rat Theilovirus

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    Antibodies to rat theilovirus (RTV) have been detected in rats for many years because of their serologic crossreactivity with strains of Theiler murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) of mice. Little information exists regarding this pathogen, yet it is among the most common viruses detected in serologic surveys of rats used in research. In the study reported here, a novel isolate of RTV, designated RTV1, was cultured from the feces of infected rats. The RTV1 genome contained 8094 nucleotides and had approximately 95% identity with another rat theilovirus, NSG910, and 73% identity with TMEV strains. In addition, the genome size of RTV1 was similar to those of TMEV strains but larger than that reported for NSG910. Oral inoculation of Sprague-Dawley (SD) and CD male rats (n = 10 each group) with RTV1 revealed that SD rats were more susceptible than CD rats to RTV1 infection. At 14 d postinoculation, 100% of SD rats shed virus in the feces, and 70% were positive for RTV serum antibodies. By 56 d postinoculation 30% of SD rats continued to have detectable virus in the feces, and 90% had seroconverted. In contrast, in inoculated CD rats RTV was detected only in the feces at 14 d postinoculation, at which time 40% of CD rats were fecal positive. By 56 d postinoculation only 20% of CD rats had detectable RTV serum antibodies. Our data provide additional sequence information regarding a rat-specific Cardiovirus and indicate that SD rats are more susceptible than CD rats to RTV1 infection.This work was supported by funds from a National Institutes ofHealth Postdoctoral Training in Comparative Medicine grant (T32-RR07004) and the Research Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (RADIL)

    Magnetic Structure of Rapidly Rotating FK Comae-Type Coronae

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    We present a three-dimensional simulation of the corona of an FK Com-type rapidly rotating G giant using a magnetohydrodynamic model that was originally developed for the solar corona in order to capture the more realistic, non-potential coronal structure. We drive the simulation with surface maps for the radial magnetic field obtained from a stellar dynamo model of the FK Com system. This enables us to obtain the coronal structure for different field topologies representing different periods of time. We find that the corona of such an FK Com-like star, including the large scale coronal loops, is dominated by a strong toroidal component of the magnetic field. This is a result of part of the field being dragged by the radial outflow, while the other part remains attached to the rapidly rotating stellar surface. This tangling of the magnetic field,in addition to a reduction in the radial flow component, leads to a flattening of the gas density profile with distance in the inner part of the corona. The three-dimensional simulation provides a global view of the coronal structure. Some aspects of the results, such as the toroidal wrapping of the magnetic field, should also be applicable to coronae on fast rotators in general, which our study shows can be considerably different from the well-studied and well-observed solar corona. Studying the global structure of such coronae should also lead to a better understanding of their related stellar processes, such as flares and coronal mass ejections, and in particular, should lead to an improved understanding of mass and angular momentum loss from such systems.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 10 pages, 6 figure

    Rapid Quantification of Biofouling With an Inexpensive, Underwater Camera and Image Analysis

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    To reduce the transport of potentially invasive species on ships\u27 submerged surfaces, rapid-and accurate-estimates of biofouling are needed so shipowners and regulators can effectively assess and manage biofouling. This pilot study developed a model approach for that task. First, photographic images were collected in situ with a submersible, inexpensive pocket camera. These images were used to develop image processing algorithms and train machine learning models to classify images containing natural assemblages of fouling organisms. All of the algorithms and models were implemented in a widely available software package (MATLAB©). Initially, an unsupervised clustering model was used, and three types of fouling were delineated. Using a supervised classification approach, however, seven types of fouling could be identified. In this manner, fouling was successfully quantified over time on experimental panels immersed in seawater. This work provides a model for the easy, quick, and cost-effective classification of biofouling

    MARTA Reach: Piloting an On-Demand Multimodal Transit System in Atlanta

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    This paper reports on the results of the six-month pilot MARTA Reach, which aimed to demonstrate the potential value of On-Demand Multimodal Transit Systems (ODMTS) in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. ODMTS take a transit-centric view by integrating on-demand services and traditional fixed routes in order to address the first/last mile problem. ODMTS combine fixed routes and on-demand shuttle services by design (not as an after-thought) into a transit system that offers a door-to-door multimodal service with fully integrated operations and fare structure. The paper fills a knowledge gap, i.e., the understanding of the impact, benefits, and challenges of deploying ODMTS in a city as complex as Atlanta, Georgia. The pilot was deployed in four different zones with limited transit options, and used on-demand shuttles integrated with the overall transit system to address the first/last mile problem. The paper describes the design and operations of the pilot, and presents the results in terms of ridership, quality of service, trip purposes, alternative modes of transportation, multimodal nature of trips, challenges encountered, and cost estimates. The main findings of the pilot are that Reach offered a highly valued service that performed a large number of trips that would have otherwise been served by ride-hailing companies, taxis, or personal cars. Moreover, the wide majority of Reach trips were multimodal, with connections to rail being most prominent

    A Tale of 2 Continents – Some Tectonic Contrasts between the Central Andes and the North American Cordillera, as Illustrated by the Paelomagnetic Signatures

