5,155 research outputs found

    The role of cosmic rays and Alfven waves in the structure of the galactic halo

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    The effect that cosmic rays and the Alfven waves they generate have on the structure of the plasma distribution perpendicular to the galactic disk is examined. It is shown that the plasma distribution exhibits two length scales and the predicted values of gas density far from the galactic plane indicate that models involving hydrostatic equilibrium should be replaced by those allowing for a galactic wind

    The Liquidus Temperature for Methanol-Water Mixtures at High Pressure and Low Temperature, with Application to Titan

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    Methanol is a potentially important impurity in subsurface oceans on Titan and Enceladus. We report measurements of the freezing of methanol-water samples at pressures up to 350~MPa using a volumetric cell with sapphire windows. For low concentrations of methanol, the liquidus temperature is typically a few degrees below the corresponding ice freezing point, while at high concentrations it follows the pure methanol trend. In the Ice-III regime, we observe several long-lived metastable states. The results suggest that methanol is a more effective antifreeze than previously estimated, and might have played an important role in the development of Titan's subsurface ocean

    ALMA observations of the supergiant B[e] star Wd1-9

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    Mass-loss in massive stars plays a critical role in their evolution, although the precise mechanism(s) responsible – radiatively driven winds, impulsive ejection and/or binary interaction – remain uncertain. In this Letter, we present Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimeter Array line and continuum observations of the supergiant B[e] star Wd1-9, a massive post-main-sequence object located within the starburst cluster Westerlund 1 (Wd1). We find it to be one of the brightest stellar point sources in the sky at millimetre wavelengths, with (serendipitously identified) emission in the H41α radio recombination line. We attribute these properties to a low velocity (∼100 km s-1 ) ionized wind, with an extreme mass-loss rate ≳6.4 × 105(d/5 kpc)1.5 Mȯyr-1. External to this is an extended aspherical ejection nebula indicative of a prior phase of significant mass-loss. Taken together, the millimetre properties of Wd1-9 show a remarkable similarity to those of the highly luminous stellar source MWC349A. We conclude that these objects are interacting binaries evolving away from the main sequence and undergoing rapid case-A mass transfer. As such they – and by extension the wider class of supergiant B[e] stars – may provide a unique window into the physics of a process that shapes the life-cycle of ∼70 per cent of massive stars found in binary systems

    High resolution radio observations of the colliding-wind binary WR140

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    Milli-arcsecond resolution Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the archetype WR+O star colliding-wind binary (CWB) system WR140 are presented for 23 epochs between orbital phases 0.74 and 0.97. At 8.4 GHz, the emission in the wind-collision region (WCR) is clearly resolved as a bow-shaped arc that rotates as the orbit progresses. We interpret this rotation as due to the O star moving from SE to approximately E of the WR star, which leads to solutions for the orbit inclination of 122+/-5 deg, the longitude of the ascending node of 353+/-3 deg, and an orbit semi-major axis of 9.0+/-0.5 mas. The distance to WR140 is determined to be 1.85+/-0.16 kpc, which requires the O star to be a supergiant. The inclination implies the mass of the WR and O star to be 20+/-4 and 54+/-10 solar masses respectively. We determine a wind-momentum ratio of 0.22, with an expected half-opening angle for the WCR of 63 deg, consistent with 65+/-10 deg derived from the VLBA observations. Total flux measurements from Very Large Array (VLA) observations show the radio emission from WR140 is very closely the same from one orbit to the next, pointing strongly toward emission, absorption and cooling mechanism(s) that are controlled largely by the orbital motion. The synchrotron spectra evolve dramatically through the orbital phases observed, exhibiting both optically thin and optically thick emission. We discuss a number of absorption and cooling mechanisms that may determine the evolution of the synchrotron spectrum with orbital phase.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, to appear in v623, April 20, 2005. 14 pages, 13 figs, requires emulateapj.cls. A version with full resolution figs can be obtained from http://www.drao.nrc.ca/~smd/preprint/wr140_data.pd

