18 research outputs found

    “No debe haber una totalidad; hay que desintegrarla”. La comprensión del fragmento en "Amras" y "Old Masters" de Thomas Bernhard

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    Im Gegensatz zur frühromantischen Konzeption des Fragments kommt ihm in der Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts eine veränderte Bedeutung und Intention zu. Ein Beispiel dafür liefert das Werk von Thomas Bernhard: bei Bernhard wird das Fragment einerseits zum bewusst angewendeten Kompositionsprinzip, durch das dem Leser „Denkanstöße“ geliefert werden; andererseits dient es dem Autor aber auch als Ausdruck seiner völligen Negierung der Abgeschlossenheit und Ganzheit. Im Beitrag wird anhand der Analyse zweier Prosatexte von Thomas Bernhard (Amras und Alte Meister) aufgezeigt, wie das Fragment die Form seiner Werke prägt sowie deren Inhalt und Aussage beeinflusst.The 20th-century idea of fragment, contrary to its Early Romantic concept, expresses different meanings and intentions. This is the case of Thomas Bernhard, who purposefully used fragment both as a composition principle providing the reader with “impulses to think” and as a negation of classical totality and completeness of literary work. The paper presents a thorough analysis of two pieces of prose by Thomas Bernhard (Amras and Old Masters) showing how the idea of fragment affects the form, content and message of his works.Frente a la concepción del fragmento en el Romanticismo temprano, la literatura del siglo XX le otorga diferente significado e intención. Este es el caso de Thomas Bernhard, en cuya obra el fragmento se convierte, por un lado, en principio de composición empleado conscientemente, por medio del cual se ofrece al lector un „impulso para pensar“; y, por otro lado, sirve al autor también como expresión de la negación por completo de la totalidad y del carácter acabado de la obra literaria. A través del análisis de dos textos en prosa de Thomas Bernhard (Amras y Viejos maestros), el artículo expone cómo el fragmento afecta a la forma, al contenido y al mensaje de sus obras

    Social health of people with dementia during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    Background:Limited access to medical and social services during the coronavirus outbreak has contributed to the exclusion of vulnerable populations, such as people with dementia and older adults. These limitations and the resulting social isolation have highlighted the importance of social relationships and their relationship to the mental health of these people. In the context of dementia, 'social health' (SH) can be defined as the role of social abilities for achieving a dynamic balance between opportunities and limitations. The concept encompasses the capacity and independency of an individual to participate in social activities alongside the influences of the surrounding social network.Methods:Using a qualitative and quantitative approach, we will present social health and its determinants of people with dementia related to social care service closures and self-isolation during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We present an analysis of the survey data from the cross-country population- based study and the semi-structured telephone interviews with people with and without dementia from Poland, UK, Australia and Italy aged 65 and over.Results:Measuring the Social Health Index in relation to experiencing self-isolation and changes in the use of services before and during the pandemic among the people with dementia, allow us to identify the level of SH and its determinants. Also, the qualitative results revealed the indirect consequences of the pandemic-related restrictions in the access to social care service and social isolation. Reduction of social support was significantly related to deficits in social health and well-being.Conclusions:Our results highlight the emerging impact of health the current global epidemiological situation upon social health, with a particular focus on those affected by social disadvantage and isolation

    The Experiences of People with Dementia and Informal Carers Related to the Closure of Social and Medical Services in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic-A Qualitative Study

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    Older people with dementia are particularly at risk of COVID-19; however, relatively little is known about the indirect impact of the pandemic on the lives of those living with, and/or caring for someone with, dementia. The aim of this study was to investigate the experiences of people with dementia and informal carers during the closure of available social and medical services in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with people with dementia (n = 5) and informal carers (n = 21) was performed between June and August 2020 after the first wave of COVID-19 in Poland. Three overarching themes were identified: (1) care re-organization; (2) psychological responses; (3) emerging needs. The factor underlying all these elements was reliance on other people. Social support and engagement are vital to the ongoing health and well-being of people living with dementia and their informal carers. Services need to be strengthened to provide ongoing provision to those living with dementia to reach pre-pandemic levels, if not better. Within the post-pandemic environment, people with dementia and their informal carers need reassurance that they can rely on external institutional and social support able to meet their needs

    Recognition of social health: A conceptual framework in the context of dementia research

