363 research outputs found

    Cross-modal music integration in expert memory: Evidence from eye movements

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    The study investigated the cross-modal integration hypothesis for expert musicians using eye tracking. Twenty randomized excerpts of classical music were presented in two modes (auditory and visual), at the same time (simultaneously) or successively (sequentially). Musicians (N = 53, 26 experts and 27 non-experts) were asked to detect a note modified between the auditory and visual versions, either in the same major/minor key or violating the key. Experts carried out the task faster and with greater accuracy than non-experts. Sequential presentation was more difficult than simultaneous (longer fixations and higher error rates) and the modified notes were more easily detected when violating the key (fewer errors), but with longer fixations (speed/accuracy trade-off strategy). Experts detected the modified note faster, especially in the simultaneous condition in which cross-modal integration may be applied. These results support the hypothesis that the main difference between experts and non-experts derives from the difference in knowledge structures in memory built over time with practice. They also suggest that these high-level knowledge structures in memory contain harmony and tonal rules, arguing in favour of cross-modal integration capacities for experts, which are related to and can be explained by the long-term working memory (LTWM) model of expert memory (e.g. Drai-Zerbib & Baccino, 2014; Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995)

    A Chain-Scattering Approach to LMI Multi-objective Control

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    International audienceThis paper revisits, from a chain-scattering perspective, the LMI solution based on Youla-Kucera parametrisation of the general multi-objective control problem. The conceptual and computational advantages of the chain-scattering formalism are demonstrated by allowing a more direct derivation of some known results as well as by hinting to some new research directions

    Is Love Based On Reasons?

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    The aim of the paper is to understand what is involved in the claim that a mental state in general and love in particular, is based on reasons. Love, like many other mental states, can be evaluated in various ways: it can be considered appropriate, deserved, enriching, perverse, destructive etc. but this does not mean that love is based on reasons. In this paper I present and defend a test that a mental state has to satisfy if it is to count as based on reasons. This test will be used to construct a new argument in favour of Frankfurt\u27s position that love is not based on reasons

    Guidance Algorithms for Non-Drifting Trajectory Generation and Control in RendezVous Missions into Elliptical Orbits

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    Safety requirement represents one of the most critical aspect when defining the operational profile for a RendezVous mission. This requirement specially affects the design of the guidance algorithms that need to be tailored to guarantee what is normally referred to as Passive Trajectory Protection . The basic idea of passive trajectory protection is to design all the trajectory elements in an approach sequence such that if, at any point of the trajectory, thrust control ceases, the resulting free drift motion will remain collision free during a certain amount of time. This paper deals with the design and performances assessment of specific guidance algorithm addressing this issue. Firstly the problem is addressed for circular orbit using the Traveling Ellipse formulation for the relative motion. Secondly a solution for the RendezVous into a generic elliptical orbit is presented. This is based on a reduced transition matrix obtained through a description of the relative motion based on the first order variation of the orbital elements

    Temporal Trends in Low-Dose Aspirin Use (from the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus Study).

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    Although established in secondary prevention, the use of low-dose aspirin for primary cardiovascular prevention remains uncertain. We assessed the temporal trend of low-dose aspirin use in people at primary and secondary prevention over 14 years. We used data from the population-based CoLaus|PsyCoLaus study. A baseline survey was conducted from 2003 to 2006, involving 6,733 participants. The first and second follow-up investigations were performed from 2009 to 2012 and 2014 to 2017, respectively. Low-dose aspirin use was defined as ≤300 mg/daily oral administration or administration of an anticoagulant for similar indications. For primary prevention analysis, 6,555, 4,695, and 3,893 participants were included in the analysis at baseline, first and second follow-ups, respectively. Overall, low-dose aspirin use doubled between baseline (4.1%) and second follow-up (8.1%). Appropriate use of low-dose aspirin rose from 32% at baseline to 64% at the second follow-up for primary prevention. In secondary prevention, 71.8%, 75.9%, and 71.7% of participants were taking low-dose aspirin at baseline, first, and second follow-up, respectively. On the basis of a population-based cohort, the appropriateness of low-dose aspirin use increased over a 10-year follow-up in primary prevention, but its inappropriate use still concerned 44% of subjects. In secondary prevention, a quarter of individuals were not taking low-dose aspirin which remained stable over the analyzed period

    Review on eye-hand span in sight-reading of music

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    In a sight-reading task, the position of the eyes on the score is generally further ahead than the note being produced by the instrument. This anticipation allows musicians to identify the upcoming notes and possible difficulties and to plan their gestures accordingly. The eye-hand span (EHS) corresponds to this offset between the eye and the hand and measures the distance or latency between an eye fixation on the score and the production of the note on the instrument. While EHS is mostly quite short, the variation in its size can depend on multiple factors. EHS increases in line with the musician's expertise level, diminishes as a function of the complexity of the score and can vary depending on the context in which it is played. By summarizing the main factors that affect EHS and the methodologies used in this field of study, the present review of the literature highlights the fact that a) to ensure effective sight reading, the EHS must be adaptable and optimized in size (neither too long not too short), with the best sight readers exhibiting a high level of perceptual flexibility in adapting their span to the complexity of the score; b) it is important to interpret EHS in the light of the specificities of the score, given that it varies so much both within and between scores; and c) the flexibility of EHS can be a good indicator of the perceptual and cognitive capacities of musicians, showing that a musician's gaze can be attracted early by a complexity in a still distant part of the score. These various points are discussed in the light of the literature on music-reading expertise. Promising avenues of research using the eye tracking method are proposed in order to further our knowledge of the construction of an expertise that requires multisensory integration

