88 research outputs found

    Relationship between quantity of keratinized gingiva and periodontal health indexes in implant-supported fixed restorations.

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    Background: The effect of keratinized tissue width on the peri-implant health has not been well elucidated. The results of previous studies on this topic are controversial and the role of keratinized tissue width in the long-term success of dental implants has not been confirmed. This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the correlation of keratinized tissue width with periodontal indices around implant-supported fixed partial dentures (FPDs). Methods: This cross-sectional study evaluated 73 implants. Patients underwent periodontal examinations, including measurement of plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP), marginal gingival recession, keratinized mucosa width and radiographic marginal bone level. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: The mean GI, PI and marginal gingival recession around implants with <2 mm width of keratinized gingiva were greater than the corresponding values around implants with keratinized tissue width of ≥2 mm. However, this difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). No significant differences were noted in PD and radiographic marginal bone level between the two implant groups with keratinized tissue width <2 mm and ≥2 mm. Thus, no correlation was found between the keratinized tissue width and the measured indices. Conclusion: Although this study did not show a significant correlation between the keratinized tissue width and peri-implant tissue health and consequently the implant success rate, long-term interventional studies are required to make a final judgment in this respect.Background: The effect of keratinized tissue width on the peri-implant health has not been well elucidated. The results of previous studies on this topic are controversial and the role of keratinized tissue width in the long-term success of dental implants has not been confirmed. This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the correlation of keratinized tissue width with periodontal indices around implant-supported fixed partial dentures (FPDs). Methods: This cross-sectional study evaluated 73 implants. Patients underwent periodontal examinations, including measurement of plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP), marginal gingival recession, keratinized mucosa width and radiographic marginal bone level. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: The mean GI, PI and marginal gingival recession around implants with <2 mm width of keratinized gingiva were greater than the corresponding values around implants with keratinized tissue width of ≥2 mm. However, this difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). No significant differences were noted in PD and radiographic marginal bone level between the two implant groups with keratinized tissue width <2 mm and ≥2 mm. Thus, no correlation was found between the keratinized tissue width and the measured indices. Conclusion: Although this study did not show a significant correlation between the keratinized tissue width and peri-implant tissue health and consequently the implant success rate, long-term interventional studies are required to make a final judgment in this respect

    Infecção por VIH entre imigrantes na Guiana Francesa: alto risco durante os primeiros anos após a chegada

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    Introduction. Over 75% of HIV patients in French Guiana are foreigners most of whom are actually infected locally. Objectives. We aimed to estimate the distribution of infections in time after arrival using a retrospective cohort. Methods. CD4 erosion modelling allowed to estimate the date of infection which was compared to the date of arrival in French Guiana in the subset of foreign patients that were estimated to have acquired HIV locally. Results. Among patients estimated to have been infected in French Guiana and having arrived after 1999, over half had been infected within 4 years and that a quarter of patients had acquired HIV within the 2 first years after arrival (median 3.9 years IQR=2.1-7.8 years). Conclusions. The added value of the present results is to show the rapid infection dynamics after arrival and emphasize the necessity of increasingly proactive combined prevention in recently arrived immigrants.Introdução. Mais de 75% dos pacientes com HIV na Guiana Francesa sĂŁo estrangeiros, a maioria dos quais estĂŁo realmente infectados localmente. Objetivos. O nosso objetivo era estimar a distribuição das infecções no tempo apĂłs a chegada, utilizando uma coorte retrospectiva. MĂ©todos. A modelagem da erosĂŁo CD4 permitiu estimar a data da infecção que foi comparada Ă  data de chegada na Guiana Francesa no subconjunto de pacientes estrangeiros que foram estimados como tendo adquirido o HIV localmente.Resultados. Entre os pacientes estimados como tendo sido infectados na Guiana Francesa e tendo chegado apĂłs 1999, mais da metade tinha sido infectada dentro de 4 anos e que um quarto dos pacientes tinha adquirido o HIV dentro dos 2 primeiros anos apĂłs a chegada (mediana de 3,9 anos IQR=2,1-7,8 anos). Conclusões. O valor agregado dos resultados atuais Ă© mostrar a rápida dinâmica da infecção apĂłs a chegada e enfatizar a necessidade de uma prevenção combinada cada vez mais proativa nos imigrantes recĂ©m-chegados

    Malaria in Gold Miners in the Guianas and the Amazon: Current Knowledge and Challenges

