216 research outputs found

    Olefinska metateza

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    Olefinska ili alkenska metateza vrsta je kemijskih reakcija koje uključuju zamjenu karbenskih fragmenata alkena pomoću organometalnog katalizatora. Olefinska metateza otkrivena je zahvaljujući industrijskim kemičarima, a upravo je to područje gdje i danas pronalazi svoje mjesto. Mnoge industrije, kao Å”to su industrija polimera, farmaceutska te industrija parfema, zasigurno svoj razvoj duguju olefinskoj metatezi. TakoĎer, olefinska metateza ponudila je sintetskim kemičarima nova rjeÅ”enja kod priprave spojeva koji sadrže dvostruku vezu u svojoj strukturi. U ovom radu ukratko su opisani povijest i otkrića koja su dovela do razvoja metateze, primjeri organometalnih spojeva koji kataliziraju ove reakcije te neke podvrste reakcija olefinske metateze. Kroz nekoliko primjera predstavljene su veoma brze i efektivne sinteze raznih spojeva: spiro-spojeva, makrolida pa čak i aromatskih spojeva kao Å”to su piroli i piridini. Očiti doprinos olefinske metateze danaÅ”njoj znanosti i unaprijeĎenju svakodnevnog života nagradila je i Å vedska akademija dodjelivÅ”i 2005. godine najzaslužnijima: Yvesu Chauvinu, Robertu H. Grubbsu i Richardu R. Schrocku, Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju


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    Saving for the third age is extremely important in the conditions of an uncertainty in the global economy, unfavorable demographic trends and the related problem of fiscal imbalances. In order to improve the sustainability of the Croatian three-pillar pension system, there have been recent attempts to significantly increase the role of voluntary pension insurance and other forms of saving for the third age. The aim of such measures is to reduce the increasing dependence of pension beneficiaries on payments from the state budget and to achieve a more sustainable pension system. Measures to encourage voluntary saving in Croatia are the state incentives for the insured and the tax benefits for employers. Despite the numerous investment advantages and government incentives for this form of saving, voluntary pension funds in Croatia are still among the least developed institutional investors, considering the amount of assets and the number of members. The question arises as to the reasons for the relative disregard of these financial institutions and the low interest of the working population in Croatia. The aim of this paper is to analyze the performance of voluntary pension funds and identify the reasons for the insufficient capitalised savings in the third pension pillar in Croatia


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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je je istražiti druÅ”tveno značenje streljaÅ”tva na primjeru percepcije vrhunskih rezultata, kao Å”to su medalje Jasne Å ekarić i Snježane Pejčić. Na osnovi relevantne literature i istraživanja koje je obuhvatilo intervjue sa sportskim akterima, analizu sadržaja i analizu diskursa medijskih objava i natpisa, utvrđivali smo percepciju malog sporta u naÅ”em druÅ”tvu kroz odnos politike, sporta i medija. Glavna hipoteza glasila je: godine 1988. viÅ”e se pažnje pridavalo samom sportu i sportskim rezultatima, bez političkih konotacija, nego Å”to je to bio slučaj 2008. godine. Pomoćna hipoteza glasila je: mediji i politika imali su veći utjecaj na sport i sportske rezultate 2008. godine nego Å”to su imali 1988. godine. Analiza slučaja nije dala očekivane rezultate. Pokazalo se kako mediji i politika imaju jednak utjecaj na sport danas kao Å”to je to bio slučaj 1988.godine. Također, jednaka se pažnja pridavala sportu 1988.godine kao Å”to se pridaje danas.The main goal of this master's thesis was to analize the social significance of shooting sport on the exemple of percepcion of top results like Jasna Å ekarić's and Snježana Pajčić's medals. Based on relevant literature and scientific research which included interview's with sports acters, content analysis and discourse analysis of media publications and titles we determine the percepcion of small sport in uor society through the relationship of politics, sport and media. The main hypothesis was that in the year of 1988. more attention was given to the sport, without any political connotation, nor it was the case in year 2008. Our auxiliary hypothesis was: media and politics had more effect on sport and sport results in the year of 2008. than it was the case in the 1988. The case study analysis didnā€™t really yield the expected results. It was shown that media and politics have the same influence on the sport today like it was the case in the year of 1988. Also, equal attencion was given to the sport in the year of 1988. like it is given today