    Traitement de l incontinence urinaire de l homme post-prostatectomie par la bandelette sous-urétrale de type transobturatrice I-STOP TOMS

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    L objectif de ce travail était de présenter les résultats à plus de 2 ans post-opératoires de la bandelette sous-urétrale (BSU) bulbaire transobturatrice à quatre bras TOMSTM dans le traitement de l incontinence urinaire post-prostatectomie (IUPP) légère à modérée. Matériel et méthodes : Il s agissait d une étude rétrospective, monocentrique, comportant 26 patients souffrant d une IUPP de niveau faible à modérée et opérés par mise en place d une BSU TOMSTM à quatre bras. L évaluation de l IUPP était faite en pré-opératoire et à un an post-opératoire, au moyen de questionnaires validés (ICIQ et SF36), du nombre de garnitures journalières, et du Pad-test Long de 24 heures (PTL). Une évaluation téléphonique était réalisée chez 21 patients à plus de 2 ans la chirurgie. Résultats : En moyenne, l âge des patients traités était de 67,3 ans, et la prostatectomie radicale avait été effectuée 48,4 mois plus tôt. En pré-opératoire, le nombre moyen de garnitures utilisées journalières était de 2,3 et le poids moyen des pertes au PTL de 207,1 grammes. A 1 an, les scores ICIQ et SF36 étaient significativement améliorés, et le poids des pertes au PTL et le nombre de garnitures étaient significativement abaissés (p < 0.05). À un an, 13 patients étaient guéris, 12 étaient très améliorés avec 1 garniture journalière au maximum, 1 était peu amélioré et 0 patient était en échec. Sur 21 patients ayant plus de 2 ans de recul, 10 étaient secs, 9 améliorés, et 2 en échec. Conclusion : La BSU transobturatrice TOMSTM chez l homme est une procédure simple et bien tolérée qui permet une amélioration significative de l IUPP de degré mineur et modéré, 50% des malades obtenant une continence complète et 96,2% utilisant 1 garniture journalière au maximum, à 1 an post-opératoire. Ces bons résultats se maintiennent au-delà de 2 ans avec 47,6 % de patients toujours secs et 90,5% à 1 garniture journalière maximum.ROUEN-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (765402102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A meta-analysis on the effect of expertise on eye movements during music reading

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    The current meta-analysis was conducted on 12 studies comparing the eye movements of expert versus non-expert musicians and attempted to determine which eye movement measures are expertise dependent during music reading. The total dataset of 61 comparisons was divided into four subsets, each concerning one eye-movement variable (i.e., fixation duration, number of fixations, saccade amplitude, and gaze duration). We used a variance estimation method to aggregate the effect sizes. The results support the robust finding of reduced fixation duration in expert musicians (Subset 1, g = -0.72). Due to low statistical power because of limited effect sizes, the results on the number of fixations, saccade amplitude, and gaze duration were not reliable. We conducted meta-regression analyses to determine potential moderators of the effect of expertise on eye movements (i.e., definition of experimental groups, type of musical task performed, type of musical material used or tempo control). Moderator analyses did not yield any reliable results. The need for consistency in the experimental methodology is discussed. *The first two authors equally contributed to the first authorshi

    Analysis of the temperature effect on the behavior of high density polyethylene during high pressure torsion process

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    Résumé La torsion sous haute pression (HPT : High Pressure Torsion) est un processus de déformation superplastique très efficace pour obtenir des nanomatériaux avec des propriétés mécaniques très compétitives. En vue de son optimisation, il est d'une importance primordiale d’évaluer les relations entre le comportement du matériau sous l’effet de la variation de la température d’un coté et des paramètres opératoires du processus d’un autre coté. Dans ce contexte, ce présent travail a pour objectif de mettre en évidence la distribution de la déformation plastique dans le matériau déformé en fonction des différents paramètres du processus, à savoir, les effets de l’enchainement des différentes phases, de la pression hydrostatique exercée, de l’angle de torsion et de la température du matériau appliquée au cours du processus. Deux polymères thermoplastiques typiques (polyéthylène à haute densité (PEHD) et polypropylène (PP)) ont été testés. À cette fin, les paramètres des matériaux d'un modèle phénoménologique élasto-viscoplastique ont été déduites à partir des essais de compression à différentes températures et vitesses de déformation. Ensuite, les distributions de la déformation plastique effective, de la vitesse de déformation plastique équivalente et de la contrainte hydrostatique ont été analysées par éléments finis. Des recommandations sur les conditions de processus ont été proclamées selon les résultats numériques obtenus

    Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Glass- Polyester Composite System under Graphite Filler Content

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    Experimental investigations had been done in this work to demonstrate the effect of graphite filler contents on the mechanical and tribological behavior of (30% volume fraction) glass-polyester composite system. The stress-strain relations, modulus of elasticity, yield stress, ultimate tensile strength and ultimate compression strength were studied according to ASTM-D 638-87and ASTM-D 695 to present the composite mechanical behavior. The wear rate and wear resistance were investigated according to ASTM-D 5963 using pin on disc machine to present the composite tribological behavior. The results showed that the mechanical and tribological properties behavior was improved when the graphite filler content was increased up to 7.5% and then decreased after that. At 7.5% filler content the modulus of elasticity, yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, ultimate compression strength and wear resistance increased by (41%, 64%, 24%, 60% and 38%) greater than unfilled composite, while the wear rate was decreased by 27% less than the unfilled one