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    “Purpose of Review Following Paraguay and Argentina, several countries from the Amazon region aim to eliminate malaria. To achieve this, all key affected and vulnerable populations by malaria, including people working on gold mining sites, must be considered. What is the situation of malaria in these particular settings and what are the challenges? This literature review aims to compile knowledge to answer these questions. Recent Findings The contexts in which gold miners operate are very heterogeneous: size and localization of mines, links with crime, administrative status of the mines and of the miners, mobility of the workers or national regulations. The number of malaria cases has been correlated with deforestation (Brazil, Colombia), gold production (Colombia), gold prices (Guyana), or location of the mining region (Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana). The burden of malaria in gold mines differs between territories: significant in Guyana, French Guiana, or Venezuela; lower in Brazil. Although Plasmodium vivax causes 75% of malaria cases in the Americas, P. falciparum is predominant in several gold mining regions, especially in the Guiana Shield. Because of the remoteness from health facilities, self-medication with under-the-counter antimalarials is frequent. This consti- tutes a significant risk for the emergence of new P. falciparum parasites resistant to antimalarial drugs. Summary Because of the workers’ mobility, addressing malaria transmission in gold mines is essential, not only for miners, but also to prevent the (re-)emergence of malaria. Strategies among these populations should be tailored to the context because of the heterogeneity of situations in different territories. The transnational environment favoring malaria transmission also requires transborder and regional cooperation, where innovative solutions should be considered and evaluated

    Epidémiologie du paludisme chez les personnes travaillant sur des sites d’orpaillage illégal en Guyane : Quels enjeux pour la santé publique ?

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    Introduction: Although official data show a global decrease of malaria in French Guiana, this disease often affects illegal gold miners working in the deep Amazonian forest. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the malaria prevalence in this population. The secondary objectives were to evaluate and map the proportion of Plasmodium species, to assess behavior, attitudes and practices regarding malaria in this population, to measure the artemisinin resistance level in parasites and to evaluate their general health. Material and methods: Inclusions took place at the gold miners’ resting sites, spread along the Maroni river. After recording their informed consent, a malaria rapid test was performed, as well as a questionnaire, a clinical exam and a blood sample for microscopy, PCR and resistance test (RSA and PfK13 genotyping for P. falciparum positive samples). Results: From January to June 2015, 421 gold miners were included, mainly men (sex ratio 2.4), Brazilian nationals (93.8%), with a median age of 37 years. Plasmodium prevalence using PCR was 22.3% (CI95%: 18.3 - 26.3), of whom 84% were asymptomatic. During the last malaria attack, 52.4% selfmedicated with artemisinin derivatives (93.8%) and a poor treatment adherence (37.8%). Being in French Guiana when the malaria attack occurred was strongly associated with selfmedication (AOR=22.1). One sample showed a survival rate higher than 1% in RSA test but PfK13 genotyping did not reveal any mutation in P. falciparum. Discussion: This high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers constitutes a huge reservoir for malaria transmission in the region. Massive use of artemisinin derivatives associated with poor treatment adherence are factors that may contribute to the emergence of artemisinin resistance. That would have huge sanitary and economical consequences. With political will, actions are possible to limit this risk, as the distribution of kits for self diagnosis and self-treatment with training on resting sites.Introduction : Bien que les données officielles fassent état d’une diminution globale du nombre de cas de paludisme en Guyane, les orpailleurs travaillant sur les sites illégaux au cœur de la forêt amazonienne semblent très touchés par cette pathologie. L’objectif principal de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence du paludisme dans cette population. Les objectifs secondaires évaluaient la proportion des différentes espèces plasmodiales et leur distribution géographique, le niveau de résistance des parasites aux dérivés de l’artémisinine, les connaissances attitudes et pratiques vis à vis de cette pathologie, et des données de santé de cette population. Matériel et méthodes : Les inclusions ont eu lieu sur les sites de repli des orpailleurs le long du fleuve Maroni. Après recueil du consentement éclairé, un test de diagnostic rapide du paludisme était effectué, ainsi qu’un questionnaire, un examen clinique, et un prélèvement de sang pour microscopie, PCR et tests de résistance (RSA et génotypage du gène pfK13 pour les PCR positives à Plasmodium falciparum). Résultats : De janvier à juin 2015, 421 orpailleurs ont été inclus, majoritairement des hommes (70,6%) brésiliens (93,8%), de médiane d’âge de 37 ans. La prévalence du portage de plasmodies déterminée par PCR était de 22,3% (IC95% : 18,3-26,3) à 84% asymptomatiques. Les espèces identifiées étaient principalement P. falciparum (47,9%) puis P. vivax (37,2%) avec 10,6% de coinfections. Lors du dernier accès palustre, 52,4% des orpailleurs avaient eu recours à l’automédication, majoritairement avec des dérivés de l’artémisinine (93,8%) avec une mauvaise observance (37,8%). Le fait d’être en Guyane était fortement associé à l’automédication (AOR=22,1). Le test RSA montrait un taux de survie supérieur à 1% pour un échantillon mais l’analyse du gène pfK13 ne mettait pas en évidence de mutations associées à la résistance à P. falciparum Discussion: La prévalence élevée de porteurs asymptomatiques de paludisme constitue un réservoir important pourla transmission du paludisme dans la région. L’utilisation massive de dérivés de l’artémisinine associée à une mauvaise observance sont des facteurs de risque d’émergence de résistance, ce qui entraînerait des conséquences sanitaires et économiques importantes. Avec une volonté politique, des actions sont possibles pour limiter ce risque, comme la distribution de kits d’autodiagnostic et d’auto-traitement avec une formation au niveau des sites de repli

