296 research outputs found

    Power relations in the idealization of Mathematics textbooks

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    In this paper, the aim is to analyze how power relations currently (re)configure a supposed “ideal” Mathematics textbook, from the perspective of different characters who act in this production, whose actions impel the (re)configuration of this material. Based on Foucauldian theorizations on discourse analysis and knowledge-power relations, semi-structured interviews with authors of Mathematics textbooks, editors, collaborators, designers and teams of the National Textbook Program (known as PNLD) are taken as empirical material. The data show that, after a period of adjustments and improvements, post-evaluation of the PNLD, there is an adaptation of the Mathematics textbooks based on the current discourse, since more challenging proposals are penalized. As the Mathematics textbook becomes a commercially profitable product, potentially more salable works are built by official and marginal knowledge, forged in the multiplicity of power relations and in the reading of discourses that are in the order of the present time


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    Este trabalho é uma tentativa de aproximação do entendimento do mundo do trabalho e da situação de pobreza de muitas mulheres no circuito inferior da economia urbana do comércio popular de roupas do Brás, centro de São Paulo. Por apresentar um espaço de atividades voltadas ao vestuário, com pequenas oficinas, lojas populares, baixo salário, baixo nível de investimento tecnológico e organização do trabalho não burocratizada, caracterizamos tais atividades como sendo próprias do circuito inferior da economia urbana. Tratam-se de formas de trabalho realizadas com capitais reduzidos, dependentes do próprio conteúdo dos lugares onde estão inseridas e que, no caso da área estudada, possui forte relação com a mão de obra feminina.This paper is an attempt to approximate the understanding of the world of work and the poverty situation of many women in the lower circuit of the urban economy of the popular clothing trade of Brás, downtown São Paulo. By presenting a space of activities focused on clothing, with small workshops, popular stores, low salary, low level of technological investment and non-bureaucratic work organization, we characterize such activities as belonging to the lower circuit of the urban economy. These are forms of work performed with reduced capital, depending on the content of the places where they are inserted and in this case the area studied has a strong relationship with the female workforce.Este documento es un intento de aproximar la comprensión del mundo del trabajo y la situación de pobreza de muchas mujeres en el circuito inferior de la economía urbana del comercio de ropa popular de Brás, en el centro de São Paulo. Al presentar un espacio de actividades centradas en la ropa, con pequeños talleres, tiendas populares, bajos salarios, bajo nivel de inversión tecnológica y organización del trabajo no burocrático, caracterizamos tales actividades como pertenecientes al circuito más bajo de la economía urbana. Estas son formas de trabajo realizadas con capital reducido, dependiendo del contenido de los lugares donde se insertan y, en este caso, el área estudiada tiene una fuerte relación con la fuerza laboral femenin


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    This article aims to analyze the persistence and the reproduction of white supremacy from comments sections on the internet about sport. We selected comments from five texts published between 2009 and 2016 about Tennis, elected due being historically a sport with hegemony of white athletes, and more specifically, due the performance of Serena Williams. As a result, we found that white supremacy is present in sports, even when there are no direct references to race-ethnicity, on delegitimizing accusations and on the gaze over white and black bodies and performances . Moreover, we considered that the sport is also a place of discursive production about white supremacy, since the emphasis on the biological and on cultural essentialisms encourages interpretations on the presence/absence and performance of white and black athletes which revisits political myths constructed by the scientific racism of the nineteenth century.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la persistencia y la reproducción de la supremacía blanca a partir de comentarios en internet sobre el deporte. Seleccionamos los comentarios de cinco textos publicados entre 2009 y 2016 que abordaron el Tenis, históricamente un deporte con hegemonía de atletas blancos, y más específicamente, el rendimiento de la atleta Serena Williams. Como resultado, se encontró que la supremacía blanca está presente en los deportes, incluso cuando no hay referencias directas a la raza-etnia, en la deslegitimación de denuncias y en las miradas de las performances y cuerpos de blancos y negros. Además, se atestó que el deporte es también un lugar de producción de discursos sobre la supremacía blanca, ya que el énfasis en los aspectos biológicos y en el esencialismo cultural alienta interpretaciones acerca de la presencia/ausencia y el rendimiento de los atletas blancos y negros, revisitando mitos políticos construidos por el racismo científico del siglo XIX.Esse artigo se propõe a analisar a persistência e a reprodução da supremacia branca a partir de comentários na internet sobre esporte. Foram selecionados comentários de cinco textos publicados entre 2009 e 2016 que abordaram o Tênis, escolhido por ser historicamente um esporte com hegemonia de atletas brancos, e, mais especificamente, pelo desempenho da atleta Serena Williams. Como resultados, observamos que a supremacia branca se faz presente no esporte, mesmo quando não há referências diretas à raça-etnia. Ademais, contatou-se que o esporte é também local de produção de discursos sobre a supremacia branca, uma vez que a ênfase no biológico e nos essencialismos culturais incentiva interpretações sobre a presença/ausência e desempenho de atletas brancos e negros que revisitam mitos políticos construídos pelo racismo científico do século XIX

