136 research outputs found

    Particle Gibbs Split-Merge Sampling for Bayesian Inference in Mixture Models

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    This paper presents a new Markov chain Monte Carlo method to sample from the posterior distribution of conjugate mixture models. This algorithm relies on a flexible split-merge procedure built using the particle Gibbs sampler. Contrary to available split-merge procedures, the resulting so-called Particle Gibbs Split-Merge sampler does not require the computation of a complex acceptance ratio, is simple to implement using existing sequential Monte Carlo libraries and can be parallelized. We investigate its performance experimentally on synthetic problems as well as on geolocation and cancer genomics data. In all these examples, the particle Gibbs split-merge sampler outperforms state-of-the-art split-merge methods by up to an order of magnitude for a fixed computational complexity

    Exponential Ergodicity of the Bouncy Particle Sampler

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    Non-reversible Markov chain Monte Carlo schemes based on piecewise deterministic Markov processes have been recently introduced in applied probability, automatic control, physics and statistics. Although these algorithms demonstrate experimentally good performance and are accordingly increasingly used in a wide range of applications, geometric ergodicity results for such schemes have only been established so far under very restrictive assumptions. We give here verifiable conditions on the target distribution under which the Bouncy Particle Sampler algorithm introduced in \cite{P_dW_12} is geometrically ergodic. This holds whenever the target satisfies a curvature condition and has tails decaying at least as fast as an exponential and at most as fast as a Gaussian distribution. This allows us to provide a central limit theorem for the associated ergodic averages. When the target has tails thinner than a Gaussian distribution, we propose an original modification of this scheme that is geometrically ergodic. For thick-tailed target distributions, such as tt-distributions, we extend the idea pioneered in \cite{J_G_12} in a random walk Metropolis context. We apply a change of variable to obtain a transformed target satisfying the tail conditions for geometric ergodicity. By sampling the transformed target using the Bouncy Particle Sampler and mapping back the Markov process to the original parameterization, we obtain a geometrically ergodic algorithm.Comment: 30 page

    Non-Reversible Parallel Tempering: a Scalable Highly Parallel MCMC Scheme

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    Parallel tempering (PT) methods are a popular class of Markov chain Monte Carlo schemes used to sample complex high-dimensional probability distributions. They rely on a collection of NN interacting auxiliary chains targeting tempered versions of the target distribution to improve the exploration of the state-space. We provide here a new perspective on these highly parallel algorithms and their tuning by identifying and formalizing a sharp divide in the behaviour and performance of reversible versus non-reversible PT schemes. We show theoretically and empirically that a class of non-reversible PT methods dominates its reversible counterparts and identify distinct scaling limits for the non-reversible and reversible schemes, the former being a piecewise-deterministic Markov process and the latter a diffusion. These results are exploited to identify the optimal annealing schedule for non-reversible PT and to develop an iterative scheme approximating this schedule. We provide a wide range of numerical examples supporting our theoretical and methodological contributions. The proposed methodology is applicable to sample from a distribution π\pi with a density LL with respect to a reference distribution π0\pi_0 and compute the normalizing constant. A typical use case is when π0\pi_0 is a prior distribution, LL a likelihood function and π\pi the corresponding posterior.Comment: 74 pages, 30 figures. The method is implemented in an open source probabilistic programming available at https://github.com/UBC-Stat-ML/blangSD

    Randomized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo as Scaling Limit of the Bouncy Particle Sampler and Dimension-Free Convergence Rates

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    The Bouncy Particle Sampler is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method based on a nonreversible piecewise deterministic Markov process. In this scheme, a particle explores the state space of interest by evolving according to a linear dynamics which is altered by bouncing on the hyperplane tangent to the gradient of the negative log-target density at the arrival times of an inhomogeneous Poisson Process (PP) and by randomly perturbing its velocity at the arrival times of an homogeneous PP. Under regularity conditions, we show here that the process corresponding to the first component of the particle and its corresponding velocity converges weakly towards a Randomized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (RHMC) process as the dimension of the ambient space goes to infinity. RHMC is another piecewise deterministic non-reversible Markov process where a Hamiltonian dynamics is altered at the arrival times of a homogeneous PP by randomly perturbing the momentum component. We then establish dimension-free convergence rates for RHMC for strongly log-concave targets with bounded Hessians using coupling ideas and hypocoercivity techniques.Comment: 47 pages, 2 figure

    Scalable Metropolis-Hastings for Exact Bayesian Inference with Large Datasets

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    Bayesian inference via standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods is too computationally intensive to handle large datasets, since the cost per step usually scales like Θ(n)\Theta(n) in the number of data points nn. We propose the Scalable Metropolis-Hastings (SMH) kernel that exploits Gaussian concentration of the posterior to require processing on average only O(1)O(1) or even O(1/n)O(1/\sqrt{n}) data points per step. This scheme is based on a combination of factorized acceptance probabilities, procedures for fast simulation of Bernoulli processes, and control variate ideas. Contrary to many MCMC subsampling schemes such as fixed step-size Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics, our approach is exact insofar as the invariant distribution is the true posterior and not an approximation to it. We characterise the performance of our algorithm theoretically, and give realistic and verifiable conditions under which it is geometrically ergodic. This theory is borne out by empirical results that demonstrate overall performance benefits over standard Metropolis-Hastings and various subsampling algorithms

    A random map implementation of implicit filters

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    Implicit particle filters for data assimilation generate high-probability samples by representing each particle location as a separate function of a common reference variable. This representation requires that a certain underdetermined equation be solved for each particle and at each time an observation becomes available. We present a new implementation of implicit filters in which we find the solution of the equation via a random map. As examples, we assimilate data for a stochastically driven Lorenz system with sparse observations and for a stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinski equation with observations that are sparse in both space and time

    Implicit particle methods and their connection with variational data assimilation

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    The implicit particle filter is a sequential Monte Carlo method for data assimilation that guides the particles to the high-probability regions via a sequence of steps that includes minimizations. We present a new and more general derivation of this approach and extend the method to particle smoothing as well as to data assimilation for perfect models. We show that the minimizations required by implicit particle methods are similar to the ones one encounters in variational data assimilation and explore the connection of implicit particle methods with variational data assimilation. In particular, we argue that existing variational codes can be converted into implicit particle methods at a low cost, often yielding better estimates, that are also equipped with quantitative measures of the uncertainty. A detailed example is presented