39 research outputs found

    Potamological characteristics of the Tisa river in Serbia and predispositions for nautical tourism development

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    Tisa nastaje spajanjem Crne i Bele Tise kod Rahova u Ukrajini. Osim kroz pomenutu zemlju ova reka teče još kroz Rumuniju, Mađarsku i Srbiju, dok na kraćoj deonici dodiruje teritoriju Slovačke. Površina sliva Tise, koji je najvećim delom ravničarskog karaktera, iznosi 157.220 km2, od čega se u granicama Srbije nalazi 9.460 km2 slivnog područja. Veštačkim prosecanjem brojnih meandara tok Tise je skraćen za 453 km, tako da je današnja dužina reke 966 km. Kroz Srbiju Tisa teče izrazito meandarskim koritom dužine od 164 km.  Tisa predstavlja najveću pritoku Dunava u koji se uliva naspram Starog Slankamena. Izgradnjom brana na Tisi i obrazovanjem hidroakumulacija na uzvodnim sektorima u velikoj meri su poboljšani uslovi plovidbe na ovoj reci.  Upravo dobri plovidbeni uslovi predstavljaju glavnu predizpoziciju za razvoj nautičkog turizma. Prihvatni objekti nautičkog turizma su: nautička sidrišta, privezišta, turistička pristaništa, marine i nautičko-turistički centri. Glave predispozicije za razvoj nautičkog turizma u srpskom Potisju u prvom redu predstavljaju dobri plovidbeni uslovi na Tisi, tranzitna uloga ove deonice toka, kao i brojna prirodna i kulturna dobra u bližem i daljem priobalju reke. Ono što nedostaje i zbog čega je nautički turizam u srpskom Potisju na veoma niskom nivou, jesu dobro opremljeni prihvatni objekti, uopšte viši nivo usluga i dobro osmišljena marketinška aktivnost.The Tisa comes into being by merging of the Black and White Tisa near Rahovo in Ukraine. Apart from Ukraine, the river flows through Romania, Hungary and Serbia, being tangent to the territory of Slovakia in the shorter part of its flow. The river basin, mainly situated in the low land, covers the area of 157,220 km2, out of which 9,460 km2 is on the territory of Serbia. Artificially made meanders shortened the flow of the Tisa for 453 km, which contributed to its present length of 966 km. The Tisa flows in a 164 km long meandrous riverbed through Serbia. Generally, the direction of the flow in this sector is meridian, thus making the river a natural border between Banat in the east and Backa in the west. The Tisa is the largest of the Danube tributaries, joining the Danube at its 1,214.5th river kilometer near Stari Slankamen. Due to the wide scope of passive and active measures, undertaken with the aim to organize the water of the Tisa, the river system was significantly changed in comparison to the natural one. Apart from the artificial shortening of the flow and building dykes on riverbanks, the most significant changes in the river system were mainly influenced by dams built near Tiszalök, Kisköre, and Novi Becej, due to which three water steps were formed in the middle and lower river’s flow. With the exception of the spring period of high water level, in other periods of the year the Tisa river regime is artificially directed, which is noticeable in the parts upstream of dams. However, due to the prevailing natural conditions, first of all climate conditions, it could be established that in lower part of the Tisa, the highest water levels and flow rates occur in spring reaching their maximum values in April and the lowest occur in autumn, reaching minimum values in October. Navigation conditions on the river are improved to large extent by building dams on the Tisa and making hydro accumulations in upstream sectors. On Serbian part of the river flow, the conditions are particularly good upstream the dam built near Novi Becej at 63th river kilometer. It is exactly the navigation conditions which represent the main predisposition for nautical tourism development. However, this rather attractive form of tourism in the world lately is not only connected with navigation and navigation course, but also with different activities on the banks and wider riversides, such as sports and recreational, cultural, entertaining, etc. For the needs of nautical tourism, various types of boats are used and various objects are built on river banks or on the river. The objects are used for accepting, supplying, protection, maintenance and repairing the boats used in tourism and also for providing navigators with different services. Accepting objects in nautical tourism are: nautical anchorages, moorings, tourist quays, marines and nautical tourism centers. Firstly, the main predispositions for nautical tourism development in Serbian Potisje are good navigation conditions on the Tisa, transit feature of this part of the flow, as well as numerous natural and cultural assets closer to or farther from riversides. The missing links, which leave nautical tourism in Serbian Potisje on very low level, are well equipped private accommodation, generally higher level of services and well planned marketing activities