    Lutas e a formação de professores de educação física: reflexos na atuação profissional de docentes da rede municipal de educação de Belém - PA

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    This study aims to investigate the reflexes of the formation of physical education teachers in the professional work of teachers that work the knowledge of the fights in the Municipal Education Network of Belém-PA. It was configured based on a field research with qualitative nature that had as participants all the physical education teachers of the Municipal Education Network of Belém-PA who works in schools that attend the final years of elementary school. As a data collection instrument, a form was used and, as a data analysis technique, we opted for content analysis. The results revealed that: a) most of the teachers had contact with the content of the fights in the formation through disciplines, in a fragmented way in modalities without correlation between these and, with a technical perspective; b)Teachers treat pedagogically the content fights in three ways: i) fragmented teaching by autonomous way (specific modalities taught by teachers); ii) fragmented teaching in a dependent way (specific modalities taught by specialists/fighters); iii) global education (common principles of the fights didatized in a ludic way); c) learning of discipline and social values are the main benefits attributed to content by teachers. With this, we can conclude that the lack of domain of didactic-methodological tools for the teaching of the fights, by the teachers, is a reflection of the way in which they had contact with this content in the formation, revealing its deficiency and the need to qualify it, to reflect positively on the professional performance of teachers in the school

    Siltation rate and main anthropic impacts on sedimentation of the São Luís tidal inlet - State of Maranhão, Brazil

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    Abstract In recent decades, intense human intervention in the coastal zone has given rise to severe siltation and erosion problems. This scenario is located the São Luís tidal inlet, formed by the mouths of the Anil and Bacanga rivers which due to various kinds of interference have been changing their sediment transport and deposition processes. With these changes in mind, this study sought to evaluate the evolution of the siltation and sedimentation rates in this area, as well as the main anthropogenic influences associated with this process. The methodology consisted in verifying the morphological evolution on the basis of the scanning and vectorization of nautical charts of 1947 and 1966, bathymetric surveys conducted in 2006, and aerial photos dating from 2011. The results show a silting up process coincident with interventions that occurred in the Anil and Bacanga river basins, with a volume of silt estimated at 8.5x106 m3, over the period from 1944 to 2011 (64 years), at a rate of 1.6 cm.yr-1. These processes are associated mainly with the construction of the Bacanga dam and land reclamation projects undertaken for the purpose of providing new areas for urban expansion. The evaluation of the results showed intense and advanced silting up of the São Luís tidal inlet, at rates proportionally greater than those of other estuaries, calling for corrective actions and the implementation of coastal management policies for this area.Resumo As intensas intervenções antrópicas na zona costeira fizeram surgir, nas últimas décadas, graves problemas de assoreamento e erosão nessas áreas. Neste cenário, enquadra-se a embocadura estuarina de São Luís, formada pela foz dos rios Anil e Bacanga, que devido a diversas interferências, vem sofrendo alterações nos processos de transporte e deposição. Em função de tais alterações, realizou-se o presente estudo que objetivou avaliar a evolução e estimar as taxas de assoreamento na referida área, assim como verificar as principais influências antrópicas associadas ao processo. Analisou-se a evolução morfológica a partir da digitalização e vetorização das cartas náuticas de 1947 e 1966, levantamentos batimétricos realizados em 2006, e fotos aéreas datadas de 2011. Os resultados evidenciaram um processo de preenchimento sedimentar que coincide com as intervenções que ocorreram na bacia dos rios Anil e Bacanga, com estimativas de volume assoreado na ordem de 8,5x106 m3, no período de 1944 a 2011 (64 anos), com taxa de 1,6 cm ano-1. Esses processos estiveram associados principalmente à construção da barragem do Bacanga e atividades de aterramento para construção de avenidas e expansão de bairros. A avaliação dos resultados demonstra intenso e avançado processo de preenchimento sedimentar na região da Embocadura Estuarina de São Luís, inclusive com taxas proporcionais superiores às registradas em outros estuários semelhantes do planeta, impondo a necessidade de ações corretivas e aplicação de políticas de gestão costeira para a área

