66 research outputs found

    Le thon : enjeux et stratégies pour l'océan Indien

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    A l'exception de la pĂȘche bonitiĂšre Ă  l'appĂąt vivant traditionnelle aux Maldives, les ressources thoniĂšres de l'ocĂ©an Indien sont restĂ©es pratiquement inexploitĂ©es jusqu'au dĂ©ploiement des flottilles des thoniers palangriers, d'abord japonais puis taĂŻwanais et sud-corĂ©ens, qui monopolisent l'exploitation de 1952 Ă  1983. L'aire de rĂ©partition mĂ©sopĂ©lagique des quatre espĂšces de thons a Ă©tĂ© reconnue par les armements japonais (1952-1965) qui ont dĂ©terminĂ© leur stratĂ©gie en fonction du marchĂ© intĂ©rieur (thon rouge austral et patudo) et de l'exportation (germon et albacore Dakar) Ă  travers quatre places de vente : Misaki, Tokyo, Yaizu et Shimizu. La compĂ©tition taĂŻwanaise et sud-corĂ©enne et l'emballement des marchĂ©s provoquent une grande agitation de 1966 Ă  1973. L'adoption de la palangre profonde corĂ©enne et la gestion divergente des armements japonais et taĂŻwanais entraĂźnent une rĂ©orientation de la pĂȘche entre 1974 et 1983. La crise des marchĂ©s en 1983 coĂŻncident avec l'arrivĂ©e des senneurs congĂ©lateurs, le dĂ©marrage des conserveries thaĂŻlandaises et les pressions politiques des Etats riverains et insulaires, met fin Ă  l'exploitation exclusive des palangriers asiatiques qui sont rapidement marginalisĂ©s. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Effect of three diets on the gametogenic development and fatty acid profile of Paracentrotus lividus (Lamark, 1816) gonads

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    Original articleIn this study, the effects of three diets were investigated to enhance Paracentrotus lividus production for commercial purposes. P. lividus were fed ad libitum for 80 days with: diet A—fresh Codium tomentosum Stackhouse, 1797; diet B—formulated using a jellified mix of macroalgae and vegetables, including C. tomentosum (20%), Coralina sp. Linnaeus, 1758 (17%), cabbage Brassica oleracea var. capitata Linnaeus, 1753 (30%), carrot Daucus carota Linnaeus, 1753 (30%) and agar (3%) as a gelling agent. Diet C consisted of maize Zea mays Linnaeus, 1753 (56%) and New Zealand spinach Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pallas, 1781) Kuntze, 1891 (44%). Their effects on the gonadal and somatic growths, gonadosomatic index (GI) and gametogenesis were evaluated, as well as on the total lipid content and fatty acid composition of sea urchin's gonads. Diet A provided high values of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Gonads of sea urchins fed with diet A were found mostly in growth and maturation stages of gametogenesis and showed the lowest lipid content. Sea urchins fed with diet B presented their gonads in the reabsorption stage and had the highest values of omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Sea urchins fed with diet C were in the early stages of gametogenesis and had the highest values of lipid content, plus omega‐6 PUFAs. Once as an ingredient in a balanced mix with vegetables, C. tomentosum can be a key factor to the development of new promising high‐quality and low‐cost feed for P. lividus roe enhancementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Population genetic structure of Aedes polynesiensis in the Society Islands of French Polynesia: implications for control using a Wolbachia-based autocidal strategy

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    Abstract Background Aedes polynesiensis is the primary vector of Wuchereria bancrofti in the South Pacific and an important vector of dengue virus. An improved understanding of the mosquito population genetics is needed for insight into the population dynamics and dispersal, which can aid in understanding the epidemiology of disease transmission and control of the vector. In light of the potential release of a Wolbachia infected strain for vector control, our objectives were to investigate the microgeographical and temporal population genetic structure of A. polynesiensis within the Society Islands of French Polynesia, and to compare the genetic background of a laboratory strain intended for release into its population of origin. Methods A panel of eight microsatellite loci were used to genotype A. polynesiensis samples collected in French Polynesia from 2005-2008 and introgressed A. polynesiensis and Aedes riversi laboratory strains. Examination of genetic differentiation was performed using F-statistics, STRUCTURE, and an AMOVA. BAYESASS was used to estimate direction and rates of mosquito movement. Results FST values, AMOVA, and STRUCTURE analyses suggest low levels of intra-island differentiation from multiple collection sites on Tahiti, Raiatea, and Maupiti. Significant pair-wise FST values translate to relatively minor levels of inter-island genetic differentiation between more isolated islands and little differentiation between islands with greater commercial traffic (i.e., Tahiti, Raiatea, and Moorea). STRUCTURE analyses also indicate two population groups across the Society Islands, and the genetic makeup of Wolbachia infected strains intended for release is similar to that of wild-type populations from its island of origin, and unlike that of A. riversi. Conclusions The observed panmictic population on Tahiti, Raiatea, and Moorea is consistent with hypothesized gene flow occurring between islands that have relatively high levels of air and maritime traffic, compared to that of the more isolated Maupiti and Tahaa. Gene flow and potential mosquito movement is discussed in relation to trials of applied autocidal strategies.</p

    Toward an Open-Access Global Database for Mapping, Control, and Surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    There is growing interest in the scientific community, health ministries, and other organizations to control and eventually eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Control efforts require reliable maps of NTD distribution estimated from appropriate models and survey data on the number of infected people among those examined at a given location. This kind of data is often available in the literature as part of epidemiological studies. However, an open-access database compiling location-specific survey data does not yet exist. We address this problem through a systematic literature review, along with contacting ministries of health, and research institutions to obtain disease data, including details on diagnostic techniques, demographic characteristics of the surveyed individuals, and geographical coordinates. All data were entered into a database which is freely accessible via the Internet (http://www.gntd.org). In contrast to similar efforts of the Global Atlas of Helminth Infections (GAHI) project, the survey data are not only displayed in form of maps but all information can be browsed, based on different search criteria, and downloaded as Excel files for further analyses. At the beginning of 2011, the database included over 12,000 survey locations for schistosomiasis across Africa, and it is continuously updated to cover other NTDs globally

    Emerging viral threats in Gabon: health capacities and response to the risk of emerging zoonotic diseases in Central Africa

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    Emerging infectious diseases (EID) are currently the major threat to public health worldwide and most EID events have involved zoonotic infectious agents. Central Africa in general and Gabon in particular are privileged areas for the emergence of zoonotic EIDs. Indeed, human incursions in Gabonese forests for exploitation purposes lead to intensified contacts between humans and wildlife thus generating an increased risk of emergence of zoonotic diseases. In Gabon, 51 endemic or potential endemic viral infectious diseases have been reported. Among them, 22 are of zoonotic origin and involve 12 families of viruses. The most notorious are dengue, yellow fever, ebola, marburg, Rift Valley fever and chikungunya viruses. Potential EID due to wildlife in Gabon are thereby plentiful and need to be inventoried. The Gabonese Public Health system covers geographically most of the country allowing a good access to sanitary information and efficient monitoring of emerging diseases. However, access to treatment and prevention is better in urban areas where medical structures are more developed and financial means are concentrated even though the population is equally distributed between urban and rural areas. In spite of this, Gabon could be a good field for investigating the emergence or re-emergence of zoonotic EID. Indeed Gabonese health research structures such as CIRMF, advantageously located, offer high quality researchers and facilities that study pathogens and wildlife ecology, aiming toward a better understanding of the contact and transmission mechanisms of new pathogens from wildlife to human, the emergence of zoonotic EID and the breaking of species barriers by pathogens


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