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    Comparison of patterns of paleomagnetic poles from orogenic belts with appropriate reference poles for the craton can help to delineate important large-scale tectonic processes. Comparison of the paleomagnetic signatures of the western Cordillera of North America and the central Andes shows that the western edges of these belts have had profoundly different Mesozoic and Cenozoic histories. Specifically, the North American Cordilleran pattern shows strong evidence of post-middle Cretaceous relative northward displacement of outboard crustal blocks, but there is almost no comparable evidence of margin-parallel displacement in the Andes. We speculate that this may largely be a consequence of a simple difference in shape: the convex-westward western margin of North America facilitates margin-parallel displacement as a response to oblique subduction, whereas the concave-westward margin of South America inhibits it. The patterns of block rotations found along the western edge of the two orogens also are quite different. Nearly everywhere within the western North American Cordillera crustal blocks have rotated clockwise since mid-Cretaceous time, reflecting a pervading state of dextral shear. Within the western Andes of Peru and northern Chile, however, Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks in Peru (and northernmost Chile) are rotated strongly counterclockwise, whereas rocks of the same age in the remainder of Chile (to about latitude 48°S) are rotated clockwise. A model combining oroclinal bending and block rotations driven by oblique subduction can account for the paleomagnetic observations

    Wind-related orientation patterns in diurnal, crepuscular and nocturnal high-altitude insect migrants

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    Most insect migrants fly at considerable altitudes (hundreds of meters above the ground) where they utilize fast-flowing winds to achieve rapid and comparatively long-distance transport. The nocturnal aerial migrant fauna has been well studied with entomological radars, and many studies have demonstrated that flight orientations are frequently grouped around a common direction in a range of nocturnal insect migrants. Common orientation typically occurs close to the downwind direction (thus ensuring that a large component of the insects' self-powered speed is directed downstream), and in nocturnal insects at least, the downwind headings are seemingly maintained by direct detection of wind-related turbulent cues. Despite being far more abundant and speciose, the day-flying windborne migrant fauna has been much less studied by radar; thus the frequency of wind-related common orientation patterns and the sensory mechanisms involved in their formation remain to be established. Here, we analyze a large dataset of >600,000 radar-detected "medium-sized" windborne insect migrants (body mass from 10 to 70 mg), flying hundreds of meters above southern UK, during the afternoon, in the period around sunset, and in the middle of the night. We found that wind-related common orientation was almost ubiquitous during the day (present in 97% of all “migration events” analyzed), and was also frequent at sunset (85%) and at night (81%). Headings were systematically offset to the right of the flow at night-time (as predicted from the use of turbulence cues for flow assessment), but there was no directional bias in the offsets during the day or at sunset. Orientation "performance” significantly increased with increasing flight altitude throughout the day and night. We conclude by discussing sensory mechanisms which most likely play a role in the selection and maintenance of wind-related flight headings

    Ventral-aspect radar cross sections and polarization patterns of insects at X band and their relation to size and form

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    A data set of ventral-aspect insect radar cross-sections (RCSs) and polarization patterns, measured at X band (9.4 GHz, linear polarization) in laboratory rigs, has been collated from a number of sources. The data have been analysed to identify relationships between RCS parameters (one representing size and two the polarization-pattern shape) and the insects’ masses and morphological dimensions and forms. An improved mass-estimation relationship, with appropriate asymptotes for very small and very large insects, is presented. This relationship draws only on the RCS size parameter and it is shown that incorporating one or both of the RCS shape parameters provides little additional benefit. Small insects have polarization-pattern shapes that fall within a relatively limited region of the range of parameter values allowed by electromagnetic scattering theory. Larger insects have shapes that extend beyond this region, following a broad trajectory as size and mass increases; at masses above ~0.6 g, the pattern becomes ‘perpendicular’, with maxima when the E-field is orthogonal to the body axis rather than parallel to it. RCS shape can be used to infer morphological form for small insects (<80 mg), but not for larger ones. These results are consistent with observations from X-band vertical-beam entomological radars and provide a basis for identification, at least to broad taxon classes, of the targets detected by such radars

    Societal Learning in Epidemics: Intervention Effectiveness during the 2003 SARS Outbreak in Singapore

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid response to outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases is impeded by uncertain diagnoses and delayed communication. Understanding the effect of inefficient response is a potentially important contribution of epidemic theory. To develop this understanding we studied societal learning during emerging outbreaks wherein patient removal accelerates as information is gathered and disseminated. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We developed an extension of a standard outbreak model, the simple stochastic epidemic, which accounts for societal learning. We obtained expressions for the expected outbreak size and the distribution of epidemic duration. We found that rapid learning noticeably affects the final outbreak size even when learning exhibits diminishing returns (relaxation). As an example, we estimated the learning rate for the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Singapore. Evidence for relaxation during the first eight weeks of the outbreak was inconclusive. We estimated that if societal learning had occurred at half the actual rate, the expected final size of the outbreak would have reached nearly 800 cases, more than three times the observed number of infections. By contrast, the expected outbreak size for societal learning twice as effective was 116 cases. CONCLUSION: These results show that the rate of societal learning can greatly affect the final size of disease outbreaks, justifying investment in early warning systems and attentiveness to disease outbreak by both government authorities and the public. We submit that the burden of emerging infections, including the risk of a global pandemic, could be efficiently reduced by improving procedures for rapid detection of outbreaks, alerting public health officials, and aggressively educating the public at the start of an outbreak