    Epidemiology of malaria in persons working on illegal gold mining sites in French Guiana : challenges for public health

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    Introduction : Bien que les données officielles fassent état d’une diminution globale du nombre de cas de paludisme en Guyane, les orpailleurs travaillant sur les sites illégaux au cœur de la forêt amazonienne semblent très touchés par cette pathologie. L’objectif principal de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence du paludisme dans cette population. Les objectifs secondaires évaluaient la proportion des différentes espèces plasmodiales et leur distribution géographique, le niveau de résistance des parasites aux dérivés de l’artémisinine, les connaissances attitudes et pratiques vis à vis de cette pathologie, et des données de santé de cette population. Matériel et méthodes : Les inclusions ont eu lieu sur les sites de repli des orpailleurs le long du fleuve Maroni. Après recueil du consentement éclairé, un test de diagnostic rapide du paludisme était effectué, ainsi qu’un questionnaire, un examen clinique, et un prélèvement de sang pour microscopie, PCR et tests de résistance (RSA et génotypage du gène pfK13 pour les PCR positives à Plasmodium falciparum). Résultats : De janvier à juin 2015, 421 orpailleurs ont été inclus, majoritairement des hommes (70,6%) brésiliens (93,8%), de médiane d’âge de 37 ans. La prévalence du portage de plasmodies déterminée par PCR était de 22,3% (IC95% : 18,3-26,3) à 84% asymptomatiques. Les espèces identifiées étaient principalement P. falciparum (47,9%) puis P. vivax (37,2%) avec 10,6% de coinfections. Lors du dernier accès palustre, 52,4% des orpailleurs avaient eu recours à l’automédication, majoritairement avec des dérivés de l’artémisinine (93,8%) avec une mauvaise observance (37,8%). Le fait d’être en Guyane était fortement associé à l’automédication (AOR=22,1). Le test RSA montrait un taux de survie supérieur à 1% pour un échantillon mais l’analyse du gène pfK13 ne mettait pas en évidence de mutations associées à la résistance à P. falciparum Discussion: La prévalence élevée de porteurs asymptomatiques de paludisme constitue un réservoir important pourla transmission du paludisme dans la région. L’utilisation massive de dérivés de l’artémisinine associée à une mauvaise observance sont des facteurs de risque d’émergence de résistance, ce qui entraînerait des conséquences sanitaires et économiques importantes. Avec une volonté politique, des actions sont possibles pour limiter ce risque, comme la distribution de kits d’autodiagnostic et d’auto-traitement avec une formation au niveau des sites de repli.Introduction: Although official data show a global decrease of malaria in French Guiana, this disease often affects illegal gold miners working in the deep Amazonian forest. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the malaria prevalence in this population. The secondary objectives were to evaluate and map the proportion of Plasmodium species, to assess behavior, attitudes and practices regarding malaria in this population, to measure the artemisinin resistance level in parasites and to evaluate their general health. Material and methods: Inclusions took place at the gold miners’ resting sites, spread along the Maroni river. After recording their informed consent, a malaria rapid test was performed, as well as a questionnaire, a clinical exam and a blood sample for microscopy, PCR and resistance test (RSA and PfK13 genotyping for P. falciparum positive samples). Results: From January to June 2015, 421 gold miners were included, mainly men (sex ratio 2.4), Brazilian nationals (93.8%), with a median age of 37 years. Plasmodium prevalence using PCR was 22.3% (CI95%: 18.3 - 26.3), of whom 84% were asymptomatic. During the last malaria attack, 52.4% selfmedicated with artemisinin derivatives (93.8%) and a poor treatment adherence (37.8%). Being in French Guiana when the malaria attack occurred was strongly associated with selfmedication (AOR=22.1). One sample showed a survival rate higher than 1% in RSA test but PfK13 genotyping did not reveal any mutation in P. falciparum. Discussion: This high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers constitutes a huge reservoir for malaria transmission in the region. Massive use of artemisinin derivatives associated with poor treatment adherence are factors that may contribute to the emergence of artemisinin resistance. That would have huge sanitary and economical consequences. With political will, actions are possible to limit this risk, as the distribution of kits for self diagnosis and self-treatment with training on resting sites