    Extreme precipitations and their influence on the River flood Hazards: A case study of the Sana River Basin in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The subject of the research paper is the use of remote sensing in monitoring and analyzing the impact of climate change on the occurrence of extreme precipitation, and the cause-and-effect occurrence of floods in the area of the Sana River Basin in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal is to process the "product" of remote sensing to identify the time intervals of occurrence of extreme precipitation, to assess their impact on water levels, and to map potential floods in space. Spatial identification of zones that are at risk of flooding is an integral part of the aforementioned goal. Precipitation monitoring was performed by processing Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data through the Google Earth Engine platform. The observed 30-year period (1992-2022) was compared with the average precipitation for 2017, 2018 and 2019. The impact of extreme precipitation on the water level of the Sana River was analyzed. Flooding periods have been identified: February and December 2017, March 2018 and May 2019. Mapping of flooded areas was carried out by pre-processing and post-processing of Sentinel-1 radar satellite images. The total flooded area is: 710.38 ha (February 2017), 496.79 ha (December 2017), 417.86 ha (March 2018) and 422.42 ha (May 2019). Based on the identified flooded areas, a flood risk map was created on the main course of the Sana River. The research contributes to a better understanding of the changes that occur in the area under the influence of climate change, and the data presented are important for numerous practical issues in the field of water resource management and flood protection

    Classification Methods for Inland Excess Water Modeling

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    Inland excess water floodings are a common problem in the Carpathian Basin. Nearly every year large areas are covered by water due to lack of natural runoff of superfluous water. To study the development of this phenomenon it is necessary to determine where these inundations are occurring. This research evaluates different methods to classify inland excess water occurrences on a study area covering south-east Hungary and northern Serbia. The region is susceptible to this type of flooding due to its geographical circumstances. Three separate methods are used to determine their applicability to the problem. The methods use the same input data set but differ in approach and complexity. The input data set consists of a mosaic of RapidEye medium resolution satellite images. The results of the classifications show that all three methods can be applied to the problem and provide high quality satellite based inland excess water maps over a large area

    Primena metode proporcionalne navigacije na upravljanje i navođenje besposadne kopnene platforme

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    Техничко решење представља нови оригинални метод, први пут примењен у нашој техничко- технолошкој пракси, а намењено је развоју нових концепата примене беспосадних копнених платформи у будућим технолошко-организационим системима војне и цивилне намене. Основа применe методе је функционални модел (ФМ) модуларне беспосадне платформе на гусеничном возилу средњих димензија. Пратећи систем који се састоји од одговарајуће опреме за функционалну надградњу диктира захтеве и начин управљања системом базираном на мрежној технологији, управљaње преко Internet Protocola (IP). Тиме се обезбеђује жељена универзалност примене и модуларност надградње система.Техничко решењ

    Socioekonomske posledice suša i suvišnih unutrašnjih voda u Vojvodini/Srbiji

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    Nagy, Imre; Vuksanović, Gordana; Mesaroš, Minučer; Marković, Slobodan; Gavrilov, Milivoj; Pavić, Dragoslav; Basarin, Biljana; Lukić, Ti

    Towards UAV Assisted Monitoring Of An Aquatic Vegetation Within The Large Rivers – The Middle Danube