    Suprathermal electrons at Saturn's bow shock

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    The leading explanation for the origin of galactic cosmic rays is particle acceleration at the shocks surrounding young supernova remnants (SNRs), although crucial aspects of the acceleration process are unclear. The similar collisionless plasma shocks frequently encountered by spacecraft in the solar wind are generally far weaker (lower Mach number) than these SNR shocks. However, the Cassini spacecraft has shown that the shock standing in the solar wind sunward of Saturn (Saturn's bow shock) can occasionally reach this high-Mach number astrophysical regime. In this regime Cassini has provided the first in situ evidence for electron acceleration under quasi-parallel upstream magnetic conditions. Here we present the full picture of suprathermal electrons at Saturn's bow shock revealed by Cassini. The downstream thermal electron distribution is resolved in all data taken by the low-energy electron detector (CAPS-ELS, <28 keV) during shock crossings, but the higher energy channels were at (or close to) background. The high-energy electron detector (MIMI-LEMMS, >18 keV) measured a suprathermal electron signature at 31 of 508 crossings, where typically only the lowest energy channels (<100 keV) were above background. We show that these results are consistent with theory in which the "injection" of thermal electrons into an acceleration process involves interaction with whistler waves at the shock front, and becomes possible for all upstream magnetic field orientations at high Mach numbers like those of the strong shocks around young SNRs. A future dedicated study will analyze the rare crossings with evidence for relativistic electrons (up to ~1 MeV).Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    An X-Ray Jet from a White Dwarf - Detection of the Collimated Outflow from CH Cygni with Chandra

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    Most symbiotic stars consist of a white dwarf accreting material from the wind of a red giant. An increasing number of these objects have been found to produce jets. Analysis of archival Chandra data of the symbiotic system CH Cygni reveals faint extended emission to the south, aligned with the optical and radio jets seen in earlier HST and VLA observations. CH Cygni thus contains only the second known white dwarf with an X-ray jet, after R Aquarii. The X-rays from symbiotic-star jets appear to be produced when jet material is shock-heated following collision with surrounding gas, as with the outflows from some protostellar objects and bipolar planetary nebulae.Comment: 4 & a bit pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJL; uses emulateapj.cls and revtex4. Minor changes following referees report, & shortened to meet page limi

    Techniques development for whale migration tracking

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    Effort leading to the completion of development and fabrication of expansible whale harnesses and whale-carried instrument pods is described, along with details of the gear. Early preparative effort for a January-February 1974 field expedition is reported

    Precipitation Event Size Controls on Long-Term Abundance of \u3ci\u3eOpuntia Polyacantha\u3c/i\u3e (Plains Prickly-Pear) in Great Plains Grasslands

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    Opuntia polyacantha Haw. (plains prickly-pear) is a common cactus in the Great Plains of North America. We used two data sets, from Montana and Colorado, to test the hypothesis that there is a range of precipitation event sizes upon which O. polyacantha specializes. Events smaller than this range (\u3e2 to ≤6 mm) do not moisten sufficient soil to be utilized, and larger events have negative effects on the status of O. polyacantha because they favor the development of taller and denser grass canopies. Multiple regressions of either green cladode density (northern mixed prairie) or O. polyacantha frequency (shortgrass steppe) with precipitation event sizes indicated negative effects of large precipitation events on the yearly changes in the either density or frequency of O. polyacantha. We suggest that weather conditions in the Great Plains may cause O. polyacantha to be controlled almost entirely by light competition from grasses and other negative biotic effects

    Student Development and Remediation Processes for Counselors in Training in a Virtual Environment

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    Counselor educators are charged with training competent, ethical professionals with a strong counselor identity. Online counselor education programs are presented with unique challenges and considerations when attempting to promote student development. Explorations of these challenges, as well as a gatekeeping model to address remediation and procedural fairness, are addressed. Case examples are inclusive of multiple participant roles including counselor educator, supervisor, and student

    Conclusions: What We Learned From Writing History In The Digital Age

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