    Représentations et récits de la maladie chez des patients infectés par le VIH originaires d'Afrique de l'Ouest et migrants en France

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    aLes migrants, en particulier africains, payent un lourd tribut à l infection par le VIH en France. La chronicisation de la maladie avec la trithérapie conduit les médecins généralistes à suivre des patients séropositifs en ambulatoire. Or, la prise en charge optimale des patients migrants passe par la prise en compte de leurs spécificités socioéconomiques et culturelles, dont leurs représentations de la maladie. Notre étude analyse les récits de la maladie de neuf patients séropositifs originaires d Afrique de l Ouest, recrutés dans le service de Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales d Avicenne, recueillis à l aide de l entretien semi structuré MINI (Mac Gill Illness Narrative Interview). Selon l analyse des entretiens, le sida reste une maladie honteuse , liée à des comportements immoraux tels que l infidélité, les relations avec des prostituées, ou un nombre élevé de partenaires. La stigmatisation liée à l infection par le VIH est prédominante dans le vécu de la maladie, entraînant une mésestime de soi, la perte des projets futurs, ainsi que l isolement social par le secret maintenu autour de la maladie. La causalité de la maladie est souvent en lien avec l épisode migratoire, indépendamment du délai d évolution au stade sida. Des études complémentaires avec des entretiens menés par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, appuyée par un interprète, et répétés dans le temps, permettraient d étudier les représentations de la maladie de façon plus globale et leur évolution au fil du temps. Quelque soit l origine du patient et la pathologie en cause, il importe de prendre en compte les représentations de sa maladie par le patient.PARIS6-Bibl. St Antoine CHU (751122104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Predictive factors of the survival of women with invasive breast cancer in French Guiana: the burden of health inequalities

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    International audienceThis study aimed to compare the relative survival of patients with invasive breast cancer between women from French Guiana (a French territory in South America) and metropolitan France. No study hadever compared survival of breast cancer on the basis of immigrant status in France. Our study underlined that access to care for migrants is challenging whichwgenerates health inequalities. Background The prognosis of breast cancer in French Guiana is worse than in France with 23 deaths per 100 incident cases against 17 per 100 in metropolitan France. This study aimed to compare relative survival of patients with invasive breast cancer (IBC) between women from French Guiana and metropolitan France and to determine risk factors influencing breast cancer survival in French Guiana.Materials and methods Data were collected from the Cancer registry of French Guiana. We comparedthe relative survival of women with IBC between French Guiana and metropolitan France. We used Cox's proportional hazard regression to evaluate the effect of prognostic factors on cancer-specific mortality in French Guiana. Results We included all 269 cases of IBC in women diagnosed in French Guiana between 2003 and 2009. The overall 5-year relative survival rate of patients with IBC was 79% in French Guiana and 86% in metropolitan France. The place of birth (foreign country versus French territory), the tumor stage at the time of diagnosis, the mode of diagnosis (symptoms versus screening), the presence of hormone receptors in the tumor and the histologic type were the variables associated with survival differences. None of the other study variables were significantly associated with prognosis. Conclusion Access to care for migrants is challenging,which leads to health inequalities. Early detection through prevention programs is crucial to increaseIBC survival notably for foreign-born patients

    Poverty and Arbovirus Outbreaks: When Chikungunya Virus Hits More Precarious Populations Than Dengue Virus in French Guiana

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    International audienceSince 2013, 3 successive arbovirus outbreaks, dengue (DENV), chikungunya (CHIKV), and Zika virus, have occurred in French Guiana (FG). The primary objective of this study was to describe the socioeconomic indicators of the first patients infected with CHIKV during the outbreak of 2014. The secondary objective was to compare those patients with patient infected by DENV and with the local population
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