27 research outputs found

    Residual stresses in condition monitoring and repair of thermal power generation components

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    Residual stresses have a significant impact on fatigue and fracture of engineering components and structures, with an effect that is largely dependent on the sign of the residual stress relative to that of the applied stress, i.e. on whether they add to, or subtract from, the applied stress. The present paper will emphasise the importance of detailed knowledge of residual stresses to applications in thermal power generation. The context of the examples is condition monitoring and repair procedures where assessment of the influence of residual stress fields is important to both fatigue and fracture performance, and to certification of the repair procedure itself. The main conclusion in the paper is that the innovative use of solid-state friction taper hydro-pillar processes can offer additional capability in condition monitoring of through-thickness creep damage in thermal power plant, as well as provide cost-effective local repair of creep or fatigue damage in, for example, thick-walled steam pipe and blade-disc attachment holes

    Microscale patchiness of virioplankton

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    The microscale spatial distributions of viruses were investigated in three contrasting environments including oligotrophic open ocean, eutrophic coastal and estuarine habitats. The abundances of two discrete populations of both viruses and heterotrophic bacteria were measured at spatial resolutions of between 1 and 5 cm using purpose-designed microscale sampling equipment and flow cytometric sample analysis. Within open water samples, virus distributions were characterized by non-normal distributions and by 'hotspots' in abundance where concentrations varied by up to 17-fold. In contrast to patterns generally observed at larger spatiotemporal scales, there was no correlation between bacterial and viral abundance or correspondence between bacteria and virus hotspots within these samples. Consequently, strong hotspots and gradients in the virus:bacteria ratio (VBR) were also apparent within samples. Within vertical profiles taken from above the sediment-water interface within a temperate mangrove estuary, distributions of planktonic viruses were characterized by gradients in abundance, with highest concentrations observed within the 1-2 cm immediately above the sediment surface, and virus distributions were correlated to bacterial abundance (P<0.01). The patterns observed in these contrasting habitats indicate that microscale patchiness of virus abundance may be a common feature of the marine environment. This form of heterogeneity may have important implications for virus-host dynamics and subsequently influence microbial trophodynamics and nutrient cycling in the ocean

    The effects of temperature and alongshore wind stress on the catchability of spanner crab (Ranina ranina)

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    Catchability is a key parameter used for stock management of fisheries. Factors which influence catchability are largely associated with fishing methods and species abundance; however, oceanographic processes play an important role during different stages of many fisheries species’ lifecycles and, therefore, can also influence catch rates. For example, ambient temperature may affect the behaviour of crabs by influencing their energy and activity levels, which in turn affects their emergence patterns and availability to the fishery. Previous work suggest favourable catches of spanner crab can be attributed to stronger currents and warmer ambient temperatures, prompting the need to quantify processes responsible for current and temperature changes in the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) of the fishery. In the southern part of the Queensland spanner crab fishery, located on the east coast of Australia, sea surface temperature (SST) and alongshore wind stress was trialled as possible indicators of BBLT temperature (BBLT) and, consequently, catches of spanner crab. Using Generalised Linear Models (GLM), our findings display evidence that cooler BBLT and upwelling-favourable wind stress significantly improves daily spanner crab catch rates. This significant, inversely proportional trend between BBLT and catch rates opposes previous work and, thus, emphasises the importance of multiple hypotheses when relating oceanographic processes to the abundance, distribution, and availability of fisheries species. Future studies on BBLT affecting the catchability of spanner crabs would benefit from taking into consideration the variability of oceanographic processes across greater spatial scales (i.e. the whole fishery)

    The South African SHARE-TAVI registry: incidence and risk factors leading to conduction disturbances requiring permanent pacemaker implantation

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    Background: One of the most common complications post transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is the development of heart block requiring permanent pacemaker implantation (PPM). The incidence of PPM in international registries ranges from 13% - 17.5%. Methods: The aim of this observational study was to report the PPM rate in the SHARE-TAVI registry and determine the clinical, electrocardiographic and procedural predictors of PPM as well as the effect of PPM on clinical outcomes. Results: Three hundred and fi ve subjects were analysed. The PPM rate was 9%. Third degree atrioventricular block at the time of implant was the most common indication for PPM. Self-expanding valves (PPM rate 14% vs. 6% for balloon-expandable valves, p=0.02) were correlated with the need for PPM. Baseline ECG predictors of PPM were axis deviation, QRS duration and conduction delay, most notably a pre-existing right bundle branch block (OR 15.88, p&lt;0.01). PPM infl uenced functional class at 30 days, but not the need for repeat hospitalisation or mortality at 30-day and 1-year follow-up. Conclusions: A PPM rate lower than that reported in large international registries was found. Predictors of PPM and the infl uence of PPM on outcomes were similar to those reported in the international data

    Direct observations of microscale turbulence and thermohaline structure in the Kuroshio Front