    Are wealthier times healthier in cities? Economic fluctuations and mortality in urban areas of Latin America

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    Objective: To analyze the relationship between economic conditions and mortality in cities of Latin America. Methods: We analyzed data from 340 urban areas in ten countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and El Salvador. We used panel models adjusted for space‐invariant and time‐invariant factors to examine whether changes in area gross domestic product (GDP) per capita were associated with changes in mortality. Results: We find procyclical oscillations in mortality (i.e., higher mortality with higher GDP per capita) for total mortality, female population, populations of 0-9 and 45+ years, mortality due to cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, diabetes mellitus, respiratory infections and road traffic injuries. Homicides appear countercyclical, with higher levels at lower GDP per capita. Conclusions: Our results reveal large heterogeneity, but in our sample of cities, for certain population groups and causes of death, mortality oscillates procyclically, increasing when GDP per capita increases. In contrast we find few instances of countercyclical mortality.Fil: Leveau, Carlos Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Lanus. Rectorado. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnica. Instituto de Economía, Producción y Trabajo.; ArgentinaFil: Tapia Granados, José Antonio. Drexel University; Estados UnidosFil: Dos Santos, Maria Izabel. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Castillo Riquelme, Marianela. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina.; ChileFil: Alazraqui, Marcio. Universidad Nacional de Lanus. Secretaria de Investigacion y Posgrado. Instituto de Salud Colectiva.; Argentin

    Polish device for FOCCoS/PFS slit system

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    The Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System, FOCCoS, for the Prime Focus Spectrograph, PFS, is responsible for transporting light from the Subaru Telescope focal plane to a set of four spectrographs. Each spectrograph will be fed by a convex curved slit with 616 optical fibers organized in a linear arrangement. The slit frontal surface is covered with a special dark composite, made with refractory oxide, which is able to sustain its properties with minimum quantities of abrasives during the polishing process; this stability is obtained This stability is obtained by the detachment of the refractory oxide nanoparticles, which then gently reinforce gently the polishing process and increase its the efficiency. The surface roughness measured in several samples after high performance polishing was about 0.01 microns. Furthermore, the time for obtaining a polished surface with this quality is about 10 times less than the time required for polishing a brass, glass or ceramic surface of the same size. In this paper, we describe the procedure developed for high quality polishing of this type of slit. The cylindrical polishing described here, uses cylindrical concave metal bases on which glass paper is based. The polishing process consists to use grid sequences of 30 microns, 12 microns, 9 microns, 5 microns, 3 microns, 1 micron and, finally, a colloidal silica on a chemical cloth. To obtain the maximum throughput, the surface of the fibers should be polished in such a way that they are optically flat and free from scratches. The optical fibers are inspected with a microscope at all stages of the polishing process to ensure high quality. The efficiency of the process may be improved by using a cylindrical concave composite base as a substrate suitable for diamond liquid solutions. Despite this process being completely by hand, the final result shows a very high quality