    Statistical Analysis of Introducing a New Product on the Market

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    Pojam trÅ£iÅ”te prema najkraćoj mogućoj definiciji predstavlja mjesto gdje se susreću ponuda i potraÅ£nja. Kako bi se mogla promatrati potraÅ£nja na trÅ£iÅ”tu i promjene koje se deÅ”avaju moraju se utvrditi faktori koji utjeĉu na potraÅ£nju. Kao Å”to je poznato, na potraÅ£nju utjeĉu potrebe potroÅ”aĉa, ali i njihova kupovna moć. Svrha istraÅ£ivanja trÅ£iÅ”ta je prikupljanje podataka i informacija koje su neophodne za planiranje, organiziranje i kontrolu procesa poslovanja. U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu se analizira postupak uvoĊenja novog proizvoda na trÅ£iÅ”te kroz viÅ”e faza. Opisan je pojam trÅ£iÅ”ta, pojam novog proizvoda te njegovih svojstava. Pomoću ankete ispitan je udio potencijalnih kupaca koji smatraju prirodnu kozmetiku korisnom te koliko vaÅ£nom smatraju cijenu i kvalitetu samog proizvoda.The concept ofthe market as soon as possible is a place where tenders and demand meet. In order to be able to observe the market demand and the changes that are taking place, factors influencing demand need to be identified. As is well known, demand is affected by consumer needs, but also their purchasing power. The purpose of the market research is to collect the information and information necessary to plan, organize and control the business process. This final paper analyzes the process of introducing a new product into the market through several phases. The concept of the market, the concept of a new product and its properties is described. The survey looked at the share of potential customers who consider natural cosmetics to be useful and how important they consider the price and quality of the product


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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je je istražiti druÅ”tveno značenje streljaÅ”tva na primjeru percepcije vrhunskih rezultata, kao Å”to su medalje Jasne Å ekarić i Snježane Pejčić. Na osnovi relevantne literature i istraživanja koje je obuhvatilo intervjue sa sportskim akterima, analizu sadržaja i analizu diskursa medijskih objava i natpisa, utvrđivali smo percepciju malog sporta u naÅ”em druÅ”tvu kroz odnos politike, sporta i medija. Glavna hipoteza glasila je: godine 1988. viÅ”e se pažnje pridavalo samom sportu i sportskim rezultatima, bez političkih konotacija, nego Å”to je to bio slučaj 2008. godine. Pomoćna hipoteza glasila je: mediji i politika imali su veći utjecaj na sport i sportske rezultate 2008. godine nego Å”to su imali 1988. godine. Analiza slučaja nije dala očekivane rezultate. Pokazalo se kako mediji i politika imaju jednak utjecaj na sport danas kao Å”to je to bio slučaj 1988.godine. Također, jednaka se pažnja pridavala sportu 1988.godine kao Å”to se pridaje danas.The main goal of this master's thesis was to analize the social significance of shooting sport on the exemple of percepcion of top results like Jasna Å ekarić's and Snježana Pajčić's medals. Based on relevant literature and scientific research which included interview's with sports acters, content analysis and discourse analysis of media publications and titles we determine the percepcion of small sport in uor society through the relationship of politics, sport and media. The main hypothesis was that in the year of 1988. more attention was given to the sport, without any political connotation, nor it was the case in year 2008. Our auxiliary hypothesis was: media and politics had more effect on sport and sport results in the year of 2008. than it was the case in the 1988. The case study analysis didnā€™t really yield the expected results. It was shown that media and politics have the same influence on the sport today like it was the case in the year of 1988. Also, equal attencion was given to the sport in the year of 1988. like it is given today

    Future perspectives of beef production in Croatia

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    U ovom radu iskazane su perspektive proizvodnje i trendova tržiÅ”ta goveđeg mesa u svijetu, EU te mogućnosti proizvodnje u RH. Predstavljeno je stanje uz koriÅ”tenje aktualnih podataka mjerodavnih ustanova i institucija poput Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Hrvatske poljoprivredne agencije, EU ustanova, Croatiastočara, Udruge za uzgoj i tov junadi Baby Beef te stručnjaka iz govedarske proizvodnje. Može se zaključiti kako proizvodnja goveđeg mesa ima pesrspektivu uz preduvjet ostvarivanja suradnje između primarnih proizvođača i prehrambene industrije.The paper presents the production and trends of beef market in the world, the EU and the possibilities of production in Croatia. The state of the art has been presented with the use of current information from relevant institutions and institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Croatian Agricultural Agencies, EU Institutions, Croatian Croats, the Baby Beef Association for Breeding and Farming and the experts from cattle breeding. It can be concluded that the production of beef has a peach with the precondition of the cooperation between the primary producers and the food industry