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    Objective: The recognition of dementia as a multifactorial disorder encourages the exploration of new pathways to understand its origins. Social health might play a role in cognitive decline and dementia, but conceptual clarity is lacking and this hinders investigation of associations and mechanisms. The objective is to develop a conceptual framework for social health to advance conceptual clarity in future studies. Process: We use the following steps: underpinning for concept advancement, concept advancement by the development of a conceptual model, and exploration of its potential feasibility. An iterative consensus-based process was used within the international multidisciplinary SHARED project. Conceptual framework: Underpinning of the concept drew from a synthesis of theoretical, conceptual and epidemiological work, and resulted in a definition of social health as wellbeing that relies on capacities both of the individual and the social environment. Consequently, domains in the conceptual framework are on both the individual (e.g., social participation) and the social environmental levels (e.g., social network). We hypothesize that social health acts as a driver for use of cognitive reserve which can then slow cognitive impairment or maintain cognitive functioning. The feasibility of the conceptual framework is demonstrated in its practical use in identifying and structuring of social health markers within the SHARED project. Discussion: The conceptual framework provides guidance for future research and facilitates identification of modifiable risk and protective factors, which may in turn shape new avenues for preventive interventions. We highlight the paradigm of social health in dementia as a priority for dementia research

    Mental Health of Medical and Non-Medical Professionals during the Peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Nationwide Study

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    Background: The study aimed to compare psychopathological expressions during the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic, as declared on March 11th 2020 by the World Health Organization, with respect to which institutional variables might distinguish the impact of COVID-19 in medical and non-medical professionals. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed nationwide between 16th March and the 26th April 2020 in Poland. A total of 2039 respondents representing all healthcare providers (59.8%) as well as other professionals filled in the sociodemographic section, the General Health Questionnaire-28 and the author’s questionnaire with questions related to exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, the availability of protective measures, quarantine, change of working hours and place of employment during the pandemic, as well as feelings associated with the state of the pandemic. Results: Medical professionals more often presented with relevant psychopathological symptoms (GHQ-28 (General Health Questionnaire-28) total score >24) than the non-medical group (60.8% vs. 48.0%, respectively) such as anxiety, insomnia and somatic symptoms even after adjustment for potential confounding factors. Male sex, older age and appropriate protective equipment were associated with significantly lower GHQ-28 total scores in medical professionals, whereas among non-medical professionals, male sex was associated with significantly lower GHQ-28 total scores. Conclusions: Somatic and anxiety symptoms as well as insomnia are more prevalent among medical staff than workers in other professions. Targeting the determinants of these differences should be included in interventions aimed at restoring psychological well-being in this specific population. Apparently, there are present gender differences in psychological responses that are independent of profession

    The landscape of inequalities in dementia across Europe: First insights from the INTERDEM Taskforce

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    BackgroundGetting a diagnosis of dementia does not equate to equitable access to care. People with dementia and unpaid carers face many barriers to care, which can vary within, and across, different countries and cultures. With little evidence across different countries, the aim of this scoping exercise was to identify the different and similar types of inequalities in dementia across Europe, and provide recommendations for addressing these.MethodsWe conducted a brief online survey with INTERDEM and INTERDEM Academy members across Europe, and with members of Alzheimer Europe's European Working Group of People with Dementia and Carers in February and March 2023. Members were asked about whether inequalities in dementia care existed within their country; if yes, to highlight three key inequalities. Responses on barriers were coded into groups, and frequencies of inequalities were calculated. Highlighted inequalities were discussed and prioritised at face-to-face and virtual consensus meetings in England, Ireland, Italy, and Poland, involving people with dementia, unpaid carers, health and social care providers, and non-profit organisations.ResultsForty-nine academics, PhD students, people with dementia and unpaid carers from 10 countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Malta, Netherlands, UK) completed the survey. The most frequently identified inequalities focused on unawareness and lack of information, higher level system issues (i.e. lack of communication among care professionals), lack of service suitability, and stigma. Other barriers included workforce training and knowledge, financial costs, culture and language, lack of single-point-of-contact person, age, and living location/postcode lottery. There was general consensus among people living dementia and care providers of unawareness as a key barrier in different European countries, with varied priorities in Ireland depending on geographical location.ConclusionsThese findings provide a first insight on dementia inequalities across Europe, generate cross-country learnings on how to address these inequalities in dementia, and can underpin further solution-focused research that informs policy and key decision makers to implement changes

    Use of technology by people with dementia and informal carers during COVID-19: a cross-country comparison

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    Considering the adverse outcomes of COVID-19, it is essential to provide adequate support and care for people with dementia and informal carers. Technology can reduce the distress associated with social distancing rules and the decreased access to in-person services. This study aimed to explore the use of technology and its perceived effects across different settings and countries