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    UAV technologies provide a time- and cost-efficient framework for a variety of environmental monitoring domains. It also increases data resolution and provides new insights into observed objects and phenomena, especially within the difficult-to-access and complex for monitoring aquatic habitats. The objective of this study was to develop UAV-based acquisition and GIS-based image processing guidelines for aquatic macrophyte detection and monitoring in large temperate rivers. According to the European standard CEN EN -14184:2014, the assessment of aquatic macrophytes should be performed using the transect approach. Large rivers, such as the Danube, represent an exception and should be evaluated using 1km transects. Therefore, seven transects of the Middle Danube in Serbia were simultaneously surveyed using traditional field methods and novel UAV technology. UAV images were acquired using RGB and multispectral cameras carried by a fixed-wing drone. The images were processed and orthomosaics were classified using Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA), to create digital GIS maps of the river transects. During the traditional monitoring approach, the relative abundance of 22 macrophyte species was recorded along the transects. Using the UAV technology and OBIA approach eight macrophyte classes were distinguished based on dominant macrophyte taxa or plant life form traits. Aquatic macrophytes were 'almost perfectly' distinguished from the orthomosaics, achieving a high classification accuracy of 96 % / 88 % / 0.84 for RGB and 94 % / 97 % / 0.95 Producers /Users accuracy/Kappa index for the multispectral approach. Individual macrophyte classes accuracy varied between 0.5 and 1 Kappa and were generally higher for the multispectral imagery approach. Although the resolution of the taxonomic data is lower, UAV monitoring provided the necessary spatial context of macrophytes distribution and absolute area occupied by macrophytes. It also provided information on the diversity and distribution of habitats along the river. Therefore, the UAV-assisted monitoring approach described in this study can be effectively integrated into macrophyte monitoring during large river expeditions such as the JDS

    Rainfall erosivity and extreme precipitation in the Netherlands

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    In order to assess the rainfall erosivity of the Netherlands, several parameters which describe distribution, concentration, and variability of precipitation were used (the annual amount of precipitation, the precipitation concentration index and the modified Fournier index), as well as eleven extreme precipitation indices (maximum1-day precipitation amount, maximum 5-day precipitation amount, simple daily intensity index, number of heavy precipitation days, number of very heavy precipitation days, number of days above 25 mm, consecutive dry days, consecutive wet days, very wet days, extremely wet days, and annual total wet-day precipitation). The precipitation data for calculating the above mentioned parameters is obtained from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute for the period 1957–2016. Based on statistical analysis and the calculated values, the results have been presented with the Geographic Information System (GIS) to point out the most vulnerable parts of the Netherlands with regard to pluvial erosion. This study presents the first results of combined rainfall erosivity and extreme precipitation indices for the investigated area. Trend analysis implies a shift from being largely in the low erosivity class to being completely in the moderate erosivity class in the future, thus indicating an increase in rainfall erosivity. Furthermore, the observed precipitation extremes suggest that both the amount and the intensity of precipitation are increasing. The results of this study suggest that the climate conditions in the Netherlands are changing, and that this change might have a negative influence on the rainfall erosivity of the country

    Application of Angot precipitation index in the assessment of rainfall erosivity: Vojvodina Region case study (North Serbia)

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    The paper aims to provide an overview of the most important parameters (the occurrence, frequency and magnitude) in Vojvodina Region (North Serbia). Monthly and annual mean precipitation values in the period 1946–2014, for the 12 selected meteorological stations were used. Relevant parameters (precipitation amounts, Angot precipitation index) were used as indicators of rainfall erosivity. Rainfall erosivity index was calculated and classified throughout precipitation susceptibility classes liable of triggering soil erosion. Precipitation trends were obtained and analysed by three different statistical approaches. Results indicate that various susceptibility classes are identified within the observed period, with a higher presence of very severe rainfall erosion in June and July. This study could have implications for mitigation strategies oriented towards reduction of soil erosion by water.Prispevek podaja pregled najpomembnejših padavinskih parametrov (pojavnost, pogostost in velikost) v Vojvodini (severna Srbija). Za 12 izbranih meteoroloških postaj so bile uporabljene mesečne in letne povprečne vrednosti padavin v obdobju 1946–2014. Kot kazalnike erozivnosti padavin smo upora-bili ustrezne padavinske parametre (količina padavin, padavinski indeks Angot). Izračunali smo indeks erozivnosti padavin in ga razvrstili v razrede glede na možnost pojavljanja erozije prsti. Trende smo preučili s tremi različnimi statističnimi pristopi. V preučevanem obdobju smo prepoznali različne razrede indeksa, z zelo močno padavin erozijo junija in julija. Raziskava je dober temelj za oblikovanje strategij, usmerjenih v zmanjšanje vodne erozije prst