    Financing Higher Education and Moral Hazard: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This study differentiates and determines the problem as well as the determinants of moral hazard in financing higher education. Moral hazard is a phenomenon that occurs when financial costs of risks undertaken are being transferred onto a third person. It occurs when a person ā€“ individual or institution ā€“ acts differently because they are detached from the risks; hence, they consciously enter a risk knowing that someone else has to bear the costs of such behavior. Research on moral hazard has arisen from the fields of finance and insurance; it is related to asymmetric information, the relationship between agent and principal in finance, as well as to irresponsible risk behavior. With this study the authors aim to identify problems that arise in the moral hazard process in higher education financing. The Kitchenham Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach has been applied in this study, as published in the Clarivate Web of Science Core Collection. The research findings identify scarce theoretical foundation, on the basis of which the authors have carried a couple of research variations. A table of occurrence of moral hazard in higher education financing is presented in this paper, as well as a number of recommendations for further research on this topic. Keywords: moral hazard, higher education, financing, Kitchenham Systematic Revie

    Development of brain computer interface technologies

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    Analiza tržiŔta vezano sa tehnologije koje spajaju ljude i računala


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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je je istražiti druÅ”tveno značenje streljaÅ”tva na primjeru percepcije vrhunskih rezultata, kao Å”to su medalje Jasne Å ekarić i Snježane Pejčić. Na osnovi relevantne literature i istraživanja koje je obuhvatilo intervjue sa sportskim akterima, analizu sadržaja i analizu diskursa medijskih objava i natpisa, utvrđivali smo percepciju malog sporta u naÅ”em druÅ”tvu kroz odnos politike, sporta i medija. Glavna hipoteza glasila je: godine 1988. viÅ”e se pažnje pridavalo samom sportu i sportskim rezultatima, bez političkih konotacija, nego Å”to je to bio slučaj 2008. godine. Pomoćna hipoteza glasila je: mediji i politika imali su veći utjecaj na sport i sportske rezultate 2008. godine nego Å”to su imali 1988. godine. Analiza slučaja nije dala očekivane rezultate. Pokazalo se kako mediji i politika imaju jednak utjecaj na sport danas kao Å”to je to bio slučaj 1988.godine. Također, jednaka se pažnja pridavala sportu 1988.godine kao Å”to se pridaje danas.The main goal of this master's thesis was to analize the social significance of shooting sport on the exemple of percepcion of top results like Jasna Å ekarić's and Snježana Pajčić's medals. Based on relevant literature and scientific research which included interview's with sports acters, content analysis and discourse analysis of media publications and titles we determine the percepcion of small sport in uor society through the relationship of politics, sport and media. The main hypothesis was that in the year of 1988. more attention was given to the sport, without any political connotation, nor it was the case in year 2008. Our auxiliary hypothesis was: media and politics had more effect on sport and sport results in the year of 2008. than it was the case in the 1988. The case study analysis didnā€™t really yield the expected results. It was shown that media and politics have the same influence on the sport today like it was the case in the year of 1988. Also, equal attencion was given to the sport in the year of 1988. like it is given today

    Reaction of Zagreb Stock Exchange CROBEX Index to macroeconomic announcements within a high frequency time interval

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    Svrha ovog rada je analizirati reakcije CROBEX indeksa Zagrebačke burze na odabrane makroekonomske najave u vrlo kratkim vremenskim intervalima. U radu se koriste varijable stopa prinosa od 5 minuta od rujna 2017. do ožujka 2018. kao i 25 makroekonomskih najava. Nakon pažljive provedbe faze pripreme podataka, utvrđena je regresija za koju se koriste dummy varijable koje predstavljaju točno vrijeme objavljivanja. U obzir je uzeta heteroskedastičnost i autokorelacijske konzistentne (HAC) procjene zbog specifičnosti unutardnevnih podataka i robusnosti rezultata. NaÅ”i rezultati upućuju na to da su za unutardnevna kratka razdoblja reakcije tržiÅ”ta statistički značajne. Stoga se zaključuje da se makroekonomska politika (monetarna ili fiskalna) odražava na stope prinosa hrvatskih dioničkih indeksa. Navedeno potvrđuje hipotezu učinkovitog tržiÅ”ta i u skladu su sa zaključcima sličnih studija razvijenih gospodarstava.The purpose of this study is to analyse Zagreb Stock Exchange CROBEX Index reactions to selected macroeconomic announcements within ultra-short time intervals. We utilize 5-minute rates of returns from September 2017 to March 2018 and 25 macroeconomic announcements. After carefully arranging the data, we ran the regression with dummy variables capturing the exact announcement times. We used heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) estimations in order to account for specific characteristics of intraday data and to retain the robustness of the results. Our results indicate that, for short intraday periods, some reactions are statistically significant, but the majority stays insignificant. These conclusions support the semi-strong form of the efficient-market hypothesis and are in line with inferences of similar studies of advanced economies
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