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): C08013, doi:10.1029/2011JC007228.Direct observations of microstructure near the Kuroshio Front were conducted in August 2008 and October 2009. These show negative potential vorticity (PV) in the mixed layer south of the front, where directly measured turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates are an order magnitude larger than predicted by wind-scaling. These elevated dissipation rates scale better with an empirical scaling, which considers local wind and Ekman buoyancy flux driven by downfront wind. Near-zero PV in the thermocline under the Kuroshio mainstream is observed at 200–300 m depth, with dissipation exceeding open ocean thermocline values by factors of 10–100. Overall, the large turbulent dissipation rates measured in the Kuroshio can be categorized into two groups, one characterized by low Richardson number along the Kuroshio Front thermocline, and the other characterized by high stratification away from the Kuroshio mainstream. The former is attributed to mixing by unbalanced frontal ageostrophic flows, and the latter is attributed to internal wave breaking. On average, both groups appear in regions of large horizontal density gradients. Observed thermohaline structure shows low salinity tongues from the surface to over 300 m depth and deep cold tongues, extending upward from 500 to 100 m depth in a narrow (20 km) zone, suggesting down and upwelling driven by geostrophic straining, which is confirmed by Quasigeostrophic-Omega equation solutions. This implies that adiabatic along isopycnal subduction and diabatic diapycnal turbulent mixing acting in tandem at the Kuroshio Front likely contribute to NPIW formation.This study is supported by Sasagawa Scientific Research grant 20-701M (the Japan Science Society), Grant- in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 20710002, and Excellent Young Researchers Overseas Visit Program 21-7283 awarded to T. Nagai. A. Tandon would like to acknowledge support from NSFPO- 0928138 and ONR N00014-09-1-0196.2013-03-0

    The role of diatom nanostructures in biasing diffusion to improve uptake in a patchy nutrient environment

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    Extent: 9 p.BACKGROUND: Diatoms are important single-celled autotrophs that dominate most lit aquatic environments and are distinguished by surficial frustules with intricate designs of unknown function. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that some frustule designs constrain diffusion to positively alter nutrient uptake. In nutrient gradients of 4 to 160 times over, 5 cm, the screened-chambered morphology of Coscincodiscus sp. biases the nutrient diffusion towards the cell by at least 3.8 times the diffusion to the seawater. In contrast, the open-chambers of Thalassiosira eccentrica produce at least a 1.3 times diffusion advantage to the membrane over Coscincodiscus sp. when nutrients are homogeneous. SIGNIFICANCE: Diffusion constraint explains the success of particular diatom species at given times and the overall success of diatoms. The results help answer the unresolved question of how adjacent microplankton compete. Furthermore, diffusion constraint by supramembrane nanostructures to alter molecular diffusion suggests that microbes compete via supramembrane topology, a competitive mechanism not considered by the standard smooth-surface equations used for nutrient uptake nor in microbial ecology and cell physiology.James G. Mitchell, Laurent Seuront, Mark J. Doubell, Dusan Losic, Nicolas H. Voelcker, Justin Seymour and Ratnesh La

    Spatial and temporal variations in female size at maturity of a Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) population: A likely response to climate change.

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    The size at which sexual maturity is reached is a key population parameter used to guide the setting of minimum legal size limits in fisheries. Understanding spatial and temporal variations in size at maturity is fundamental to management because the relationship between size at maturity and minimum legal size limits affects the fraction of the mature population biomass that is harvested, and resulting egg production, larval settlement and recruitment. This study measured the size at maturity of female Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) across South Australia between 1991 and 2015 in relation to known oceanographic characteristics, surface and subsurface temperature data, and relative changes in lobster abundance. There was pronounced north to south spatial variation in estimates of size at maturity. Larger average size at maturity was recorded in warmer north-western areas of the fishery relative to the cooler waters of the south-east. Estimates of size at maturity also differed over 25 years across the fishery. However, the nature of temporal responses varied spatially, and were more consistent with variations in surface and subsurface water temperature at local-scales than changes in lobster density. In the well-mixed waters of the north-western, western and south-eastern parts of the fishery, relatively high rates of increase in sea-surface temperature and size at maturity were recorded since 1991, indicating that size at maturity may be responding to ocean warming associated with global climate change. In more central parts of the fishery, contrasting temporal signals in sea-surface temperature (positive) and bottom temperature (negative) indicated increases in upwelling strength over the study period, and formation of a bottom cold pool below a warm surface layer, with corresponding decreases in size at maturity recorded. The spatio-temporal changes in size at maturity measured in this study highlight the need for oceanographic information to be integrated into future stock assessment models to enhance harvest strategy development, allow timely adaptive management decisions and increase the resilience of fisheries to the impacts of climate change

    Mesoscale and microscale spatial variability of bacteria and viruses during a Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the Eastern English Channel

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    Sampling was conducted within inshore and offshore sites, characterized by highly dissimilar hydrodynamic and hydrobiological conditions, in the Eastern English Channel. The eutrophic inshore site was dominated by the influence of a dense bloom of the Prymnesiophyceae phytoplankton species Phaeocystis globosa, while the offshore site was characterized by more oceanic conditions. Within each site the microscale distributions of chlorophyll a and several flow cytometrically-defined subpopulations of heterotrophic bacteria and viruses were measured at a spatial resolution of 5 cm. The inshore site was characterized by comparatively high levels of microscale spatial variability, with concentrations of chlorophyll a, heterotrophic bacteria, and viruses varying by 8, 11 and 3.5-fold respectively across distances of several centimeters. Within the offshore site, microscale distributions of chlorophyll a and bacteria were markedly less variable than within the inshore site, although viruses exhibited slightly higher levels of heterogeneity. Significant mesoscale variability was also observed when mean microbial parameters were compared between the inshore and offshore sites. However, when the extent of change (max/min and coefficient of variation) was compared between meso- and microscales, the variability observed at the microscale, particularly in the inshore site, was substantially greater. This pattern suggests that microscale processes associated with Phaeocystis globosa bloom dynamics can generate heterogeneity amongst microbial communities to a greater degree than large scale oceanographic discontinuities. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    High-Resolution Fluorometer for Mapping Microscale Phytoplankton Distributions

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    A new high-resolution, in situ profiling fluorometer maps fluorescence distributions with a spatial resolution of 0.5 to 1.5 mm to a depth of 70 m in the open ocean. We report centimeter-scale patterns for phytoplankton distributions associated with gradients exhibiting 10- to 30-fold changes in fluorescence in contrasting marine ecosystems